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25 August 2021, Volume 41 Issue 04

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  • Ran Congjing He Mengting Liu Xianrui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 1-14. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021052
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    As data becomes an emerging production factor, cross-border data flows are more frequent, cyberspace expands into the "fifth frontier", and the traditional concept of sovereignty extends to cyber space, data sovereignty emerges. Cross-border data flow has become the core of data sovereignty governance in China. This paper, from the perspective of data sovereignty protection, fully investigates the system and practice of cross-border data governance at home and abroad, analyzes the core governance models and conflicts based on jurisdictional principles, and summarizes the three cross-border data governance models, namely, intra-regional effect jurisdiction, global expansion jurisdiction, and centralized localization jurisdiction, as well as the legislative, judicial, enforcement and governance conflicts that exist among them. Thus, practical countermeasures and suggestions, in an attempt to provide references for China's data governance practice and safeguard China's data sovereignty, are proposed to optimize resource security, promote data resource flow, strengthen extraterritorial regulation, promote governance standardization, integrate into the international governance system, participate in governance dialogues, and engage in international cooperation, in order to optimize cross-border data governance in both directions, national and international.
  • Huang Haiying He Mengting Ran Congjing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 15-28. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021053
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    Data sovereignty is tightly related to national security and comprehensive national power. Currently, data sovereignty faces multiple risks, and how to safeguard data sovereignty and resist sovereignty security risks has become a key question in need of urgent answers for national development. This paper, from the perspective of the full life cycle of data, comprehensively identifies the risks to data sovereignty in four dimensions, namely, data generation and storage, cross-border flow, utilization and services, and external environment, and clarifies the realistic needs and key issues in data sovereignty protection. On the basis of the clarification of risks, the international data sovereignty governance practices in respect of the four abovementioned dimensions of risks are fully investigated, and it is found that in normal practices, the two dimensions,  data generation and storage and cross-border flow risks, are governed simultaneously, while governed separately from data utilization and services and the external environment. Thus, three governance routes are suggested: that of data generation and storage, and cross-border circulation centered on data classification, adequacy determination, "long arm jurisdiction", etc; that of data utilization and service centered on entity and technology jurisdiction, scenario theory,  risk assessment, etc.; and that of cyber attack and data hegemony centered on international cooperation and data development. Meanwhile, some development suggestions are drawn according to China’s national conditions, in an attempt to provide some references for  the  countermeasures and routes in respect of data sovereignty risk governance. 
  • Huang Haiying Wen Yuheng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 29-38. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021054
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    This Paper aims to build a maturity model of data sovereignty security capability for evaluating the state of a country’s data sovereignty security capability and proposing improvement strategies for weak links, so as to provide intellectual support for the formulation of relevant standards in the future. Based on the standards of the capability maturity model and related research results, the three-dimensional structure of the model, with the analytic hierarchy process, is determined, the key process areas are identified, the capability dimension is constructed, and the maturity level is determined. The study found that the maturity model of data sovereignty security capability consists of three key process areas, namely, "local data storage", "cross-border data flow" and "extraterritorial jurisdiction of data", five capability dimensions , namely, "cultural education", "technical tools", "policy strategies", "organizational construction", and "legislation and judiciary", and five maturity levels, namely, "initial level", "development level", "necessary level", "sufficiency level" and "optimization level". In which the capability dimension includes 19 components, which are the basis for describing the 29 key practices required by the capability maturity level.
  • Wen Yuheng Dai Wenyi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 39-51. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021055
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    Based on DSSCMM, this paper puts forward the method and process of evaluating the maturity of data sovereignty security capability , and puts forward some suggestions to improve the weakness of our country's data sovereignty security capability.Construct and use marginal sampling method to determine effective samples, apply expert investigation method to determine the weight of capability dimension, and use sample scoring method to calculate the scores of capability dimensions, then determine the key process area score and data sovereignty security capability score.The capacity maturity of data localization, cross-border data flow and data extraterritorial jurisdiction has reached a higher level, but the capacity maturity of data extraterritorial jurisdiction actually tends to be necessary level, and the data sovereignty security capacity maturity of our country has reached a sufficient level.In order to improve the maturity of our country's data sovereignty security capability, it is suggested that we should start from "culture and education" and "technical tools" of data local storage and data cross-border flow.Particular attention shall be paid to the timely application of the long-arm jurisdiction of the Data Security Law in extraterritorial judicial activities, and guide and promote the application of independent technology products in the domestic network ecosystem.
