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25 December 2023, Volume 43 Issue 06

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  • Xu Yongjun Chen Xiaoting Lu Sijia
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 7-20. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023078
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    Under the background of the construction of independent knowledge system, the construction of Chinese philosophy and social science preprint platform is of great value: Enhance the subject consciousness of philosophy and social science research to encourage original innovation. Build an independent communication system of philosophy and social science to improve the discourse advantage; an open exchange ecology of philosophy and social science to solve the monopoly problem. Promote the prosperity and development of philosophy and social science to present a panoramic view of knowledge. The construction of the philosophy and social science preprint platform should rebuild the new ecology of academic exchanges and dissemination, support the three systems and the inderpendent knowledge system as the goal, adhere to the concept of taking the academic community as the center, taking regulations and systems as the guarantee, and taking information technology as the support. Its overall framework can be grasped from the seven constituent elements of ideology, organization, mechanism, system, management, business and technology.
  • Chen Xiaoting Xia Junhui Zhang Qunqun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 21-31. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023079
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    Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S (TRP) initiative is a response to the shortcomings exposed by the Open Access Plan S, such as delayed publication, unequal publishing models and hidden contributions to peer review. This article summarizes the content and characteristics of the TRP initiative, the opportunities and challenges it brings to the academic exchange ecosystem, and analyzes its important implications for advancing Chinese open access practice. The study found that the plan promotes the formation of an academic exchange system led by scholars and based on the community, proposes the "publish, review, plan" model and comprehensive strategic tasks, aiming to change the academic evaluation system and incentive mechanism, and accelerate the development of preprint platforms. However, it also faces challenges such as response range limitations, integrity issues, brand reputation erosion and the lack of multi-party cooperation. China should establish an independent full-process open access platform, strengthen the quality management and evaluation of journal publishing, balance the interests of all parties in open access, promote the research and construction of humanities and social sciences open access.
  • Xu Yongjun Lu Sijia Fu Yu Shi Jing
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 32-43. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023080
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    To explore a way to construct preprint platforms applicable to the field of humanities and social sciences, this study, relying on Information Center for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China, conducted a questionnaire survey for scholars of humanities and social sciences in China to analyze the cognitive characteristics, usage, and main demands of preprint platforms by them. The study found that scholars of humanities and social sciences in China have some worries about preprint platforms, and their cognition and usage of preprint platforms are low and structurally different; they tend to use platforms with high visibility and professionalism; in terms of the willingness to use preprint platforms, the majority of them hold positive or uncertain attitudes; and their demands for preprint platforms mainly include journals recommendation, rapid publication, copyright protection, and recognition of academic evaluation systems. Based on the above, the following suggestions are put forward: comprehensively apply the two-way strategy of “top-down” and “bottom-up” to promote the construction of the recognition policy system of preprints; focus on improving the cognition of preprints of senior scholars of humanities and social sciences; promote the use of preprint platforms with economics and management as the forerunner; strengthen the synergy between the preprint platforms and journals in the scholarly communication system. 
  • Lu Sijia Xu Yongjun Xia Junhui
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 44-54. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023081
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    Preprint scholarly communication system construction, with preprints as the carrier and preprint platform as the medium, can effectively accelerate the transformation of innovative research results and provide intellectual support and power guarantee for scientific and technological innovation. This study applies the ecosystem theory to elucidate the composition and interaction mechanism of the multi-level system of preprint scholarly communication system, analyses the existing problems, and proposes corresponding strategies based on pieces of evidence, including the literature research results, the network research data of mainstream preprint platforms, and the relevant events and case analyses. It found that uncertain attitudes of researchers towards preprints, the lack of cooperation between preprint platforms and journal publishers, and the separation of preprints in the mainstream academic system have hindered the interactive symbiosis of micro-, meso- and macro-ecosystems in the preprint scholarly communication system. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the researchers’ recognition of preprints, strengthen the synergies between preprint platforms and journal publishers, and promote the integration of preprints into the mainstream academic system.
