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25 February 2021, Volume 41 Issue 01

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  • Ke Ping Zhang Ying Zhang Yuzhen
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 1-10. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021001
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    The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China has turned to a stage of high-quality development, which has created new opportunities for the development of public libraries. This article combines the exploration and practice of public libraries to summarize ten new themes of public libraries in the period of high-quality development, including public digital culture and high-quality service system construction, cultural and tourism integration and theme library, big data and artificial intelligence technology empowerment and smart library, library service brand marketing, strategic management and 2035, modernization of governance ability and library innovation culture, macro-security management and emergency service.
  • Wang Shiwei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 11-18. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021002
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    This paper puts forward the proposition of "promoting the high-quality development of public libraries in improving the level of social civilization", and expounds it from seven aspects: first, deepening the construction of civilization; second, strengthening social education; third, carrying forward volunteer spirit; fourth, paying attention to information civilization; fifth, promoting ecological civilization; sixth, improving the level of toilet; seventh, strengthening self-discipline consciousness. From the perspective of problem awareness and goal orientation, this paper puts forward specific paths and measures to deepen the construction of civilization in seven aspects.
  • Jin Wugang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 19-25. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021003
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    Promoting the high-quality development of public libraries is a new requirement in the new development stage, aiming at improving service coverage and effectiveness, and promoting the balanced development of high-quality services. From the perspective of high-quality development, equalization, standardization, inclusiveness, quality, high efficiency, and sustainable development are the constituent elements, and there are new changes in requirements. From the perspective of high-quality development, public libraries have new roles, such as quality reading service centers, public communication centers, innovation centers, and local cultural heritage centers. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, there are new key tasks for the high-quality development of public libraries, including library space reengineering, service coverage of urban and rural areas, in-depth information processing, full application of smart technology, cultural and travel integration, and modern governance capabilities.
  • Li Xingguang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 26-31. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021004
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    Based on the reality of Yantian Library, the author introduces the systematic construction mode of "wisdom +" of public library, analyzes the construction ideas, highlights, promotion, implementation measures, service effects of wisdom general-branch library system, and the network sample of "wisdom +" technology integration, management integration and service integration of general-branch library service system. On the one hand, Yantian Library has achieved the popularization of intelligent technology, providing new service modes and means for the construction of general-branch libraries and the improvement of public cultural service system; on the other hand, it has created a smart library system with the characteristics of interconnection and high efficiency, which provides a new entry point for the high-quality development and resources cross-border integration of grassroots public cultural service system. The "Yantian mode" of the construction of the general-branch library system constructs a balanced and efficient public cultural service system with regional characteristics, and improves the service efficiency of public cultural facilities.
  • Lu Qimei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 32-37. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021005
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    Shenzhen Pingshan District Library was officially opened in March 2019. During the preparation period of the new library, Pingshan Library aimed at the direction and goal of high-quality development, creating special spaces, building and promoting event brands, and leading quality reading. Outstanding achievements have been made in other areas and the library has become a typical representative of a "cultural phenomenon" emerging in eastern Shenzhen. Based on the practice and exploration of high-quality development of Pingshan Library in recent years, the author focuses on the innovative development measures and modes of public libraries in the aspects of management system and mechanism, service contents and modes, and future strategic promotion under the background of the fourteenth Five-Year high-quality development. On this basis, the future strategic plan for high-quality development and other further measures is put forward. The plans and measures will provide some references for the public libraries to make high-quality plans for strategic development during the 14th Five-Year period.
  • Chen Wei Wu Zhinan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 38-44. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021006
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    The digitalization of public culture in China has roughly formed three paths: digital facility system, digital resources system and digital service platform, which have played a positive role in breaking the "gap" of cultural information service and improving the ability of cultural service at the grass-roots level. But, under the background of promoting quality of public cultural services in the new era, the original concept of "public digital culture" is gradually questionable and the past experience has exposed its weaknesses and reduced its efficiency, which is urgent for the guidance of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. In the long run, the great advance of digitalization of public culture cannot be realized without the scientific and integrated application of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, block chain technology.
