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25 October 2021, Volume 41 Issue 05

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  • Liu Bing Xiao Gaofei Huo Liang
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 1-8. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021067
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    Information and knowledge,which are not only the foundation and important support, but also  a driving force in the process of risk assessment and decision-making, run through all stages of risk assessment and decision-making in the life cycle of major epidemics. Based on the characteristics of risk assessment and decision-making in major epidemics and related research, this paper explores the basic framework of collaborative mechanism of risk assessment and decision-making in major outbreaks, information aggregation mechanism and knowledge discovery platform, and constructs a flexible collaborative mechanism of risk assessment and decision-making of major epidemics. The mechanism takes the information aggregation mechanism and knowledge discovery platform as the key driving force, and the central matrix decision-making body organizational structure as the core component. It covers the whole process of event development, has certain flexibility, can fully mobilize the resources of all parties, and can achieve multi-sector and multi-agent collaborative and efficient cooperation. It provides support for the comprehensive prevention and control of the risk of major epidemics, effective response, prevention and resolution of major risks.
  • Zhai Yujia Xu Jia Li Xiao
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 9-20. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021068
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    Data, information, and knowledge are the key elements of crisis management, as well as the basis and important support for emergency management decision-making. The advantages of information resources should be fully used to solve the problem of "isolated data island ", and coordinately respond to and manage major public health emergencies. Based on the existing information fusion research, this paper draws on the Dasarathy and the JDL information fusion model to construct a multi-source heterogeneous emergency information fusion model. The model is based on the integration of multi-source heterogeneous emergency information, and aims to serve emergency management and emergency decision-making needs, and achieves the overall and systematic integration of the four key elements of information entities, information sources, information fusion technology and information environment. It can provide information services for risk monitoring, public opinion management, emergency response and decision-making of public health emergencies, and further reduce various losses caused by major public health emergencies.
  • Zhai Yujia Xu Jia Zhao Yue
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 21-30. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021069
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    Public health emergencies in the big data environment have the characteristics of massive information sources and multiple types of information. As a new method of constructing a multi-dimensional and cross-media information aggregation system, information aggregation provides a new idea for the orderly arrangement and utilization of the information. By analyzing and summarizing the risk research and judgment process of public health emergencies and the decision-making information needs and sources of event participants, a semantic aggregation model of public health emergencies information based on semantic relationships is constructed. The overall design of the aggregation mode is divided into data, the processing layer, the semantic aggregation layer and the service application layer are three parts, namely from data processing, information aggregation and resource application, to realize the methodological exploration of how to construct the semantic aggregation mode of decision-making information for public health emergencies. At the same time, taking the SARS virus infection incident in early 2003 as an example, the event data and information in the decision-making information were aggregated at the semantic level to verify decision-making information for emergencies. Related research provides new ideas and development directions.
  • Song Peiyan Liu Zhinan Liu Bing
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 31-38. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021070
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    Focused on the current issues of scattered, multi-source and isomeric knowledge in the field of public health, the international and standardized semantic mapping mechanism of terminology was discussed to support knowledge aggregation and emergency decision-making. Taking the infectious disease knowledge organization system CIDO, IDO, and GenEpio in the public health field as examples, this paper presents the central structure model from ISO 25964 as the semantic mapping model of terminology. Combined the method of semantic similarity and text similarity calculation, the semantic similarity between terminologies based on inheritance reasoning was computed. The experiment indicated that the increased hierarchical relationships amount to 72 terms(13.43%), which not only improved the connectivity among multi knowledge systems, but also optimized the standard process of term mapping. It is an effective mechanism to public health knowledge construction and sharing in emergency management decision-making.
