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25 April 2023, Volume 43 Issue 02

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  • Zhou Yi
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 1-11. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023017
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    The process of data factor value and data factor market construction are causally related and correlated with each other. They determine the function of data production factors and the level of digital economy development. This paper proposes to understand and construct the data factor market from the aspects of data value chain participants and their relationship, data value-added process, data product and service type change, data service industry generation, and data management system guarantee. This is done using literature analysis and inductive method based on deconstruction of data value chain. It is concluded that the construction of the data factor market should take into account its various forms. Data service industry and data factor market construction promote each other, and the creativity and consumption power of data factor market players are key to determining the development vitality of the data factor market. The implementation of specific management systems and system lists for data circulation is an important guarantee for the development of the data element market.
  • Yang Qiaoying Xia Yikun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 12-22. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023018
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    The release of data factor value is the key to the high-quality development of the digital economy. A systematic literature review can identify the progress and weaknesses, and provides references for future study. Based on the grounded theory, the content analysis shows literature related to data factor value three topics: formation mechanism, influencing factors and implementation path. In terms of formation mechanism, the previous study deconstructs the value type and evolution process of data factor. The study of influencing factors considers three dimensions of data factor: subject, object and environment. Therefore, strengthening the capacity of data factor subject, attaching importance to the construction of data factor resources and regulating the data factor circulation environment forms research landscape on implementation path of data factor value. In the future, it is necessary to carry out the research of data factor value typology, deepen the research of data factor value evolution, standardize the research of data factor value influencing factors and expand research on the implementation path of data factor value.
  • Guan Qian Xia Yikun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 23-33. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023019
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    The data factor market entity is the basic support and core hub of the data factor market, and cultivating the market entity is crucial to the market vitality and innovation. Based on market economy theory and data value chain theory, this paper expounds the connotation and structure of data factor market ecosystem and data factor market competitors from both broad and narrow sense. Based on the description of the relationship spectrum of multi-level data factor market entitity, this paper analyzes the dilemmas with status gap, interest imbalance, lack of self-discipline and ability dislocation. Comparative analysis of representative countries and China based on the concept of "value and safe" differentiation, results in the advantages and disadvantages of development model, supply mechanisms, regulatory mechanisms and cultivation mechanisms of data factor market entity. Finally, it is proposed that the cultivation of Chinese data factor market entity should strengthen data acquisition and reuse, construct the regulatory mechanism of the whole process of "wide entry and strict management", and combine the cultivation measures of entirety and pertinence.
  • Wu Ruohang Mao Yihong
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 34-41. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023020
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    In order to promote the transformation and optimization of library services and explore the impact of ChatGPT products on library services, the article introduces the development process, technology, and characteristics of ChatGPT, and summarizes that the core concepts of ChatGPT empowering library services mainly include individuality, high efficiency, precision, diversity, and equality. ChatGPT can be used in intelligent reading services, intelligent consulting services to innovate in intelligent education services and intelligent knowledge services, libraries should plan development strategies to cope with the ChatGPT craze from the perspectives of changing service concepts, building service teams, optimizing service mechanisms, and ensuring service security.
  • Li Yingting
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 42-48. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023021
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    The advent of Artificial Intelligence Generated ContentAIGC, exemplified by OpenAI's large-scale model ChatGPT, has garnered global attention and sparked a new wave of AI revolution. While AIGC offers opportunities for intelligent information retrieval, transformative library experiences, and the development of metaverse libraries, it also has the potential to alter readers' search and reading habits, amplifying the existing technology and talent shortages in libraries. There are also risks involved, including copyright infringement and privacy breaches. To address these challenges, libraries can begin by enhancing and expanding their services through the implementation of chatbots and exploring the use of open-source models to train on existing library literature data. It is crucial for libraries to proactively address and mitigate the risks associated with the application of AIGC.

  • Zhang Xue Zhang Zhiqiang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 49-60. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023022
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    This Paper sorting out the relevant achievements in the identification of potential cooperation opportunities, this paper summarizes the existing identification methods and problems, providing reference for forward-looking cooperation recommendations in the discipline field. Firstly, this paper summarizes the necessity of identifying potential cooperation opportunities. Secondly, it defines the relevant concepts and entity object types. Thirdly, it summarizes the identification methods of potential cooperation opportunities. Finally, it points out the existing research deficiencies and puts forward prospects for future development. As for the types of entity objects, according to the different research purposes and research levels, entity objects are divided into three dimensions: microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic. As for the identification methods, external attribute information is the most direct and easy method in the identification of potential cooperation opportunities; link prediction is the most widely used and most mature method; in comparison, network representation learning and machine learning are new directions and new ideas for identifying potential cooperation opportunities. Based on the above analysis, the deficiencies and universal problems of different types of potential cooperation opportunities identification methods are summarized, and the future research priorities are prospected.