  • Wu Dan Zhang Shutian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 45-52. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021007
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    Based on generalization and summarization of 71 texts of public digital culture policy in China, this paper reviewed the public digital culture development in China, dividing the public digital culture construction into three stages: Co-Construction Stage, Sharing Stage, Coalescence Stage. This Paper then interpreted the policies from the perspective of macro-management, construction practices and operation support in co-construction and sharing stage. From the perspective of coalescence and innovation, this paper puts forward suggestions for the future direction of public digital culture policy formulation, including encouraging value mining and semantic integration of digital resources, attaching importance to mobile platform construction and promotion through mobile new media, and advocating the construction and discovery of multilingual resources.
  • Xia Cuijuan He Chenzhi Liu Qianqian Zhu Wuxin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 53-61. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021008
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    The development of Digital Humanities has brought forward new demands for Resource Co- Construction and Sharing in GLAM. Taking the "Chinese Ancient Books Union Catalogue and Evidence-based Platform", "Chinese Genealogy Knowledge Service Platform", "Authority Names Database" and "Historical Document Crowd-sourcing Platform" as examples, this paper explores the mode of co-construction and sharing of historical literature resources in the digital humanities environment, including six modes. The paper analyzes and compares the application scope and feasible technical solutions. Through practical cases, the paper demonstrates that the problems of resource co construction and sharing in GLAM field under the digital human environment can be solved by technical means as a supplement to policies and mechanism.
  • Yang Fang Wang Xiaohui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 62-69. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021009
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    The construction of rural public cultural service is an important content under the background of rural rejuvenation. In view of the current situation of "imbalance of supply and demand" caused by long-term emphasis only on supply in rural public culture, the author collected relevant data through questionnaire survey and field interview, and then grounded theory was used to analyze the process of digitalization enabling integration of supply and demand in rural cultural service from three aspects of platform, supply side and demand side, and the integration of supply and demand with Zichuan culture cloud as example, and the mechanism of digitalization enabling the integration of supply and demand was found. It is found that "technology acceptance" is the premise and foundation of digital enabling integration of supply and demand of rural public cultural services, and the importance of "combining online and offline" in the process of rural public cultural service supply and demand is emphasized.
  • Zhu Wei Gao Zhaoqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 70-76. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021010
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    The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed the importance of "giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization" and "improving the level of public cultural services". It is necessary to change the logic of management to the logic of governance, to optimize the supply structure through multi-subject cooperation, to activate the villagers' subjectivity to improve the participation and sense of gain, to use all media supply to enhance the supply ability, to improve the efficiency of rural public cultural service in an all-round way, and to realize the high-quality development of rural public cultural service.
  • Luo Liqun Li Guangjian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 77-87. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021011
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    In recent years, new trends and new theories in cognitive science, complex science, computational social science and other related fields have brought new opportunities for the development of information/intelligence studies; the rise of big data and artificial intelligence has provided new methods and new technologies for information/intelligence studies. Based on tracing recent developments of information/intelligence studies, the paper summarized ten characteristics of information/intelligence studies to show the full picture of information/intelligence studies in the big data environment, which are computerization, simulation, platformization, knowledge-based, intelligent, integration, multi-data fusion, methods combination, results aggregations, and human-machine integration.
  • Zheng Weinan Xiao Peng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 88-96. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021012
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    This paper analyzes the research needs and behaviors of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) students in Digital Humanities (DH) research, aiming to construct digital skills improvement strategies for local HSS students. By the means of tracking survey, focus group and in-depth interview, the basic status of HSS students and their continuous growth in DH training is analyzed. It is found that HSS students were interested in DH when they participated in DH training, but their awareness of humanistic problems was weak and the foundation of digital skills was insufficient. With the training tasks in six training stages including literature reading, data collection, data cleaning, data processing, data analysis and report writing, HSS students' humanistic literacy and digital skills were improved. Combined with the analysis results, this paper summarizes some DH teaching and education strategies for local HSS students. On one hand, the methods of project practice, close tracking guidance and peer learning help to improve digital skills. On the other hand, neither the cultivation of digital skills nor humanistic awareness should be neglected. In addition, the development and organization of digital humanities teaching resources should be paid attention to.
  • Huang Guobin Chen Li
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 97-107. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021013
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    To understand the foreign research status of scientific data quality assessment framework for domestic scholars to scientific data quality assessment framework to provide the reference and reference, this article research the present domestic and foreign research situation of the scientific data quality assessment framework, in Britain, the United States and Australia's national science data platform data quality framework and three main data released by the international organization has carried on the comparative research on quality assessment framework. Through the analysis of the content of each frame and the comparative analysis of data quality dimensions, the difference and consistency of different evaluation frameworks in each dimension are found.
