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25 August 2022, Volume 42 Issue 04

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  • Ran Congjing Ma Lina Wang Shaohui
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022049
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    A holistic approach to national security provides theoretical guidance and direction for maintaining IP security and strengthening the modernization of IP governance. In the new era, in the strategic layout of national security and development, international disputes in respect of intellectual property interests are becoming increasingly complex, and intellectual property security is becoming one of the new forms of non-traditional security in the national security system.With "risk deconstruction-governance dilemma-governance response" as the main line of research, this paper systematically deconstructs the composition and main characteristics of IP security risks from institutional process and domain dimensions, analyzes the dilemmas faced by IP security governance based on multiple institutional logical frameworks, and explores the IP security risks and their governance under the new situation by taking the idea of global security governance with a holistic approach to national security as the framework for action.
  • Huang Haiying Liu Yan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 13-24. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022050
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    A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution with unprecedented dramatic changes is sweeping the world. Driven by the tight competitive situation worldwide and the call for the high-quality development of China's intellectual property, Guidelines for Building a Powerful Intellectual Property Country (2021-2035) has been issued, which comprehensively and muti-layeredly depicts the grand blueprint for the construction of a powerful intellectual property country. Its development paradigm can be summarized into a complete range of institutional paradigms with coordinated protection, a value-oriented and enterprise-centered market paradigm, a humanistic-oriented cultural paradigm of facilitating and benefiting the people, and the organizational paradigm of central leadership with upper and lower linkage. The realization and the implementation of the goal of strengthening the country needs to cultivate the intellectual property theory system of Chinese characteristics, to codify the intellectual property system, to launch the scientific governance of intellectual property in a structured way, to activate the "sleeping" intellectual property of colleges and universities, and to accelerate the scientific research achievements into the market.
  • Du Juanjuan Liu Shuang Ran Congjing
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 25-36. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022051
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    With the in-depth development of economic globalization, the boundary of scientific and technological innovation has become increasingly blurred or even broken. The role of intellectual property in global market competition is increasingly prominent. Many countries take intellectual property as an important tool to seize the commanding positions in the future to maximize economic, political and cultural benefits, which continues to deepen our understanding of intellectual property as strategic resources. This paper summarizes the main challenges faced by the intellectual property development of Chinese universities and colleges under the open innovation environment. From the perspective of the development environment, institutional system, professional organization, property rights protection, and service system of universities and colleges, it sorts out the problems with the conclusions that the overall quality of intellectual property in universities and colleges, professional institutions, application benefits, risk prevention, and service supply need to be improved. Finally, it explores the development paths for promoting the high-quality development of intellectual property in universities and colleges in China.
  • Huang Haiying Liu Yan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 37-50. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022052
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    With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, China and the United States are competing in emerging technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, semiconductors, etc.. In the name of national security and intellectual property protection, the United States has imposed a severe technology blockade against China, which can be obviously seen in the Entity List, Section 337 investigation, scientific research blockade and many other cases of policy implementation in aspect of China's foreign knowledge exchange, China's high-tech development, and China's scientific and technological rise. Under the political power of the United States, China's intellectual property rights are faced with high-tech supply chain disruptions, increased corporate compliance costs, and the risk of damage to the government's international reputation, as well as risk against the development of the intellectual property industry, export transactions, and cooperative innovation. So, it is necessary to shift from the government-led one-dimensional linear governance paradigm to the multi-network governance paradigm of government macro-guidance, corporate self-discipline, and associations' collaborative efforts, to establish an overseas intellectual property dispute case database to guide enterprises to deal with Sino-US intellectual property disputes, and to guide enterprises cultivate intellectual property capabilities in innovation, litigation and layout.
