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25 December 2021, Volume 41 Issue 06

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  • Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 14-20. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021087
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    To promote the exchanges of scientific and technological results, conform to the trend of open access, grasp the opportunities of scientific research paradigm shift, and integrate the sharing platforms, it is of great value and significance to construct the national high-end exchange platform for scientific research papers as well as scientific and technological information (hereinafter referred to as "high-end exchange platform"). Foreign research funding agencies have shown a development trend in which the consensus on open sharing in terms of open access policies and construction of high-end exchange platform has been reached, multi-party submission  and designated storage has become the norm, and copyright policies have been increasingly improved. In promoting open access and the platform construction, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has achieved practical results in the gradual implementation of open access policies and steady progress in the upgrade of open access platform, but it still faces some challenges. In giving full play to the role of NSFC to facilitate the construction of high-end exchange platforms for national scientific research, it is necessary to strengthen top-level design and strategic planning, adhere to demand orientation and platform thinking, pay attention to four aspects of content selection and coordinately promote the Chinese approach to open access.
  • Zhu Zhongming
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 21-30. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021088
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    Building high-end communication platforms for research papers and science & technology information is one of the important tasks of strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological power in the 14th Five-Year Plan. The article defines the basic connotation of high-end communication platforms, analyzes their positioning and role, and reviews challenges of building high-end scientific communication platforms in China. Focusing on the major changes and trend analysis of the current global scholarly communication system, some open science platforms for building high-end communication platforms for national scientific research papers and scientific research information is proposed.
  • Zhou Wenjie Zhao Yueyan Wei Zhipeng Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 31-36. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021089
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    The retrieval quality of literature evidence is the basic guarantee of high-level evidence-based research. Based on the analysis of the initial problem of document evidence retrieval in the field of evidence-based research, this paper draws on the reasonable components of traditional recall and precision indicators and overcomes their shortcomings, puts forward new literature evidence retrieval quality assessment indicators such as saturation, redundancy and sensitivity, and introduces the indicators of the quality of measurement tools such as reliability and validity into this field. Furthermore, this paper shed light on the future trend of scientific evaluation of literature evidence retrieval quality in evidence-based social science research. The literature quality evaluation index involved in this paper lays a foundation for the follow-up empirical research.
  • Wei Zhipeng Zhou Wenjie Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 37-44. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021090
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    In order toimprove the quality of the original research evidence retrieval, present study proposed the concepts of saturation and redundancy based on the traditional retrieval assessment index such as recall and precision ratio for the purpose of construct a theoretical foundation for retrieval efficiency from the evidence-based research perspective. Taking the original documents of specific research topics in the field of Social Sciences in CNKI database as samples, this paper systematically searches, analyzes and grades the original document evidence by using a variety of retrieval methods, reference iteration and representative author retrieval for example, which is expected to provide a data basis for the quality evaluation of documentary retrieval in the further research procedure.
  • Zhao Yueyan Wei Zhipeng Zhou Wenjie Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 45-51. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021091
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    Based on the saturation and redundancy index issued by pre-research, this paper makes an empirical test on the literature retrieval under different retrieval methods. The results show that:  In single item retrieval, the efficiency of subject retrieval item is the highest; when using and to connect combined items, it should avoid adding Title retrieval item for retrieval, and the efficiency of subject and keyword in combined items is the highest; when using or to connect combined items, the efficiency of subject or title or keyword or summary is the highest. Based on the collaborative evaluation of saturation and redundancy, the retrieval efficiency of topic or title or keyword or abstract is the highest in combined retrieval.
  • Wen Yufeng Lu Jieyu Wei Zhipeng Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 52-59. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021092
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    This paper constructs a new evaluation index named after sensitivity, and makes an empirical analysis based on the relevant literature data. It is found that the connector ‘and’ can reduce the sensitivity of retrieval results more than ‘or’; In terms of sensitivity, to improve the accuracy retrieval rate, the "title" item should be retrieval priority. The combination with "summary" items or single retrieval can benefit for the improvement of search recall ratio. The findings of this research,which based on the assessment of sensitivity of the retrieval, are expected to benefit the researchers who focusing on the systematic review and meta-analysis to conduct research synthesis related research.
  • Lu Jieyu Wei Zhipeng Zhou Wenjie Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 60-68. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021093
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    This study conducted a research on the reliability of literature evidence retrieval from an evidence-based perspective, besides this study also explored the replica reliability and test-retest reliability of different retrieval methods. Based on the analysis of the relevant literature, it is found that the retrieval items with "keyword or full text" have higher test-retest reliability in the high correlation data set, and the retrieval items with "keyword and abstract" have the most stable results in the relevant data set; for the replica reliability, "keyword or full text" and "abstract or full text" in the relevant data set is very high, while the reliability of "subject or keyword" in the highly relevant data set is strong. This study shed light on the reliability evaluation index to ensure the stability and consistency of evidence retrieval, provide higher quality evidence for systematic review and meta-analysis, and provide theoretical support for evidence-based quality evaluation research.
  • Mei Xiaying Cao Jianfeng
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 69-74. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021094
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    The metaverse is considered to be the future of the internet, which will build upon new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and extended reality. Because of these new technologies, to realize two shifts: from information interconnection to value interconnection, and from user-generated content to AI-generated content. These shifts offer new possibilities for building entirely new business models of knowledge economy in the metaverse, but also bring new governance issues and legal challenges, calling for innovation in rules.
