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25 April 2022, Volume 42 Issue 02

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  • Zha Xianjin Huang Chengsong Yan Yalan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 1-9. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022017
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    This paper explored driving factors of herd information searching from the perspective of cognitive load in order to guide users to conduct rational herd information searching. Taking Weibo Hot Search as a case, grounded theory was employed to analyze and code original interview data in terms of three levels. During open coding, 219 initial concepts were obtained and 31 basic categories were elicited. During axial coding, 12 main categories were elicited. During selective coding, herd information searching was identified as the core category by combing the relationship structure among categories. A theoretical model about driving factors of herd information searching was developed. It is found that intrinsic cognitive load (information quality, perceived usefulness), extraneous cognitive load (source credibility, reputation, perceived ease of use), germane cognitive load (information needs, perceived information control, habit), perceived benefits, emotional experience and subjective norms have direct impacts on herd information searching.
  • Zhang Kun Zha Xianjin Yan Yalan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 10-18. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022018
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    Detecting influencing factors on herd forwarding behavior of health information is of great implications for guiding users' rational behavior and promoting the dissemination of health information. Taking Sina Weibo platform as a case, this paper conducted three levels of coding on interview data. In open coding, 73 initial concepts and 24 basic categories were elicited. In axial coding, 8 main categories were elicited. In selective coding, herd forwarding behavior of health information was identified as the core category, and the theoretical model of influencing factors for herd forwarding behavior of health information is developed. It is found that social influence, personal preference, health literacy and perceived value have direct impacts on herd forwarding behavior of health information, while platform quality, information quality and source credibility have indirect impacts on herd forwarding behavior of health information with perceived value as the mediating factor. Finally, relevant strategies in terms of information publishing platforms, information publishers and herd information forwarders are discussed. 
  • Wang Xue Zha Xianjin Lu Zeyu
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 19-27. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022019
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    The cultivation and promotion of scientific research literacy of graduate students is the key to the sustainability of scientific development and technological innovation in the new era. Understanding influencing factors of scientific research literacy of graduate students has important implications for graduate education. With information management graduate students as a case, this paper integrates academic self-efficacy into scientific research literacy, employing the grounded theory method to conduct three levels of data coding. In the process of open coding, 243 initial concepts and 23 basic categories were elicited. In the process of axial coding, 5 main categories were elicited. In the process of selective coding, graduate students' scientific research literacy was identified as the core category, and the theoretical model of impacting factors of graduate students' scientific research literacy is developed. It is found that individual internal driving forces, others' driving forces, environmental driving forces and scientific research experience have direct impacts on graduate students' scientific research literacy. Individual internal driving forces and scientific research experience have mediating effects.
  • Wang Xue Zha Xianjin Lu Zeyu Zha Xianjin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 28-37. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022020
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    This paper employed the qualitative grounded theory method to examine impacting factors of tacit knowledge seeking in the context of online knowledge sharing networks with the moderating effect of communication visibility, aiming at facilitating knowledge seeking and knowledge innovation practice. Following the research topic, the interview outline was designed. Through in depth interviews, data were collected. Three levels of coding were employed to develop a theoretical model and the theoretical saturation was verified. During the phase of open coding, 226 initial concepts were firstly elicited. Then, 25 basic categories were elicited through categorization. During the phase of axial coding, 11 main categories were elicited in terms of basic categories. During the phase of selective coding, tacit knowledge seeking was identified as the core category. It is found that knowledge quality, credibility of knowledge source, intimacy, familiarity, perceived benefits, knowledge need, privacy concerns and task characteristics have direct impacts on tacit knowledge seeking with the moderating effect of communication visibility. 
  • Yan Yalan Han Qiuyue Zha Xianjin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 38-47. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022021
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    This paper employs the grounded theory method to explore impacting factors of knowledge sharing by online knowledge sharing networks users with the moderating effect of communication visibility, aiming at facilitating healthy and sustainable development of online knowledge sharing networks, facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation practice. The interview outline was designed according to the research topic and data were collected by in depth interviews. Three levels of coding were used to develop a theoretical model and the saturation was verified. During open coding, 495 initial concepts were firstly elicited, and then 29 basic categories were elicited by categorization. During axial coding, 14 main categories were elicited based on basic categories. During selective coding, knowledge sharing was identified as the core category. It is found that social capital, social cognition, psychological empowerment, face, time pressure, perceived enjoyment, privacy concerns, others' knowledge need, knowledge sharing topics and personality traits have direct impacts on knowledge sharing with the moderating effect of communication visibility. 
