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25 June 2018, Volume 38 Issue 03

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  • Yang Kehu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 1-10. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018038
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    The Evidence-based Social Science, which is known as the third "scientific" wave of social sciences, is a new interdisciplinary subject that has gradually emerged with the development of Evidence-based Medicine in the late 1990s. It is still in its initial stage of development. Establishing discipline orientation, perfecting definition and concept, as well as constructing the methodology system is of great significance to fill the research gap and to promote the development of the Evidence-based Social Science. This paper introduces the concept and origin of Evidence-based Social Science, presents its development status from the concept using in evidence-based decision-making, evidence-based education, evidence-based law, and evidence-based social work, and explores the application of systematic review method in the fields. Through the analysis of the literatures collected by SCI and SSCI, it is found that the Evidence-based Social Science research and practice develops rapidly in international, and almost all the research fields are closely related to evidence-based practice. In comparison, it is fewer in China, and the research and practice is still in its infancy. For the Evidence-based Social Science, which is interdisciplinary field of multiple developmental significance and scientific value, these have broad development prospects and research space in scientific system construction, methodological theory exploration, high-quality evidence production, and evidence-based practice promotion.
  • Liu Guanghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 11-17. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018039
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    Evidence-based approach, as an inter-discipline and approach between law and evidence-based science, inspires both the interest and the initiative of the law community to further explore and deepen its application in law research and legal decision-making by its outstanding characteristics of empirical and rigorous study.The paper focuses on the definition of the evidence-based law in Chinese law context and its reason behind and evidences below, the connotation and denotation of the evidence-based law concept, its methodological characteristics and meanings for social science research especially law. It concludes that the Chinese name of the evidence-based law is based on the consideration of both the scientific criterion and linguistic facts of the concept definition of new inter-disciplinary subjects and approaches such as the law and economics etc. which have happened in the law field;the evidence-based law approach is an inter-disciplinary paradigm with features such as scientific methodology, targeted objects and systematic knowledge etc.;the evidence-based law approach shows not only the general meaning to the evidence-based legal decision-making, but also some specific practical and theoretical significance?to the rule of law with Chinese characteristics; influenced by the unceasing development of the evidence-based approach firstly in medicine then in social science, Chinese law arena will gradually introduce the evidence-based law approach in analyzing and evaluating legal issues and making legal policies in the near future.
  • Wang Xuejun Wang Ziqi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 18-27. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018040
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    In recent years, evidence-based policy-making has raised a wave of changes on policy "effectiveness" globally. At the same time, the concepts and frameworks of evidence-based policy-making are being challenged more and more both in theory and practice. Based on the theory of governance and good governance, many scholars have explored the concepts related to "evidence-based governance" to fill the gap between the trend of "evidence-based" thought and the mainstream public management theory. This article illustrates the logic of change from evidence-based policy-making to evidence-based governance from the perspectives of production, evaluation, utilization and the value propositions of evidence, and puts forward three elements of evidence-based management, including evidence, leadership, and public value comparing with the three elements of evidence-based medicine. The article examines the methodological similarities and differences between systematic review research,the main research method in the evidence-based field,  in evidence-based medicine and in the field of public management and presents a systematic review case in public management field in Campbell database, and discusses its methodological implications. The future research questions of evidence-based governance include the construction of middle-level theory, knowledge transformation, methodology, indigenous research and the evidence-based governance under the background of big data and social computing.
  • Wei Lili Zhang Jing Si Lijuan Yang Kehu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 28-34. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018041
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    The study of economics is essentially the process of evidence production and evidence dissemination. In recent years, various decision makers, especially policy makers, have acquired, evaluated, transformed, and applied high-quality evidence to make evidence-based policy making  is the focus of economic practice. Based on the evidence-based concept and evidence-based method applied to the logical deduction of economics, this paper constructs the basic paradigm of evidence-based economics from the aspects of basic concepts, research content, practical framework and method application, and analyzes its research status and application prospects. The study concludes that although the application of evidence-based methods in the field of economics has increased year by year, its research steps are still not scientific or normative, and the development of evidence-based economics is still in the exploratory stage; the research of evidence-based economics has a wide range of realistic needs and application prospects. Driven by four-sphere integrated plan of researchers, managers, practitioners and the object of practice, the evidence chain mechanism consisting of best evidence will effectively promote the development of evidence-based economics in scientific research, evidence-based decision-making and practical application.