  • Zhou Fangjian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 108-115. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021014
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    In recent years, city public crisis events have occurred frequently in our country and traditional decision-making paradigm is difficult to satisfy the governance request of public crisis with high complexity and uncertainty. With the coming of 5G era, information technology such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things accelerate the integration, and a decision-making paradigm of "data-wisdom" is emerging which is integrated data-driven with model-driven, and the emergency situation, decision subject, ways and means, emergency process, decision goal have been undergoing profound changes accordingly. Meanwhile, based on the "data-wisdom" decision model which has the function of automatic and human-computer collaborative decision, it is possible to create crisis decision operation mechanism, and to promote city public crisis governance to become intelligent, rapid, and precise.
  • Wang Zizhou Li Jing Chen Xinyue Li Danqing He Mengjie ZhengYuanyuan Yu Hui Liu Hanyue
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 116-125. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021015
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    Rural library is an important part of rural culture. On reviewing the history of rural libraries, this article discussed issues of the rural libraries' participating in rural cultural revitalization, including the theoretical basis, the existing problems in the development, the ways of revitalization and the current practical experience. Then, this paper summarized two primary actors with their advantages and disadvantages in the development of rural libraries, revealed the status of rural libraries in the revitalization of rural culture, and proposed feasible solutions for enhancing the healthy development and service capacity of rural libraries. It is believed that rural libraries have the functions of preserving rural memories, disseminating human knowledge and fostering local identity, which contributed to roles of rural libraries as the second classroom for social education, the public space for exchanging information and opinions, and the cultural place for leisure and entertainment. The external effects of rural libraries were also discovered to be significant, such as helping villagers to get rich and becoming a symbol of beautiful rural culture. It is suggested that the construction of rural libraries should follow the bottom-up and endogenous mode,in four pathways for the sustainable development: (1) government sectors investing at different levels and integrating various resources to establish rural libraries, (2) government sectors promoting the development of rural culture by purchasing rural library services, (3) encouraging new prominent rural personages or social forces to establish rural libraries to support the construction of rural culture, and (4) professionals from library field intervening in the activities of rural libraries to provide professional guidance and various resources.
  • Dong Tiantian Li Quan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 126-132. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021016
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    IFLA issued its report of Libraries in Digital Skills Policies:Policy areas, mechanisms, practices on December 9th of 2020 in which the contents concerning library helping citizens increase digital skills in policies, strategies, and related project frames of international organizations and governments about digitalization and internet were reviewed and summarized with the aim to provide references for libraries to realize their important role in the construction of digital skills, and at the same time appealing to national governments to make it national strategy to increase libraries as part of digital skills infrastructure. Based on the enlightenment of this report, our libraries should raise crisis awareness and pay attention to digital literacy and education; take the policy opportunities to look for breakthrough in service; play a leadership role in the business and supply references for government agencies to make policies, thus making library important participant of digital economy.
  • Zhou Fengzhen
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 133-137. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021017
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     "The Combination of Poetry and Rhyme" compiled by Qing Dynasty Tang Wenlu is the most influential old-style poetry writing aid tool in modern times. The book not only compiles a variety of books such as "Ci Lin Dian Ye", "Shi Yun", "Xu Zi Yun Sou", but also uses books such as "Similarities and Differences of Poems and Rhymes" and "Annotation of Poems and Rhymes" to collate and correct the words and rhymes.In the end, the books are excellent and long, and they have high document value. The distinctive features of the style selection of "Poetry and Rhyme" not only have philological significance, but also can glimpse some of the characteristics of the times and compilation thoughts of the poetry world in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, and also have the effect of improving the basic level of contemporary old-style poetry writing. Reference meaning.
  • Li Jie Cao Shenglong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2021, 41(01): 138-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2021018
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    Travel writing in the Republic of China is not only the textual support of the investigators' walking experience and perception, but also the social and cultural patterns of the Republic of China interspersed in it as an important component of the text. In the context of the specific era, based on the identity and perspective of the investigators, concrete social and humanistic characteristics, frontiers and national images are embedded in the text to weave the frontier landscape. The presentation of various narratives, images and epistemology not only provided a detailed ethnographic reference for the people to broaden the horizons of frontier knowledge at that time, but was also an important type of materials for studying frontier society during the Republic of China, and its value needs to be explored.