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25 December 2022, Volume 42 Issue 06

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  • Ke Ping Liu Linlin Li Jin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 1-8. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022079
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    As the public cultural service enters the high-quality development stage, the construction of the public cultural service socialization standard system has become the key direction and important task of the high-quality development of the public cultural service socialization. Through the analysis of the current situation of the standardization system of the cultural industry and the case study, it is found that the lack of the construction of the socialization standard system of public cultural service affects the high-quality development of the socialization of public cultural service, and standardization, especially the construction of the standard system, can play a leading and supporting role. This paper puts forward the framework of public cultural service socialization standard system composed of access standard, operation standard, voluntary standard and evaluation standard, and puts forward the concrete measures to strengthen the construction of public cultural service socialization standard system.
  • Zhang Xiaoyan Shen Xiaowei
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 9-17. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022080
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    The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the central tasks of the Party are building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and achieving the Second Centenary Goal in the new era and new journey. To advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. The article analyses the characteristics and construction principles of a modern public cultural service system that is compatible with the Chinese path to modernization and puts forward the new tasks facing the construction of a public cultural service system in the new era and new journey in promoting the balanced and coordinated development of public cultural services, accelerating the digitization of public cultural services, enabling the socialized development of public cultural services, and advancing the innovative integration of public cultural services.
  • Jiang Jie Niu Min
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 18-25. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022081
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    The iterative development of information technology, the accelerated digital transformation of industry and the growing needs of healthy data have prompted the international community to gradually form a global consensus on data driving economic and social development. The normative governance of cross-border data under the symbiosis and complementarity of sovereign countries and regions has gone through a complex process from zero sum game to collaborative game, from fragment control to system governance, and from prohibition and restriction to soft constraint. In the face of subversive changes caused by Web3.0, blockchain technology and metaverse platform deeply building a new social system of mixing virtual and actual reality, it is urgent to outline an orderly cross-border baseline with unity, stability and universality, and build a people-oriented logical model for regulating cross-border data governance.
  • Wei Chengfei Jiang Jie
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 26-33. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022082
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    Data resources with huge volumes, complex types, and diverse values are strategic innovation elements. They have gradually become a new lever to incite all-around growth of finance and trade, education and technology, culture and military, etc. They are also continuously increasing risks to national security, corporate interests, and individual rights in the extensive circulation beyond geographical boundaries. It results in countries and regions gradually restricting or prohibiting cross-border data flows. It is urgent to compare the European Union’s conservative prevention in advance, the United States’ active post-relief, China’s cautious whole-process governance logic based on national dimensions and extend to the regional dimension of the United States’ digital alliance, China’s digital community, and the global fragmented governance, so as to outline the top-level design of cross-border data security governance under the guidance of China’s holistic approach to national security. It is important to implement the principle of placing equal emphasis on development and security, strengthen the assessment of cross-border data security capabilities, establish a centralized cross-border data supervision mechanism, explore a Chinese scheme to improve the system of cross-border data governance rules, and jointly build a community with a shared future in the digital space.
  • Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 34-42. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022083
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    Cross-border data trade focusing on data production factors and digital trading tools in the context of global competition and cooperation is a key support for the construction of digital ecology in the post-pandemic era. It is gradually characterized by extensive participation, diverse content, intensive process technology, insufficient coverage of forward lists, and low actual cost. The traditional economic and trade rule system and negotiation mechanism are unable to solve the problems of right confirmation, pricing, mutual trust and supervision in the cross-border trade chain of data. Based on geopolitical factors, the cultural traditions, the level of data science and technology, the status of the digital transformation of industries, countries and regions have different interest requirements. The related regulations show a complex pattern of fragmentation of national regulation, specialization of multilateral and bilateral rules, socialization of regional regulations and fragmentation of open norms. Based on the security development strategy, China urgently needs to improve the top-level design of cross-border data trade regulation and actively explore the data bearing medium standard, cross-border channel control mechanism, delivery subject behavior restriction and transaction process supervision sandbox in line with interests.
  • Li Haiying Ma Minhu
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 50-57. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022085
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    Under the complex and changeable pattern of cross-border data governance, China upholds the governance goal of safety and development, comprehensively applies solving tools of policies, regulations, technical standards, industry norms, and steadily builds a solving idea with multi layer norms dominated by public power as the cornerstone, coordinated regulations through multi-party consultation as the vein, and sandbox regulations used in special economic zones. To carry out the extensive governance practice of sufficient game of multi-interests with the participation of multiple subjects, promote the flexible governance based on development, improve prudent governance based on national security, and expand special governance based on risk assessment, so as to outline the path selection and concrete process of cross-border data compliance, promote the long-term development of digital economy, improve the national governance capacity and international right of speech.
  • Feng Zhigang Zhang Zhiqiang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 58-69. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022086
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    National industrial policy is the policy set of national intervention in industrial development, which has important guiding significance for industrial development and is an important driving factor for international industrial competition. Under the background of new technology and industrial change, the U.S. repick national industrial policy is intended to win the great power strategic competition. The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a core think tank in the field of national security issues, launched the "U.S. National Industrial Policy Strategy " project at the end of 2021 and released a series of reports pointing out that in order to effectively address China's challenges, ensure the resilience and security of supply chains, and enhance and continue the economic competitiveness and technological leadership of the United States, the U.S. urgently needs to redevelop a comprehensive, long-term, unified and forward-looking national industrial policy strategy. This paper uses literature research and network research method to collect relevant materials. On the basis of interpreting and sorting out the core contents of the reports, combined with the recent trend of public opinion in the U.S. and the policy measures of the Biden administration, further summarizes the new trends of U.S. National Industrial Policy since the Biden Administration came to power. The views of the reports are of great significance for monitoring and mastering the development trend and specific direction of the industrial policy in the U.S., as well as for the formulation and adjustment of China's industrial policy.