  • Song Peiyan Wang Jinming
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 39-45. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021071
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    Multiple ontology in the field of public health have been integrated to a comprehensive knowledge base for major public health emergencies, especially in decision-making. Based on the reuse of Vaccine Ontology, Human Disease Ontology, and Symptom Ontology, on one hand, the formal merging of ontology is completed with the help of Protégé ontology editing tool, and on the other hand, the semantic fusion of ontology is completed by using Word2vec and Owlready2 to achieve the overall fusion of multiple ontology in the public health domain. The experiments indicated that the comprehensive ontology constructed by this method has high accuracy of semantic relationships and represent knowledge in the public health domain from a multidimensional perspective, providing decision support in the process of effective response to the risk of major public health emergencies.
  • Li Yang Sun Jianjun
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 46-52. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021072
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    Data resources are the essential factor of national security, especially with the closer combination of big data and national security, national security data management has gradually become an emerging field and scientific direction in new era. As a discipline dealing with information and data for a long time, and having exploration in direction of national security, library, information and archives should make full use of its own data management foundation and "security gene" to construct the direction of national security data management and carry out related research and practice facing the needs of national security strategy in new era. At present, the library, information and archives discipline can actively focus on and conquer in some forward position fields: data resource security management and control, national security data analysis and information service, national security data ethics and privacy, national security knowledge popularization, civil-military data integration and national security, so as to expand its own theoretical proposition system.
  • Zhu Rui Liu Wei
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 53-59. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021073
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    The current new round of scientific and technological revolution is bringing about the transformation of the traditional humanities research paradigm, and the emerging "digital humanities" has given birth to the "new liberal arts". As a common methodology for many humanities, digital humanities has unique advantages in breaking disciplinary barriers and promoting interdisciplinary integration. It can provide new ideas and new models for cultivating liberal arts talents with Chinese characteristics required by the new era.This paper systematically sorts out how digital humanities upgrades and innovates traditional humanities’ thinking paradigms, research methods, and education models in the current social environment. At the same time ,we discussed the necessity and feasibility of the construction of digital humanities under the background of the construction of new liberal arts, and proposes the discipline construction path of digital humanities from the four aspects, discipline positioning, discipline team, talent training, and discipline base, in order to provide reference for related research in our country.
  • Zhang Ziyao Wei Zhipeng Yang Kehu
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 60-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021074
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    Evidence-based thought can be traced back to the Pericles era of ancient Greece and then gradually became clear with the development of science and technology. The concept of evidence-based medicine proposed in 1992 provides a perfect carrier for the scientific expression of this thought, and evidence-based thought has been rapidly disseminated and recognized by disciplines. Evidence-based social science, which is driven by factors such as the scientific influence of the development of evidence-based medicine, the development results of interdisciplinary integration, the evolution and innovation of scientific research paradigms, and the need for governance of major social problems, has ushered in a development opportunity in the construction of new liberal arts. The construction of new liberal arts and the development of evidence-based social science share common development logic, internal logic and integration logic. The construction of new liberal arts in evidence-based social science needs to adhere to the advanced ideas and methods, integrate modern information technology, meet the major needs of the country, enhance the exchange inside and outside the discipline, and promote the transformation and application of evidence as the development framework.
  • Mei AO Luo Di
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 66-73. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021075
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    With the leap forward of the era of big data, libraries, as an important support for the development of public cultural undertakings, have also ushered in the opportunity and mission of digitization. However, user data security is constrained by the complexity and changeover of the network space. Therefore, it is necessary to think forward about the security of library user data. Focus on this topic using the framework of rights, obligations, responsibilities and precautions. On the one hand, data attributes are clearly defined and risk behaviors are analyzed, so as to accurately identify risks of user data. On the other hand, it clarifies the obligation and responsibility relationship between library and related subjects from three aspects: external intrusion, cooperation risk and internal anomy. As libraries move towards the era of big data, they should seek reasonable prevention path from the existing legal framework, and eliminate risks from the inside to the outside in a multi-dimensional way, mainly including the elaboration of "necessary measures", the presetting of service agreement and the regulation of librarians. On this basis, this paper puts forward the conception of the infringement of the boundary score data and the determination of the data rights, which provides the continuous system support for the later development of the digital library.
