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15 April 2020, Volume 40 Issue 02

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  • Zhang Zhiqiang Zhang Dengsuo Hu Zhengyin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020019
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    Emergency information service system is an important part and strong support of emergency management, in which science and technology scientific information service is the most important. The purpose of this paper is to study and practice the emergency integrated knowledge consulting service system and service mode to deal with major public health emergency,that is COVID-19. This paper analyzes the information characteristics and demand of this major public health event, and summarizes the research progress of emergency information service. Based on this article establishes an integrated emergency knowledge consulting service system for containing COVID-19, which includes the "Integrated Information Platform for Containing COVID-19" guided by the concept of big data information service,as well as the "Science Decision-making Advisory Service System" guided by the integrated "professional, computational, methodological, strategic and policy" strategy research paradigm and advisory service concept. It has also carried out a full range of science and technology information knowledge services and strategic decision-making consulting services, achieved good results in knowledge consulting services, and fully played the role of the mission of professional science and technology think tanks.
  • Bian Wenyue Leng Fuhai
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 13-18. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020020
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    The paper first discusses the epidemic surveillance systems of China, and suggests that an intelligence system of foreign public health could be established to diversify the type of surveillance channels and intelligence sources. Then, the paper analyzes the four components (personnel, intelligence, technology, organization) of the intelligence system of foreign public health, based on the practice of Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Last, the paper suggests that the intelligence system of foreign public health can play a role in emergency decision-making in a major public health emergency in five aspects that are outbreak surveillance and warning, maintaining global public health security, supporting the development of economy, giving people correct information on the prevent and control of infectious diseases, and learning from foreign experience.
  • Li Xiaojing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 19-24. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020021
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    Based on classic media theories and typical case studies, this paper analyzed the main media types and information sources in COVID-19 infections, and the impacts on media trust and social trust, as well as the effects on public health prevention and national epidemic control. It found that news media, social media, aggregated media, medical media, and government media were the five main media types in this pandemic. News media performed well on professionalism, timeliness, closeness to public, and social concern. Aggregated media and medical media also deserved public trust on error recovery, closeness to public, unselfishness, etc. The fake news on social media, inconsistent data, and information disclosure lag impaired public trust on media. Medical media promoted the health preventive behavior of the public. News media greatly influenced the agenda setting, public opinion, and national epidemic control in the COVID-19.
  • Li Jingxia Lu Jinyi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 28-32. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020023
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    Public libraries were closed in response to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. However, during the closing period, public libraries still provide a variety of professional services by integrating resources. Wuhan Library, which is at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control, has launched a number of online services and extended services, demonstrating the value and mission of public libraries. In the post-epidemic period, public libraries need to seriously consider the impact of the epidemic on library services content, emergency response and community of Shared future. Moreover, public libraries need to promote their development by implementing health information service, information literacy education and epidemic information collection.
  • Guo Xinping Zhang Jianrong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 33-37. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020024
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    COVID-19 Epidemic has greatly affected the services and development of public libraries. Public libraries across the country had to close down. The paper analyzes professional practices of the Taiyuan library from information resources integration, services innovation, professional personnel training and a community of shared future. The practice of Taiyuan Library has played the basic function of the public library, taken the initiative to bear the social memory function of the information age, and promoted the construction of the community of shared future of the library industry. In the period of normalization and post epidemic prevention and control, public libraries need to think and innovate in space environment, service mode, librarians' quality and community of common future.
  • Xu Yibo Wan Xiangrong Hua Dongjie Chen Jian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 38-42. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020025
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    Being influenced by COVID-19 epidemic, a series of response measures were taken by Ningbo Library after closure including prevention and control emergency management, ensuring the book-circulation service, organizing online promotion activities, providing information for reference and decision-making, and ensuring that equal attention has been attached to epidemic prevention and control and professional service, and to meet the needs of readers as much as possible. These measures fully reflect the social core value of the public libraries in the special period, the professional spirit of librarians and the professional ability of this industry. In the post-epidemic period, public libraries need to take some further measures to promote development, such as innovating service mode, strengthening alliance and cooperation, optimizing resource structure, improving talent structure, and furthering service contents.
