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25 August 2020, Volume 40 Issue 04

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  • Yang Xinya Liu Fangbing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 1-8. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020055
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    This paper analyzes and clarifies the zero data in the library reading promotion, provides the corresponding strategy for the zero data problem, and constructs the zero data theory applied in the library reading promotion model, which help to eliminate the blind spot and the short board of the library reading promotion, so as to make the National Reading work more refined. In this paper the method of data collection and analysis are used to classify the zero data in reading promotion, and to construct the model of reading promotion based on zero data theory. The author believes that the library should pay more attention to zero data in the future reading promotion, and establish the decision-making system of collection, classification and intelligent analysis of relevant zero data, which will help to improve the breadth and dimension of reading promotion, the data system, library management, and service of smart library.
  • Liu Fangbing Wang Yanli Ran Weiran
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 9-14. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020056
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    The management and service of library collections has always been one of the core business of the libraries. Building and optimizing a high-quality library collection system have a direct or indirect impact on the development of library services. The paper makes research from all aspects of the library collections. It analyses and delves into the zero-data phenomenon in the whole process of "interview-collection -circulation". It further optimizes the structure, spatial layout and circulation adjustment of library collection, establishes a zero-data-based and guided collection optimization system, and applies it to the practical work of library.
  • Xu Tiancai Feng Tingting Yang Xinya
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 15-20. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020057
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    The development of big data analysis and cloud computing technology has led to intelligent recommendations that have brought convenience to readers to some extent. However, the limitations of computer information processing will cause readers to obtain information guided by their short-term interests habitually, so that they are trapped in the "cocoon room" and becomes an information isolated island. In order to solve the dilemma of information cocoon, the author uses reverse thinking to put forward zero data, and based on zero data and information cocoon literature research, the nature of information cocoon through zero data is analyzed and strategy is put forward to break the information cocoon by zero data acquisition, definition, cross sharing and innovation recommendation.
  • Yu Binbin Yu Liangzhi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 21-27. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020058
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    Critical thinking is widely used in the field of Library and Information Science, regarded as the core training objective of information literacy education and the explanatory or moderator variable of information behavior research. In measuring this variable, researchers often use the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) and the corresponding Chinese version (CTDI-CV). However, there are many problems in this version, such as no structural validity test, unstable factor structure, and too many items (more than 70). The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of simplifying the existing scale, and to explore a simplified critical thinking scale for LIS research and practice. Based on the data of 383 valid samples, this study carried out project analysis, factor analysis, reliability test and other research processes. The simplified scale consists of six dimensions and 28 items. The KMO is 0.820, and the explanation rate is 50.208%. The overall alpha is 0.90, and subscale alphas range between 0.45 and 0.78. Compared with other scales, the result of this study maintains the level of reliability, factor structure and explanatory power. The test of structure validity is carried out, and the number of questions is reduced.
  • Li Wu Ai Pengya Cao Xucheng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 28-35. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020059
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    From individual difference perspective, the present study aimed to explore the effect of neuroticism on users' willingness to pay for online knowledge, and the underlying mechanism as well. An online survey was used for data collection, and the bootstrapping strategy was adopted to test the proposed moderated mediation model. As the results show, among users with high epistemic curiosity, social comparison fully mediates neuroticism and willingness to pay; whereas among those with low epistemic curiosity, neuroticism directly influence user willingness to pay without any mediating effect of social comparison.
  • Sheng Dongfang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 36-44. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020060
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    Social sharing brings the dual value of traffic and topic to content providers and social media. With a review of the correlation theories and motivation researches, through user and expert interview, this paper constructs a measurement scale of social sharing motivation, and then data were obtained by 472 questionnaire. Factor analysis is used to identify six key motivations of social sharing: image management, entertainment, altruism, record, emotional expression and collectivism.
