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25 April 2019, Volume 39 Issue 02

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  • Zhao Anqi Fu Shaoxiong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 1-10. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019019
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    With rapid development of digital technology, digital poverty has become a serious problem. European Union (EU) has made great achievements in the alleviation of digital poverty through a series of digital strategies. Based on the connotation of digital poverty, this study summarizes the strategies of digital poverty alleviation in EU. Using the cumulative and recursive model of access to digital technology, this study introduces the practice to improve people's digital consciousness from policies and laws. Taking infrastructure construction in poor area and digital service of disadvantaged groups into consideration, the research investigates the methods of digital poverty alleviation in physical dimension. By analyzing the digital literacy education of government, schools and libraries, the study examines the practice to improve digital skills and promote digital resource utilization.
  • Li Haiying
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 11-15. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019020
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    With the advancement of digital technology and the surge in cross-border data transmission, international data services have become an important global issue, which in turn constitutes the foundation of the entire digital economy. It is urgent to explore international rules focusing on personal data protection and trans-border data flow, focusing on its impact on digital products, supporting the rapid development of China's data trade, and striving for the right to speak in formulating and implementing relevant international rules.
  • Zhao Yuxiang Liu Zhouying Song Shijie
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 16-28. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019021
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    Recently, pay-for-answer model has been evolved from the traditional free-based social question and answer platform (Q&A), and more and more users have been involved in the payment-based social Q&A activities. This paper investigates the impact of user identity on the answerers' switch behavior from free- to fee-based knowledge Q&A platforms. First, the study presents a literature review on the influencing factors of participants’ motivations and behaviors in online knowledge Q&A platforms. Then, we crawl the answerers’ behavioral information in both free- and fee-based knowledge Q&A platforms, and conduct some preliminary analysis. Furthermore, the propensity score matching method has been employed to examine the impact of user identity on the answerers' switch behavior, and the robust test has been conducted and verified. The research findings show that the certification of answerers‘identity does not have a significant impact on the answerers' switch behavior, while the title of excellent answerers has a positive significant impact on the answerers' switch behavior.
  • Qian Xuejin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 29-36. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019022
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    Online knowledge payment system is a new product of knowledge management and knowledge sharing in the digital economy era. Starting from the development course and trend of digital payment system, this paper firstly analyzes the technological changes and dimensions of digital payment system, and then analyzes the theory, operation mode, technological changes and risks of the digital payment system of online knowledge payment system. The digital payment system of online knowledge payment system mainly analyzes three types: wholesale type, retail type and cross-border type; wholesale type mainly improves its security and predictability; retail type mainly improves the quality of user experience and reduces the cost-effectiveness of users; cross-border type mainly improves its real-time performance; Transparency, predictability and traceability are the main factors.
  • Si Lijuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 37-45. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019023
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    With the wide application of digital technology in economic activities, the digital economy has eliminated the spatial margin of traditional regional development and has become one of the new kinetic energy of China's current economic development. Focusing on the evolution and characteristics of the digital economy, this paper starts from the essence of China's rural poverty problem from the perspective of digital economy, and uses the information ecosystem theory to construct the basic framework of rural information poverty alleviation ecosystem from three aspects: information itself, information subject and information environment. From the supply and demand of information, the transformation of information and the realization of value, the mechanism of information poverty alleviation is analyzed. On this basis, the optimization path of information poverty alleviation is proposed, in order to share the “digital dividend” of digital economic development in poverty-stricken areas.
  • Ma Jie Jia Huizhen
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 46-56. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019024
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    Reading promotion represents the trends of the library development with its elements of subject, object and environment, which provides specific services to its users. This paper extends triadic reciprocal determinism (TRD), which is one of the representative of Bandura` social cognitive theory(SCT), to the situation of reading promotion field. Theoretically grounded in the three-component model of TRD and by interpreting the applicability of TRD, the theoretical framework, which covers three main factors of reading promotion, users' internal personal factors and users' reading behavior, is constructed, aiming to help enrich the theoretical system of  library reading promotion. Based on TRD,this article introduces self-efficacy, which affects human behavior through four processes of cognition, motivation, choice and affect, into the constructed model to elaborate the interactive causality between user's internal factors and reading behavior within the model of reading promotion triadic reciprocal determinism, aiming to interpret in details the mechanism of user reading self-efficacy through reading cognitive, reading motivation, reading emotion and reading choice. Thus the paper provides value to library reading promotion from the perspective of user`s reading self-efficacy.