  • Wang Fang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 51-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022053
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    The openness and sharing of government information and data are interrelated historical processes of institutional change. Government information publicity aims to protect citizens' right to know, while government data openness aims to promote government data as a factor of production to produce innovative value. The goal of government information and data sharing is to improve the collaborative governance capability of the government. On the basis of concept discrimination, policy review and literature analysis, this paper proposes that: the historical approach of government information publicity research is legitimacy-publicity method-effectiveness, and its research objects have moved along the path of the government-information-the public; The research approach of government data opening is value-risk-effect; The research approach of government information and data sharing is obstacle-countermeasure-technical realization. In the multidisciplinary research system, information science research mainly focuses on information related issues and the interaction between the public and government information and data. With the maturity of the system and technology, the focus of related research is shifting from "should or should not?" and "how?" to“good or not good?”, providing new opportunities for information science research. In the future, research from the perspective of information science should combine public value orientation with market value orientation, and focus on issues such as data governance, effective public access to government information and data, etc.
  • Ding Yi Wei Yi Chen Jie Li Gang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 66-74. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022054
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    As the important outcomes of think tank outputs, think tank reports are key references to solve international strategic problems and to provide decision-making advisory service. Through analysis of the reports and combined with empirical observation, the author concludes that American think tank reports bear multidimensional characteristics from types, content, research methods and research effects, and finds that the reports have intelligence value, evidence value, knowledge value and predictive value, and puts forward the reasonable way of using American think tank reports. Research findings: In the utilization of American think tank reports, their political tendency, purpose and significance of reports should be clarified, the real content and original data of reports should be mastered, and the value and influence of reports should be effectively evaluated, so as to give full play to the function of think tank reports.
  • Li Xinyue Han Wenting Zhu Qinghua
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 75-86. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022055
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    We focused on the social hotspot of cyber health anxiety, and aimed to explore the mechanisms of information characteristics on individual cyber health anxiety from information perspective. Using SOR theory as a framework, a conceptual model of information overload, information trust, information conflict and information ambiguity as stimuli, uncertainty of intolerance and anxiety sensitivity as organisms, and cyber health anxiety as responses was constructed. After that, we used AMOS to build and verity structural equation modeling analysis on the questionnaire data. Information overload, information trust, and information conflict positively affect uncertainty of intolerance and anxiety sensitivity, and uncertainty of intolerance and anxiety sensitivity positively affect cyber health anxiety. Based on the above analysis results, we provided countermeasure suggestions for improving the online health information ecology and alleviating individual health anxiety.
  • Tang Yunyang
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 87-95. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022056
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    Countries are fiercely competing for data management and control rights related to data sovereignty, which has seriously hindered the globalization of the digital economy. The modest construction of data sovereignty has become the key to breaking the situation. Countries have shown a general aggressive expansion of data sovereignty, while some countries have developed a radical form of expansion. Jurisprudentially, data sovereign modesty is indeed necessary for the coordination and suppression of radical expansion. In rule construction, the principle of modesty requires a dynamic balance between defensive and offensive data sovereignty.  The construction of a single defense-oriented non-cyber power is a reasonable path. The construction of my country's data sovereignty should be based on the principles of compatibility, cooperation and self-restraint, and coordinate the different interests between the free flow of data and the safe flow of data. Appeals to realize the controlled flow of important data and the trusted flow of non-important data.
  • Li Chaoping
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 96-101. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022057
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    As one of the leading approaches for achieving the servicing egalityin public library management, the system “Central-branch” is now facing obstacles against the impoverished circumstances. The well implementation of this system would always require an omnipotent “central” ( country-level library) expected to be appropriately comprehensive and informative for establishing an entire systematic structure for fully covering its branches. Back to reality, the majority of these kinds of “central” libraries exist in poverty areas of our nation, struggling to maintain the daily operation on their own, not mentioning about their subordinated branches, which only share the “ discretionarily loan and return “ service with the “central” library, appearing to be more symbolically meaningful than the practical. In order to make up the function absences for the township public libraries, the adoption of networking with top-down distributions is imperative, which would benefit the libraries by launching whole-coverage digital reading projects and relative reading promotion plans,such as “Rural Flying Reading Program”.