  • Yan Jinsong Sha Yongzhong Wang Zhengrong
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 48-56. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022022
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    Network politics has the potential of large-scale public deliberation between the government and the public, and the key of public deliberation is the construction of the rule system. In order to construct and explain the rule system adapted to the network political platform, based on the research framework from the perspective of public deliberation, this paper extracted the rule elements of network politics from four typical network political platforms using Textual Analysis. These elements can be used to construct the institutional rules to promote public participation, the organizational rules to facilitate orderly interaction and rules of dialogue dedicated to consensus-building. These rule elements run through the organization, process and technology of network politics. Therefore, in order to realize the function of different links of public deliberation, promote the further development of network politics, and reach the full potential of public deliberation, it is necessary to carry out the system planning and process designing of management mechanism under the guidance of rules of conversation.
  • Zhang Xiu Li Yuelin Zhang Xiaotong
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 57-68. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022023
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    In the study, the co-occurrence network analysis and content induction analysis of keywords are mainly used. Cluster analysis and theme analysis of the co-occurrence network of keywords are carried out with the help of software tools. Based on the results of quantitative analysis, the collected literature is further analyzed and summarized in depth. The study aims to review the research on the quality of health information, sort out the distribution structure of related research and content character, tries to put forward relevant suggestions for future development. It is found that the research of health information quality mainly focused on the current situation of health information content quality, health information website and system quality, health information literacy and screening, and influencing factors of Internet health information quality evaluation. This paper points out the direction of future research is to establish the automatic filtering mechanism of false information on the Internet and to improve the quality of online health information. The differentiated health information screening ability promotion mechanism is designed to enhance users' health information screening ability, and then improve users' health information literacy, contributing to the implementation of national strategies such as "Healthy China 2030".
  • Xue Xiang Ma Haiyun Zhao Yuxiang Zhu Qinghua
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 69-79. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022024
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    Most of the existing health information quality studies have conducted professional quality evaluation from the perspective of professional researchers, but there are few studies has been conducted on the information quality perceptions from the perspective of ordinary users. This paper aims to explore the development of user's health information quality perception behavior and the factors influencing it in the short video platform. This paper collected subjective data on health information quality perceptions from 26 typical users by Critical Incident Technique and Focus Group Interviews, and conducted open coding on these data. The researchers sorted out 13 key nodes and 3 main stages of health information quality perception from 39 critical incident, and extracted 19 influencing factors in 4 dimensions from the remaining interview data. On this basis, an integrated model of health information quality perception in short video platforms was constructed. The model comprehensively demonstrated the complete process of users' health information quality perception, clarified the basic elements involved in quality perception activities and the details of interactions between elements, and revealed the influencing factors of quality perception.
  • Qu Zongxi Jiang Zhixin Niu Chunhua
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 80-93. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022025
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    There is a large amount of probability information in risk management. Promoting the public's understanding of probability information is one of the important challenges in risk communication. From the perspective of information expression, review the research of domestic and foreign scholars on risk probability information communication, and conduct evidence integration of risk probability information communication strategies for the public based on the evidence-based system evaluation method. After systematic search and strict screening, a total of 57 included articles were obtained. The topic synthesis method was used to extract information and topic refining of the included literature, and 11 three-level descriptive topics were identified. After induction, five second-level analytical topics and two first-level analytical topics were embedded. The study found that public-oriented risk probability information communication strategies include: communication strategies in the expression of risk probability information, such as presenting accurate digital probabilities, and flexible use of visual aids; communication strategies in the content of risk probability information presentation, such as using clues Improve the evaluability of information, increase the individual relevance of probability information, and select the profit and loss reference point for reporting probability. At the same time, it should be noted that factors such as trust level, cognitive ability, time pressure, and information limitations will also affect the role of risk probability information communication strategies.