  • Liu Chunyan Li Xiuxia Yang Kehu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 35-42. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018042
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    The development and dissemination of the evidence-based concept has created a possibility for education to evidence-based following, evidence-based practice, and to maximize the value of education resources. Since the evidence-based concep entered education field in the 1990s, it has affected the four parties of education and gradually formed a scientific system of evidence-based education. During the development of evidence-based education, the new system science concept, the two-way circulation of theory and practice, and the interdisciplinary of mutual integration have gotten the attention of the government and academia. However, there is a gap from the number and quality of research to awareness between the domestic evidence-based education research and foreign studies. Evidence-based education, as an emerging interdisciplinary subject, will have broad prospects and development space in establishing evidence-based concept, basic theoretical research, cultivating professional academic teams, developing the database system of evidence-based education, and deep integration with educational subjects.
  • Li Xiuxia Han Xuemei Yang Kehu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 43-49. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018043
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    Evidence-based health policy, emphasizing health policies and regulations making should be based on the evidence, is a more scientific and objective decision-making model, which is conducive to improve the scientific, targeted and effectiveness of the policies and to promote the rational allocation of health resources. With the analysis of the basic connotation, methods and practice as well as research status of the evidence-based health policy, this paper puts forward its development countermeasures. This paper states that to clarify the cognitive fallacy of evidence-based health policy, master the methods of health research and improve the quality of evidence, strengthen the awareness of evidence-based decision-making, pay attention to evidence-based practice, promote discipline integration and cooperation, translate the research evidence scientifically, etc., might be the imperative of the development of evidence-based health policy in China.
  • Wang Xiaowen Wang Tianni
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 50-55. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018044
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    In the era of artificial intelligence, the change from knowledge communtiy to intelligent  space is the development trend of library space re-engineering. The practice exploration of the industry, the rapid development of technology, and the gradual improvement of the theoretical system are also provide services and support to re-creation the library intelligent space. This article combining the use of artificial intelligence technology in spatial reengineering and service in various fields of society,  and proposes a five-factor construction model  for  library intelligent space re-engineering  as "human-things-object-field-time", and believes that in the future,artificial intelligence can be applied in intelligence information, Intelligent search, human-computer interaction, knowledge consultation and other fields, and finally developed a strong application services in multiple areas.
  • Yang Helin Li Bin Zhu Qiandong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 56-62. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018045
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    Digital Humanities and Place development are both hot issues in library area nowadays. Data intensive, tools support and inter-cooperation are three characteristics of Digital Humanities Research. libraries should have rooms in promoting inter-cooperation along with supports in data and tools. On the basis of literature reviews and case studies, this article puts forward some current issues in building makerspaces and digital humanities service faced by university libraries and argued that combining both in the place theory could be a new solution. It explores the theories and methods in upgrading makerspaces to digital humanities place, based on the investigation to the iSpace project of the university of Arizona library, in order to provide reference for Chinese university libraries.
  • Guo Jing Wang Xiaoyang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 63-72. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018046
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    The Digital Humanities has been developing rapidly in the latest decade, but it has also undergone a long process of evolution. Clarifying the historical context, major events, practical activities and their interrelationships of Digital Humanities from different perspectives helps researchers and practitioners better grasp the future changes that may be caused and their mutual influence, and also contribute to domestic understanding and research on Digital Humanities development abroad, especially in North America and Europe.Based on investigation and text analysis of nearly 170 kinds of Digital Humanities academic monographs from Harvard University Library which published from 1971 till now, this paper combines the method of bibliographic research and research on academic history. From the timeline, academic community and academic activities, the two aspects respectively explain the historical development context and the status quo and practice progress in Europe and North America. In combination with the current background of the times, the development trends are proposed. The author summarized the connotation of Digital Humanities, representative English formulation and conception and seven important time nodes of the origin and development of Digital Humanities,and then sorted out some representative academic groups and their academic activities and at last focused on four aspects to expound the current status of Digital Humanities. The important development directions are: cooperation and interdisciplinary Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities and pedagogy, libraries and Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities and cultural heritage.
