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15 June 2017, Volume 37 Issue 03

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  • Wang Yuefen Wang Yi Jia Xinlu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 1-8. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017044
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    The main purpose of this paper is to explore the group characteristics, blog content and creation form of the academic blog power users, so as to deepen the understanding of scientific communication law in the network environment, and to provide reference for perfecting the network academic communication platforms. We choice104 power users of sciencenet.cn(a Chinese academic blog) as our samples. Then mathematical statistics method is chosen to analyze the group identities and writing habits of the groups. Content Analysis is used to analyze the content features of their blogs. The power users of academic blog are academic leaders. Power users always create blog during work time and most of them have their individual blog category labels. The power users' blogs cover variable subjects and abundant network resources. They write not only for researchers but also for common people.
  • Wang Yuefen Jia Xinlu Li Dongleqiong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 9-18. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017045
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    This paper is based on the extended theoretical framework of planned behavior theory, and constructs the theoretical model of the influence factors of WeChat academic information sharing intention with the "trust" factor simultaneously. The model was validated by collecting 213 sample data by questionnaire. The research shows that the two kinds of academic information sharing more are methods, tools, technical information and institutional information. WeChat public number and the circle of friends are the main sources which make the users get access to academic information and the circle of friends is the most important academic information sharing channel; Perceptual compatibility, the fun of helping people will positively affect shared attitudes. Self-efficacy can significantly positively affects perceived behavioral control. Self-efficacy and perceived behavior control have a significant positive impact on sharing intention.
  • Zhu Peng Liu Zixi Zhao Xiaoxiao
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 19-25. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017046
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    On account of social capital, this paper explores the influence factors of social media academic search behavior with three aspects about relational capital, structure capital and cognitive capital. The conclusion comes that relational capital positively affects the perceived usefulness of social media academic search behavior; cognitive capital positively influences the perceived usefulness of social media academic search behavior; perceived usefulness shows positive influence on voluntary search willing when people use social media; perceived hedonic positively affects users' voluntary search willing during using social media.
  • Chen Hang Xu Caiyu Wang Yuefen
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 26-35. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017047
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    With the rapid development of fragmentation reading, the way of academic communication has been influenced, and related research has attracted the attention of the academic circles. This thesis is aimed at studying the character of fragmentation reading and its influence factors, based on TAM model, motivation theory and theory of use and gratification. Empirical quantitative research over fragmentation reading behavior is done by taking WeChat platform as the research background and app So jump to make the questionnaire. According to the related research, the character of the way of fragmentation reading behavior, level, frequency, time and active state are obvious. At the same time, people could sense the impact from the influencing factors, like PU, PEOU, perceived entertainment, perceived sociality, perceived cost, and subjective norm. The main group reading fragmentation is the youth group because they can use the intermediary effectively. Fragmentation reading in Wechat has positive impact on academic reading of students. However, it has the negative effect on depth reading.
  • Huang Ruhua Li Nan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 36-42. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017048
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    The data journal policies are the foundation to promote the sharing and utilization of research data, and the investigation and analysis of foreign data journal policies are conducive to the research and formulation of data journal policies in China. Based on the data lifecycle model, this paper uses literature research and website research methods to analyze the content of data policies of foreign pure data journals in the period of data planning, data validation, data description, data preservation, data integration and utilization. China's data journal publication should establish data journal policies based on the life cycle of research data, cooperate with data repositories and libraries, pay attention to safeguarding the author's rights and interests and encourage the data citation according to international standard format.
  • Zhang Xingwang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 43-50. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017049
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    In 2016, the sudden emergence of AlphaGo caused widespread concern of the governments and society for artificial intelligence, making it an important driving force of the current global scientific and technological innovation and social change. This paper starts from the development of AlphaGo, its theory and application, and then makes a brief analysis of the development of artificial intelligence and the present situation of its application, main problems, and an in-depth study of the influence of artificial intelligence on development opportunities, the main direction and main content of the application and future development.
  • Zeng Wen Liu Min
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 51-55. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017050
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    With the development of information technology, the information service in our country is changing from knowledge production to knowledge service. Knowledge organization system is to realize data information efficiency and knowledge value-added services, and knowledge resources and knowledge service of big data sharing. Therefore, how to construct the knowledge organization system to provide effective information services is one of the key problems in the application of knowledge organization system at present. This paper describes the knowledge organization system and its application conditions, analyzes the problems and reasons of domestic application of knowledge organization system, and expounds the framework and key solutions of constructing knowledge organization system.
