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25 June 2024, Volume 44 Issue 03

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  • Huang Ruhua Shi Leyi Gao Tianyue
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024027
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    Digital literacy has become an essential skill for citizens’ survival and development in digital society. The global library community plays an important role in digital literacy instruction for all. This paper systematically reviews important initiatives undertaken by IFLA, librarianship associations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, the Library Society of China which is an authoritative librarianship organization in China, schools (departments) of library and information science, libraries of various levels and categories and other bodies to promote digital literacy instruction for all, including establishing specialized organizations for digital literacy instruction, developing digital literacy frameworks, releasing guidance documents, organizing digital literacy instruction activities, and conducting relevant research activities on digital literacy.
  • Hu Yongsheng Liu Chang
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 13-19. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024028
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    Based on the main points of 26 experts' speeches in the theme forum of " Model Construction and Practice of Digital Literacy and Skills Training for all ", the article explores the significance of libraries' participation in the education of digital literacy, and the practice progress of digital literacy and skills training for all people. The results show that the hot issues of digital literacy include research literacy, digital academic services and abstinence from digital addiction. Taking the policy initiatives, the development trends of digital literacy education in the context of artificial intelligence include implementing instructional design based on the artificial intelligence literacy content framework, utilizing technology tools to expand AIGC teaching and learning methods, and emphasizing digital ethics and social responsibility education.
  • Huang Ruhua Lai Tong
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 20-31. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024029
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    Digital literacy frameworks for civil servants serve as an essential benchmark for competency evaluation, education and training, as well as talent development. This paper focuses on the global latest practices in the formulation and application of digital literacy frameworks for civil servants. 14 representative digital literacy frameworks constructed by main international organizations and national governments are selected and summarized into five types. The core contents include emphasizing the leading role of digital mindset, integrating digital emotional attitudes, prioritizing the cultivation of organizational digital culture, aligning with data privacy and security requirements, promoting the use of data-driven decision-making, closely monitoring the application of Artificial Intelligence, and highlighting differentiated competency for different grades and roles. The frameworks have been applied in conducting level assessments, optimizing the digital talent structure, designing training contents, and developing resource navigators. In order to further the development, the paper suggests to continuously refine the framework contents, provide application guidelines, organize communication and promotion activities, and strengthen the participation of diverse stakeholders.
  • Li Baiyang Tang Kun
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 32-39. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024030
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    The application and proliferation of AIGC technology has ushered in a new era of digital literacy education. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign advancements in digital literacy education for all in the context of AIGC, focusing on the policies and frameworks of China, the United Nations, the United States and the European Union, etc. It then delineates the change trend of digital literacy education for all from the dimensions of conceptual connotation, audience group and education model. Specifically, the concept has gradually evolved from information literacy and media literacy to a comprehensive concept integrating artificial intelligence literacy. The audience for this education has broadened to include all ages and professions, necessitating a shift towards a lifelong, personalized, and AI-integrated education model. Finally, six targeted strategies are proposed to improve digital literacy in the context of AIGC, including subject construction, curriculum system construction, user demand orientation, mixed teaching methods, open educational resources and teaching effect evaluation.
  • Liu Xing Hou Zheng Zang Zhidong Cheng Jiejing
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 40-47. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024031
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    The formulation of information literacy education policy is related to the cultivation of informatization and modernization talents in China, and an overall grasp of its policy development process is conducive to the improvement and deepening of information literacy education policy in the future. Since the reform and opening up, the development of China's information literacy education policy can be divided into four stages: the exploration period, the initial formation period, the comprehensive development period, and the deepening innovation period. Based on the analytical framework of historical institutionalism, this paper summaries the types of policy changes and identify the role of the three variables of institution, interests, and concepts on the dynamics of information literacy education policy changes. As a result, it is concluded that there is no obvious path-dependence effect in the process of information literacy education policy change in China, and the key point that triggers the system change is an opportunity to deepen the right to education of social subjects.