  • Miao Meijuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 57-65. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019025
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    In order to provide an effective way of reading promotion for public libraries in the context of civil reading, this paper introduced and compared two kinds of cross-age reading modes (teenager volunteers-children, older adult volunteers-children) of American public libraries through field research and telephone interviews. Both modes reflect the philosophy of sharing reading in happiness and focusing on meeting the needs of the community and present the characters of providing one-to-one interactive reading outside family, focusing on early childhood reading literacy development, giving participants full autonomy and focusing on training volunteers. Meanwhile, lacking of volunteers is a common obstacle to both modes, and orderly organization and planning, making reading interesting, and having volunteers dedicated to programs are key to the success. The differences between the two modes are mainly manifested in the reasons for volunteer participation, the need for review, the partners and the effect.
  • Zhang Yuequn Fan Xinya Cao Juan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 66-71. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019026
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    The theme dispersion is one of the practical problems in the reading promotion works in our country. From 1999 to 2018, the Carolina Summer Reading Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has received a great deal of public attention and success by focusing on one book with one theme all the time, which is worth learning. In China, reading promotion works should pay more attention to the needs of readers, focus on specific topics, and do the theme-focused activities to ensure the reading activities’ effects and long-term development.
  • Qian Honghong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 72-75. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019027
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    Fifth China Digital Reading conference issued by the " White Paper on Digital Reading in China 2018", it fully presents the digital reading development status and future development trend in China 2018 from the policy, industry and trends three aspects. Library is the most important institution to carry out social reading, and the library circle in China has been using reading promotion as the main work since 2006. The analysis of this white paper can give enlightenment to the function orientation, transformation change and the adjustment of reading promotion strategy of the library in China.
  • Zhu Hou Liu Jiaying
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 76-82. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019028
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    In the sharing context, providing personal data is an important prerequisite for users to have access to service. However, the motivation and the mechanism of the user's privacy disclosure are different from the common online environment because of the change of privacy boundary and interactive relationship. In order to explore the behavior mechanism of users' privacy calculus in the sharing context, this study carries out a questionnaire survey with the sample of share economy's users based on theory of privacy calculus. The data analysis shows that self benefit, altruistic benefit, privacy concern, and users' trust in platform all affect the privacy disclosure intention; Users' perceived benefits are no longer confined to personal interests, but also involve altruistic benefits, which have a positive effect on privacy disclosure intention; Trust on other users can not affect disclosure intention significantly, but trust on platform affect disclosure intention positively.
  • Li Yanling Peng Mingzhu Li Shiyue
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 83-91. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019029
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    This paper analyzes the phenomenon of differentiation of netizens and its reason by using literature analysis methods. It is analyzed that the diversity of information needs drives the dissemination of public opinion of the netizens, and the negative impact of information alienation changes the direction of the dissemination of the differentiation of public opinion among netizens. Social trust blocks the dissemination of positive public opinion and causes netizens to divide. Analysis of the evolution law after the formation of differentiation of netizens showed: the focus, diffusion, and elimination of rumors in the process of the dissemination of Internet public opinion were all in line with the SEIR mechanism of the system dynamics. Therefore, Differentiating and differentiating Internet users transformation has many possible paths. It is proposed that the government should correctly identify and protect the reasonable interests of Internet users, scientifically adopt intervention measures for Internet public opinion, rationally control the monitoring costs and costs of Internet public opinion communication, and correctly select the guiding methods for Internet public opinion communication, and make full use of the law of differentiation to guide the control of network public opinion.
  • Ju Hongyun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 92-99. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019030
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    During the Open Education Week of 2019, IFLA released a briefing"Open Educational Resources and Libraries"to encourage libraries all over the world to play a key role in supporting open educational resources. This paper analyzed the construction and development of foreign libraries in OER and came to the conclusion that libraries at home are at the beginning stage in this work more jobs are needed to do this work well.