  • Zhang Qinglai Su Yun
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 75-80. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021095
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    Metaverse has been a hot topic in companies and institutions since its appearance. Should libraries participate metaverse construction?How to perform function in metaverse? Evolution process of libraries and metaverse is driven by almost same IT group. On one hand, resources and services of libraries are fundamental components of metaverse, and on the other hand, Metaverse brings new development opportunities to library. In metaverse, libraries can be interchange channels between metaverse and real world, and act as transportation terminals between different metaverses, and also promote metaverse healthy development by evaluation services, ultimately provide native resources and services in metaverse. Libraries can play an important role in all phases of metaverse development such as initial phase, basically completed phase and perfect phase.
  • Zhang Xingwang Bi Yuxin Zheng Cong
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 81-89. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021096
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    Metaverse is the hottest focus topic in the current Internet field, which can provide heuristic theories, methods and technologies for the construction and development of libraries in the future. This paper discusses the origin, connotation and characteristics of the integration of library and metaverse theory, designs and constructs the corresponding system structure, explains it from the aspects of integration structure, elements, technology and ability, and then analyzes its development trend. The research shows that the library metaverse, as one of the important components of the metaverse, can fully perceive the human, machine, material, environment and other elements of the library and their relationship with each other, so as to realize the effective connection between the library physical world and the metaverse space.
  • Xin Haixia
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 90-95. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021097
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    2021 is known as the "first year of the metaverse", which has attracted the attention of the library community to the metacosm, of which the concept and characteristics of the metacosm, the possibility of library integration into the metacosm, the development and innovation of the metacosm-driven library, the value and construction of the metasymonic library, etc., are the main topics of concern and discussion in the library community on the metacosm. The study believes that as a technical concept, the metacosm will drive the reform and innovation of library resources, services, architecture and evaluation, and it will attract libraries to actively integrate into it. We also believe tha the value of metacosmic libraries will appear at multiple levels, and the construction of metacosmic libraries is mainly divided into three stages: digitalization, networking and intelligence.
  • Chen Yu Li Guangjian
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 96-106. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021098
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    Science and technology policy, as an important means to improve science and technology competitiveness, has attracted unprecedented attention of countries all over the world. The effect evaluation of science and technology policy has become an important research content of many disciplines, including information science. This paper summarizes the main schools and mainstream methods of science and technology policy effect evaluation, and analyzes the development trends of science and technology policy effect evaluation. Meanwhile, the paper holds that effect evaluation will become the core of science and technology policy evaluation in the future, and adopting automatic evaluation methods, making full use of big data resources, expanding evaluation information sources and developing new evaluation indicators will be the main development direction of science and technology policy effect evaluation.
  • Dang Yanni Chen Jun
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 107-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021099
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    This article studies the progresses of library profession in Gansu in the 1980s. It focuses on analysis and evaluation of the rectification and development of basic profession of various types of libraries, the distribution of document resources in Gansu, library science education, and library science research. The author believes that the library professional work of Gansu during this period features the following: basic business improvements, diversification of service activities to readers, prosperous education of library science, preliminary successes of library science research, harmonious atmosphere for active academic exchange, coordination and cooperation.
  • Chen Qing
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 115-121. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021100
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    As the most important federal sources of fund for American public libraries, the IMLS has the legal right to grant financial aids, collect data, construct strategy relationship and provide suggestions to the decision makers and other federal agencies about museums, libraries and data services. The Report shows the federal financial guarantee features of American public library. In our country, more laws and regulations should be made to grant fund to public libraries, including the quantity, the scope of use of funds, supervision rules, and under the premise of basic funds, strengthening special funding and incentive funding.
  • Ding Yong An Wei Fan Junhao
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 122-129. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021101
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    On April 5th, 2021, American Library Association (ALA) had issued 2021 State of American's Libraries Special Report: COVID-19. This report reflects the adaptability, determination and innovation of American's libraries during the era of ever-confronted environment. This essay mainly analyses the core contents of Report 2021 Version about the overview of library opening, book lending, distance learning, library activities, legislation and fundraising, and combating false information. Then, based on the practice in Chinese libraries (mainland), some suggestions are put forward, such as perfecting the emergency service system of the library, strengthening the construction of special medical resources, improving the level of "embedded" decision consultation service of librarians, and preventing the hazards of "information pandemic" through multi-pronged measures.
  • Zhu Li
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 130-134. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021102
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    Building Digital China is China's national development strategy during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and the proposal of this strategic blueprint has a theoretical research and practical development basis. Digital China has put forward new requirements for the governance and service capabilities of libraries. The smart library is the development trend of the library in the context of digital China. It needs multiple level construction from technical support to theoretical research to service scenarios around the smart library ecology.
  • Chen Jun Zhang Chao
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(06): 135-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021103
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    Wensuge Sikuquanshu is one of the seven Sikuquanshu series. In 1966, Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China authorized Gansu Provincial Library for preservation of Wensuge Sikuquanchu which was previously protected by Liaoning Provincial Library. Since then, Wensuge Sikuquanshu was tossed about through many places for preservation. This article analyzes the natural conditions, facilities at each location and protection measures. The author also discusses how Gansu province viewed the protection of the ancient literature, and believes that attentions from the government, the legislation of local laws, management from professional team and rich human culture originated from scholars' research and study are the core reasons for the continuous inheritance of the Chinese cultural heritage.