  • Chen Wei Wu Zhinan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 94-103. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022026
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    "Common prosperity" is an essential requirement of socialism, and promoting common prosperity in the spiritual life of the people is a profound connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics and an important feature of Chinese modernization. As one of the government's basic public service functions, high-quality development of China's public cultural services is a major historical mission entrusted by the new era, with focus on promoting common prosperity of the people's spiritual life and providing strong support for Chinese-style modernization under the premise of fully reflecting the essential requirements and profound connotations of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Based on the new situation and new characteristics of the new era, with the mission of promoting common prosperity of spiritual life as focus, this paper starts from analyzing and solving the deep-rooted problems of public culture, and then tries to accurately explain the relationship between public cultural services as the main channel and main position of promoting common prosperity of people's spiritual life. To deeply understand the significance of high-quality development of public cultural services for promoting common prosperity of people's spiritual life, the author tries to clarify the new internal structure of public cultural services in the new era in terms of policy and practice, centering on the major historical mission of promoting common prosperity of people's spiritual life. The great historical mission entrusted to public culture in the new era has been specified into concrete missions and tasks of spiritual and cultural construction, such as protecting people's rights and interests, leading quality, optimizing ecology, improving identity, and gathering strength.
  • Xiao Ximing Shen Ling
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 104-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022027
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    During the period of the republic of China, library science education was brewed and founded in difficulties, developed hard in turbulence, and moved forward with heavy load during the war. But library science education still made remarkable achievements. This paper reviews the arduous process of library science education in Boone Library School, Shanghai National University, University of Nanking, Jiangsu Provincial College of Education, National Society Education College and Peking University during the period of the republic of China. This paper summarizes the important achievements of these library science education institutions in personnel training, academic research and social services. This paper holds that the history of library science education during the period of the Republic of China has important enlightenment significance to today's library science education.
  • Li Shuning Jiang Mengyang Zhou Xiaoyan
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 115-121. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022028
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    Twenty representative publicity films of Chinese and foreign university libraries are selected in this paper, with shot as the analysis unit, and grounded theoretical ideas as the method basis. The image is analyzed from six aspects: internal space, collection resources, services, culture, technology and external environment. The media image of the university library presented in the content analysis is carried out. On the basis of the analysis results, a reference strategy is proposed for the media image construction of university libraries based on library publicity film.
  • Xiao Meimei
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 122-126. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022029
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    Recently, the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council officially issued the opinions on promoting the work of ancient books in the new era (hereinafter referred to as the opinions), and put forward the guiding ideology of "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture" for the work of ancient books in the new era, which has brought significant development opportunities to the protection and collation of ancient books, the innovative development of Digital Humanities and the upgrading of cultural industry. This paper mainly reviews China's ancient book protection policies since the founding of new China, analyzes the existing problems, and finally puts forward the development direction of China's ancient book protection from the perspective of Digital Humanities.
  • Chen Guangshun
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 127-133. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022030
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    The popularity of the meta-universe has attracted the attention of the whole society, and the library industry has also devoted itself to the academic and practical exploration of the meta-universe for the first time. As a breakthrough point for libraries move towards the meta-universe, immersive experience is the focus of future attention and research in the library science community. Immersion theory, distributed cognition theory, personal cognition theory, etc. constitute the main theoretical basis of the immersive experience in the meta-universe library. 5G technology, extended virtual reality (XR) technology, holographic communication technology, etc. constitute the main technical basis of the immersive experience of the meta-universe library. The online and offline game service of the immersive library constitutes the main practical basis of the immersive experience of the meta-universe library. The main ways to build the immersive experience of the meta-universe library includes the development of virtual digital people, the immersive resource space, and the immersive service of the meta-universe library.
  • Ji Wei
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 134-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022031
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    On 22nd of January, 2022, IFLA formerly issued Tendency Report, a new edition of 2021.It is the first one since the epidemic and also a new scan of the living and developing condition after two years of epidemic, reflecting a general judgment of the library all over the world about the developing direction and social environment, and so it is important for library's plan and development. The author put forward three suggestions, through a deep interpretation of the report, that libraries in our country should strengthen social responsibility idea and expand service range in the post-epidemic time; increase the soft ability to solve the social problems; eliminate latent problems in service.
  • Zeng Xin
    Library & Information. 2022, 42(02): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2022032
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    China's folk paper-cut has a long history and an inseparable part of traditional Chinese culture. The paper-cut has decorative function, diverse styles, rich content and profound meaning, and traditional cultural genes combined with modern artistic development, ancient culture ideas and human spirit are   inherited  and both traditional and modern aesthetic concepts are implied in the paper-cut.