  • Wang Weijun Wang Wei Hao Xinxiu Liu Hui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 45-55. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020061
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    Internet literacy is the basic literacy for the survival and development of individuals in the information age, especially in the Internet age. Based on the epochal and developmental requirements of key competence, the article expounded the inevitability and reality of the evolution of information literacy to Internet literacy; combed the origin of Internet literacy research and the connotation of internet literacy, analyzed the research status, practice progress and existing problems of Internet literacy, and put forward five suggestions to promote the research and education practice of Internet literacy.
  • Qin Xiaoyan Chu Jingli
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 56-66. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020062
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    The scientific data literacy competency index system combining qualitative description and quantitative evaluation were constructed to provide scientific evaluation standards and quantitative evaluation tools for conducting all-round and targeted scientific data literacy survey. Based on the literature research and the study on the localization characteristics of scientific data literacy, the index system was initially constructed, and Delphi method was used to carry out two rounds of expert consultation, and the content of each index was determined by evaluating the necessity and clarity of each index, then AHP was used to determine the index weight by calculating the expert score. Finally, the scientific data literacy competency index system composed of 3 dimensions, 18 first-level indexes and 47 second-level indexes were constructed, and the weight values were given to the dimensions and first-level indicators, so as to ensure the scientificity, universality, foresight and operability of the index system.
  • Liu Hui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 67-73. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020063
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    Information literacy is the basic literacy of the public facing the digital information environment, but the digital information society has entered the era of all media network, the proposition of ubiquitous information literacy and the exploration of its connotation have become a new field of concern to the academic community and the industry. This paper proposes that the structure pattern of ubiquitous information literacy has made a beneficial attempt to the expansion of related fields. According to the theory of information literacy and under the guidance of information retrieval theory, information literacy theory and "multi-dimensional" analysis framework theory, this paper puts forward the construction of ubiquitous information literacy including information literacy, data literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, network literacy, scientific literacy and cognitive literacy. The "seven in one" structure pattern of information literacy is based on ubiquitous information literacy, ability, media, perception, environment, behavior and cognition. This paper uses literature research and comparative research methods to explain and discuss the connotation and content of related literacy, and discusses its value, role and logical relationship in the structure pattern. Constructing the "seven in one" structure pattern of ubiquitous information literacy is scientific and necessary.
  • Li Chaoping Yang Jian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 74-78. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020064
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    Beginning with two manners of utterance of culture and tourism, the administrative and professional contexts of the integration, the different modes of integration, and how to make choice under the background were discussed. The integration of public cultural service and tourism was also discussed, in which how to keep the equity of public cultural service is worthy of attention.
  • Feng Jiqiang Xu Yongmin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 79-83. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020065
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    The development and application of 5G information technology, as well as the concept of wisdom, provide a technical and conceptual basis for the emergence and development of 5G-smart travel under the background of the integration of cultural brigades. As a public cultural service institution, the library has made a positive exploration for the integration of cultural tourism. The 5G-Smart Culture Brigade will become a new model for the integration and development of the Library Culture Brigade in the future, and will show greater value in service experience, cultural interaction, intelligent management, brand marketing and so on.
  • Zeng Ziming Sun Shouqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 84-91. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020066
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    Embedding user's portrait in smart library's mobile visual search service can solve the information overload and the semantic gap problem, and meet the personal needs of the readers. The paper made a review of the related research of mobile library visual search and user portrait, explored the realization process of user portrait in data collection、data preprocessing、modeling and effect evaluation of smart library mobile visual search and recommendation service, constructed personalized mobile visual search and recommendation service model, probed different function of the model in data collection, resources integration, data processing, and smart service, and analyzed some key problems such as privacy protection, dynamic changes of the portrait, and optimization of service.
  • Liu Cong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 92-100. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020067
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    Since the 21st century, many countries have made health education, improving citizens' health literacy, promoting and advocating healthy lifestyle as important contents of national health care strategy. In order to adapt to the development of the times, public libraries in many countries, including our country, have participated in and played an important role in health education actions in many ways, and health services have become an important means of innovation of public library services. This paper analyzes and summarizes the practice of health services in public libraries at home and abroad, and puts forward a framework for the development of health services in public libraries with extensive cooperation, on-demand training and accurate service, in order to provide reference for the development of health services in public libraries in China.
