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25 August 2019, Volume 39 Issue 04

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  • Sha Yongzhong Lu Li
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 1-12. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019053
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    Public safety data management is a new interdisciplinary research field. This paper analyzed the background of public safety data management firstly. Then relevant concepts and connotation of public safety data management were expounded from the perspective of researches about "data curation", "data management and stewardship" as well as "data governance". After that this paper summarized the main research contents of public safety data management and the critical questions which the researchers and practitioners will encounter in the public safety governance practices.
  • Lu Li Sha Yongzhong Xu Xuefeng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 13-21. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019054
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    Data Life Cycle (DLC) model is the critical medium interlinking the data management strategies and practices. This paper analyzed the typical DLC models' construction and phases' characteristics as research basis. Combining the sources and features of public safety data, the overall public safety data life cycle model was constructed. Then basing on the public safety activities, the public safety data management model was put forward which combines the public safety data life cycle and the public safety activities life cycle. Meantime, the function of the public safety data management model was discussed as well.
  • Niu Chunhua Wu Yanyan Liu Hongbing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 22-28. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019055
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    Effective data management is the key link to promote the application of public safety data. Current researches have not yet formed an accurate definition of the development path and stage goal of public safety data management, and there is no theoretical model to evaluate the level of public safety data management of government organizations and related institutions. Based on the software Capability Maturity Model and the public safety data management process, this paper constructs the public safety data management Capability Maturity Model by determining key practices and key process areas and dividing the level of a capability maturity for public security data management.
  • Wang Chao Song Xiangrong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 29-35. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019056
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    As a means of improving the efficiency of law enforcement and accountability, the American police big data promotes the transformation of police practice from traditional law enforcement activities to modern intelligence activities, but to what extent it improves the effectiveness of police practice is still an open empirical issue. This paper discusses the historical evolution of data-driven police practice, and introduces the practical progress of big data in American police from the aspects of its rising background, data characteristics, technical tools and practical applications. The paper examines four risk issues in the practice of American police big data, and then expounds the policy enlightenment from three aspects: data quality control, data safety management and data analysis technology.
  • Chen Wei Wu Zhinan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 36-43. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019057
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    Public cultural service meets an important opportunity when the government plans to deepen the institutional reform in culture and tourism so as to propel the development of cultural career, cultural industry and tourism as a whole. Public culture in the new era can find its exact position in general culture and the social economic development with this opportunity, and many difficult problems may be solved. The necessity, reality, meaning, and paths of the integration and innovation of public cultural service are analyzed from the relation of social undertaking and social production, the chain conduction from social needs to social supply to social production and the interactive mechanics between these factors.
  • Huang Yijun Lv Zhenkui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 44-52. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019058
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    Industry convergence on culture, tourism, education and sports is the blurry phenomenon among industry boundaries driven by internal and external elements. Commercial activities upgrade and assets universality prompt industrial probabilities of the convergence. Consumption advancement and consumption integration prompt consumptive probabilities of the convergence. Technology empowerment and technology standard prompt creative probabilities of the convergence. The paper puts forward triple-packs dimensionalities of governmental regulation with direct and indirect, encouragement and restriction, supply and demand. It also proposes mechanisms of industrial motivation, consumption guidance and technological innovation and implementation paths of industry convergence on culture, tourism, education and sports by aspects of organizations, policies, funds, talents and platforms.
  • Jin Wugang Zhao Na Zhang Yuqing Wang Yandan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 53-58. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019059
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    The integrated development of cultural and tourism (IDC&T) is an important national policy. The public service promoted by the government is an important guarantee for the IDC&T. There are two major ways for the IDC&T. The first way is to integrate tourism elements into the transformation of public cultural services. For example, the facility space will be built as a tourist destination, research and development of cultural and creative products suitable for tourism needs, expansion of tourism information consulting services, and organization of cultural activities suitable for tourism characteristics. The second way is to strengthen cultural empowerment in tourism public services. For example, in the areas of external transportation, road service areas, tourism distribution centers, internal transportation, parking lots, tourist transportation services, tourist identification systems, tourist service centers, tourist toilets, and smart tourism, cultural functions are strengthened. The IDC&T promotes the smooth transformation of economic and social development.
