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25 October 2023, Volume 43 Issue 05

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  • Li Gang Chen Fei Su Danchun Zhu Yong
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023063
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    The main way for think tanks in “Society 5.0” to improve the scientific nature of decision-making consulting research is to respond to the national strategy of digital social science construction, and transform the traditional expert-driven think tanks into data-driven think tanks. The construction paradigm of data-driven think tanks includes social culture and policy environment layer, core concept and top-level design layer, think tank business operation and communication layer and data base layer. Think tanks need to promote data-driven transformation in terms of strengthening important cognition and policy supply, accumulating data assets, promoting innovation and transformation of business models, emphasizing the construction and application of the data intelligence “toolbox”, optimizing the allocation of data talents, and strengthening the establishment of data teams.
  • Chen Jie Lv Chengcheng Li Gang Han Yingyue Jiang Zichen
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 13-26. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023064
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    CTTI, adhering to the design principle of "prioritizing service for think tank evaluations while also addressing data management needs," is a comprehensive system for think tank indexing and data management that integrates metadata design, functional layout, architectural construction, and mechanism design. CTTI metadata comprises 52 objects, 3,361 data fields, and 1,027 data dictionaries. The system possesses functionalities like data collection, searching, statistics, and evaluations. It has established a secure and efficient cloud deployment model for think tanks and a tiered user service plan. Additionally, it has set up collaborative mechanisms such as CTTI think tank certification, honor provision, source think tank branding, and annual forums.
  • Li Zimeng Wu Yusong Su Danchun Zhu Yong Li Gang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 27-39. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023065
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    The quality of expert is the key factor affecting the level of think tank's research and decision-making consultation. In this paper, 448 fields about experts of CTTI system are extracted to construct a think tank expert group portrait model, which includes 3 first-level labels, such as basic attributes, academic research, social activities, and 12 second-level labels. A sample of 2150 experts with complete data in the CTTI system was obtained through data cleaning, and the characteristics of the experts were summarized by using the methods of collective biography, bibliometric analysis and social network analysis. The research found that the experts of Chinese think tanks have high academic qualifications and professional titles, they are mainly middle-aged men and doctors in humanities and social sciences, they often work part-time across institutions and collaborate less on research. Besides, they are less embedded in the decision-making process, and they don't do well in terms of public opinion influence.
  • Zhang Yu Ma Yaxue Li Yue Sun Jianjun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 40-50. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023066
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    Focusing on exploring the survival characteristics and influencing factors of emerging interdisciplinary knowledge elements, this study helps reveal the formation and evolution process of emerging interdisciplinary fields from a micro perspective, thus enhancing the scientific understanding of interdisciplinary development laws. Firstly, we construct a multidimensional index system, with which the disciplinary source and disciplinary influence attributes of emerging interdisciplinary knowledge elements are quantified. Then, we employ Kaplan-Meier method for the construction of survival curve and to analyze the differences in survival characteristics of knowledge elements with different attributes. Finally, the Cox regression is used to explore the effects on mechanism of survival time. Taking medical informatics as an example, the empirical analysis shows that the survival curve of medical informatics knowledge elements experiences a rapid decline in the first year and then a slow decline, with an average survival time of 4.41 years. The survival time of newly emerging knowledge elements in medical informatics is significantly lower than that of related disciplines. Among the related disciplines, the knowledge elements of computer science have the highest survival risk. The complexity of disciplinary source, the frequency of use and status of emerging interdisciplinary fields, and the popularity of related disciplines are all positively correlated with the survival time of knowledge elements. Compared with the popularity of related disciplines, the frequency of use and the status of emerging interdisciplinary fields have a higher degree of influence on the survival time of knowledge elements.
  • Zhu Mengdie Fu Shaoxiong Cheng Wei Chen Xiaoyu
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 51-61. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023067
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    Exploring the influencing factors of users’ self-disclosure behavior in online video communities can help improve the management of user personal information disclosure, and improve user activity and stickiness. Using MOA theory as the theoretical foundation and bilibili as the research context, this study explores the influencing factors of online video community users’ self-disclosure behavior from three dimensions: motivation (M), opportunity (O), and ability (A) through second-hand objective data capture including 1,453,652 effective users. This study has found that financial rewards, social support, and user status-standing all have a significant positive impact on users’ self-disclosure behavior. In contrast, peer recognition has a significant negative impact on users' self-disclosure behavior. In independent zones such as technology zones, sports zones, and knowledge zones, peer recognition has a significant positive impact on users’ self-disclosure behavior. Research can provide suggestions for privacy policy formulation and precise push of online video community platforms.