  • Qu Jiansheng Bu Yumin Liu Hongxu
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 56-60. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017051
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    Since the beginning of the 19th century, the science paradigm has undergone a series of development and evolution. It is characterized by the developments from closed laboratory cooperation to large-scale collaboration, from single-disciplinary research to interdisciplinary research and from interest-oriented pattern to problem-oriented pattern. The trends of the science paradigm towards openness and integration have been largely promoted by the development of computer networks and information technology. Based on its development process and existing literature, the paper divides the development process of the science paradigm into three stages——closed-workshop style, multi-collaborative style and open-integrated style. Then it analyzes the organizational mode and practical significance of the current open-integrated science paradigm. Finally, based on the research status and development requirements, the paper proposes future research directions in this field.
  • Tu Zhifang Liu Ziheng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 61-71. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017052
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    This paper chooses open access (OA) journals, OA books, OA repository and open research data as the four main forms of academic library’s participating in OA publishing. The diversified participation can be performed as: Firstly, academic libraries guide OA publishing, construct and manage OA journal indexing platforms, develop or fund online publishing systems, publish journals directly, and further set or manage a special fund to support the faculties for their article processing charges. Secondly, join in OA books indexing platforms and participate in academic resources coalitions to support and publish OA books. What’s more, make or introduce data policies, develop publishing platforms and data management plan tools to provide digital infrastructures for data publishing and serve for data life cycle management and provide quality control methods during the process. Last but not least, academic libraries participate in OA repository indexing system, repository coalition and institutional repositories to support the development, management and openness for OA repository. Academic libraries involve in open access publishing activities from various aspects, and are changing its role from content publisher to new roles and positions in wider scholarly communication.
  • Zhang Fengming
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 72-77. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017053
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    By means of literature research and case study, this paper combed foreign libraries’ the service ideas and cases of promoting intergenerational integration in the context of aging and put forward the thought of domestic libraries’ providing the service of intergenerational integration: set up the service ideas of strengthening intergenerational communication and promoting intergenerational integration,  carry out diversified intergenerational activities and programs according to the needs and features of each generation group, complete intergenerational service room and resource allocation and make good popularization and evaluation of intergenerational programs.
  • Shi Yujuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 78-83. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017054
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    Under the background of the country vigorously promoting the cultural service uses PPP mode, the implementation of PPP mode in the service system of public library is the important theory and practice innovation of government and social capital cooperation. In the research, we try to probe into the relationship between public library service system and social capital's profitability; to analyze the necessity and feasibility of implementing PPP mode in public library service system, and to clarify the obstacle of the PPP mode of public library service system and the challenges in the future. The results show that the implementation of PPP mode helps to improve the management level and efficiency of public library service system, meanwhile, it helps to enhance the influence of social capital, which explains the necessity of implementing PPP mode. In addition, the good policy environment of our country provides the feasibility of implementing PPP mode in the service system of public library. However, in the process of implementing PPP mode in the service system of public library in our country, there are some obstacles that the laws and regulations   are imperfect, lacking source power and the social capital, etc. It is necessary to further explore the concrete measures to effectively solve these problems.
  • Li Juan Zhang Xuelei Yang Feng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 84-92. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017055
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    At present, libraries at home and abroad have deployed research about the mainstream commercial and open-source library services platforms of next generation and have explored how the library integrated system will transform into the next generation and the advantages of the existing products. By combining the current situation of the library integrated system in China with analytic hierarchy process and the experts' argumentation, this paper constructs the evaluation index for the next generation services platforms. It also evaluates four kinds of products on the market including ALAM, Kuali OLE, OCLC WorldShare and Sierra. Based on the results of the evaluation, the author puts forward some in-depth thinking hoping to provide guidance for the choice of the next generation library services platforms.
  • Jia Lijun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 93-97. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017056
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    This paper introduced some books open access cases,analyzed and summarized the policy mechanism that is suitable for the OA of academic books, including several existing open access policies which were mainly for papers such as the feedback mechanism of supervisory + encouragement and punishment, the book-specific on-demand publishing mechanism, the market selection mechanism of books' open publication and the "Delay" mechanism, and the transfer mechanism of subscription funds that is based on the library alliance. It was thought that the policy mechanisms mentioned above can effectively solve the obstacles and promote the progress of books' open access, and can provide some reference for the formulation of books open access policies.