  • Zhao Rongying Wang Xu Qi Yongkang Tian Min
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 73-79. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018047
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    Studying the operation mode of American think tanks can provide references for the construction of new Chinese think tanks.Meanwhile, it will also help to improve the operation mode of Chinese think tanks and play a better role in handling domestic and international affairs.Firstly, this paper uses the methods of literature research, network research, comparative analysis and case study. Secondly, this paper divides American and Chinese think tanks into four categories which include official think tank, semi-official think tank, folk think tank and affiliated think tank of University. Thirdly, this paper makes a comparative study of operation modes of Chinese and American think tanks.Finally, the paper draws the advantages of American think tanks and the deficiency of Chinese think tanks, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of Chinese think tanks in mechanism, including organization, financing, talent management and achievement extension.
  • Yan Hui Zhang Xincan Yin Xianbin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 80-89. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018048
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    This article reviews the definitions of digital inclusion from the perspectives of access and use of technology, participation in social activities, assisting vulnerable groups, breakthroughs in social barriers, and reduction of digital divide, and analyzes the relationship between digital exclusion and social inclusion. The influencing factors of digital inclusion are classified into several categories, including ICT acquisition and use, ICT literacy, demographic characteristics, family factors, economic factors, cultural factors, social factors, psychological factors, etc.. Public policy of digital inclusion research is classified into basic telecommunications services, digital training, the effects of digital inclusion policies, and digital inclusion actions in public libraries. The paper reflects on the digital inclusion research and provides suggestions for future research and practice.
  • Zhang Yue Sun Xiaoling Lu Jiaying Zhu Qinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 90-97. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018049
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    Based on the theory of privacy calculus and technology acceptance model (TAM), the study constructed the theoretical model on the impact factors of the information disclosure willingness of mobile social platform users. The study did the empirical study using Wechat, and chose activate Wechat users to do the research. The results showed that:perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use are positively related to the mobile social platform user information disclosure willingness , while privacy concerns is negative related to it;compared to the perceived ease of use and privacy concerns, perceived usefulness of information disclosure for users of mobile social platform is more significant;the moderating effect of privacy concerns for perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness and information disclosure willingness is not significant.
  • Liu Ziheng Zeng Liying
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 98-102. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018050
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    There are four kinds of organization models of American academic libraries' participation in digital publishing: setting up a special digital publishing sector, cooperating with press, cooperating with open access organizations and also cooperating with scholars. Through the case analysis, this paper explores the connotation and operation mechanism of various organization models. It is found that there are three characteristics in the process of American academic libraries' participation in digital publishing: high attention, professional management and diversified cooperation, which are of great significance for our academic libraries to participate in digital publishing.
  • Huang Xiaoping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 103-108. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018051
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    Under the background of sustainable development, library, as a public welfare cultural institution, should take on its own social responsibilities to develop new service models to meet the social needs and help the development of the society and at the same time ensure library's development. IFLA put forward new requirements for libraries to take on social responsibility in <Libraries and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Storytelling Manual>. The author believes that library must integrate social responsibility into its strategy plan and on the basis of experience summary, take on social responsibility which is within its power and suitable to local social development. The library should also carry on publicizing work to expanding social impact so as to get best social effect.
  • Cai Hongqi Sun Liqun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 109-112. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018052
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    The H Index proposed by American physicist George Hirsch is a new thought and method used to evaluate the research results of scientific researchers, which has been paid attention to and applied in the field of knowledge and academia since its inception. This theory has formed rich research literature in the fields of individual academic evaluation and academic periodical evaluation. Through the analysis of the application of H index to library practice, it can be found that there is great development space for the application and academic research of library based on H index. The Library resource purchasing and information service based on H index is the two extension directions of the future H Index application in library service, but it is necessary to pay attention to the comprehensive application and dynamic monitoring of various evaluation indexes in the application process.