  • Zhang Jianwei Li Yuelin Lu Dan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 52-62. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021056
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    This study aims to explore the personalized recommendation needs (PRNs) of researchers from user's perspective.  Semi-structured in-depth interviews with 22 researchers were conducted, and NVivo11 was used for data analysis. Five PRNs were identified: content needs, interactive functional needs, interface layout needs, effectiveness needs and emotional needs. Furthermore, the PRNs hierarchical model indicates that content needs are basic needs, should be satisfied firstly, interactive functional needs, interface layout needs should be satisfied secondly, followed by effectiveness needs and emotional needs. In addition, tasks, interactive retrieval habits, and recommendation interpretation affect the PRNs of researchers. Based on the results, a PRNs hierarchical model is developed. This study has implications for incorporating personalized recommendation needs into algorithms. It adds new knowledge about personalized recommendation to the research community and informs personalized recommendation system design.
  • Wei Jingzhu Zhang Lele Huang Enshu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 63-74. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021057
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    Based on the theoretical understanding of the dual attributes of intellectual property rights (concrete technical resource attributes and abstract rights attributes) and the category of innovation activities (single innovation activity and innovation cycle system), this article explores the driving mechanism of intellectual property on innovation, aims to provide theoretical and practical basis for the intellectual property policy optimization and evaluation. This paper adopts grounded theoretical research methods, and extracts the theoretical model of intellectual property driven innovation through the analysis of 100 intellectual property policy texts of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.The study found that intellectual property can drive innovation in two paths. The first is to promote the realization of intellectual property economic value, technological value, and information value through intellectual property protection, management and usage then promote innovation environment construction, innovator cultivation, innovation motivation incentive, innovation resource gathering, and innovation decision. The second is the accelerating effect on big innovation system by the intellectual property innovation cultivation. In the future, intellectual property policies should continue to optimize fair competition environment and supply of innovative services, and build a fertile innovation ecological environment; pay more attention on the quality-oriented intellectual property innovation cultivation, and provide fresh blood for the cycle of innovation activities; strengthen intellectual property operations to promote the transformation of innovative resource and the transformation of intellectual property value attributes then empower innovation capabilities; use intellectual property navigation to promote the innovative resources allocation and catalyze the upgrading of innovative activities.
  • Chen Yijin Liang Jinling Gu Tinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 75-83. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021058
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    As a new interactive mode in social networking site, Danmu enables users to interact with video content in real time, so it has attracted the attention of many learners and researchers. This paper is to explore whether Danmu can induced the changes of user’s emotional experience. Using the emotion analysis method based on the emotion dictionary, the emotional value and emotional category of Danmu are obtained by the semantic weighting of the emotional words, and then construct the video element dictionary to classify the Danmu data with emotional tendency, so as to analyze the user's emotional experience reflected by Danmu data. The results show that the user's affective experience reflected by the video Danmu is mainly positive, and its emotional characteristics are mainly embodied in five characteristics: the subjectivity of emotional position, the consistency of emotional experience, the pertinence of emotional expression and so on. The interaction between users and video can induced different user's emotional experience, and the three video elements such as interview, story and post-production, have great influence on the user's emotional experience, interview and story are the main factors that induced the emotion experience of Danmu users.
  • Ma He Huang Xiaoping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 84-91. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021059
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    With the advent of data-intensive scientific research paradigm, scientific data have become an important part of infrastructure of global science system, and also important strategic resources for social economic development and commanding heights of national scientific innovation and competition. In order to maintain competitive advantage, all countries, especially American and European countries are making a series of policies, regulations and guidebooks about science data management to promote the development of science and technology in respective countries and regions. Through a systematic combing of important American and European policies about science data management, the author put forward suggestions for our country to construct comprehensive policies so as to improve the level of data utilization and sharing.
