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25 June 2023, Volume 43 Issue 03

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  • Huang Ruhua Feng Jie
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023033
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    Digital literacy and skills have become essential for citizens' survival and a key factor in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. This paper intends to review the current practice process of digital literacy and skills abroad. Extensive literature (i.e., related government documents, conference records, reports, and news articles) is collected that released by important international organizations, developed countries, well-known research institutions and companies. Special attention is given to the practices of major leading entities such as the United Nations, UNESCO, and the European Commission. Summarizing the latest global practices, trends, key issues and providing future development direction. The study findings reveal that the current practice has shifted from a "supply-driven" approach to a "demand-driven" approach, with a focus on the shift from a reliance on digital technology to an emphasis on safety and ethics, and the effects have expanded from a single scenario to multiple scenarios. We conclude that there are three problems for the current practices. The most prominent issue is the lack of a uniform term. Second, the assessment of digital literacy and skills needs to be improved. Third, the degree of cooperation between institutions in various fields is not deep enough. To improve the global digital literacy and skills, the promoters of this study recommend to promote global terminology standardization, to enhance  guidance for assessment work, and to strengthen the involvement of the libraries.
  • Cai Feng
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 13-21. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023034
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    The article adopts the network research method to sort out the overview of digital literacy education for librarians in America, and focuses on analyzing the characteristics of its education content, including the emphasis on the application of digital technology and the development of skills, focusing on the library user service scenarios, focusing on the cultivation of professional ethics and literacy, and advocating career enhancement and self-development. On this basis, combined with the current situation of digital literacy education for librarians in China, it is proposed that China should build a digital literacy education content system for librarians from four aspects: strengthening the education content related to library wisdom services, providing professional education content for professional characteristics, cultivating digital ethics and moral norms for librarians, and paying attention to the lifelong learning and development of librarians, so as to enhance the level of librarians' digital literacy.
  • Jin Guanyu
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 22-28. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023035
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    Enhancing farmers' digital literacy is an important measure to bridge the digital divide, and investigating the practice of farmers' digital literacy education in South Korea can provide a reference for the development of farmers' digital literacy education in China. This paper investigates the current situation of the participation of various subjects in farmers' digital literacy education in Korea, and finds that Korean government agencies, public institutions, schools, social organisations and other subjects of farmers' digital literacy education have clearly defined their own responsibilities, and have achieved relatively rich educational effects. Combining the successful experience of Korea's multiple subjects participating in farmers' digital literacy education and China's current situation, this paper puts forward some suggestions for China's farmers' digital literacy education from the perspectives of improving the policy system, clarifying the functions of each subject, and constructing the evaluation standards, with a view to providing reference for China's social sectors to participate in farmers' digital literacy education together.
  • Wang Zhaoxuan
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 29-38. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023036
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    Improving the digital literacy and skills of vulnerable groups is an important measure to bridge the digital divide. This paper uses the method of network research to comb through Microsoft's digital literacy education practices for vulnerable groups, and focuses on analyzing Microsoft's important contributions to digital literacy education for the unemployed, the disabled and women, including improving the digital skills of the unemployed for re-employment, helping the disabled to integrate into the digital society, and improving women's career competitiveness in the digital society. Based on the characteristics of our country, this paper puts forward some suggestions for Chinese enterprises to participate in the digital literacy education in disadvantaged groups from three aspects: encouraging enterprises to participate in the digital literacy education practice, improving enterprises' ability to participate in the digital literacy education, and promoting multi-agent cooperation, so as to improve the digital literacy level of disadvantaged groups.
  • An Xiaomi Gao Junjie Wang Lili
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 39-51. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023037
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    From the perspective of Chinese path to modernization, data use is viewed as a model that prioritizes people-centeredness, breaking out from traditional data-centered and governance-for-governance's-sake patterns. This viewpoint centers on people's needs for data use and protection of their rights and interests, empowering governance by regulating data use. This paper offers a new interpretation of data use from the perspective of the Chinese path to modernization, proposing a differential value analytical framework that centers on people. The study finds that pragmatical-level data use progresses along a ladder of data legal governance and availability capability building, data provenance governance and usefulness capability building, data accuracy governance and effectiveness capability building, and data sustainable governance and security capability building. This ladder creates a value chain of "data value creating - data value preserving - data value promoting - data value empowering". By constructing and innovating a modern data use system with considerations of legal scale, business reliability, technical validity, and good governance sympathy, a people-centered basic data use system is established at the planning level, which then fosters a data use panoramic ecosystem based on collaboration, participation, shared benefits and symbiosis. The goal is to create a community of data use in which everyone has responsibilities and is committed to his or her responsibilities and can share the benefits, ultimately empowering the advancement of the Chinese path to modernization, and ensuring that the development fruits of data use modernization can be shared by all and benefit to all our people fairly and inclusively.