  • Xia Yikun Han Guangkun Zhou Haifeng
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 48-59. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024032
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    Improving the digital literacy of civil servants is an inherent requirement for promoting government digital transformation and enhancing digital governance capabilities. Exploring the policy evolution and implementation path for improving the digital literacy and skills of British civil servants can provide reference for strengthening the digital literacy and skills training of Chinese civil servants. Through literature research and desktop survey, this paper has gathered relevant policy texts and activity data on digital literacy education and digital capacity building of British civil servants, so as to systematically sort out their policy evolution and practice contents. The digital literacy and skills improvement policy of British civil servants has gone through three stages: initial emphasis on technology-led, mid-term construction of comprehensive competence system and training framework, and current systematic optimization. With the gradual deepening of policy cognition, the policy goals, framework, subjects, and tools have been continuously optimized, showing the evolution characteristics that are highly consistent with the national data strategy and the government's digital transformation. In terms of implementation, it has taken the lead in strengthening advanced civil servant training, given priority to progressive classification, and relied on platform construction and ecosystem creation to form a comprehensive training system with diverse forms and distinctive features. That has provided reference and learning for China in terms of policy system, training organization, content construction, and platform network.
  • Yin Kaiguo
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 60-68. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024033
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    As AI rapidly integrates into society, it is profoundly changing the ways of social production, living and organization, and how to enhance individual adaptability and creativity in the intelligent era has become a new proposition in the study of public literacy. The article interprets the background of the proposal of AI literacy from the perspective of conceptual evolution and technological development, pointing out that AI literacy is an inheritance and expansion of information literacy and digital literacy; on the basis of reviewing existing literature, it exploratorily proposes an interpretive definition of AI literacy, emphasizing that AI literacy is a diverse and multi-level concept, and how to collaborate and coexist with AI constitutes the differentiated connotation of AI literacy; referring to the KSAVE model, it identifies and constructs a general AI literacy framework composed of five elements: AI awareness, AI cognition, AI skills, AI thinking, and AI ethics, and systematically elaborates on the connotation, significance, and content architecture ideas of each element.
  • Si Junyong Fu Yonghua
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 69-80. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024034
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    Due to its intelligent and personalization, online learning has increasingly become a favored mainstream learning method. However, the existence of the 'affective gap' severely hampers the development of online teaching activities. It is imperative to research how to instantaneously and accurately perceive emotional cues in learning to provide guidance for improving learning performance. This paper constructs a multimodal data fusion model for emotional computation in online learning. Facial expressions, voice, and text data of subjects are collected, and emotional recognition models are employed to obtain emotional recognition results for each modality. Based on decision-level fusion, multimodal emotional computation in online learning is achieved, determining the optimal emotional computation model. The study reveals that the average recognition accuracy based on the optimal emotional computation model has increased by 14.51% compared to single-modal emotional recognition. This confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of the model in emotional computation within online learning scenarios.
  • Zheng Linghan Li Chenke
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 81-89. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024035
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    As the fifth scientific research paradigm, AI4S is an important tool to promote the development of the new quality productive forces in the field of scientific research, and one of its components is data, which is the basis for the training of AI4S big models, and it needs high-quality and multi-type data. At a time when the utilization of data for commercial big models is becoming more and more limited, it is especially important to pay attention to the supply of data elements for scientific research big models in time, so as to accelerate the release of the new quality productive forces of AI4S from the code. The supply of data elements for AI4S is a complex systematic project, and the value orientation should be data altruism rather than data egoism, so as to realize the public welfare purpose of scientific research and the empowerment goal of serving the society, the corresponding paths should be chosen according to different types of data, i.e., the supply paths of public data, enterprise data, personal data, scientific data, and artwork data, etc. that should be chosen respectively, such as the supply paths of conditional gratuitous, cost-compensated, voluntary agreement, mutual, sharing, and fair use. And at the same time, attention should be paid to preventing and controlling the potential risks of copyright infringement, privacy disclosure, data breaches, data leakage and value alignment.
