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25 June 2019, Volume 39 Issue 03

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  • Li Gang Gan Lin Xu Lu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 1-010. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019037
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    Modern think tank is one of the key symbols of modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. At the beginning of the 20th century, modern think tank came into being in Britain and America due to the increasing complexity of social, economic and national governance, and the empirical decision-making mode was insufficient. After more than a century, modern think tank has not only become a mature industry based on advanced knowledge, but also completed the institutionalized construction of the knowledge system of relevant think tank, which has become an important research field of mainstream social science, formed a stable research community, and bred a number of high-level research results. Think tank knowledge system and think tank practice formed a benign interaction. However, as the independent consciousness of think tank construction in China has just awakened and the practice of think tank has just started, all parties lack a clear understanding of the importance, significance and path of the institutionalized construction of think tank knowledge system, and the institutionalized construction of think tank knowledge system is still in the spontaneous stage. This paper argues that from the perspective of discourse system, discipline system and academic system, it is necessary to promote the institutionalization of the think tank knowledge system in China, so that the think tank knowledge system can be embedded into the mainstream social science, and realize the early evolution of the think tank knowledge system from the previous scientific stage to the conventional scientific stage.
  • Wang Chuanqi Li Gang Ding Xuankai
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 11-019. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019038
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    Based on the concept of think tank policy influence and a large number of empirical cases, this paper reveals that the phenomenon of "instruction-centric" is prevalent in the evaluation of think tank policy influence in China. Based on the theory of policy process, this paper makes a bibliometric analysis of the internal references and instructions in the "China Think Tank Index", analyses the main problems brought about by this phenomenon, and preliminarily explores the method of breaking the "instruction-centric" method in the evaluation system of think tanks, with a view to providing reference for the evaluation and construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
  • Feng Ya Li Gang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 20-028. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019039
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    The development of media technology has changed the social dissemination pattern. Think tank dissemination is an important factor affecting the development of think tanks, and it is also an important part of the construction of new types of think tanks. This paper analyzes the significance of think tank dissemination for the construction of new types of think tanks, and discusses the direction of think tank dissemination innovation in the construction of new types of think tanks. Then, this paper takes CTTI source think tank as an example to analyzes the current status of dissemination, and summarize the problems existing in the current think tank dissemination, such as the weak awareness of dissemination, the single channel of dissemination, the monotony content of dissemination and the imperfect dissemination strategy. Finally, this paper puts forward that the new types of think tanks should establish the profound consciousness of dissemination, build diversified dissemination channels, develop high-quality dissemination content, expand international dissemination capacity and focus on dissemination flexibility.
  • Zou Jingya Li Gang Guan Lin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 29-037. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019040
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    Think tank records are main carriers of the knowledge of think tanks. Record management & control (RMC) not only serves the internal knowledge management of think tanks, but also empower the operation of think tanks. Based on the investigation and interview with front-line workers from Chinese think tanks, this paper analyzes the relevant status of utilization management of records in think tanks, and puts forward the RMC framework for think tank internal utilization--including the basic process of record management, and the control elements of governance, manager, technology and the whole process--by combining the characteristics of the new think tanks. To promote the application of the framework and to improve the effectiveness of RMC, the new think tanks should enhance the awareness of the RMC, attach importance to the top level design of the RMC of think tanks, promote the construction of the think tank information management system, innovate the management mechanism of think tanks.
  • Zhao Yuxiang Liu Zhouying Xu Weihan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 38-049. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019041
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    This paper examines the role of relevant gamified elements in inspiring users participation from the perspective of gamification. Firstly, this paper reviews the literature on gamification and its application in citizen science platforms. Then, 16 gamification elements of the citizen science platform are divided into four dimensions, namely task design, interaction design, feedback design and reward design, and the related reliability and validity are examined. Next, gamification elements of the citizen science platforms are classified into attractive, one-dimensional, must-be, indifferent and reverse quality, and the weights of gamification elements are calculated by using Kano model. The results show that weights of the task completion reward and stage reward in reward design dimension, the ranking in interaction design dimension, difficulty identification and story plot in task design dimension, and real-time information feedback in feedback design dimension play important roles. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the gamification design of citizen science platforms based on the findings.