  • Cao Lingjing Zhang Zhiqiang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 70-82. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022087
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    Policy Informatics is an interdisciplinary research direction developed from policy science to big data policy knowledge discovery research under the research paradigm of big data science. From this theoretical perspective, it systematically combs the current situation and latest progress of knowledge discovery research methods in policy text quantitative, which can guide the practice of policy text analysis of data density. This paper analyzes the background, concept connotation and research framework of quantitative research on policy text from the theory of Policy Informatics, and classifies the existing research into three types of research methods: policiometrics analysis based on policy structural features, policy content quantification based on policy content features, and policy text mining based on policy semantic features. It summarizes the research process, main types, advantages and disadvantages of various quantitative methods, and systematically discusses the research progress of knowledge discovery in policy text quantification. Knowledge discovery research on policy text quantification has developed rapidly in recent years, which is mainly reflected in the explosive growth of policy information, the prominent phenomenon of cross integration of multi domain methods, and the complex and diverse demand for policy analysis. In the future, we should focus on: building a large policy database in the field, developing targeted methods and tools, and paying attention to the implementation of theoretical research.
  • Ga Lasen Xu Yongjun
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 83-90. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022088
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    In the process of public data opening, personal information protection is the primary task and important guarantee to promote the development of digital economy. Due to the deficiencies in the design of laws and regulations, management system and mechanism, technology application and other aspects, the current public data opening has many risks in the collection, storage, opening and operation stages, such as excessive collection, leakage, abuse of personal information, disputes over property rights distribution, etc. It is necessary to take governance thinking as the guidance to prevent and respond from the dimensions of good governance, rule of law, common governance, separate governance and intelligent governance.
  • Chen Ruiyang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 91-102. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022089
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    In recent years, the development of open science has accelerated. It is of reference significance for China to grasp the new progress of international policy. This study combs the development of major open science policies in the world. According to the survey, UNESCO has established a common definition, values, principles and core areas for open science for the first time through the Open Science Recommendation, which is a sign of international consensus on the open science policy. With the "Horizon 2020" plan as the core, the EU has formed a complete open science policy system. Britain and the United States realized the policy revolution from "request" to "require" and then to " mandatory ". The survey found that open science has evolved into an international public policy; Countries are forming competitive open science standards; The international open science policy has been widely adopted, but its development is still uneven. China should promote the development of open science policy based on high level of self-reliance; We should actively participate in the development process of international open science through resource advantages; Build a credible and high-level open science and give full play to the social functions of science; Improve the co-construction mechanism of multiple stakeholders, prevent the monopoly of new resources, and ensure the security of open data.
  • Xiao Peng Cai Siyan Cai Yuanxin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 103-112. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022090
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    This article aims to sort out the New York Public Library’s Central Library Plan and explore its implications for responsible innovation in libraries. The paper adopts the method of network investigation and historical research to collect and analyze the archives, reports and other primary materials of the New York Public Library’s central library plan, and sort out the background, main content and implementation process of the central library plan. The author found from the case study of the central library plan that to promote library innovation in the context of high-quality development, we must pay attention to: build a communication bridge to break the opacity of information; implement comprehensive considerations to predict positive and negative impacts; continuously adjust plans and learn from existing experience; stick to the organization's own duties and do not innovate for the sake of innovation.
  • Zhang Shoumian Jin Shengyong
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 113-120. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022091
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    In a highly dynamic environment with numerous information service institutions, continuous changes in information technology, and constantly changing user needs and preferences, public libraries still have confusion caused by broad service content and fuzzy service boundaries. The concept of representational space helps public libraries analyze the foundation of their existence and highlight their position in the development of the country and society. According to the historical background of the development of public library and its significance and value to be conveyed, it represents fairness, memory and modernity in concept, function and form, and in the era of digital civilization, these three representations of public library will also have new development trends.
  • Chen Lu Zhang Yilong Li Yafei Pei Lei
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 121-128. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022092
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    As fast growing of size and user numbers of digital resources in academic libraries, high quality LibGuides tend to be more and more important. However, the LibGuides in universities have always been deficient in technology acceptance, terminology using and format standards, been lack of powerful retrieval functions or personalized recommendations. This paper took mixed methodologies to combine websites survey and user interviews together, extracted 26 requirement items in 4 dimensions of digital resource guidance, then tested the difference of user demand through KANO method, and identified different levels of user requirements, such as Must-be demands, One-dimensional demands, attractive demands and indifference demands.
  • Song Xuechun
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(06): 134-141. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022094
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    In the Dunhuang grotto frescoes, painted sculptures and silk paintings of Cangjingdong, the artistic representations closely related to the activities of reading books. The "Corporal Punishment Xuelang Painting" in Dunhuang murals vividly reproduces the historical scene of school education in the middle ages. From the perspective of art, which has close relationship to the life history. Combined with the traditional literature and excavated texts from the perspective of knowledge transmission and acceptance, this paper focuses on the reading place, purpose of reading and identity of the teacher. At the same time, it also pays attention to the details of the size and binding form of reading materials. A comprehensive investigation in the life history of ancient society is of great significance for understanding the specific form of the development of the history of ancient Chinese books and the contemporary exploitation and utilization of the resources of ancient educational history.