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25 February 2022, Volume 42 Issue 01

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  • Pu Pan Ma Haiqun
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 1-13. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022001
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    The proposal of the overall national security concept has not only brought new and severe challenges to the national intelligence work, but also pointed out the direction for breaking through the development dilemma of intelligence work. In the national security and development strategy of the new era, the intelligence work should shoulder the new historical mission, abandon traditional intelligence thought reasonably, and establish new intelligence thought based on the overall national security concept, so as to give full play to the role of "leader""leading""eyes and ears""pioneers" "advisers". Starting with the seven important opportunities for the emergence of new intelligence thought, this paper analyzes the new requirements of the overall national security concept for the reform of intelligence thought, and points out that intelligence thought cannot be limited to any traditional intelligence thought in intelligence reconnaissance thought, people's intelligence thought, scientific and technological intelligence thought and small intelligence thought. Finally, it puts forward five typical new thought of national intelligence work in the new era, namely big data intelligence thought, big intelligence thought, overall national intelligence thought, open intelligence thought and bottom line thought of intelligence based on the overall national security concept.
  • Li Gang Liu Xuetai Ba Zhichao
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 14-23. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022002
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    The ternary world theory has been widely concerned by scholars from multiple fields such as computer science, information science, philosophy, and urban planning. However, its conceptual connotation, logical relationship, and division basis are still not clear enough. Based on the systematical analysis of related research results, this study endeavors to reinterpret the connotation, internal logical composition of the ternary world theory, and its relations with the Digital Twins and Metaverse, and form a new understanding of the Cyber-Physical-Social ternary world. Meanwhile, we focus on the practical application of the Cyber-Physical-Social ternary world theory in national security intelligence. By analyzing their internal relationship, we explore new scenarios and new methods in national security intelligence work from the perspective of Cyber-Physical-Social ternary world. This research is beneficial for recognizing the theory and application of Cyber-Physical-Social ternary world and has certain theoretical guiding value to the national security intelligence work.
  • Su Peng Wang Yanfei
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 24-31. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022003
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    In the field of security intelligence education in western countries, International Association for Intelligence Education, which is known simply as "IAFIE", has considerable influence. Based on the analysis of the operation mode of IAFIE and its members, this paper explores the intelligence education ecology of national security. First of all, the roots should be straight. The organization, coordination and operation of security intelligence education institutions should be dominated by their own governments or government-backed public institutions and should be guard against
    "internationalization" turning into "Americanization". Secondly, the system should be complete, including the education empowering system for publicity, professional training, education in various degrees, and taking the standardization and diversification into consideration. Thirdly, people should be mobile. There should be an "intelligence revolving door" between industry and academia so as to promote the combination of theory and practice. Lastly, in line with the overall national security concept, security and development should be coordinated with intelligence concerns.
  • Wang Rui Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 32-38. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022004
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    With the rapid development of globalization and informatization, the cyberspace environment is becoming increasingly complex and changeable. The national information security management is facing new opportunities and challenges in the digital age. Grasping the key issues of the national information security management in the new era is of great benefit to strengthen Chinese information security protection. Based on the background of digital economy and society, this paper explained four strategic development directions: Data sovereignty security in cross-border data flow governance, citizen privacy and public data security in data opening, software and hardware equipment security related to key information technology research and development, and information security personnel training. This paper analyzed the hidden dangers of information security in various development directions, and put forward some research suggestions on information security management for academic circles.
  • Liu Hao Zhang Zhiqiang Wu Ruimin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 39-48. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022005
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    Based on analysis of the severe challenges faced by the national scientific and technological intelligence work from the perspective of national security, the author believed that the fierce international scientific and technological competition situation and changes in the big data information environment have brought serious challenges to the national scientific and technological intelligence work. The paper reviewed the strategic planning and policy measures of the United States and other countries focusing on data resources and management, analysis methods and technologies, management coordination and organization in order to improve the international science and technology competitiveness, then pointed out three main problems that our country's information work faces: The development mode of "information science" and "intelligence work" is separated; In the construction of think tanks and science and technology information system, there is more "library" and less "intelligence"; The major strategic demands of international competition and national security call for the reconstruction of the top-down organization system of national information work. Based on this, it is proposed that China should establish and improve the development system of scientific and technological information to meet the changes of information environment, scientific and technological competition and the needs of national security: To establish a national security intelligence concept with a more prominent sense of competition; To establish the organization system and overall planning mechanism of the national science and technology information work; To perfect the project support system, personnel training system and business exchange system of science and technology information research; To promote the integration research of science and technology information and science and technology strategy.