  • Li Lirui Zhang Jiacheng Zhang Borui
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 61-68. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023023
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    Scientific research intellectualization is continuously promoting the transformation and upgrading of the scientific research paradigm. The knowledge service by integrating smart robots has emerged as a promising foundation for supporting the high-quality development of national science and technology innovation in the new era. By employing literature research and case analysis, this study analyzes the development of scientific research intellectualization and its contribution to the formation of knowledge service by smart robot. Additionally, it explores the connotation process and typical pattern of knowledge service by integrating smart robot from the perspective of scientific research intellectualization. The suggests are concluded, including improving the machine representation and correlation fusion of data resources, establishing service guaranteeing and coordination mechanisms of human-AI collaboration, addressing privacy and security concerns, and optimizing the process and calculation efficiency in knowledge computation, which can promote high-quality development and enhance the effectiveness of scientific research.
  • Wan Yandengdeng Yin Jiao
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 69-76. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023024
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    It is of practical significance to explore the intelligent transformation of public digital cultural services based on 5G and other high-tech for promoting high-quality service development. Therefore, this paper firstly combs the process of intelligent transformation in relevant fields, supplements the definition of intelligent transformation of public digital cultural services, and believes that transformation needs to be carried out from four core elements: resources, services, space, and management; Secondly, combined with the functions of high-tech technologies such as 5G, it is expounded that the driving role of 5G in the transformation is embodied in resource integration, service personalization, intelligent space, intelligent management; Finally, it is proposed that the intelligent transformation practice of public digital cultural services driven by 5G should be carried out through such paths as strengthening key technologies research, promoting the integration of industry and service chains, establishing a standard specification system, cultivating composite talents, and strengthening the joint cooperation of multiple forces.
  • Zheng Linghan Hao Manli
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 77-86. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023025
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    Constructing the concept system and model of data sovereignty will not only promote the practical application of Chinese data sovereignty, but also contribute to exporte our independent discourse system of data sovereignty to the world. Text analysis and content analysis are used to deconstruct the conceptual connotation of data sovereignty and refine the cognitive dimension. On this basis, the relationship between concepts is clarified, and the conceptual system is finally constructed and modeled. From the cognitive dimension, six concepts related to the purpose, nature, content, characteristics, types and scenarios of data sovereignty can be deduced. Within each of these concepts lie other concepts such as data protection, political sovereignty, control, absoluteness, hard data sovereignty, and data value release. The "entity-relationship-attribute" of each concept constitutes the conceptual system and model of data sovereignty. Among the concepts in the conceptual system of data sovereignty, there are correlation relations, whole-part relations and species relations; among the related concepts in the conceptual model of data sovereignty, there are one-to-many relationship and many-to-many relationship.
  • Bai Yijun
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 87-94. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023026
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    The first half of the 20th century was an important period for the introduction and localization of the Western concept of “camp library” in China. The article summarizes the difficult process of Chinese people's theoretical cognition, path construction, and practical exploration of “camp library” before and after the Anti-Japanese War, summarizes the practical value of camp library, and analyzes its impact and shortcomings. The development process of "camp library" coincided with the overall pursuit of the ideal of“strengthening the military and consolidating the country” in modern China, and reflected the strong nationalistic consciousness of some Chinese people, especially the library circle, and the mission of saving the nation from extinction.
  • Yu Xingshang Liu Yue Tan Hong Xu Zhongyang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 95-102. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023027
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    Digital intelligence drive is a powerful engine to break the shackles of library intelligence operation and boost its sustainable development. Based on the existing research, we explored the development characteristics of smart libraries under the digital intelligence drive, and clearly explained the five comprehensive application scenarios of health services, emergency management, digital humanities, smart city, and knowledge services based on the four-dimensional framework of agility, wholeness, traversal, and technology and humanities. Based on infrastructure, data management, technology analysis, and service application, we built a model architecture of smart libraries around the origin of digital intelligence, and proposed systematic protection strategies for the improvement of smart librarians' literacy, the shaping of standard system, the integration of good governance model, and the introduction of multiple cooperation mechanisms, which jointly drive the high quality operation of smart libraries.