  • Li Qiushi Liu Jinjie Huang Yicheng Huang Huan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 102-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022058
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    Digital literacy in digital society has increasingly become an important cornerstone of digital culture power, digital government and digital society construction. Digital literacy education in public libraries is very important for the improvement of digital literacy of the whole people. Identifying the key factors of education is the premise of accurately improving the efficiency of digital literacy education. Based on a systematic grasp of the current situation of digital literacy education in public libraries, this study uses in-depth interviews, grounded theory, expert consultation and other methods to construct an effect model. Then it refines the main factors of the effectiveness of digital literacy education, and establishes a model of digital literacy education in public libraries. Further, the Fuzzy-DEMATEL method is used to analyze the influence relationship between factors and identify the key influencing factors. The six dimensional factors of users, librarians, resources, services, management and environment jointly affect the effectiveness of digital literacy education in public libraries. Among them, librarian training and learning motivation, professional digital ability, utility value matching, theme form innovation, funding support and other factors are more critical. From the aspects of subject interaction, supply and demand adaptation, resource integration and ecological co construction, this paper puts forward the educational innovation path. Guided by the efficiency target of supply and demand coordination, the efficiency process of multi-agent interaction and the efficiency value of public participation, it solves the identification of the efficiency elements of digital literacy education in public libraries, and provides theoretical reference and practical reference for the implementation of digital literacy education of public libraries.
  • Long Hongzhi Zhao Wenping Zhang Xueting Liu Yingping
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 115-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022059
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    Gamification is a new route for public library to carry out children digital literacy education. In some foreign countries, gamification of children digital literacy education covers all children and divided according to different stages, with rich content, multiple forms, cooperation and sharing as their characteristics, and besides, government policy, research and technologies provide insurance for its development.  There are problems in the gamification of children digital literacy education public libraries in our country, including policy, research, age stage, content, form, aims and acting subjects. In a global perspective,more appropriate policies, theoretical researches, clear requirements, resource integration and innovated modes are needed to promote this job.
  • Fan Xinrong
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 124-128. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022060
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    Reading Promotion in colleges and universities helps to create and enhance the cultural atmosphere of a learning campus, which is an important part of constructing campus culture. Analyzing the current situation and existing problems of reading promotion for college students, this paper proposes that colleges and universities should focus on optimizing the knowledge structure of college students and developing their reading habits. Then, we build and improve the "great reading promotion system" with college students as the main object, and explore the concept and operation of this system from the dimensions of high positioning, great synergy, leadership, and diversification. Further, we analyze the significance and value of the construction of the "great reading promotion system" for college students in deepening the understanding of the law of talent training in colleges and universities, promoting the existing talent training system, and improving the transformation of college libraries.
  • Wang Lixin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 129-136. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022061
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    On June 27th in 2022, the 11th Urban Forum was opened in Poland with "Promoting Urban Transformation and Constructing Beautiful Future as its theme. On the first day, IFLA issued its report Library and Urban Renewal, Rejuvenation and Transformation in which library's function in urban development, which is long and potential but also easy to be missed, was proved and stressed through concluding and straightening out the literatures concerning library in the study of urban development. In this paper the author interpreted the background, key content and relevant enlightenment of the report and put forward that urban library should broaden our vision in theoretical study, take the development of the city as our duty, and increase our capacity in the service for the city.
  • Yin Wen
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(04): 137-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022062
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    There are many ways of signifying Lu Ban in the documents of Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, and his birth year, inventions and other personal information are still hard to define. Therefore, the essay focuses on the accounts of Lu Ban in Mo Zi and aims to make a further study of him by referring to Mo Zi Jian Gu and other previous researches. According to this study, "般" was Lu Ban's authentic name and the " 班" appellation emerged at the end of the Western Han Dynasty; "Gongshu" signified his profession, and later it was replaced by "Lu," the name of his native country; Lu Ban was approximately born in the late period of Lu Dinggong, and more concretely, about 498 B.C.; "Gouqiang"and "Gouju" may not be the same weapon and furthermore Lu Ban improved "Yunti," which was used for the siege in the Warring States Period, and invented "Muque", a wooden device that could fly.