  • Zhang Chao Han Xiao Wang Fang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 52-60. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023038
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    The large language model GPT has experienced several iterations and has the advantages of multi-modal text generation, strong reasoning ability and multi-domain generality. The release of ChatGPT and its iteration, Multimodal GPT-4, overturned human perception of Artificial intelligence-generated Content (AIGC) and broke the situation that only some humans can produce knowledge. It promotes the integration of multiple knowledge, gives birth to a new knowledge production mode with human-machine two-way enabling, improves the efficiency and quality of knowledge search and knowledge evaluation, expands the space and choice of knowledge element recombination, provides new tools and means for knowledge production and reuse, and has a transformative impact on the process of human knowledge production and reuse. However, the progress of technology will also bring challenges such as the controversy over academic ethics, the reduction of knowledge authority and the intensification of discourse power imbalance. In the face of a new round of challenges, we should further establish and improve the intellectual property protection system, reduce excessive reliance on AIGC, and highlight the core role of humans in knowledge production and reuse to avoid potential risks and threats.
  • Ju Zihan Bai Rujiang Feng Mengying Zhang Yahui Xin Xiaomeng
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 61-70. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023039
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    In the complex information environment, intelligence data has more sources, more complex structure and larger scale. How to identify information with intelligence value from multi-source data in time is an urgent problem to be solved. This paper deeply analyzes the new requirements of multi-source data intelligence value discovery in complex information environment. On this basis, a multi-source data information value discovery model is proposed. Firstly, a dynamic multi-source data space is constructed. Secondly, a design scheme of information value discovery is proposed from three dimensions: external basic characteristics of multi-source data, content semantic characteristics and user information demand characteristics. In complex information environment, the intelligence value discovery of multi-source data needs fast perception, fine-grained mining, fine judgment and intelligent analysis. It is necessary to always pay attention to the intelligence needs of users, and combine deep learning and other technologies to achieve the efficient, accurate and intelligent development of multi-source data intelligence value discovery.
  • Han Yanfang Yan Hui Zheng Guangchun Gao Chunzhi
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 71-81. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023040
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    Because of its portability and popularity, ICT devices promote the phenomenon of multitasking, and studying its mechanism is helpful to understand the essence of this phenomenon. Firstly, this paper employs online ethnography, in-depth interviews and other methods to obtain eighty video/picture samples and sixteen interviewees in four types of multitasking context as data sources. Secondly, a description framework of ICT-using behavior in the context of multitasking was constructed and verified from four aspects: behavioral motivation, context-related factors, resource-related factors required by tasks, and evaluation of behavioral results, and the mechanism of multi-task behavior was explained, focusing on identifying three categories of ICT use behaviors: resource-complementary, resource-competitive, and resource-alternating & complementary. Finally, from the perspective of library and information profession, this paper puts forward three points of reflections on environment, resources and service to better cope with challenges created by the phenomenon of multitasking for users and information professionals. 
  • Wang Shiwei
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 82-90. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023041
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    The article provides a comprehensive summary of Mr. Hu Daojing's contributions to the organization of ancient books and library science. In terms of organizing ancient books, discussions were conducted from the following aspects: census of ancient books, collation and compilation of catalog versions, proofreading of "Mengxi Bi Tan" and research on Shen Kuo, as well as the organization and research of scientific and technological history literature; In terms of library science, this article discusses topics such as the "History of Shanghai Library", library memoirs, historical literature research, the cultivation of graduate students majoring in Chinese classical literature.
  • Lv Yaxia
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 91-98. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023042
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    Virtual reading spaces have fundamentally changed and recreated traditional reading and interactive methods, and interactive spaces have also shifted from social practice spaces to networked virtual spaces. The social characteristics of space, such as mobility, reproduction and relevance, presented by the virtual space, have become an important field-deficient for people to communicate. In this new field, the virtual reading space has reshaped social interaction, mainly manifested as: constructed a new order of virtual interaction under the logic of media, using symbolic interaction to form a shared presence in reading and social interaction, individual expression through self presentation, and reorganized social relationships in the form of a virtual community. 