  • Han Zhengbiao Qi Jinglin Wang Yunhui
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 62-71. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023068
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    The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between users' online health information search and perceived health risk bias, to enrich the research results of cognitive bias in the field of information behavior, and to provide suggestions for comprehensively improving people's health cognition level. Based on the existing research foundation, relevant hypotheses were put forward, and the OLS model, the instrument variable method and the moderating effect model were used to test the relationship between users' online health information search and health risk perception bias using CGSS2021 data.The results show that the frequency of  online health information search has a significant negative impact on health risk cognitive bias, and the moderating effect of online health information topic search intensity and online health information search outcome is significant. The results of this paper can provide a reference for exploring the mechanism of health risk cognitive bias in online health information search, and have important practical significance for giving full play to the advantages of online health information search and reducing users' health risk cognitive bias.
  • Jiang Jie
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 72-80. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023069
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    The Internet of value focuses on decentralized interoperable technologies and the demand for digital and intellectual transformation in the process of integrating virtual internet and real world, reconstructs data control rights of content creators, achieves the delivery of data assets at low cost, deeply cultivates the common vision of constructing, sharing, and consensus governance of knowledge, vigorously promotes the development of new productive forces and digital civilization. During the process of data utilization in the internet of value era, it gradually exposes the impact of data mining logic on user data rights and interests, verifying encrypted data threatening resource safety and economy environment, the impact of data autonomous use on social security order, and the impact of functional code protocols on the operation of zero trust architecture. It is urgent to strictly adhere to the basic concepts of transparency and explainability, continuous verification, interactive execution, and decentralized services, consolidate the technical foundation of data utilization, outline a standardized framework for trusted constraint data utilization, build a self-discipline mechanism for data autonomous communities, and establish a unified protocol standard and process supervision paradigm.

  • Xiao Zheng Fang Yili
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 81-88. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023070
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    The children’s library science in modern China was the result of the educational reform and the division of disciplines in the national turbulence of late Qing dynasty. It was also the product of the discovery of children in the early Republic of China. In the late Qing era, when Chinese society was experiencing a worsening national crisis, many state- and privately-owned libraries were constructed, and the library science movement with its primary objective of educating people's wisdom formed. Children beyond the age of 12 were recognized as readers and were allowed to enter libraries. As the concept of children was reshaped in the early Republic of China, the library science thought with the main purpose of providing necessary and understandable knowledge came into being. On this basis, with the help of “New Library Movement”, library science was recognized as an independent discipline. Chinese library scholars began to form a specialized scientific community. What mentioned above further developed children library science’s common expression of conforming to national conditions as well as shared values. Reassessing the development of children library science in the historical context has enormous significance of academic history, which is necessary to understand the independent knowledge system of library science.
  • Wang Shaowei Huo Weigang Song Ruijie Tian Yuan
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 89-99. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023071
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    The construction of rural libraries is an important element in the integrated development of culture and tourism. From the perspective of tourists, the article introduces the push and pull theory of tourism motivation and adopts the LDA topic analysis model and semantic network analysis with the help of the DivoMiner platform to analyze the corpus collected from the Red Book platform, and concludes that tourists' motivations for visiting the rural library culture and tourism fusion project include escaping from reality, self-expression, relaxation, obtaining a sense of accomplishment, increasing socialization and exploring stimulation; the attention of touring The themes include library, rural environment, transportation, and cultural and tourism integration; the conclusion of the semantic network analysis map is similar to it, which is mainly clustered around the four keywords: library, bookstore, countryside, and parking. Based on the results of the analysis, it is pointed out that efforts can be made to promote the construction of cultural tourism integration of rural libraries at six levels: environment, facility, integration, resource, service, and communication.