  • Chen Jing Yin Xue Zhang Yinsong
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 103-112. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023028
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    Reading dogs have been effective in improving the reading experience for special readers in libraries. By sorting out the application development of library reading dogs assisted reading services at China and abroad, and analyzing the mechanism of reading dogs' assisted  reading according to the biophilia hypothesis, social cognition theory and role theory, it is concluded that the application value of reading dogs in assisted reading includes alleviating negative emotions in reading , providing emotional support for reading, guiding the shaping of reading personality, improving he level of reading ability. Dividing the operation process of reading dog assisted reading services according to the preparation stage, implementation stage and feedback stage, and on this basis, discussing the autonomous reading, guided reading, and emotional interactive reading mode according to the differences in the reader group. Taking autistic patients, children with developmental dyslexia, and dementia patients as examples, discuss the way of library reading dog’s assisted reading in different types of special readers.
  • Huang Huang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 113-119. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023029
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    Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, there have been plans for the content and structure of intellectual property information service systems in national policy texts, and the university libraries service is an important component of it. Therefore, its service content and operational structure have also been clarified. This paper analyzes the intellectual property information service systems service contents and operational structure of university libraries from the angles of "what to do" and "how to do", and provides comparative analysis of typical cases. Its purpose is to provide theoretical and practical references for university libraries to carry out intellectual property information services. 
  • Li Yang Zhang Shiying Sheng Dongfang
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 120-126. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023030
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    The paper analyzes the associative logic between intelligence and eventic graph, and proposes some thoughts on its future development, aiming to provide reference and inspiration for the development of eventic graph as well as the innovation of intelligence services based on eventic graph. In this paper, the associative logic of intelligence and eventic graph is analyzed in terms of information chain knowledge elements, complex relationship exploration, and services for major events. Besides the empowering role of eventic graph for intelligence field in organizational risk management, event prediction, and user behavior mining is also explored. What’s more, the key processes and methods of intelligence support based on eventic graph are analyzed. At last, the paper proposes some thoughts on the improvement of eventic graph technical system and intelligence application, data governance for “fake relationships” in open source information world, the construction of eventic graph and intelligence picture based on multimodal data. At present, some progress has been made in the collision of intelligence and eventic graph, but there are also some shortcomings such as insufficient depth of characterization and “engineering”. The two should support and promote each other to build a full intelligence picture oriented to the field.
  • Suo Zhiyang Zhu Xiaojing
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 127-136. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023031
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    Application of intelligent elderly care service in China is still under the trials. Its service effect is poor. Among them, the lack of scientific classification system and public access to smart data resources are one of the main problems affecting the effectiveness of intelligent elderly care services. This paper mainly discusses the originality, composition, characteristics, and classification of data resources in intelligent elderly care service scenarios. This paper states that intelligent care for elderly is a set of activities that continue to occur in a certain period in different scenes. Each type of activity in independent scene of elderly care produces a set of different types of data. This study puts forward the idea of constructing a multi-scene and multi-dimensional intelligent elderly care data resource classification system, based upon use of the faceted classification idea of library science and relevant theories of data management to analyze the source, composition and characteristics of the intelligent elderly care scenario and its data resources, and summarizes the common characteristics of data resources in different scenarios of intelligent elderly care. The study found that the multi-scenario and multi-dimensional intelligent elderly care data resource classification system can facilitate the management and utilization of data resources in intelligent elderly care service scenarios.
  • Li Nannan Liu Xiaomin
    Library & Information. 2023, 43(02): 137-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2023032
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    FAIR principle is the guiding principle for regulating scientific data management and promoting data sharing. Investigating and analyzing the current practice status of FAIR principle in China's National Science Data Center is of great significance to facilitate the discovery, exchange, acquisition and reuse of scientific data. This article grasps the international principle of sharing scientific data by analyzing the main contents of FAIR principle; investigates the current practice status of FAIR principle in 20 National Science Data Centers, analyzes the results from two levels of metadata standards and user authorization and proposes improvement suggestions. It is found that the application of FAIR principle in China's National Science Data Centers still needs to be improved, and standardization management should be strengthened in terms of the adoption of persistent identifiers, the open access of metadata standards and the clarification of data permission statements.