  • Xue Xiang Zhao Yuxiang Chen Yingqi Zhu Qinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 50-060. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019042
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    The gamification design of Citizen Science Projects has not yet formed a unified and systematic theoretical research results. Researchers lack a quantitative evaluation index system to guide and evaluate the gamification design of citizen science projects. After combing the literature related to the evaluation index of gamification design, the study constructs the evaluation index system of gamification design of citizen science projects. This evaluation index system includes four dimensions: educational goals, scientific goals, game interaction experience, and system security. After collecting the data of experts and analyzing the weight coefficients of each index by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this study finds that education and science are still the main considerations of citizen science projects' gamification design, while users' game interaction experience and system security are in the secondary position, which suggests that researchers are more likely to use gamification as an auxiliary design tool. Finally, the evaluation index system is used to evaluate the gamification design of the Foldit project. The shortcomings of the gamification design in the existing public science projects are summarized, and the future gamification development strategies are put forward.
  • Zhang Xuanhui Zhao Yuxiang Wang Yuefen
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 61-072. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019043
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    Citizen science projects are growing in popularity amongst academia and industry as a means to collect data and solve scientific problems. In the initial stage of citizen science projects, how to motivate participants is a great challenge. Therefore, our study focuses on the cold start phase of citizen science projects in digital humanities domain and conducts an empirical study on the motivation of volunteers' participation in those projects. First, this study proposed main influence factors of volunteers' participation in citizen science projects from three dimensions: platforms, tasks, and volunteers. Then based on S-O-R theory, an empirical model of volunteers' motivations in the cold start stage was established. After that, the authors collected data through questionnaires and tested the hypotheses by SmartPLS 3.0. Results show that factors at the platform dimension and task dimension have an impact on volunteers' cognition and emotion levels, and volunteers' perceived usefulness, self-efficacy, enjoyment and commitment have a positive impact on volunteers' participation intention. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the practical development of citizen science projects from the perspectives of organization structure, platform design and task design.
  • Han Wenting Song Shijie Zhao Yuxiang Zhu Qinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 73-084. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019044
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    Crowdsourcing transcription projects in digital humanity domain are of great significance to the transcription, storage, disseminate and development of cultural heritage. However, because of the heavy workload and the high-level professionalism in the crowdsourcing projects, it becomes necessary to ensure the performance of crowdsourcing tasks. This paper adopts Transcribe-Sheng Project, one of the typical crowdsourcing projects in digital humanity domain in China, as a case. We conduct a quasi-experiment to explore the difference of task performance in the crowdsourcing transcription projects from two perspectives-task complexity and domain knowledge. Our findings reveal that both task complexity and domain knowledge significantly influence task performance. What's more, there is an interaction effect exists between task complexity and domain knowledge on task performance. Based on these findings, we provide some practical suggestions on task design, participants' recruitment and task fit for the crowdsourcing transcription projects in digital humanity domain in China.
  • Wang Xiaolun Zhao Yuxiang Liu Xiao
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 85-095. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019045
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    Citizen science projects are composed of two groups: project initiators (scientists, government agencies, etc.) and project participants (volunteers), whose effective cooperation is key to the effective implementation of projects. Current research focuses on the willingness of public participation, but ignores the prerequisite of cooperation-trust. Based on Trust Building Model, this study proposes main influence factors of volunteers' trust in citizen science projects from four aspects: reputation, website quality, information quality, and institutional structural factors. Through a scenario-based questionnaire, the authors conducted OLS regression on 179 valid data. Data results show that scientist reputation, project initiator reputation, website usability, information publicity, information interaction, and public privacy protection have significant positive impacts on volunteers' trust in citizen science projects, while ease of website use had no significant influence on volunteers' trust.
