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25 February 2024, Volume 44 Issue 01

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  • Zhang Yihan Qian Chen Li Kai Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 1-11. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024001
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    With the increasing level of informatization and digitization, digital technology and services have played an increasingly important role in various fields of society. The academic community has proposed the concept of "digital capital" and formed a theoretical system. In order to help the academic community gain a deeper understanding of digital capital theory and provide reference for subsequent empirical research, this paper systematically and deeply explores the digital capital theory from four aspects, namely, origin and development, connotation and extension, measurement and quantification, application and prospect, on the basis of combing and summarizing domestic and foreign literature related to digital capital. The study found that digital capital, proposed by Ragnedda et al. on the basis of Bourdieu's capital view, is a generalization of digital resources possessed by individuals with certain social utility, including digital capabilities and digital technologies, which can be quantified from different dimensions. It is an important factor affecting users' adoption of information systems and services, as well as engaging in certain information behaviors. It provides a theoretical framework for understanding digital divide and social inequality.
  • Wang Rui Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 12-24. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024002
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    This study aims to clarify how users' digital capital and social capital influence collaborative value creation behaviors in virtual tourism communities. Through a survey, data on users' digital capital, social capital, and collaborative value creation behaviors were collected, and the data were analyzed using a structural equation modeling approach. The results indicate: User digital access is not directly related to their collaborative value creation behaviors; however, digital literacy has a significant positive impact. The accumulation of user digital capital contributes to the continuous growth of their social capital, with digital access and digital literacy having a significant positive impact on structural, relational, and cognitive social capital. User structural and cognitive social capital positively influence their collaborative value creation behaviors, while relational social capital has a negative impact. This research provides theoretical support and practical insights for enhancing collaborative value creation among users in virtual tourism communities.
  • Xiao Yu Wang Rui Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 25-37. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024003
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    At present, knowledge Q&A communities are flourishing and developing. However, they are also grappling with issues such as user attrition, sluggish knowledge growth, and challenges in ensuring the quality of knowledge shared, which may lead to poor knowledge exchange in the community. Understanding the influence mechanism of knowledge exchange effect can help individuals make full use of knowledge Q&A communities to realize high-quality knowledge exchange, and at the same time provide a path for sustainable development of knowledge Q&A communities. To this end,based on the perspective of digital capital theory, this paper constructs a theoretical model of configuration analysis, and discusses the combined effects of digital capital, social capital, cultural capital and economic capital by QCA. The results show that there is causal complexity between the effect of knowledge exchange and its antecedents: the combination of social capital and cultural capital is the core condition to enhance perceived contribution, but digital capital can make up for the absent of one of them; as far as perceived learning is concerned, digital capital, social capital and economic capital are the core conditions.
  • Chu Jingli Wang Jue
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 38-47. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024004
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    In the context of promoting the construction of philosophical and social science discourse system and renaming the discipline of LIS, further clarification of the impact of the discipline's renaming on its discourse system can help promote the development of the discipline and adapt to the changes of the times. The article firstly adopts the method of literature research to sort out the current development of the discourse system of the discipline of information resources management, deconstructs the discourse of the discipline and explains the change process of the core concepts and the context of the discipline, and then takes the journal articles in the two major databases of " Chinese core journal criterion of PKU" and "CSSCI" during the period of 11 years from 2012-2022 to analyze the impact of the change on the discourse system of the discipline. In addition, we use the journal articles of " Peking University Core" and "CSSCI" databases during the 11 years from 2012 to 2022 as the corpus to explore the status and development of academic discourse in the discipline of library intelligence and archive management in the recent decade by constructing the semantic network and other methods, and then we explore the basic structure and construction path of the discourse system of the discipline of information resources management.
  • Xia Mingyu
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 48-56. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024005
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    Reading is an important means for human beings to acquire knowledge and culture and continue civilization. With the rapid development of technology,material and thought,the reading subject,reading carrier and reading media have also changed,which has triggered the paradigm evolution of reading methods. In the era of traditional paper reading,we advocate“close reading”word by word,supplemented by the “extensive reading” method of overview,but in the era of screen reading,with the rapid development of computing technology,the“distant reading” method of big data reading has unconsciously affected the reading life of the public. This article intends to sort out and discuss the relationship and connotation of close reading,extensive reading and distant reading,trying to reveal the internal logic of the generation and evolution of reading paradigm,and how to rationally respond to the era change of reading methods in the context of digital humanities.
  • Shi Chen
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 57-66. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024006
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    Building a data infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences,supporting the data storage,access,use and release to achieve data reusability,association and aggregation,which can effectively promote the overall digital transformation of humanities and social sciences research. Taking the Japan Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences program as the research object,it analyzes from the perspectives of program content,construction mode and program strengths. The construction of the Japan Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences is based on the process of sharing and using research data by researchers,and provides corresponding products and services throughout the life cycle of data production,data processing,data storage,and data reuse. The program is characterized by an orderly division of labor among multi-subjects' collaboration,data standards that emphasize openness and compatibility,data use that emphasizes regulation,and culture formation that emphasizes cultivation,which can provide China's digital humanities research data infrastructure construction with enlightenment such as realizing coordinated management,giving full play to the advantages of organizational aggregation,and perfecting data standards.
  • Zang Hongmin
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 67-73. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024007
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    Under the new development pattern,the integrated development of the digital economy and the cultural industry in metropolitan agglomeration has become the trend of the times in promoting the high-quality development of the cultural industry. Relying on the theory of industrial integration,the article deeply explains the theoretical logic of the integrated development of the digital economy and the cultural industry of metropolitan agglomerations,through the systematic analysis of the integrated development effects of the digital economy and the cultural industry of metropolitan agglomerations,three types of integrated development models of the digital economy and the cultural industry of metropolitan agglomeration are extracted,including digital+ content-led,digital+ service-led,and digital+consumption-led. This paper puts forward the basic path to realize the three types of integrated development models,and provides theoretical and practical references for the differentiated development of cultural industries in metropolitan agglomerations and the realization of regional high-quality integrated development.