  • Li Shumin
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 107-111. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023044
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    Enhancing health information literacy is an effective approach to improving the health literacy and well-being of rural residents, and achieving this improvement in health information literacy requires various health science popularization services provided by libraries. Library science popularization services have a solid legal and theoretical basis, and health services represent a new frontier in the development of library science popularization services in the new era. In the context of rural revitalization, libraries are faced with challenges such as the diversification of rural residents' health information access channels, the growing digital divide in health information, and the increasing internal demand for health information services. To address these challenges, libraries need to promote health information dissemination services from multiple dimensions, establish a team of health information librarians, and build collaborative mechanisms with various stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness and quality of library-based health science popularization services for rural residents.

  • Zhou Lihong Feng Wei Liu Fang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 112-120. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023045
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    Strengthening the construction of research integrity requires not only further improving the research evaluation system and the supervision and punishment mechanism, but also strengthening the research integrity education (RIE). At the iConference2023 workshop on “Research Integrity Education in the Global Context” held in March 2023, the reports from the attending experts presented the practice progress of China, Europe, and the United States in the field of RIE. The participants of this RIE workshop discussed and exchanged ideas on some controvercial topics such as the relationship and difference between research integrity and research ethics, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data and image, the impact of generative artificial intelligence technology on research integrity as represented by ChatGPT, etc. Based on the workshop content, it was suggested that the community of information resource management could utilize the advantages of data and intelligence to support interdisciplinary research for RIE. Libraries and other information resource management institutions could enhance RIE and collaborate with information service companies, publishers, academic organizations, etc. to participate in RIE. RIE should cover the entire lifecycle of scientific research and build a universal knowledge system that is synchronized with international academic communication norms.
  • Wu Yingqiang Shi Leyi
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 121-125. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023046
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    On May 12, 2023, the "Launching Ceremony of the Month of Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement for All in Hubei Province and the Summit on Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement for All" was held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, which was co-sponsored by the Office of the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Wuhan University. At the Summit Forum, the participating experts focused on the theme of "Digital Empowering Universal Sharing", and conducted in-depth discussions on the significance of the approval of the base, the proposal of carrying out digital literacy and skills training for all, and the planning of the future development of the base.
  • Wang Fang Zhang Chao Huang Meiyin etc.
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 126-135. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023047
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    The construction of digital government is an important means to promote the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity, and also an important measure to achieve the development goals of Chinese modernization. The Conference on “2023 Release of the Evaluation Report of Data Enabling Government” , with the theme of “Intelligent, Dynamic and Inclusive Digital Governance in Chinese Path to Modernization”, focus on the theory, practice and evaluation of data and intelligence enabling urban governments. More than 20 scholars attended the conference and discussed the connotation, paradigm, and development logic, as well as important application scenarios of digital-intelligence governance, utilization and value stimulation of government data, and the challenges and countermeasurs brought by new technologies to governance. The conference released the "2023  Evaluation Report of Data Enabling Government", showing that the 76 cities evaluated have gradually narrowed the gap in social governance and public participation, but still have significant imbalances in guaranteeing support and public services.
  • Huang Chao
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(03): 136-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023048
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    During the "Isolated Island" period of  Shanghai (from the August 13 Incident of 1937 and the outbreak of the Pacific War in late 1941), Fu Association, as a society and publishing house, was established under the leadership of the CPC. It published a series of red and progressive literature, including Red Star Over China, Inside Red China, as well as The Complete Works of Lu Xun. Recent research on publications by Fu Association has shed light on the fact that The Nature and Motivation of the Chinese Revolution was released as an independent edition prior to the official publications of Red Star Over China. However, the significant documentary value of this discovery has been largely overlooked in the existing studies on Fu Association's books and publishing history, thereby highlighting the necessity for further in-depth analysis. It is worth noting that the commemorative edition of Fu Association's The Complete Works of Lu Xun has relatively scare, with only a limited number of copies being found in possession of previously unknown public institutions and private collectors. Therefore, further exploration for this issue is still required.