  • Wang Dan
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 74-78. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021076
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    With the rapid development of digital economy and the gradual improvement of data factor market, it is urgent to form a benign ecology of orderly processing of massive personal information. China's current policies, regulations and national standards do not outline in detail the specific categories of personal information processing subjects and their rights or responsibilities in different fields. It is urgent to outline in detail the categories of processing subjects in China and their rights and responsibilities in different fields.
  • Li Donglai
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 79-84. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021077
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    China's library career in the new century is showing a good social image and enterprising spirit, and promoting rational thinking and work exploration based on specialization. Taking city library's practice as example, the author analyzed library's autonomy and professional attributes, city composition, and the nature of library service, emphasizing that professional point of view, deep self-awareness and subject identity were necessary for library development. Only professional construction can meet social needs and realize library's social value.
  • Li Wei Yang Xinya Zhang Youming
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 85-91. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021078
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    According to the dynamic needs of readers, scientific and reasonable distribution and control of readers' authority can effectively improve the rate of collection guarantee, resource utilization and book circulation of Smart Library. It is an important way to relieve the contradiction between library and readers' supply and demand, improving service effectiveness and improve readers' satisfaction. Through the induction and analysis of the current situation of library reader authority setting, this paper proposes to build a dynamic and adaptive reader authority control system, which not only realizes the broadest equality of readers, but also maximize the individual needs of readers. Through empirical research, the paper believes that this method is an effective way to improve the service ability and reader satisfaction of Smart Library.
  • Lu Jinyan Fu Ye Gong Linli
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 92-99. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021079
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    The paper, based on 102 texts of recommended bibliography for children during the period of the Republic of China, analyzes those recommended books and teases out their type and source, the recommender and recommendation platform, formats, content and ranking. The bibliographies are recommended by education authorities, social institutions and individuals concerned with children's education through journals, newspapers, books and other platforms. The formats provides author, publisher, price, abstract and other reference information for readers to select books. The recommended bibliography adheres to the educational philosophy of the Child-orientation, and focuses on enlightenment and promoting civic education to meet the needs of the times. The recommendation ranking is based on the number of recommendations to count the popular books and journals. The recommended bibliography is highly authoritative and influential, and has a targeted, guiding and practical effect on children's reading. The sense of responsibility, dedication and innovative ideas of educators during the Republic of China have a good reference for us to take the road of children's education in the future.
  • Yu Pingguo
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 100-106. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021080
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    2020 was the first year for IFLA to carry out its four strategies with "Strengthen Library's right to Speak in the World as the most important one, but the sudden outbreak of the epidemic brought unprecedented shock to IFLA as well as the global library job. This report summarized IFLA's achievement through overcoming various difficulties. From the interpretation of "2020 action", the core of the report, libraries in our country can learn to take more social responsibility to strengthen library's right to speak, to increase and expand professional abilities to meet changes and challenge, and to promote international exchange with IFLA as the platform.
  • Zhang Yihan Yuan Qinjian
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 107-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021081
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    In recent years, the rise of new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, internet of things, artificial intelligence has provided new ideas, new methods and new tools for information/intelligence work, and brought new opportunities and challenges. In order to help information service organizations better carry out information/intelligence work under the background of new technologies, realize digital transformation and high-quality development, this study puts forward some suggestions for high-quality development of information/intelligence work under the background of new technologies on the basis of tracking the development trends of domestic and foreign information/intelligence work in recent years, including:(1) For the strategic direction, carry out information/intelligence work guided by the holistic approach to national security, establish a big intelligence concept, and serve the country’s major development strategies; (2) For the source data, attach importance to the fusion analysis of multiple and multi-modal open source data, build an open source data resource integration platform through cross-institution and cross-disciplinary collaboration; (3) For the ecosystem, realize the integration and unification of theory and practice, ensure that information science education and information science research effectively serve the information/intelligence work; (4) For the focus of work, pay attention to the application of new technologies in information/intelligence work, pay attention to the development of economic intelligence/financial intelligence, scientific and technological intelligence, military-civilian fusion intelligence, and counterintelligence; (5) For the collaborative communication, establish strategic alliances and specialized organizations to conduct regular discussions on the key difficulties and development directions of information/intelligence work under the background of new technologies.