  • Liu Cong Zhang Jiuzhen
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 55-61. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023082
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    First of all, this paper analyzes three aspects that need to be paid attention to in the formulation of library AI application strategy from the perspective of the IFLA: ethical principles, best practices and AI literacy education.Then the four principles of artificial intelligence application strategy in China are put forward combined with the reality:the application of responsible AI being the primary strategic principle,starting with library resources to build a responsible AI application model,developing AI literacy education strategies based on user needs,expanding the influence of the AI application library industry and the whole society through publicity, exchange and cooperation.Finally, holds that the library will become an important scene for the application of AI in the future. While promoting the responsible application of AI, the library will create greater value for users and the society, which is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the library.
  • Wu Ruohang Mao Yihong
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 62-69. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023083
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    In order to promote the reform and optimization of library reading promotion, and explore the impact of generative artificial intelligence on library reading promotion, this paper analyzes the relationship between generative AI and library reading promotion by logical deduction, and summarizes the service transformation of library reading promotion. The study finds that generative AI can realize the intelligent promotion of library collection resources through intelligent promotion planning, intelligent promotion marketing, and intelligent guidance and consultation; promote the scenario-based of reading activities through the virtualization of reader identity, the diversification of reading resources, and the immersion of reading field; promote the accurate and personalized development of readers through the accurate recommendation of reading information, the in-depth interpretation of reading content, and the one-to-one accompanying reading.
  • Zhang Qinglai Su Yun Zhang Jun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 70-74. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023084
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    The emergence of Artificial General Intelligence(AGI) has brought development opportunities to library knowledge services. The application of AGI in the field of library knowledge services can not only upgrade traditional services such as reference consultation and intelligence customization but also realize innovative services in professional support and multimodal integration. The framework of library knowledge services based on AGI mainly includes three layers: interactive collaboration, knowledge service, and environmental support, as well as five implementation stages: service planning, service design, service implementation, service provision, and service improvement. 
  • Sha Yongzhong Su Youli
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 75-85. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023085
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    How to fully leverage the value of big data, achieve precise response and satisfy public service needs has become an important research topic. This paper based on the DIKW model and from the perspective of data flow, a public service demand management model based on big data of social appeals  is constructed. This model divides the entire demand management process into three consecutive stages: demand identification, demand analysis, and demand decision-making. Through structured description, aggregation analysis, and comprehensive evaluation of social appeals big data, precise management of public service demand is achieved. On this basis, collect data from local leaders' message boards on People's Daily Online for empirical analysis. It is shown that the proposed model and method are feasible and can comprehensively characterize public service demand, accurately discover identity category, regional distribution, emotional polarity and other characteristics of demand subjects, and provide a basis for demand decision-making.
  • Zhang Ning Chang Shuaifeng Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 86-97. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023086
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    The cultural tourism metaverse is the next new stage in the development of existing digital cultural tourism, and it is of great significance to explore the influencing factors and mechanisms of user participation satisfaction for in-depth understanding of this information behavior. Based on the research framework of transaction model of stress, this study combined the relevant variables of technology mindfulness, technology pressure, usage and satisfaction theory and flow theory to construct an influencing factor model of user satisfaction in the cultural tourism metaverse. Through questionnaire survey, 396 users with digital cultural travel experience were investigated, and then empirical analysis was conducted. The results show that orientation in the present, openness to novelty and awareness of multiple perspectives in technical mindfulness negatively affect techno-overload, techno-iteration and techno-complexity in technostress, respectively. Techno-overload, techno-iteration and techno-complexity under technostress all negatively affect the immerse experiences; Immerse experiences positively affect satisfaction; Demand satisfaction regulates the positive impact of immerse experience on satisfaction; Through the analysis of the mediation effect, it is found that techno-overload, techno-iteration and techno-complexity play a partial mediating role between that orientation in the present, openness to novelty, awareness of multiple perspectives and immerse experience, the immerse experience plays a complete mediating role between techno-overload and satisfaction, and the immerse experience plays a partial mediating role in, techno-iteration, techno-complexity and satisfaction. The research results deepen the understanding of the impact of technical factors on user experience and satisfaction in the cultural tourism metaverse, and provide valuable countermeasures and suggestions for platforms and users.