  • Guan Xia
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 101-109. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020068
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    The author interpreted the main content of the report, introduced and evaluated the innovations and problems that American public, university, and school libraries faced in 2019, and revealed that the basic developing strategy of American libraries is to strengthen social inclusion and responsibility to help solve social problems and their innovating idea is to connect extensively with society. It was found that all service practices of American libraries in the past year were connected with social responsibility. In order to develop continuously , the library has to participate in social development, cooperate extensively with community, and timely express its opinions about social problems.
  • Li Shumin Li Qi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 110-117. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020069
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    Fake news in public crisis events will cause social panic and affect social stability. However, there is still a lack of prevention mechanics and education practice for fake news in public crisis events in China, and the role of libraries this kind of function has not been taken seriously. Firstly, the concept of fake news was defined, the causes and effects of fake news in public crisis events were analyzed, and then the cases of American libraries in the prevention and response to fake news were studied and experiences were extracted from them. Their practice provides reference for Chinese libraries to respond to fake news, participate in the governance of fake news, and develop related services.
  • Shi Shaofang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 118-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020070
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    The digital library has to retrieve in the mass information what the users need to provide users with more and higher quality resources. In this paper the author analyzes the information resources and hierarchical query model of the digital library platform, introduces grid technology, explains the specific advantages and service connotation of the digital library, and analyzes the degree of realizing the hierarchical service of the digital library to meet the actual needs of users. In view of the problems of low data processing ability, lack of resources and content, and lack of interaction in the digital library, this paper puts forward a series of strategies to optimize the service ability of the digital library's hierarchical retrieval platform, so as to provide users with accurate and all-round personalized information that can meet their query semantics and provide users with satisfactory services.
  • Wang Weiping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 124-126. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020071
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    The 14th Five-Year Period is a key period for the transformation and transformation of public libraries. The accumulation of public libraries in policy guarantee, technology application, resource construction and service innovation in the "13th Five-Year" period provides the basis for the transformation of public libraries during the "14th Five-Year" period. To promote the transformation and development of libraries, we can promote from the top-level design, resource integration construction, service refactoring and other dimensions.
  • Zheng Weiguang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 127-130. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020072
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    The strategy of rural revitalization put forward in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is an important strategic measure to solve the problem of "three rural areas" in China. The revitalization of rural culture is an important part and component of rural revitalization. The revitalization and construction of rural culture puts forward new requirements for public libraries of public cultural service institutions.Public libraries need to be accurately positioned in the strategy of rural revitalization,give full play to the advantages of resources and talents,and make achievements in the five aspects of "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and well-being", thus enhancing their own industry and institutional value.
  • Chao Rong Wang Yanping Long Min
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 131-139. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020073
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    Facing the demand of competitive intelligence of industrial technological innovation, build a competitive intelligence integration supply service system with the coordination of competitive intelligence collection layer, competitive intelligence analysis layer and competitive intelligence service layer. Through the questionnaire survey of innovative enterprises, according to the demand orientation of the main body of industrial technological innovation, supported by Internet +, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and information mining, using information fusion, process Integration and industrial technology chain integration mode, elaborating the advantages of Competitive Intelligence supply service mode in data level, module level and functional level, aiming at providing high-quality and efficient competitive intelligence service for industrial technology innovation.
  • Ren Xianghong Ran Bin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(04): 140-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020074
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    Clan concept comes from patriarchal society and expresses as family name. Clan has had important influence on Chinese society. The family name Li appeared in Longxi of North China more than a thousand years ago, and became the royal family name in Tang Dynasty, thus greatly increased the influence of this family name. Ancestral Hall of Li was build in Longxi for clan affection and the place name of Longxi became a cultural symbol for all the Li family members in the world, the genealogies connect different branches together and the place is now an important link to promote Chinese culture.