  • Sun Honglei Wang Meng Zheng Jianming
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 92-103. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021060
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    After a century of development, modern library science education in China is facing new opportunities and challenges in the new era. However, prior studies paid less attention to the connotation, influencing factors, and internal mechanisms of library science education in the new era. Adopting the transcript of “High-Quality Development Academic Forum on Library Science Discipline Construction and Talent Training in the New Era” as the corpus basis, this paper employed grounded theory to interpret the connotation of integrity and innovation concerning library science education in the new era and analyzed the factors affecting the integrity and innovation concerning library science education in the era. We further proposed a high-quality development model of library science education in the new era.
  • Hu Jing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 104-112. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021061
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    In recent years, the American Library Association (ALA) and the National Information Standards Association (NISO)have formulated many privacy management standards and policies for public libraries. In accordance with the policies of ALA and NISO, all States in the United States have also formulated privacy management standards for public libraries. These management norms are mainly used to solve the problems such as the scope of privacy protection of public libraries, the restrictions on the disclosure of personal information, and the punishment measures for violating privacy. China's public libraries can refer to the experience of the United States and combined with the current situation of privacy protection of Public Libraries in China, further improve the legal system of privacy protection of public libraries, clarify the protection scope of readers' private data, improve the management mechanism of private data, clarify the treatment and relief measures of privacy leakage, and improve the professional quality of public librarians, Construct the internal control mechanism of Public Library privacy management.
  • Zhu Li
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 113-119. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021062
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     "Accessibility" is a new system that develops from the field of health services, it performance evaluates the effectiveness of public services from the perspective of public perception. The article first outlines the concept of accessibility, its development, and its connotation. It uses the method of literature review to introduce the research frameworks of the existing health service evaluation, civic education evaluation, and public cultural service evaluation. Finally, it constructes  the indicators framework of evaluation of library service accessibility from  four dimensions of availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability, which based on the explanation of the theoretical basis for the evaluation of library service accessibility.
  • Chen Fengsong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 120-126. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021063
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    Change of scientific research paradigm initiated by new technologies has affected the development of research libraries as the driving force and technological support. On April 4th, 2021, ARL issued a report "Prospect of Research Libraries——Making use of new technologies in study and research", in which opportunities and challenges for research libraries to meet in the coming 5 years were put forward. Based on deep interpretation of the report, the author suggests that in the context of new technologies, the research libraries in our country should clear the direction and focus, support open science by extending resources, cultivate personnel to supply service for scientific research and construct intelligent developing strategies based on user needs.
  • Zheng Jinping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 127-131. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021064
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    Facing the needs of new liberal arts construction, university libraries need to actively carry out service innovations to respond to the call for new liberal arts construction, and undertake the new mission of university libraries in the era of digital intelligence. The article sorts out the development and evolution process from subject services to subject data services, and constructs a "big data + small data" subject data service model based on the data life cycle theory, and then proposes corresponding implementation strategies. The article believes that university libraries in the era of digital intelligence should establish the concept of big data thinking, reshape the library subject service model according to the needs of new liberal arts construction, provide efficient, accurate, and professional subject data services, and comprehensively improve the service level and quality of subject data services.
  • Ou Yangjing Zeng Wen Pan Kexin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 132-137. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021065
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    The big data environment has made intelligence information increasingly complex. The establishment of a scientific and reasonable science and technology think tank intelligence information sharing system is of great significance for providing high-quality and convenient services for scientific research and government decision-making. This article is based on the actual needs of science and technology think tanks in the context of big data. First, the content of science and technology think tanks and the basic functions and status of science and technology think tanks were analyzed from the perspectives of the types and evolution of think tanks; Secondly, combined with the development status of domestic and foreign science and technology think tanks, the construction of typical science and technology think tanks and the information sharing content and mode of science and technology think tanks, the existing problems and opportunities of the information sharing system of science and technology think tanks in my country was pointed out, and then, the basic structure of the information sharing system of science and technology think tanks was constructed; Finally, from the aspects of information resource content structure, sharing object and sharing mode, respectively, corresponding optimization countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the information sharing system of science and technology think tanks.
  • Shen Hui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(04): 138-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021066
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    Fu Zengxiang has three inscriptions on the edition of Diaofalu, Two of which are published and one is not. There are four editions of Diaofalu in the unpublished inscription, Which roughly describes the main line and basic features of Diaofalu. According to Fu Zengxiang's inscriptions and various works, this paper supplements and combs the edition of Diaofalu, meanwhile the author deduces the origin of the unpublished inscription versions on the basis of relevant information.