  • Ren Xinrui Liu Yanquan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 100-106. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019031
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    Volunteers play a vital role in the service and support of American libraries. Through an investigation of 152 American urban libraries in the authoritative American Urban Library Committee (UCC), this research explores the current model of volunteer services and their characteristics. The results indicate that rules and regulation information for volunteers to work in the US urban library is easy to obtain, public policy is openness, application methods can be divided into three categories, and the recruitment process is also coherent across these libraries. The research also finds that the libraries tend to hire younger volunteers, and most of them have little or no requirements for skills and work experience, furthermore, the working hours can be negotiated. Although the American Urban Libraries have formed a standardized and systematic volunteer service model, they still face many practical challenges that need to be solved. Hopefully, these findings and analysis can be exploited in future works as a useful source of information to guide volunteer services in libraries in China.
  • Zhou Xiaozhang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 107-113. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019032
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    At present, with the demand for digital resources service of the public is becoming increasingly individualized and specialized, the traditional service model centered on libraries cannot effectively provide digital resources service. It is urgent to promote the deep integration of the Internet and socialized service of digital resources in universities. Based on the literature review, the paper sorts out the connotation evolution of the socialized service of digital resources in universities from four aspects: resource type, service providers, service demand and service mode. Then, this paper analyzes the development trend of the socialized service of digital resources in universities in the "Internet +" era from five aspects: the cross-border integration of service providers, the precise provision of service content, the user-oriented service process, the three-dimensional interconnection between online and offline, and the extension of value-added services. Finally, according to the previous theoretical analysis and guided by the Internet thinking, this article establishes the model of the socialized service of digital resources in universities based on "Internet +", which integrates all kinds of service providers and online and offline services.
  • Wang Qiangbing Zhang Chengzhi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 114-119. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019033
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    This paper mainly studies how to use gesture behavior generated by mobile terminal to mine user interest and build user interest profile. On the basis of this, the interest recommendation effect based on user interest profile is studied. By collecting the user′s gesture behavior data and the corresponding content of gesture, the user′s interest is mined and the user′s interest profile is constructed. Finally, recommendation experiments are conducted based on user interest profile. The results show that the interest profile construction based on user gesture behavior has achieved good results. The results of this study have important value in the field of personalized recommendation system and marketing. On the one hand, it can provide users with interesting content; on the other hand, it can improve user experience and increase user loyalty.
  • Xue Jiaxiu Ou Shiyan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 120-132. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019034
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    Discourse parsing of scientific articles is the premise and basis for standardizing the writing of scientific articles, understanding their content, and quickly locating and extracting specific information from them. This paper analyzes and summarizes related literature from three aspects: discourse structure modeling, discourse parsing and their applications by literature survey and comparative analysis. The results show that the current research focuses on the coarse-grained models of discourse structure in the domains of bio-medicine and computational linguistics. Automatic discourse parsing mainly adopts two kinds of methods: text classification and sequence labeling. Discourse structure modelling and discourse parsing has important applications in many tasks such as automatic summarization and context-based citation analysis. Future research should be extended to other domains, pay more attention to fine-grained discourse structure models based on rhetoric and argumentation structure, and apply deep learning techniques to achieve more accurate discourse parsing.
  • Liu Yanmin Zhang Wangqiang Zhu Zhongming Chen Hongdong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 133-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019035
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    Theme open knowledge resource acquisition is usually realized by intelligence personnel through fixed-source and fixed-point data acquisition. But in the age of big data, the number of open access information resources has increased dramatically. In order to improve the accuracy and recall rate of automatic monitoring and collection of theme-related resources,to reduce intelligence personnel workload, the latest achievements of deep learning technology is introduced in the field of artificial intelligence. A theme resource monitoring and collection model based on deep learning is proposed. The word vector tool word2vec was used to train the collected corpus in depth. Similarity matching is conducted between theme crawler collection resources and theme model. The practice proves that the thematic monitoring method based on deep learning proposed in this paper is applied to the information monitoring system of the institute of ocean strategy. The accuracy of subject resource automatic monitoring is better than that of traditional detection algorithms.
  • Chen Qinan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(02): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019036
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    Wood engraving appeared in China more than 1100 years ago. About 17th century, wood engraving reached its heyday. Wushuang Pu was a character print book which was created by the cooperation of painters and carvers and which became popular from early Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Such a book is important in the history of engraving.