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25 June 2021, Volume 41 Issue 03

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  • Zhao Xuedong Li Wenping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 1-5. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021035
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    The formation of the revolutionary spirit of the Xilu Hongjun is a key way to awaken the collective memory and individual national identity at the spiritual level.The spread of the revolutionary spirit of the Xilu Hongjun is not only influenced by the contemporary social environment, but also restricted by multiple factors such as value recognition and emotional experience.Symbology is an important tool to promote personal emotional experience and common historical memory. People can intuitively perceive the revolutionary spirit of the Xilu Hongjun contained in symbols through the sensory system, making it concrete and personified.Therefore, to shape the revolutionary spirit of the Xilu Hongjun is to form a strong identification of the revolutionary spirit by clearly expressing the concrete objects and spiritual connotations that are suggestive, initiatory or suggestive, and by non-material morphological symbols.
  • Qu Siyu Cai Wencheng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 6-11. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021036
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    Red Resources, being precious historical and cultural heritages, are vivid historical witnesses and valuable spiritual bearers of the history of the Party and the history of the Chinese revolution. The red resources of Nanliang with the main content of red written records, revolutionary relics, old sites, and memorial facilities are the historical records of the creation of the revolutionary base area of Nanliang and the forging of the great Nanliang spirit by the Chinese Communists represented by Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, and Xi Zhongxun. With the perspective of red resources, it is of great significance to explore the historical value and spiritual bearing contained in the red resources of Nanliang, and deeply interpret the rich connotation and contemporary value of Nanliang spirit, to vigorously promote the spirit of Nanliang, continue the red culture and inherit the red gene in the new era.
  • Huang Wei Xia Cuijuan Liu Qianqian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 12-18. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021037
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    With the advent of the information age, traditional resource management and service models are gradually shifting towards a more open and fast approach. A variety of documentary?information resources, including Red Culture information resources, began to be presented to readers through digital media. In the tide of digital transformation, how to actualize the innovative service of red culture information resources has become a new round of hot spots. Taking the development of red culture information resources by Shanghai Library, Memorial Hall of the forth National Congress of the Communist Party of China & Shanghai Normal University etc. as an example, this paper discusses the role of the innovation service in establishing the red culture brand and deepening the reader service.
  • Xin Haixia
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 19-22. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021038
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    Red literature is an important carrier for the inheritance of red genes. The reading promotion of red literature has important value and significance. However, there is no uniform definition of red literature in academic circles, and no systematic research on the reading promotion of red literature. The article sorts out the concepts and characteristics of red literature, and proposes an implementation framework for reading promotion of red literature  in libraries. It believes that reading promotion of red literature shows development trend of  the improvement of service experience in the construction of red space and technology application level of red resources construction,  and extension of cooperative institutions and fields in the development of red activities.
  • Xia Yikun Guan Qian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 23-34. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021039
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    Data is a basic resource in life science research. The research of life science data management of quality control can advance scientific data management, and life science innovation theory and research method has important practical significance. Based on the life cycle theory, through policy text analysis, case comparison and literature research, this paper systematically sorts out the quality control measures of different subjects in different stages of life science data management planning, collection, organization, preservation, sharing and utilization. In this paper, the core requirements of life science data quality control at different stages are put forward, and the life science data quality control system at three levels is constructed, including the basic layer, the main layer and the process control layer.
  • Xia Yikun Guan Qian Zhou Yan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 35-46. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021040
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    Life science data management is the key foundation and factor at the promotion of biotechnology innovation and medical level. It will provide practical guidance and theoretical inspiration for the improvement of life science data management by the perspective of responsibility-driven mechanism and data behavior analysis. Based on stakeholder theory and science data management framework, the author sorted out life science data management behaviors of different responsible entities by the methods of using literature research, network investigation and case analysis. There are multiple entities, value needs and various management methods in the complicated process of life science data management, and the efficient ecosystem of life science data management should be built through stimulating the enthusiasm of multi-entities' participation and forming a collaborative management model.