  • Lu Tingting
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 98-101. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017057
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    Modern information technology rapid expansion, such as neural network, deep learning, etc., which drives the coming of artificial intelligence era. In the era of artificial intelligence, the library will certainly be faced with new development and revolution; and offer wisdom service will certainly be the inevitable tendency of libraries. The article firstly summarizes research status, service practice and development driving of wisdom library. Then it intensive research on content, realization approach and development bottleneck of wisdom service in the era of artificial intelligence.
  • Hong Weida Wang Zheng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 102-108. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017058
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    Group with reading difficulties includes people suffering from physiological or pathological changes and people in a weak position of culture, skills, or resources, such as those scattered in various social sectors and industries. Research on the reading demand and the reading behavior of this group and their situation in the library utilization is conducive to providing insight on the problems so as to make targeted recommendations and provide better service for the people.
  • Tan Bo Lei Runling
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 109-113. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017059
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    This paper analyzes the successful experiences of inter-generational reading with the typical inter-generational reading promotion in foreign countries. It is considered that inter-generational reading and promotion is a way to meet the needs of inter-generational demands and promote social harmony. The author suggests that inter-generational reading promotion activities should be approved with continuity and distinct characterization and with the model of people participating based on family. The public library, as the main body of creating a hierarchical pattern of inter-generational reading in order to explore the harmonious new reading and promotion methods, is supposed to link with social forces to achieve good promotion and social benefits.
  • Jing Qi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 114-119. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017060
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    Based on information technology development and the poor reality of the market demand of paper books, this article analyzes the practical predicament of Chinese entity bookstores, which were adversely affected by online bookstores, digital reading competition, rising renting costs, thus having operating losses, being or having been shut down. The article then further analyzes that the entity bookstores are in urgent need of reform and innovation, relying on the national policy support, trying out diversified operating means, expanding the cultural function so as to adapt to the new reading and buying habits of readers, while maintaining their traditional operating model. This article builds a theoretical framework for entity bookstores to break their bottlenecks, through learning from the development experiences and business models of the foreign ones, and proposes operational advices on the basis of empirical research on the reform of Chinese entity bookstores.
  • Cao Shangqing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 120-123. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017061
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    Based on related theories and literature investigation, the author explored from the positive psychology the relationship between reading culture and happiness. The data from questionnaire is analyzed with SPSS and the correlation of reading attitude and solution with reading happiness is also analyzed.
  • Liu Hao Zhang Zhiqiang Tian Pengwei Xu Jing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 124-133. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017062
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    Using biblometrics to analyze the research of think-tanks on the layer of content units conforms to the trend of big data analysis in the social sciences category and can also provide new methods in think-tank research and policy research. This paper uses co-word analysis method, social networks analysis method, NLP and visualization tools to analyze the text type results of American's top think-tanks research in cyber-security during the period from 2001 to 2015. Maps of research area, research topics distribution network and content evolution were drawn. American think-tanks' research in cybersecurity has a global coverage area. There are four research agendas: defense security and counter-terrorism, international strategy, cyberspace development governance and infrastructure, public information policy and law.
  • An Nan Zhu Zhongming
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 134-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017063
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    Data collection is the primary link in the value chain of the think tank and it plays an important role in the research of the think tank. This paper first selects more than ten think tanks with reference value in the 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, then summarizes the data collection strategies of foreign think tank institutions through network research and literature research. It is found that the existing traditional information collection strategies and methods of the think tank cannot adapt to the data characteristics in the big data environment. This paper studies the current application of new acquisition technologies and the data value chain theory and comes to a conclusion that think tanks should take the following measures the data collection as soon as possible: the realization of data acquisition automation, the development of data collection rules and the construction of the think tank knowledge base to process resource semantic.
  • Wang Yun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(03): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017064
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    Every issue of Developing the Northwest was illustrated with pictures including temples, and pagoda, activities of monks, production of Tibetans and other minority people, original traffic styles, folk activities and important historical events. These pictures were good supplements to the magazine and are treasure resources for the study of Northwest China in 1930s. The advertisements in Developing the Northwest were mainly about books and journals, including almost all the mainstream publications studying the Northwest at that time. These advertisements are important to learn about the society and culture of that period.