  • Li Ya He Tongyao
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 74-86. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024008
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    The development and cooperation between international organizations are related to the overall international development situation. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) are representatives of international professional organizations and the international community, with a long history of cooperation. Analyzing and understanding their cooperation process can provide reference and suggestions for the development of the library industry and the international community. This article focuses on analyzing the important events between IFLA and UNESCO at different stages over the past 75 years through extensive literature research. The research findings indicate that the cooperation between IFLA and UNESCO promotes international cooperation and win-win outcomes, promotes sustainable development of international culture, and promotes the development of a diverse world.
  • Zeng Yueliang Wang Shentong Huang Zhiqi
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 87-98. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024009
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    Public libraries are important force to bridge the digital divide in the digital transformation of society. Based on literature and case studies, this study analyzes the background of promoting digital equity in American public libraries. Focused on two reports, 2020 American Public Library Technology Survey and Leverage Libraries to Achieve Digital Equity for All, and combined with literature and case studies, this study summarizes the key measures, characteristics and implications. The key measures include: the supply of technical resources inside and outside the library, the construction of network infrastructure, the provision of technical support services or resources for users online, and digital literacy and skills training. Public libraries in China can optimize from following aspects: enhancing the accessibility of network and digital technology facilities, enriching the types and service forms of online digital resources, emphasizing digital literacy education and computer skills training, enhancing rural digital service capabilities through specialized projects, and seeking external diversified cooperation to establish special funds.
  • Yuan Shuo Li Shaohui
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 99-109. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024010
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    The introduction of a theoretical analytical framework for co-production in rural public cultural governance corresponds to the development of theory and practice in China's rural public cultural governance. It aims to promote the transition of rural areas from traditional cultural management to the construction of a modern public cultural service system, thereby realizing the inevitable requirement of high-quality development of rural public cultural services and rural cultural revitalization. From the perspective of co-production, this article not only explores the concept of rural public cultural governance in an exploratory manner but also emphasizes the core significance of co-production within it. At the same time, the above-mentioned concept is further integrated into the social-ecological system framework. This includes the shift of rural public cultural governance, resource systems, resource units, governance systems, actors, and action scenarios. This establishes the connection between cultural governance theory and co-production theory, providing a universal theoretical analysis framework for co-production in rural public cultural governance.However, as a developing proposition, it still needs to be further enriched and expanded in the practice of public cultural governance in Chinese rural areas.
  • Zhan Xini Li Baiyang
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 110-120. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024011
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    With the integration and application of generative artificial intelligence and big data resources, the characteristics of the digital intelligence of the available subjects are gradually highlighted, which broadens the boundary of the user's cognition while reinforcing the generative ability of AI, and provides a new pivot point for the continuation of available ideas. Firstly, this paper takes the theoretical construction of digital intelligence availability in the context of generative AI as an entry point, and analyses the logical connection between digital intelligence and cognition under the condition of availability from the attribute of "empowerment" and the mechanism of "relationship". Secondly, we draw on the developmental mechanism of digital intelligence in the context of availability of ideas, and deconstruct the availability of cognitive bandwidth by combining the four theoretical models. Finally, we explore the practical process of quantitative advantage of digital intelligence supply, endogenous potential of technology availability, and autonomous development of field around the triple upgrading mechanism of "resource-capability-space" of cognitive bandwidth in generative environment, in order to understand in depth "We will explore the quantitative advantage of digital intelligence supply, the endogenous potential of technology availability, and the practical process of autonomous development of the field, in order to deeply understand the key proposition of "How Digital Intelligence Enables Cognition".
  • Zhao Yiming Yu Xinjie Chen Yijin
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 121-133. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024012
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    In this paper,the diary method is used to collect the search task examples with learning characteristics from 16 national economic industries in real work context,and the search task is characterized in combination with the task conceptual framework to construct a multidimensional task library for "search-as-learning" research,and further analyze the attributes and characteristics of search tasks in real work context. Task-related characteristics,cognitive changes and behaviors of participants,and relationships of them were discussed,and the relationships among the three groups of variables were compared according to the participants’ educational level,cognitive level of completing tasks,and time pressure of the participants when completing the task. The results showed that the participants' familiarity and interest in the task,and the amount of required information types significantly affected the cognitive changes,and the influence of the characteristics of the task performers on the cognitive changes and behaviors was significantly different in different contexts. The task library developed in this study can serve as a public research resource for "search as learning" research,as well as an evaluation set for evaluating the complex task processing ability of AIGC technology,providing a basis for developing efficient information systems for real-world work task contexts.
  • He Caiyun Hu Rong Zhao Yuxiang
    Library & Information. 2024, 44(01): 134-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2024013
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    This study examines the generation and transmission of information barriers in a typical group of urban early elder people facing a new era of intelligent living,and builds a framework for the analysis of systemic information barriers from an antecedent and consequential perspective of generation-evolution.A semi-structured interview was conducted with 20 urban early elder people,and 34 sub-categories and 11 main categories of intelligent life information barriers of urban early elder people were sorted out through grounded theory,and a systematic analysis framework of intelligent life information barriers of this group was constructed from three aspects: barrier type,barrier generation mechanism and barrier transmission mechanism.This analysis framework takes into account the external representation,internal causes and behavior conduction of the intelligent life information barriers of the urban early elder people,making the analysis of the intelligent life information barriers of the population more systematic and interpretable.