  • Feng Jia
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 59-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019060
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    The integration of culture and tourism has made the foreign libraries play important roles in providing the cultural tourism information, attracting tourists and concentrating social customs. In order to adapt to the development of tourism, foreign libraries have actively innovated in cultural tourism, offering special services such as visiting, specialty catering, gift shops and day care. At the same time, they have given many inspirations for China in the context of the integration of culture and tourism in the following aspects: resource integration, space environment, directories and signage, professional teams, community services, publicity and promotion, and the application of new technologies.
  • Chen Yanfang Zhou Xiaoying
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 66-73. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019061
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    Information Architecture (IA) Summit is a global gathering for practitioners in the field of information architecture, which has been held for 19 consecutive years until 2018. This paper, firstly, extracts the texts of the conference materials in the IA Summit official website. Then, through the subject analysis method combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, this paper analyzes the main features of the IA Summit from 2000 to 2018, the development process of information architecture reflected by IA Summit. Next, referring to the famous information architecture theory, Three-Ring Structure, this paper analyzes the research progress of the basis of the information architecture design pattern in recent years, namely the three major areas: content, users, and backgrounds. Finally, this paper summarizes the development trend of information architecture.
  • Qin Shun Liu Kunxiong Zhao Wei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 74-83. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019062
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    Taking 93 international library science research datasets, which obtained from google dataset as samples, this paper quantifies and discusses its external characteristics, then following the idea of meta-analysis and with the help of text mining tools, to analyze its content characteristics with quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. It was found that the international library science from the perspective of data empowerment has formed six frontier topics: modern library management, LIS education and information literacy cultivation, research data management and sharing, scientometrics and altmetrics, information and science technology application, open science and open access. Three directions of research development are presented, including: the integration of theory and technology provides a new basis for innovation, research data management and sharing has become a new central issue, opening scientific exchange and cooperation has become a new trend of development.
  • Li Shaohui Zhao Junyi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 84-91. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019063
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    The revitalization of rural culture needs to activate the subjectivity of peasant groups and to pay attention to and resolve the problem of weak participation in public cultural services. Using the method of Classical Grounded theory, this paper chooses three typical cases of rural public cultural services in H county to study the formal logic of weak participation of peasant groups in grass-roots public cultural services. The study finds that the formal logic of farmers' weak participation varies according to different social fields. Weak participation in family field obeys the logic of ethical habits, takes family responsibility as the motive force of participation, and is at the level of participation in government discipline; weak participation in community field obeys the logic of taste habits, takes cultural interest as the motive force of participation, and is at the level of participation in partnership; weak participation in social field obeys the logic of contract habits, takes personal interests as the motive force of participation, and is at the level of symbolic participation. Participation level. In contrast, service-oriented participation in the community field has achieved a small range of "precision" cultural services to some extent. The cultural services it provides are more in line with the real cultural needs of the people, and it is a potential cultural service model in the future rural areas.
  • Xu Jianhua Yang Jixia Lu Jinyi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 92-100. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019064
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    To a great extent, the prosperity and development of the librarianship in nowadays is promoted by the government's policy and financial support. Therefore, the impression and view of the authorities directly influence the future development direction and motivation of librarianship. Thus, an empirical study was conducted to describe the stereotype to the librarian of leaders of the departments in charge of librarians from three dimensions: the impression of librarians, the impression of the library work, and the willingness of communication. The study found that: First, the leader of the related authorities was close to the librarian, but did not have a word for library work. Second, librarian impression and the complexity of library work are the effective variables to predict each other. Third, leaders of the related authorities did not treat librarians and their work with contempt, so the "self-preference and work complaint" was merely the "self-marginalization" behavior of librarians. All these problems point to the lack of professional confidence in the profession and the absence of profession discourse. The research suggests that librarians should be on guard of the lack of professional confidence while enjoying the prosperity situation.
  • Zeng Ziming Sun Shouqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 101-108. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019065
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    The scene-based service is the need of the library to adapt to the development of the new era, which reflects the library's emphasis on the user experience and the improvement of the service environment and quality. This paper combines relevant research, expounds related concepts and connotations, and analyzes the scene-based service requirements from the three dimensions of reader, library and knowledge. Based on this, the article analyzes the construction process of context awareness model from context data collection, context calculation, context modeling and model evaluation, and builds the framework of the smart library scene-based service system focuses on users, which consists of context awareness module, resource integration module, technical support module and scene service module, and discussed the problems and countermeasures.