  • Guan Qian Dong Ke Xia Yikun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 47-56. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021041
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    Data management has a direct impact on the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable of scientific research data and results, and is an important prerequisite for standardizing academic behavior. The retraction of papers is an important means to ensure the scientificity of papers and build academic trust. In recent years, the frequent retraction of papers in the field of life science reflects a variety of academic misconduct, including data management.  Based on the analysis of the basic characteristics of retractions in the field of life science, this paper classifies the reasons for retractions, further analyzes the retractions related to data and images, and finds out their relative development trends in terms of period, time lag, country, discipline, journal and so on. Data and image problems are one of the main reasons for retractions of life science papers, and the frequency of data and image problems is related to discipline and journal level. The management of scientific research data should be strengthened from the aspects of ability promotion, system perfection, subject responsibility mechanism, process supervision, restraint and incentive means, etc.
  • Ren Xiaoya Zhang Zhiqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 57-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021042
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    On the basis of an overview of the global scientific and technological award system, representative government scientific and technological awards in major developed countries were selected. Secondly,  focus was on analyzing the main characteristics of these representative awards from several dimensions: field-oriented, reward form, assessment criteria, and selection process. Then, it was found that the government scientific and technological award system in different countries was diversified and hierarchical, and there were similarities and differences. Finally, by clarifying the experiences and advantages of the government scientific and technological award system in major developed countries, some suggestions were provided: to re-establish the strategic orientation of government scientific and technological awards; to reduce the number of government scientific and technological awards; to reclassify and establish types of scientific and technological awards; to standardize the selection process and assessment quality of government scientific and technological awards; to improve policies to promote the overall development of social scientific and technological awards.
  • Xia Beili
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 66-78. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021043
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    The implementation of open government data policies at the local level is a complex system issue given no universally applicable promotion model. In order to systematically discuss the policy instruments selection strategy for local governments, based on the two-dimensional analysis framework of policy instruments of the open government data ecosystem, using content analysis, hierarchical clustering, and co-occurrence analysis, this paper first performed tool coding and quantitative analysis on the local government open data policy text, and differentiated the instruments application status and regional differences in terms of instrument and stage dimensions; secondly, it revealed preferences ofthe local government onpolicy instrument application and characteristics of instrumentcombination used by local governmentby means of city cluster analysis and tool combination co-occurrence analysis; finally, it summarized the typical strategy of how local governments select open data policy instruments.
  • Jiang Jie Lan Zhou Qi Yiran
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 79-86. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021044
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    The purpose of the article is clarifying the concepts of de-recognization, anonymization, pseudonymization, and de-identification with the development path on making regulations, and promoting the dynamic equilibrium between the protection of personal information and the full use of data. Since iterative algorithms may re-recognize seriously incomplete anonymous data sets, it is objectively difficult to achieve an absolute state that cannot be recognized and cannot be recovered. It is necessary to ensure that completely anonymous data does not belong to the category of personal information, and conditionally exempt the processor from obtaining consent obligation under fully meeting the basic standards of de-identification. Through the governance mechanism and the protection mechanism of personal information de-identification based on risk controlling and management, and the ownership mechanism of rights and interests on personal information de-identification with data utilization as the core, rights and interests of specific natural persons will be protected, and the value of massive data will be fully realized. These will promote the harmonious development of economy and society.
  • Zhang Yunzhong Jiao Fengzhi Liu Jialin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 87-96. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021045
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    In past decades, great attention has been paid to organization and integration in public digital cultural resources, but now the main work transfers from storage to utilization, focusing on user experience and cultural service. Taking Tang Tri-color as the object, based on user's portrait and Grounded Theory, this study builds up specific personal requirements and encodes their different semantic requirements on the display of Tang Tri-color. Then it constructs a semantic description model, showing the core need of semantic description on digital cultural resources from all aspects including identification description, basic description, value description and extended description. Relying on the preceding steps, the metadata framework on display of Tang Tri-color resources is established.
  • Jin Dezheng Qiu Guanhua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 97-103. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021046
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    In the post-epidemic era, Public Library should analysis external  environmental change at the same time of a complete epidemic prevention and control. Synthesize factors including missions, ideas, demands and resources, improve collection development policies, balance offline and online service resources and collect epidemic prevention collections; improve service policies, pay attention to fair and efficiency promotion of service project design. Transfer service emphasis to the community through branch establishing. Offer professional service through unified management of branches and organize small, high frequency and dispersal featured events including family reading promotion, digital reading literacy, epidemic prevention knowledge collections recommendation and propaganda, community housekeeping supply and demand information through professional design. And reveal the value of public libraries at the same time of guaranteeing the readers’ rights of fairly making use of the library. 