  • Li Guoxin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 43-49. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020026
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    The public cultural service has witnessed a high speed leapfrog development in the past decade. However, the outbreak of COVID-19, together with other multiple factors, has pushed the public cultural service into a comparatively low stage. To keep the stable pace of the field, public cultural institutions should innovate service concepts, stimulate the internal vitality, adjust the structure of the service, optimize the allocation of resources, and improve the service efficiency. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the best practices of public cultural service in China are: First, online public digital cultural services are fully developed, though offline services are closed, online services are blossomed. Second, public cultural institutions and staffs have successfully intervened in hot social issues with high-quality professional services. The experience of epidemic prevention and control prompts us to think deeply and seek for improvement in the following areas: the strengthening of digital cultural services in cultural centers, the focus and mechanism of crisis response in public cultural institutions, the professionalization development of public cultural services, and the improvement of service processes and methods in library.
  • Tan Xiao Zhang Zhiqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 50-63. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019027
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    Based on nearly 30 years collection of knowledge graph macro subject literature, the paper shows the trend of the development of the knowledge graph. Keywords co-occurrence is used to present knowledge graph topic in the field of the structure and interconnection. Based on the description of hot frontier, the theme of the analysis of the content level framework is constructed. In-depth analysis was made from the entity disambiguation, relationship expansion, graph improvement, graph integration, correlated data, and dynamic building to summarize the present situation of the application of knowledge graph. It also reveals the development trend of knowledge graphing.
  • Zeng Yueliang Si Li
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 64-75. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020028
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    Interdisciplinary research collaboration is an important form and trend of academic research. It will have a profound impact on future scientific development and will play a significant role in promoting knowledge innovation and social progress. Exploring the operational mechanism of interdisciplinary research collaboration and clarifying its key elements and mechanism will help promote the efficient operation and sustainable development of collaboration. The article takes Stanford University's interdisciplinary research institutions as examples to analyze the key elements of interdisciplinary research collaboration practice from the perspective of organization, in views of the value perception and collaboration atmosphere, academic communication mode and scientific research infrastructure, team cohesion, interest protection mechanism, mission and objectives, policies and strategies, research funding, and management models. Based on case analysis, it builds an interdisciplinary research collaboration operation model from the perspective of organization, covering three layers of elements, namely "Three stages, one link, eight influencing factors".
  • Cai Mingzhang Wang Lin Wu Jiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 76-80. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020029
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    Blockchain has the technical characteristics of decentralization, non-forgery, traceability and transparency, which provides innovative technical solutions for the development of Internet public welfare crowdfunding.In the field of Internet public welfare crowdfunding, blockchain technology mainly has five application scenarios of information traceability, credit enhancement and authentication, audit and settlement, data sharing and information security.The application framework of Internet public welfare crowdfunding based on block chain mainly includes three layers, namely, the basic technology layer, the intelligent contract layer and the application service layer. The functions such as donation tracing, information disclosure and data sharing have solved many"pain point" in the current Internet public welfare crowdfunding field.
  • Wang Fang Yin Yuxuan Liu Wangyang Zhang Baihui Zhang Weichong Cheng Xu Zou Jianjun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 81-93. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020030
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    In order to promote the application of big data in enhancing the governance efficacy of urban governments in China, this study evaluates 75 urban governments using the "Evaluation Index System for the Government Efficacy Using Big Data" developed by the Center for Network Society Governance of Nankai University. The results show that among the four evaluation dimensions, the top 20 governments generally perform better in institutional guarantee and governance capability than in governance performance and public participation. The imbalance exists between regions as well as between cities at different administrative levels. On this basis, several suggestions were put forward.
  • Ren Pingping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 94-102. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020031
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    This paper analyses the different definitions of open science given by experts and scholars at home and abroad in recent years through investigation and research, and puts forward its own understanding and interpretation of Open Science, and analyses its influence on research libraries from the constituent elements of open science, to explore and analyze the current historical opportunities and challenges of research libraries. It demonstrates that the transformation and upgrading of research libraries' role in scientific research under the background of open science, and tries to orient them precisely. Research libraries should be positioned as active promoters of the open scientific concept; as professional constructors of scientific research infrastructure; as technology leaders embedded in the open scientific research process; as potential sponsors seeking open publishing; and as normative guardians of intellectual rights and interests.