  • Zhang Yashu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 109-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019066
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    Based on the interpretation of the content about open science of the report, the author put forward some proposals. Our libraries should be organized in associations or unions so that collective forces are used to improve the jobs in digital training, spreading scientific ideas, data infrastructure construction, and showing library values. In this way library may become the important participant, propeller, and even the leader of open science.
  • Liu Yanhong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 115-118. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019067
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    The proposal and launch of the exhibition on the construction of new liberal arts is both an opportunity and a challenge for the library. The "new" of the new liberal arts is mainly embodied in the discipline coordination, the integration of information technology, the talent training mode and so on. The library should adapt to the new situation of the construction of new liberal arts, meet the new services’ requirement of the library’s users, as well as make actively change in the aspects of discipline integration, technology application, collaborative support. In addition, the library should carry out subject planning, think tank decision-making, embedded discipline service, intelligent platform support and so on.
  • Yue Heping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 119-121. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019068
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    The coming of the 5G era provides technical support for the intelligent service of library, and the library information service which conforms to 5G technology is bound to face the revolution. Based on the overview of 5G technology and application, and the impact of 5G technology on social information services, the article focuses on the analysis of intelligence service scenarios of libraries, which based on 5G technology. It holds that there are six application scenarios of intelligence services, which including virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), ultra-high definition video, intelligent reading, smart venues, intelligent security, personal AI equipment.
  • Zhao Rongying Wang Xu Yu Bo Li Danyang Li Xinlai
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 122-131. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019069
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    Evaluation science of China's discourse power is an important task in the study of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics. It meets the realistic needs of China's system, road, theory, scientific and technological development, management and decision-making, evaluation theory and practice and coordinated development of society in the new era. This paper summarizes the research status of discourse power and evaluation science at home and abroad, and makes the following findings: Firstly, lack of theoretical research on evaluation science of discourse power in China; Secondly, lack of a comprehensive study on the evaluation index system and method of China's discourse power; Thirdly, lack of applied system research on the evaluation science of China's discourse power. Starting with the constructive significance and the top-level design, this paper puts forward the research framework of evaluation science, logical diagram, index system diagram and diagram of evaluation and publishing platform of China's discourse power, which includes five elements: requirement analysis, theory, method, evaluation and release platform and application system. At the same time, the elements are also analyzed.
  • Zhao Yiming Zhu Yirong Wu Linrong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 132-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019070
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    In this paper, ten secondary indicators are selected from three aspects: basic ability, primary knowledge service ability and advanced knowledge service ability. Then, the index weights of these indicators are determined by analytic hierarchy process. According to the intelligence level of intelligent voice assistant at present stage, the corresponding test questions are selected for each secondary indicator, and the evaluation system of knowledge service ability of intelligent voice assistant is constructed. Finally, three mainstream intelligent voice assistants are evaluated and analyzed by this evaluation system. The evaluation index system constructed in this paper is practical and dynamic, the weight of basic ability is the largest, followed by primary knowledge service ability and advanced knowledge service ability. The empirical results show that the mainstream Chinese intelligent voice assistant has certain degree of knowledge service ability at now, but there is still much room for improvement.
  • Xu Lijuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(04): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019071
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    Huang Zongxi is a great thinker and historian between the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He is knowledgeable in many disciplines, especially in history. He spent 26 years compiling 482 volumes of Ming Wenhai, a collection of Ming Dynasty articles, trying to preserve historical facts in the form of literature. More than 10,000 pages of this book were included in Sikuquanshu at first and later, when a review was made according to the emperor, some parts were deleted and replaced, resulting in deleted manuscripts which are now stored in Henan Provincial Library and included in national precious ancient books list. The existence of the deleted manuscripts proves that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty made arbitrary deletion of the books for the purpose of imprisonment. It also provides valuable first-hand information for the study of the compilation history of Sikuquanshu. Beside its own literature value and academic value, it is an important historical evidence.