  • Zhang Xinxing Yang Zhigang Zheng Yongtian
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 98-107. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023087
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    With the deep integration of culture and tourism,the importance of library in cultural tourism has become more obvious. This paper takes the comment text of library of Ctrip as the data source,analyzes the main image factors of library perceived by tourists using the informetrics methods,and describes the library image in the eyes of tourists. Based on research methods of grounded theory,this paper constructs a library image model through three-level coding of comment text of library. This research finds that the library presents the image of "beautiful building,free admission,rich collection of books,quiet reading room,worth visiting" in the eyes of tourists. The library image model consists of 4 core categories,9 dimensions and 51 nodes. In order to further optimize the image of the library,it is necessary to build the cultural brand of the library,provide immersive tourism experience,broaden the image communication channel,and build the cultural and creative IP of the library.
  • Zhang Wenjia
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 108-116. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023088
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    As a new production factor, data plays a key role in promoting the transformation and upgrading of libraries in the digital era. Clarifying the mechanism of data value realization in the construction of smart library, accurately grasping the realization path of data value to promote the wisdom of library, and building the system of data value realization in the construction of smart library in China on this basis are the key to effectively release data value to complete the construction of smart library. Specifically, it includes improving the circulation and trading system of data elements, and building a complete library data trading platform; Improve the security governance system of data elements, and build a trusted environment for the effective use of data in the construction of smart library; Privacy computing technology is applied to provide technical support for data value release in the construction of smart library.
  • Song Xiaoxuan Liu Chang Wu Yaoyu
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 117-125. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023089
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    Metaliteracy is the basic ability to improve all literacies. In the current pluralistic social situation, the cultivation of metaliteracy has become the fundamental goal of educational activities. In order to further clarify the current situation of the cultivation of metaliteracy in the educational activities of public libraries, 1214 educational activities conducted by public libraries in 13 cities of Jiangsu Province in recent 5 years were collected, and the content analysis and grounded theory methods were conducted to code the data. This study revealed the support and cultivation status of public library education activities in the four dimensions of metaliteracy goals: behavior, cognition, affection and metacognition. According to the relationship between metaliteracy goals and multiple activity elements, three typical modes of current public library education activities were identified, which are cognition-oriented humanistic and artistic activities, affection-oriented humanistic and artistic activities, and behavior-oriented technical and skilled activities.
  • Li Shaoling
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 126-132. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023090
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    The development of red literature resources in public libraries mainly falls into two categories: resource construction and reader services. The primary methods for the construction of red literature resources in public libraries include collecting and organizing red literature resources, constructing red service spaces, producing special documentaries on red themes, and establishing red databases or platforms. Reader services for red literature resources in public libraries mainly consist of hosting red literature exhibitions and lectures, promoting red reading, and organizing theme-based public and educational research activities. Useful explorations in developing red literature resources have been conducted by the Shandong Provincial Library, Taiyuan City Library in Shanxi Province, Xiangan District Library in Xiamen City, and Dalingshan Library in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. Strengthening literature awareness, developing planning, highlighting regional characteristics, creating thematic collections, exploring the content of the resources, enriching service models, and leveraging digital enablement to provide specialized services, are the evolving strategies for the development of red literature resources in public libraries.
  • Wang Dong Cao Qin
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(06): 133-141. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023091
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    With the rise of the Silk Road and Buddhism, glassware was introduced to China from Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, and other places, and was valued by the upper class for its rarity, becoming a symbol of wealth and identity. The combination of glassware and Buddhist culture has been given a unique meaning,and it is the externalization of Buddhist material thought. Dunhuang murals contain a large number of glassware with different forms and functions, which is not only a reflection of Buddhist culture but also a true portrayal of cultural exchanges between East and West from the 5th to the 10th century.