  • Miao Meijuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 103-111. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020032
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    This paper introduced and analyzed the development status and characteristics of intergenerational programs (IPs) in American public libraries through e-mail, telephone, face-to-face interviews and field observation. The number of IPs in American public libraries was limited, but the types were diverse. The most common reason for IPs was based on the effective match between problems or unmet needs and available resources in the community, the main beneficiaries were the vulnerable or underserved elderly and young people, the core idea was to promote mutual support and develop mutually beneficial relationships between older and younger people. The common features of IPs included emphasizing equality and reciprocity among participants, giving participants full autonomy, focusing on cooperation with different departments and institutions, and children's and youth departments as the primary sponsoring departments. This paper analyzed the influence of IPs from the perspectives of the young, the old, the library and the community.
  • Wu Zhongping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 112-119. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020033
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    Discussing the influence of parents' individual characteristics on parents' education in public libraries is helpful for public libraries to carry out targeted parents' education. Through the questionnaire survey, this paper finds that the gender, age, educational background of parents and the age of children have a significant impact on the development of parent education in public libraries. Women, parents with high educational background and parents of children aged 0-12 have a higher degree of intimacy with their children, which is the best target group for parents' education in libraries; men, parents of 46-60 years old, parents with low educational background and parents with children aged 13-18 years old need to improve their awareness of parents' education; parents of 46-60 years old and low educational background need to improve their own educational theory.
  • Huang Baichuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 120-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020034
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    The article reviews the history of health research in the library in China, and then it finds that health information service is a new research field that has emerged in the library community in recent years. In the post-epidemic period, health information services become the new basic responsibility of libraries. Meanwhile, the libraries need to preparate in the areas of information security, information value-added. At last, the article designs the 4S health information service framework of the library summarizes the main service contents.
  • Niu Yong Liu Ruikun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 124-127. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020035
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    "Undergraduate-oriented" has become the basic principle for the development of higher education in the new era. This paper analyzes the connotation of "Undergraduate-oriented" and the service innovation trend of university library driven. Based on "Undergraduate-oriented", the paper puts forward the service innovation strategy of university libraries, which mainly include: take the moral education service of undergraduates as the core goal, the practical education service of undergraduates as the basic engineering, the scientific research service of undergraduates as the cutting-edge layout, and the construction of undergraduate education resources as the supporting conditions.
  • Zhao Youlin Liu Liming Ge Mengzhen Lu Yingjun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 128-139. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019036
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    Two new indicators are introduced in this paper - "citation rate during sleep period" and "citation rate in recent five years" - on the basis of B-value method to restrain the number of citations of sleeping beauty during sleeping period and wakening period. This method is used to identify "sleeping beauty" literature in the two different fields to verify its advantages and analyze the sleeping and awakening mechanism of sleeping beauty. By comparing and analyzing the sleeping and awakening mechanism of sleeping beauty in these two disciplines, this study provides guidance for different disciplines on how to find the sleeping beauty publications as early as possible. Improved B-value Algorithm was used to identify sleeping beauties published between 1986 and 2007 in the Web of Science (WoS) database in the two fields of WR and ISLS. The results show that the improved B-value recognition method can identify 10 sleeping beauties in ISLS and WR fields, which cannot be recognized only by B-value method, and the recognition accuracy is improved by 43.4%.In terms of the citation curve, the cited frequency of Sleeping Beauty Literature identified by the B-value method only fluctuates greatly during the sleeping period, and the average annual cited frequency of sleeping Beauty Literature is more than 2. Moreover, the citation frequency of three articles decreased significantly, which did not accord with the characteristics of Sleeping Beauty Literature. From the perspective of influencing factors of papers,the weak academic influence of journals and authors are the important reasons for the paper to become a "sleeping beauty". Moreover, research suggest that compared with the ISLS field, the "sleeping beauty" in the WR field is more influenced by the authority of the journals when awakened.
  • Cui Xing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2020, 40(02): 140-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2020037
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    Buddhist offerings symbolizes believers' respect to Buddha, Dharma, and monks. There are large amount of content in Dunhuang literature and fresco about Buddhist offerings in Later Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties Period, which are the basic materials for the study of the prosperity of Buddhism in Dunhuang, and through the articles offered, the living conditions of the believers and their efforts to promote Buddhism are disclosed.