  • Li Zhuo Zhao Mengyuan Liu Jiahao Zhou Qingqing Zhang Chengzhi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 96-104. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019046
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    In view of the incompleteness of the current research on the evaluation of book influence, this paper explores and analyses the motivation of books being cited in the citation literature from the perspective of citation content. Firstly, based on the existing research, three classification criteria of citation motivation are summarized: use, comparison and background citation. Then, the citation content information of Chinese books in the citation literature of five disciplines was obtained, and the motivation label of the citation was marked. Finally, the distribution of book cited motivation and its relationship with citation location and length was analyzed. Empirical analysis shows that the proportion of "use" in book-citing motivation is relatively large. At the same time, there is a significant correlation between citation motivation and citation location, but no significant correlation with citation length. In addition, there are differences in the motives of citation of books in different disciplines.
  • Huang Yuting Lai Tong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 105-113. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019047
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    Open science practice is beneficial to stimulating innovation and accelerating academic progress. This paper takes Center for Open Science as an example, using literature research and website survey methods to investigate the progress of its open science practice. The characteristics of Center for Open Science, which include tight organization, well-rounded services, flexible and innovative rules and extensive publicity and cooperation, are summarized with inductive analysis,. Finally, based on current domestic situation, it is concluded that China should establish a specialized organization, build well-developed infrastructure, formulate innovative open rules, and strengthen publicity and international cooperation in open science.
  • Zhang Yashu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 114-121. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019048
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    Since 2009, the growth of global economy has slowed down because of European debt crisis, trade protectionism, and Brexit. Western countries introduced fiscal austerity policies and budget cutting caused a lot of libraries were shut down or services decreased. Before the European parliament election in 2019, five library organizations including EBLIDA and IFLA initiated and signed Library Manifesto Europe, appealing European Parliament and international communities to pay attention to the important role of library for citizens to obtain information. The author believes that libraries in our country should improve publicity to the policy-makers, care for peoples' livelihood, actively participate in the revision of intellectual property law, and shoulder more social responsibility, create new services, and at the same time, strive for more speaking power in the public decision-making, thus creating more favorable policy and social environment for library development. 
  • Li Mei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 122-130. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019049
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    Driven by scientific research data sharing policy, research data management (RDM) becomes a new mission of university libraries, and an opportunity was given to change roles of the data librarians and RDM services. This paper introduces the realities and latest progress of research data management in the University of Edinburgh. The featured practices include building innovative model of RDM services, research and teaching engagements, extended RDM development with cooperation-based activities. Data librarians are engaged in new works,such as creation of research information tools, academic publishing and communication, providing digital research services. Drawing from the model of the Edinburgh University, the paper summarizes the characteristics of the new roles of data librarian and developing trends in RDM services they provide in the United Kingdom.
  • Kang Siben
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 131-135. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019050
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    The libraries in hotels provided new paths in promoting nationwide reading and integrating culture and tourism. Comparatively researching on the operating modes, reading modes, social value, public welfare projects and special serrvices in Zhuju and Shuxiang mobile libraries, the author prevides some messages for the librarianship and then according to the problems facing Zhuju library and  Shuxiang library, puts forward some suggestions for the libraries in hotels including implanting library elements from the perspective of the functional design of the hotels as a whole, enriching the libraries'collection from the point of view of the sharing economy, providing personalized book-returning methods, exploring special services continually and conducting reading guidance effectively. The paper is of reference value for enterprises to choose routes to cultural construction.
  • Shan Hongbo
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 136-139. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019051
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    The integration mode of cultural and tourism is a major subject that the cultural and tourism circles have studied and explored together in recent years. The architectures of public library have rich cultural attributes, and the integration of exploration and tourism has many modes and path. In particular, there are several models that public libraries could do, such as become tourist attractions, be embedded into tourist attractions, promote research tours, and expand tourism services etc. The models could be realized by several path, including to strengthen tourism public service function of the public library, to build a special library in key tourism areas, to inject library elements in all aspects of tourism, to integrate publicity and marketing with tourism, to actively participate into the cultivation and construction of a new cultural tourism ecology.
  • Hou Dong Ge Yifan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(03): 140-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019052
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    Manchu literature creation in Qing dynasty was of great significance, and the emergence of literary families was one of its important characteristics. The Yude family is a typical literary family in the Jiaqing and Daoguang period of the Qing dynasty. This paper makes a preliminary review and discussion on the preservation status of Yude family members' poems and articles, the creation activities of relevant members and the characteristics of Yude family's literary creation.