  • Tang Lu Zhang Zhiqiang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 49-56. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022006
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    This paper makes an in-depth study of the U.S. National Technology Strategy Reports of The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a renowned U.S. think tank that focuses on national security and defense policy research and analysis. CNAS argues that the U.S. government must craft a national technology strategy to maintain its technological leadership, and to win this unprecedented strategic competition with China. This paper mainly adopts literature research method and network research method to collect relevant information, focusing on the two reports of the CNAS. It combs the four pillars of the strategy, and the comprehensive framework to develop, implement, and monitor and evaluate this whole-nation strategy, analyzing the underlying methodology of CNAS to provide strategic decision-making advice to the U.S. leadership. Strategic policy research on confrontation and competition between China and the U.S. has become a major research topic of U.S. think tanks, providing references for the research and building of Chinese think tanks.
  • Wang Haixia
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 57-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022007
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    Disinformation is a kind of false information which is deliberately spread and may mislead our decision-making. It is a major difficulty and pain point in tackling disinformation in network for various countries at present. The European Union has made a lot of exploration and accumulated rich practical experience in tackling disinformation which is of great significance enlightenment for China. Using the method of network survey, this paper analyzed the principles, strategies, and actions of European Union to disinformation. It is found that the actions taken by   European Union are based on its inherent democratic political system and social cultural environment and formed a unique model. Although certain achievements have been obtained, but there are also limitations. We should give full consideration to the reality of China and make clear our position and solutions to disinformation on the basis of drawing lessons from its beneficial experience.
  • Xie Lei An Lu
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 66-76. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022008
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    After the outbreak of public emergencies, there are often several hot spots in the online public opinion. But some important issues are ignored by the public. Then blind spots of public opinion are formed. In view of the limitation of hot spots of online public opinion, this study constructs a blind spot detection method under the situation of public emergency, to identify the blind spots that are not or less paid attention to in the development of public opinion, and to make public opinion develop in a reasonable direction and effectively solve various problems arising from public emergencies. Taking a public health emergency as an example, this study constructs a focus system that should be paid attention to in each stage of emergency management based on the 4R theory. We obtained the microblog data of Shijiazhuang epidemic for topic extraction, and detected the blind spots by comparing the differences between the focus system and public opinion topics. It is found that in the forming period of public opinion, the establishment of early warning system, compiling emergency response plan, regular training are the blind spots. In the period of climax, topics such as nosocomial infection control, material supervision, information reporting, preventing imported cases and patient management are blind spots. For the disappearing period, topics such as perfecting legal system, reward and punishment, aftermath disposal are blind spots. The blind spot detection method of public opinion proposed in this paper provides a quantitative reference and the method for scientific judgment and intervention strategy of the topic distribution of online public opinion, and provides a useful reference for the disposal of public emergencies.
  • Fei Xinyi Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 77-90. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022009
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    Open access emerged on a large scale in the late 1990s. Through the review of relevant research about open access at home and abroad, it is found that whether a series of information system research models like TAM (technology acceptance models) can fully explain researchers' behavior under the open access environment is questionable. In order to better understand the logic of academic resource supply behavior of researchers under the OA journal environment, grounded theory was used in this study to obtain the influencing factors model of researchers' academic resource supply behavior on the basis of the interview data. On this basis, the influence of factors such as perceived risk, perceived cost, overview of OA journals, open access concepts, community guidance, performance expectations, and journal preferences on the academic resource supply behavior of researchers in the OA journal environment is discussed.
  • Zhu Jianhua Li Rongqiang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 91-100. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022010
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    Under the new development pattern, the rural revitalization strategy and multiple opportunities for the development of the digital economy are superimposed, provides a historic opportunity for rural residents' income growth, and upgrading of digital skills is an important prerequisite for grasping this opportunity; based on the perspective of information poverty, this article focuses on digital skills and explores how to promote the development of rural digital economy, rural revitalization and residents' income growth. Starting from the status quo of digital skills and rural residents' income in the context of information poverty, the author tries to clarify its inherent logic, empirically analyze the impact of digital skills improvement on rural residents' income growth through county-level cross-sectional data. Policies and measures are also discussed to improve the digital skills of rural residents under the background of information poverty.