  • Zhou Lihong Quan Qian Zhang Rui
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 90-102. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024036
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    Research integrity is the cornerstone of scientific and technological innovation, and the policy of research integrity is a strong institutional guarantee for improving the mechanism of research integrity. This paper aims to deeply explore the responsibility subjects and the distribution of responsibilities of research integrity construction in China from the policy of scientific research integrity. Based on the research life cycle theory, 69 policy documents were included for thematic analysis through systematic literature searching and literature screening. Policy document analysis indicates that government at all levels and relevant industry regulatory authorities are the leaders in the construction of research integrity. Various research and management institutions serve as the administrators of research integrity construction, while various research and management personnel act as practitioners. Different responsible entities have varying responsibilities at different stages of the research life cycle. This research helps clarify the responsible entities and the distribution of responsibilities in research integrity construction in China, providing valuable insights for advancing research integrity policy development and gaining a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of research integrity system construction in China.
  • Yang Yang Zhou Wenjie
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 103-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024037
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    As an important tool to enhance management and service quality, the library statistics and evaluation standards system can scientifically assess the operational status and service effectiveness of libraries. Based on an analysis of 351 library statistics and evaluation standard documents, this paper examines the current construction status and development evolution of China's library statistics and evaluation standards system, dividing it into three stages: exploration, systematic development, and balanced development. The study finds that each stage of China's library statistics and evaluation standards exhibits significant changes in infrastructure construction, service evaluation, management and collaboration, collection development, and information technology application, each with distinct characteristics of its era. In response to contemporary demands, the future development of China's library statistics and evaluation system needs to further evolve in the areas of digitization and intelligence, user experience and service quality, the balance between internationalization and localization, and sustainable development.
  • Liu Shenghong Qin Daihui Jin Ji
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 115-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024038
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    Under the development trend of the widespread application of multi-modal large models in vertically subdivision fields, the next generation of library’s service in mass entrepreneurship and innovation urgently needs to be embedded with integrated intelligent generative tools. Library’s service in innovation and entrepreneurship based on intelligent generation technology will drive libraries to transition from passive simple services to on-demand complex services, from scheduled regional services to all-time ubiquitous services, and from low-quality and inefficient services to high-quality and efficient services. However, they also face technical issues such as training data, core algorithms, and database deployment, as well as risks related to value alignment, compliance review or supervisory management. The practical process of library’s service in innovation and entrepreneurship based on intelligent generation technology should follow basic principles of participatory design, generative design, intensive design, and compliance design, gradually forming a library's generative intelligent system of assisting service, that includes at least service object intelligent assistance module, service personnel intelligent assistance module, and service supervision intelligent assistance module.
  • Feng Yedong Ding Ning Zhou Song
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 124-131. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024039
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    This paper explores the path and influence of knowledge dissemination in interdisciplinary communication in management studies by analyzing citations to published papers in management. The study used econometric methods and network analysis techniques to reveal the interaction between management and other disciplines, such as applied economics, education, computer science and technology, and to analyzed the knowledge dissemination pathways of management. Disciplinary Diffusion Breadth (DDB), Disciplinary Diffusion Speed (DDS), Interdisciplinary Dissemination Speed (IDS), and Interdisciplinary Dissemination Intensity (IDI) were used to deeply analyze the interdisciplinary influence of management in terms of three dimensions: breadth, intensity, and speed. The study suggests that each of the first-level disciplines in management has a significant citation footprint in multiple fields, demonstrating the interdisciplinary characteristics and importance of management. Overall, the comprehensive influence of interdisciplinary management first-level disciplines, from high to low, are management science and engineering, public management, business management, agricultural economic management, and library,  information and archive management.
  • Zhang Hanyu Ding Yining Guo Siqi
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(03): 132-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024040
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    In the era of intelligent media, exploring the impact of the information cocoon effect on user behavioral willingness in group polarization can provide suggestions for building a good ecosystem of social media platform. This paper was conducted based on the "stimulus-organism-response" framework and the theory of information ecology. Starting from the homogenization characteristics of the information cocoon, the study analyzed the mechanism of information cocoon formation and constructed a model of user group polarization under the information cocoon effect. The study then collected samples through questionnaire surveys and conducted empirical research through structural equation modeling. The results show that information homogenization, selective contact, inter-group emotion and social comparison frequency play an important role in the formation of users' behavior intention in group polarization. At the same time, user attitude polarization is also an influential factor of user group's behavioral willingness to polarization under the information cocoon effect.