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25 February 2019, Volume 39 Issue 01

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  • Li Yang Sun Jianjun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 1-7. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019001
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    As a scientific prospect, big data has provided new vitality for the development of humanities and social sciences. Under this background, the humanities and social sciences big data research is becoming an academic focus. The paper summarizes the logic origin, development vein and main features of the humanities and social sciences big data research. On this basis, this paper analyzes the binary value dilemma of the humanities and social sciences big data research, and points out its value pursuit path of knowledge production transformation and humanistic implication strengthening. The paper considers that the integration of big data and humanities and social sciences is a kind of extension compared with traditional humanities and social sciences research. Moreover, the development of big data in humanities and social sciences needs to move towards "wisdom" to support the construction of new smart society.
  • Mao Ping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 8-16. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019002
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    Under the environment of big data, data-intensive research has gradually become an important paradigm of humanities and social sciences research, and has achieved a number of important research results in various disciplines. Sorting out the research context of big data in humanities and social sciences at home and abroad can provide reference for future research. By using CSSCI, SSCI and A&HCI databases as data sources, and combining quantitative and qualitative methods, this paper reveals the research status, hot spots and frontier trends of big data research in humanities and social sciences at home and abroad from multiple dimensions, and also compares and analyses the similarities and differences of the research at home and abroad. It is found that the research on big data in humanities and social sciences at home and abroad has attracted more and more attention from scholars, and more research has been done in the field of social sciences than in the field of humanities; the distribution of foreign research disciplines is wider than that in China and the research themes at home and abroad are quite different.
  • Shi Qin Li Yang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 17-23. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019003
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    Clarifying the data problems faced by humanities and social sciences research under the big data environment is conducive to promoting the deep integration of big data and humanities and social sciences research. Starting from the research process of humanities and social sciences, this paper analyzes the problems such as data requirements, data privacy, data quality and data rights in data acquisition, data processing and data sharing of humanities and social sciences research. Then,targeted suggestions are put forward in three aspects: promoting the sharing of humanities and social sciences data resources, informing multiple-dimension data management and supervision mechanism of humanities and social sciences research, and strengthening data literacy education for humanities and social sciences researchers.
  • Liu Yunong Shi Qin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 24-30. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019004
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    Focus on the characteristics of social science, this paper analyzes the dilemma and requirement of data-driven knowledge service, introduces a knowledge service framework from three aspects: resource, function and institution, and then discusses some key issues such as the role of service. Data is the core of knowledge services. It is necessary to expand the data source and adopt new technology to help researchers by providing customized data set, technical training, analysis assistance and smart recommendations. Issues such as data security, data property and human resources are also mentioned.
  • Wu Zhinan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 31-40. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019005
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    Precise supply is the essential requirement for all public service. In the transit period, it is necessary to increase the level of public cultural products and the level of precise supply so as to meet the increasing needs of citizens for good life. The key lies in leading the social trends and improving the quality of the people. More jobs such as deeper reform, expanded opening, and government purchased public cultural service can be done on this basis.
  • Chen Wei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 41-47. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019006
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    The construction of Culture Capital is important to promote the development, to upgrade urban competitiveness, and to increase the civilization level of cities. With regard to library, the project cab promote the reformation of facilities and help full service coverage; spread the service area innovate service mode; help to establish the idea of general and equal service and play more effectively the education role. Public library can set up platforms of special resources with Culture Capital as the theme and expand domestic and international exchanges.
  • Zhou Jia
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 48-52. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019007
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    The planning concept and positioning of the Second Suzhou Library conforms the mission and strategic objectives of Suzhou Library. The Design Library is a library in The second Suzhou Library which complies with the developing trend of innovation and pioneer and its subject matter is to provide resources, to put forward themes, to support innovative organizations, and to incubate excellent creative ideas, and in this way, the library optimizes its featured services to public makers and designers and helps to upgrade the social designing awareness and local innovation. The resources of the Design Library cover all kinds of domestic and foreign literature and users can get what they want in intelligent way. The layout of the five functional areas is also unique.
  • Xu Hanqing Teng Guangqing Luan Yu Sun Jian
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 53-62. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019008
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    Knowledge network has been widely used in many fields of library and information science because of its advantages of presenting and revealing knowledge correlations. The patterns and laws in the process of dynamic evolution of knowledge networks have become the focus of library and information science academic community. With the theory and method of complex networks, this article constructed time-series domain knowledge networks. From the network macro-structure characteristics, underlying topology and hub nodes, the dynamic analysis of the structural stability and knowledge emergence in the process of knowledge network evolution is carried out. The results show that the knowledge networks exhibit a stable scale-free network feature, when the networks evolve into maturity; Underlying blocks and network node scale have better fitting effect at the maturity stage and the block subgraph concentration is stable; Hub node members are more stable and emerge as domain core knowledge during the mature stage of the network.
  • Song Shijie Song Xiaokang Zhao Yuxiang Zhu Qinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 63-69. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019009
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    Loneliness is a common psychological experience in older adults, which may result in severe negative health outcomes. This paper aims at investigating the causal relationship between the Internet use and the perception of loneliness of older-adult population. First,   the hypothesized relationships on the basis of a brief literature review is established, and then  an econometric model is proposed. To test the hypotheses, the cross-sectional data of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS)is employed. An Ordinary Least Square regression with robust standard error is conducted to estimate the coefficients. To ensure the robustness of the regression results, this paper follows a robustness check by using the counter-factual design and propensity score matching. The results show that the Internet use behavior is negatively associated with the perception of loneliness among older adults, suggesting that Internet use plays a mitigating effect on older adult's loneliness perception. Drawn on empirical results, several practical implications, including the motivation, ability, and user experience design of older adult's Internet use, are discussed to shed light on the Internet adoption and loneliness alleviation among older adults.