  • Zhang Jing Zhao Xin
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 100-110. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023072
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    In view of the lack of theory and single perspective of conservation and preservation (C&P) of documents research, taking C&P of documents as a kind of practice and paying attention to it from the perspective of relationship under the framework of Social Practice Theory can provide new ideas for C&P of documents and related research. Focusing on the construction of the field of C&P of documents practice, this paper designs the steps and methods under the framework of Social Practice Theory. It is found that the C&P of documents practice has undergone a field shift since it entered the 21st century, from the original field of cultural heritage protection to the field of inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Along with this field shift, the practice measures of C&P of documents are increasingly diversified, thus a new C&P of documents typology framework is constructed. The research further found that the protection action circle around the document as the object of C&P is constantly expanding, and both the existing or new actors in the circle of action need to rethink how to maintain or obtain a better position in the new field.
  • Gao Feng Guo Yuping
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 111-117. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023073
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    Rural icons serve as crucial carriers for inheriting and revitalizing rural culture, fortifying collective awareness among villagers, and strengthening villagers' identification with outstanding rural culture. Rural libraries are integral components of rural culture, and there exists a natural connection between rural icons and rural libraries in terms of local characteristics. The fusion of rural libraries and rural icons holds significant value and meaning. The combination of rural libraries and rural icons encompasses diverse shared spaces, cultural prototypes, and cultural symbols. It exhibits typical cultural representations such as the transmission of agricultural knowledge through reading, the connection between poetry and distant lands, and the dissemination of revolutionary ideals. Innovative approaches, including aesthetic reading, network matrix communication, and exhibitions of local icons, can be adopted to promote the revitalization of rural culture.
  • Yang Fengyun Ma Zhonghong
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 118-129. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023074
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    Improving the level of coordinated development of regional public cultural services can not only promote the equalization of public cultural services and improve service efficiency, but also help to promote the integration process of regional economy and society. At present, China's regional public cultural services have made some progress in policy support, cultural activities, interlibrary cooperation, cultural facilities and digital construction.However,it also face the difficulties of weak concept of synergy, serious cultural separation, lack of continuity of synergy, weak foundation of synergy and uncoordinated digital construction.In order to strengthen collaborative awareness, build collaborative guarantee,promote the co-construction and sharing of public cultural resources,and form a collective development effect of complementary advantages,the study proposes to improve the coordination mechanism, gather cultural consensus, extensively introduce social forces, generally improve service accessibility, build an integrated public cultural cloud platform, and clarify development positioning as a collaborative path.
  • Yang Bo Wang Lian
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 130-138. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023075
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    The high-quality development of the public cultural service system is the basic guarantee for strengthening cultural confidence and building a strong cultural country, and digital development has contributed new kinetic factors to the modernization of the Chinese-style public cultural service system. Based on the trinity theoretical framework of "factor - industry - space", this paper deconstructs the academic logic of digitalized enabling the convolution transformation of public cultural service system. In the face of problems such as disordered integration of elements, imbalance of supply and demand structure, and disordered spatial development in the construction of digitalized public cultural service system, From the four aspects of improving digital infrastructure construction, strengthening regional digital collaboration, digital technology to promote the integration of public cultural service industry and improving the degree of digital socialization, we will explore the appropriate path for the modernization and transformation of the reconstruction of digital empowerment public cultural service system, in order to form a long-term mechanism for promoting the construction of public cultural service system with high standards.
  • Su Liguo
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(05): 139-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023076
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    There are different opinions on who Mu Zhi is in the "Dragon and Tiger Announcement" of the imperial examination in the 8th year of Zhenyuan period ( 792 ) since the emergence of the revised edition of  Wenyuan Yinghua  in the Southern Song Dynasty, which was recorded in the literature of  Deng Ke Ji Kao  and  Supplements to Deng ke ji kao  Through the investigation of Mu Zhi and the Henan Mu surname in the middle Tang Dynasty in the time of Successful Candidates in Imperial Exams,the official experience, the brothers ranking order, and the standardization of the name, it is believed that Mu Zhi, who Being Admitted to Successful Candidates in Imperial Exams in the 8th year of  Zhenyuan period ( 792 ), was the son of Mu Shen, the nephew of Mu Ning, and the brother of Mu Zan, Mu Zhi, Mu Yuan, and Mu Shang. He was the father of Mu Renyu, the Military Governor of Xuanwujun during the reign of Xizong, and had been a councilor of the Ministry of War in feudal China. Based on this, the author of  Quan Tang Wen  and A letter to the monk Yan Fan should be Mu Zhi rather than Mu Zhi.