  • Zhang Xiaoyu Sun Honglei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 104-112. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021047
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    Based on the investigation of crossover cooperation cases of reading promotion in the provincial and vise-provincial libraries, the paper analyzes the characteristics and deficiencies of crossover cooperation of public libraries’ reading promotion. The findings of this study include: the content of crossover cooperation mainly focuses on resource optimization, space construction, and activity development, while there is a gap between the supply and the actual demands of the public; the cooperation objects are mostly public welfare groups, and there is little cooperation with profitable institutions; crossover cooperation alliances mainly involve specific type and comprehensive type, and the management mechanism is relatively loose. Then, the paper further proposes the promotion strategy of crossover cooperation of public libraries’ reading promotion: demand-oriented deepening cooperation content; taking the initiative to expand cooperation objects; establishing a mechanism to ensure the high-quality development of the alliance.
  • Li Si Li Yang Chen Yi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 113-120. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021048
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    In recent years, in the construction of the general and branch libraries of public libraries, there has been a type of social branch construction model in which social forces provide venues and services, and libraries provide books and equipment. Different from traditional libraries, social branch libraries are for many users who are in fragmented time. This paper collects data through field research and network research, analyzes the embedded scene of the social branch library and the corresponding fragmentation time characteristics, summarizes service strategies and characteristics from three aspects of service environment, service content, and service methods, build a social branch library service model for users in fragmented time. The social branch should not be positioned as a simple reading place or a small public library. It is not advisable to copy the service model of traditional libraries and try to solve service problems completely with technology. The concept of “short, plain and people-oriented” should be adopted to lead the space design and reconstruct the service content and service mode.
  • Qiao Hua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 121-124. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021049
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    Library virtual space is a kind of library innovation service space constructed by the library comprehensive application of a new generation of information technology in recent years, which has become a new choice for readers' digital reading, and already had some construction practice at home and abroad. Library virtual space is composed of scene space, fictional space and social space, which has some differences with traditional library digital space and library physical space in service orientation, service mode and service effect. Human-computer interaction technology will be widely used in the construction and service of library virtual space in the future.
  • Zhang Haojue Zhang Guangqin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 125-134. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021050
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    Improving performance evaluation is an important breakthrough and fundamental guarantee to increase the quality and efficiency of public cultural services. The performance evaluation of a country’s public cultural service not only plays an important role in establishing the government’s perfect competition mechanism but also demonstrates the realisation of governmental responsibilities to equalise cultural rights and to meet the diverse cultural needs of its citizens. This paper explores the public service performance management systems adopted by the governments of Britain, the United States, Japan, Australia and Sweden, and analyses their legal system construction, evaluation paradigms and evaluation methods, among others. This study deduced that the core elements of performance management systems include legislation, core concept, executive organisation, evaluation emphasis, evaluation focus and theoretical basis. The general development laws of performance evaluation cover legislation, theoretical guidance and continuous improvement in reforms. Evaluation orientation, evaluation emphasis and implementation mode vary from country to country. By combining the analysis with a study of the national conditions of China, this paper is able to make recommendations, such as strengthening the legalisation construction of performance evaluation, changing the role of government into ‘integration of subject and object’, converting the subject of evaluation to ‘public orientation’ and scouting for theoretical support for system construction.
  • Yao Weibao Li Zhicong Lin Lin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(03): 135-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021051
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    This paper aims to measure the efficiency of rural public cultural expenditure, reveal the main factors affecting the efficiency of expenditure, and lay a solid foundation for optimizing the precise layout of rural revitalization strategy.This paper uses super efficiency DEA model to measure the efficiency of financial expenditure on rural public cultural services in 28. regions from 2014 to 2020. The Malmquist index model is used to dynamically analyze the fiscal expenditure efficiency and a Tobit model is built to study the factors affecting expenditure efficiency. The results show that there is a phenomenon of efficiency loss in the fiscal expenditure efficiency of rural public cultural services in China and the efficiency value varies greatly among different provinces. From the perspective of external influencing factors, government scale, economic development level and fiscal expenditure structure have a significant negative impact on expenditure efficiency, and have a significant positive relationship with residents' income level, while population density and residents' supervision ability are not statistically significant.This paper measures the efficiency of rural public cultural expenditure from both dynamic and static perspectives, and puts forward corresponding suggestions from the perspectives of streamlining government size, coordinating the balanced development of urban and rural public cultural construction, improving the quality and efficiency of input management, optimizing the structure of fiscal expenditure and constructing the long-term mechanism of expenditure project input.