  • Lu Tong Li Mingjie
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 70-79. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019010
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    By network access, hands-on experience and literature research, the authors investigates on functions of digital productions of Chinese ancient books in assisting humanities research. Target databases are classified into 3 categories: collection retrieval database, quantitative analysis database and digital humanity platform. Tabulations are used to help illustrate characteristics of different types of digitization products. The paper analyzes functions of assisting research of different databases from the perspective of system function and looks into the future. The development direction of ancient book digitalization is a research-oriented digital humanities platform that combines academic tradition of literature sorting and modern information technology, which calls for cooperation between humanists and information scientists.
  • Wang Shiwei
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 80-90. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019011
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    Many new problems are emerging in the practical development of the introduction of artificial intelligence into libraries. This paper probes into the problems of artificial intelligence and the service remodeling of libraries from five aspects, including the new growth pole of artificial intelligence and library services, the accessibility of the road map and timetable for the introduction of artificial intelligence, the handling of the relationship between people-oriented and data-driven, and developing library and information science in the era of artificial intelligence, and the value leadership in the advancement of artificial intelligence and so on.
  • Guan Sisi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 91-99. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019012
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    Library Outsourcing first appeared in the United States, which gradually expand from non core business to core business, or even management outsourcing.There are two ways of public library outsourcing management in the United States, namely, part of management outsourcing, that is, outsourcing management, but not all personnel.Another way is overall outsourcing.Through management outsourcing, public libraries in the United States have achieved some results in terms of government responsibility, cost efficiency and public use, but there are many disputes in terms of professionalism, personnel, profits, transparency and so on.Considering outsourcing the management of public libraries in China, it is necessary to learn from American experience: to grasp the scale of government responsibility, to carry out professional supervision, to pay attention to efficiency and fairness, to adopt appropriate outsourcing methods, and to standardize the management of contracts.
  • Tan Bo Shan Lirong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 100-105. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019013
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    Intergenerational poverty is considered to be the main feature and main cause of long-term poverty. Interrupting intergenerational poverty is a key part of poverty management. To solve the intergenerational transmission of poverty, libraries should give full play to the advantages of library resources, fully mobilize social resources, and take many kinds of measures of interrupting intergenerational poverty such as cultural poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation, science and technology poverty alleviation, intergenerational reading promotion and so on. All of these provide strong poverty alleviation assistance for individuals and families trapped in intergenerational poverty and break the vicious circle of intergenerational transmission of poverty.
  • Huang Xiaojun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 107-110. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019014
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    The digital scholarship developed in Digital Humanities is an innovative service for scientific research personnel in the transformation and development of the university library in recent years. Digital academic space is the position of the university library to carry out digital academic service. It has a good practice in European and American countries at present. On the basis of summarizing the basic connotation of digital scholarship, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of digital academic space of the university library in China, including functional orientation, resource allocation, personnel setting and service design, etc.
  • Yan Ying
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 111-114. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019015
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    With the formal establishment of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, how to explore the integration model of cultural travel has become a major issue in the field of public libraries. In recent years, on the path of communication fusion explored by public libraries, research tourism, homestay Library and web star library are typical practical representatives, and these successful practical explorations have helped to promote the double development of culture and tourism, and have also accumulated experience for the future integration of Chinese public libraries. In the future development, public libraries need to deal with the basic relationship between public welfare and commercial, basic services and extended services.
  • Qin Xiaoyan Chu Jingli
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 115-124. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019016
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    The scientific data literacy competency index system is an important basis for evaluating the ability of scientific researchers to manage and utilize data for scientific research and innovation. It is an important premise and basis for analyzing the status quo of scientific data literacy education and analyzing data literacy education strategies and mechanisms. Based on the principles of science, orientation, operability, independence,flexibility, foresight, and sustainability, this paper established the scientific data literacy competency index system, and put forward 18 first-level indexes and 47 second-level indexes from three dimensions of "individual", "team" and "data ecology"(ITE for short). It also described and characterized each index content from three levels: "knowledge", "skill", and "attitude"(KSA for short). The index system based on ITE-KSA presents a multidimensional structure, which has both vertical category and capability domain hierarchy, as well as horizontal specific capacity factor decomposition. This makes the scientific data literacy competency index system very practical and operable in guiding the evaluation of scientific data literacy, related curriculum development and educational practice.
  • Tu Zhifang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 125-134. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019017
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    Researches on scientific data publishing and data quality control are becoming more and more abundant, but the discussion on specific issues such as data publishing models, contents and methods of data quality control are slightly dispersed, which are not conducive to form overviews for researchers and practitioners. The paper firstly figured three models of data publishing and their processes, identified their collaborative issues and quality controllable units, and then built the data publishing ecosystem that integrated three models. Moreover, the paper summarized data quality control into three dimensions: data standards and specifications, data tools and systems, and data contents and forms. Accordingly, determining data quality control elements, and then a process-oriented data publishing quality control system is constructed.
  • Wu Tong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2019, 39(01): 135-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2019018
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    Developing research data sharing services are the requirements and trends for the academic library to meet the data needs of researchers and achieve research data reuse in a data-intensive scientific research environment.Understanding the current situation of research data sharing services  in the US academic library can provide reference for future research in China.Based on the data life cycle theory, using network surveys and literature analysis methods,investigating and analyzing the practice of research data sharing services in the US academic library,which includes research data planning services, research data consulting services, research data acquisition services, research data organizing and processing services, research data storage services, research data sharing services, and research data utilizing and training services.This paper points out the experience that our university library can learn from, which includes building a good research data service environment, perfecting the existing research data service content, and establishing a professional research data service team.