  • Feng Changyang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 101-108. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022011
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    The rural revitalization strategy is important to establish a sustainable development mechanism in rural areas after comprehensive poverty eradication. Serving the rural revitalization strategy is determined by the characteristics and social functions of libraries. "Smart service" has gradually become an inevitable choice for libraries to build a smart society and achieve sustainable development, and it is a new development concept for the future. On the basis of analyzing the basic logic of library smart services in the context of rural revitalization strategy, this paper first studies the requirements of rural revitalization strategy for library services in industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization; Then the service modes of library smart services in the context of rural revitalization strategy are condensed, including collaborative linkage, service integration and openness across borders; Third, to summarizes the challenges to realize these models; Finally, this paper summarizes the challenges faced in realizing these models and paths: investment and budget, human resources and technology, intellectual property infringement risks, and management system obstacles.
  • Cai Yuanxin Xiao Peng
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 109-117. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022012
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    Mega-events marketing is currently one of the effective measures for urban development. It also has an important enlightening significance to the marketing promotion and strategic development of libraries. This article mainly elaborates on the concepts of mega-events and mega-events marketing. Based on the aspects of nature, content and impact, this study analyzes four different mega-events, including the International Advocacy Program promoted by IFLA, "Austria Reads. Meeting-point Library" Campaign launched by Austrian Library Association, Shanghai Library's contribution to Shanghai World Expo and the event that South Korea's Incheon was elected as the World Book Capital. We summarize the key steps of the library’s use of "mega-events" as follows: clarifying the development goals of the mega-events, forming a dedicated team directed at the mega-events, constructing the marketing elements of the mega-events, and establishing the evaluation mechanism. The key points of the marketing strategy for "mega-events" include gaining support from the government and library leaders, promoting the professionalism of the library team, clarifying and continuously improving the strength of the library and building a good social partnership. 
  • Zhang Yaqiong
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 118-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022013
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    The digital society construction, digital literacy education, smart libraries, equalization of public cultural services, and network security are the macro perspectives that lead public libraries to promote digital inclusion and high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, public libraries have achieved results in top-level design, perfecting digital infrastructure, and carrying out digital inclusion-related activities, which have provided the basis for public libraries' digital inclusion practices during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. In the coming five years, the key for public libraries to promote digital inclusion is to improve the ability of all citizens and different groups to access and use information fairly. It can improve digital infrastructure, enhance citizens' digital literacy, and create diversified digital inclusion activities. Building a people-centered smart library and strengthening cooperation with the government and other institutions to actively play the role of social service agency.
  • Yin Yujin Chen Jun Yue Qingyan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 124-131. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022014
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    This paper sorts out that the establishment and operation of Gansu provincial mass education museum and all other mass education museums in all cities and counties during the period of Republic of China. It also analyzes the system, its budget economy and the personnel basis of the construction of Gansu provincial mass education museum. Their social value is also discussed in the paper. It is believed that the mass education Museum has played a positive role in carrying out social education,enriching people's life style,elevating the national consciousness,and promoting the modernization of Chinese social cities.
  • Liao Ming
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 132-138. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022015
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    Culture and tourism have the common experience attribute, and to promote the integration of culture and tourism with experience with the entry point has the same logic in time, function, transformation and common ground. The integration of culture and tourism of public library based on experiences has several dimensions such as building human landscape environment, bringing its own function into full play, and expanding value-added services. The development strategy includes promotion of experienced ideas into decision, the building of human environment, strengthening experience guidance, expansion of the cooperation in experience service, and the increase of value-added  service ability.
  • Zhang Xiuping Liu Quanbo
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(01): 139-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022016
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    Mr. Luo Zhenyu was a master of Chinese studies in the Late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. He devoted all his life to the development of Chinese Academy. After seeing the Dunhuang manuscripts in 1909, Luo Zhenyu devoted himself to the compilation and publication of the Dunhuang manuscripts. For more than 30 years, he has never stopped. As time went by, posterity continued to reproduce and photocopy the Dunhuang manuscripts published by Mr. Luo, and many new editions of Dunhuang manuscripts published by Mr.Luo appeared,which brings some confusion to academic research. The purpose of this article is to clarify the time and edition of Luo's publication of the Dunhuang manuscripts, as well as the later reproduced and photocopied editions of the Dunhuang manuscripts published by Luo's, and restore a clear history of Luo's publication.