  • Zhang Hu Li Shuqing Ding Xiaowei Hu Heng
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 115-122. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021082
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    The continuous development of big data technology and Data Science provides the necessity and possibility for the discipline system design and discipline characteristic regression of modern Intelligence Studies. From the perspective of cognition of Data Science and social requirement for Data Science occupation, modern Intelligence Studies needs to actively explore new development direction in the new era. Based on a large number of literature review and theoretical analysis, this paper compares and analyzes the differences and relations between Intelligence Studies and Data Science, and explores the related discipline construction ideas from two aspects of discipline research methods and discipline education. Data Science can provide beneficial reform direction reference for the development of modern Intelligence Studies, including the re-orientation of education goal, re-design of education content and new requirements of personnel training. It not only helps to change some old contents and methods inherent in traditional Intelligence Studies, but also helps Intelligence Studies better adapt to various practical needs in the new era, including national strategic level and social application level. From the perspective of comparative analysis of disciplines, this paper believes that Data Science can become an important basis and development direction of modern Intelligence Studies transformation under the condition of clear research object and research goal of Intelligence Studies.
  • Ding Xiaowei Li Shuqing Hu Huan
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 123-127. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021083
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    The rapid development of advanced information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and block chain has driven great changes in the research contents and research methods of intelligence studies. The changes of intelligence studies research contents include: the changes of concept chain and knowledge research, the rise or much-needed construction of new branch disciplines, and more attention paid to the research of advanced information technologies. The changes of intelligence studies research methods include: the evolution of research methods adapted to the big data environment, the differentiation of analysis tools and methods from the past, and gradual improvement of the scientific research methodology system. Whether from the perspective of research object or technology, it is inevitable that the research content and research methods of intelligence studies evolution are driven by advanced information technology. We need to think about the relationship between them and the constraints of external factors, the development of intelligence studies discipline, and give full play to the advantages of intelligence studies.
  • Liu Min
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 128-137. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021084
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    With the rapid development of financial intelligence, traditional financial work is more and more closely combined with digital intelligence technology represented by big data and artificial intelligence, which also puts forward new requirements for information science. This paper discusses the integration of finance and information science under the background of the interdisciplinary influence of digital intelligence finance and information science, and analyzes the research trend and development of domestic financial intelligence. The paper also discusses the rigid demand of information science in the financial field and the opportunities and challenges of mutual development under the influence of the two, and puts forward the direction and suggestions of financial intelligence research.
  • Ding Hongwu Zhang Yi
    Library & Information. 2021, 41(05): 138-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021085
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    From the perspective of literary acceptance, Helong Literature originated in the Pre-Qin Dynasty,continuously developed in Han, Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties,especially prosperous in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Wuliang Period,when Helong Literature reached the peak of history respectively. After Helong Literature was accepted and evaluated by scholars in the past dynasties , Li Ling , Wei Xiao , Qin Jia , Xu Shu , Zhao Yi , Zhang Chang , Fu Xuan , Fu Xian , Zhang Jun , Hu Yizhou , Liu Bing and their works are highly approved and respected by later generations, which represent the highest achievement of Helong literature before Tang Dynasty. This article is based on wide collection of related records and evaluations about writers and their works of Helong literature before Tang Dynasty in historical documents and literary theory criticism monographs. This article more objectively presents overall style and historical achievements of Helong literature before Tang Dynasty by learning from the theories and methods of literary acceptance and taking the perspective of the other.