  • Hou Jingling
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 113-116. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018053
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    The supply-side reform of public culture is the way to solve the problem of "supply and demand dislocation" in the field of public culture. The services of public library have the characteristics of common and public welfare. So the use of "public service +" logical framework can provide new ideas for the supply-side reform of public library.The "public service +" logic of the supply-side reform of public library is to improve the service system of the public Library from the angle of resource allocation and value promotion, through "service content +" "service level +" "supply main body +" "public value added +" etc. to satisfy the expression of the service demand of public library.
  • Gu Yue
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 117-120. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018054
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    The host of library public lecture is the soul of the forum. The quality of the host determines the level and quality of the forum. It is the insufficient recognition of the importance of the host that caused the lack of appropriate understanding of the host of the lecture. The cultural feelings brought by the new media and the improvement of people's aesthetic ability have put forward higher requirements for the forum host. The host of Library Public Lecture  can only adapt to the growing cultural needs of the audience and readers if they have the spirit of dedication, broad cultural literacy, understanding, adaptability, communication skills, organizational planning ability and reading promotion ability. In addition to their own experience, the improvement of comprehensive quality depends on financial support, regulatory guarantees, strengthening supervision system and improving the evaluation criteria for evaluation, and also on innovative training channels and seeking support for social resources.
  • Wu Yubing Peng Yanhong Li Xue
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 121-127. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018055
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    Non-governmental reading organizations are always the forerunners in children's reading promotion among which volunteers, obviously, play a role as the executives.This article selects 24 non-governmental organizations that specialize in children's reading promotion in China and their official websites were investigated about the volunteer columns, plans of volunteer work, volunteer recruitment and selection, volunteer training, volunteer evaluation ,volunteer motivation,and the effect of children's reading promotion. The status quo of their volunteer management and existing problems were investigated and analyzed.  The reasons for these problems were considered combining with the actual situation and corresponding countermeasures were proposed for the volunteer management of non-governmental children reading promotion organizations in China.
  • Zhang Heng Zhang Chengzhi Zhou Qingqing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 128-134. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018056
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    The Amazon website generates recommendation lists for each book, allowing users to select the books they are interested in. But this recommendation method only considers the similarity among books. Based on the recommendation lists, this paper introduces a similarity of book recommendation lists, and calculates Jaccard similarity of different book recommendation lists, then generates recommendation list for each book by similarity ranking. This paper combines it and the recommendation list provided by Amazon to conduct personalized recommendation for users. The experimental results show that there is a certain improvement in the average accuracy rate, the average recall rate, Macro_F1 and Micro_F1 compared to using only the recommendation list provided by Amazon. It can be seen that the similarity of the recommendation list of the book can play a certain role in optimizing the recommendation effect.
  • Liu Wei Wang Sili Zhu Zhongming Wu Zhiqiang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 135-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018057
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    This paper describes how to apply natural language processing technology in the development of automatic monitoring functions, improving the accuracy, versatility, configurability and loose coupling of the process of automatic monitoring and acquisition of open knowledge resources. The application of the natural language processing technology can extract important keywords and entities and similarity match with configuration item which configured by users. Finally, based on the matching results, system can determine whether the target is focused. so as to achieve the goal of automated monitoring. This method has been applied in the development of IIBD platform and has a positive effect. This study has improved the traditional fixed-source monitoring method. The accuracy of monitoring results was improved, and configuration of monitoring parameters were optimized and simplified, and versatility and loose coupling of functions were increased.
  • LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2018, 38(03): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018058
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    In Qing Dynasty, the study and writing of "ode" was popular, especially, when the style became an important examination form for scholar selection. Books for students training in this field came into being. FUXUEZHENGHU by Li Yuandu was compiled in late Qing Dynasty and produced great impact in that time. Shenji Book House in Shanghai published a counselling book titled as Getailed Commentary to FUXUE ZHENGHU with Li Yuandu's book as the first part.