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15 February 2017, Volume 37 Issue 01

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  • Huang Ruhua Liu Long
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 1-9. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017001
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    UK is the country with highest level of open government data in the world, and it can provide some references for our country through exploring its open government data policies, laws, and regulations. This paper introduces and analyzes relevant policies, laws, and regulations of open government data in UK, then summarizes its characteristics, and in the end makes some suggestions for our country, including developing sound policies of open government data, revising relevant laws and regulations and emphasizing protection of personal privacy.

  • Cai Jingxuan Huang Ruhua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 10-17. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017002
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    This paper aims to offer suggestions about formulating and implementing policies of open government data. American open government policies and acts are analyzed in three aspects: organizations and positions, policies, and acts. And then what can be learned from their experience is summarized and suggestions are put forward to perfect our own policies. The United States is one of the first countries that open its government data. After the publication of Open Government Data Initiative in 2009, the U.S. Government has issued several policies and acts to open government data. These actions have laid a solid foundation for the leading position in open government data for U.S. This paper will give suggestions about making policies, establishing sharing platform, implementing policies, and data security.

  • Chen Meng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 18-26. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017003
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    The work and research of our open government data are still in infancy, making it imminent to accelerate the process of China's open government data by learning from the experience of developed countries. Through analyzing the institutional settings and combing the policies and regulations of Australian open government data, the following practices are useful for our country: comprehensively coordinating the functions of related agencies, establishing complete open data policies and regulations, focusing on data privacy and security, and fostering government data open and sharing.
  • Huang Yuting Huang Ruhua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 27-36. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017004
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    Open government data in Denmark is well-developed compared with the majority of other countries. Investigating and studying from Danish policies and legislation situation about open government data is beneficial to facilitate the progress of open government data programs in China. Using the methods of literature review and case study, this paper takes Denmark as an investigated object, searching and sorting out materials from related websites and documents, and concludes and analyses their core contents. Denmark has established a relative mature politics and legislation system and an operation mechanism. Draw on Danish successful experience, China can focus on following areas in order to facilitate the process of opening government data: legislating to ensure the security of personal data and information, opening government's data in several phases, setting up a cross-cutting ministry, improving qualities and skills of data users and using data as an economy facilitator.
  • He Naidong Huang Ruhua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 37-44. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017005
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     This paper summarizes the advantages of open government data of the Brazilian Federal Government in order to put forward feasible suggestions for the development of open government data in China. With literature review and survey of the websites, it is found that Brazilian government has made perfect policies and regulations, formulated detailed standards and processes to attract public participation and active international cooperation. Finally, the author puts forward three suggestions for China to open government data: to make top-level design, to attract the public participation and to dig the data value.
  • Sui Ying Xie Huan Ye Jiyuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 45-51. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017006
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    Taking National New Books Information from 2005 to 2015 as the statistical object, the article analyses the subject and academic nature of book resource based on the investigation of current strategic emerging industries (SEI) book resource stock. The book resource stock of SEI is of strategic importance in our county and the author suggested that the interaction among universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises should be strengthened; university libraries, academic libraries and public libraries should cooperate to construct book resource of SEI; the quality of book resource should be controlled. These suggestions aim at promoting the development of book resource of SEI.
  • Feng Kang Xie Huan Ye Jiyuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 52-58. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017007
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    Patent information resource is an important part of information industry in strategic emerging industry. Additionally, understanding and systemically mastering the resources of patent literature resource of strategic emerging industry is of great significance to establishing the information resource system. Through the analysis of the stock resources of the patent literature in strategic emerging industry, which is from The State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China, the main problems of the stock resources have been found out, which include the lack of quality, the imbalance and the regional convergence. Based on the statistical results and the related theories, this paper puts forward the concept of incremental resource planning of patent literature in strategic emerging industry from the four aspects, including government functions, information exchange, resource system and regional characteristic development.
  • Guo Chunxia Ye Jiyuan Zhu Ge
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 59-67. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017008
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    In the context of national strategies for innovation-driven development, reporting, as important national and strategic information resources of science and technology, is important for the development of strategic emerging industries. The author made a systematic investigation into domestic literature of the study on scientific reporting and learned the typical works, core publications, and research themes in different stages of the discipline. After some visits of the institutions and agencies, conclusion was made that although the existing national technology report system has brought about many positive results, problems are not few. Proposal were made to strengthen research personnel training in writing technology reports; to collect the past technology report in library; to construct quality control system for the evaluation of report; to improve relevant regulations on intellectual property rights and other supporting measures.
  • Wei Ruibin
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 68-73. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017009
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    The paper analyzed the published time and the institutions of 1359 doctoral dissertations and master theses and the research subject of 361.The result shows that the number increased rapidly from 2010 to 2013 and has become steady since 2014. The institution distribution of the authors was partly concentrated and partly dispersed. The research subject included industrial development, industrial policy, industry professionals, and financial support and so on.
  • Qu Yunfei Zhao Yuxiang Zhu Qinghua
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 74-81. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017010
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    This paper proposes the semantic search framework in digital library to meet the needs of resource integration and discovery. On the basis, the author introduces the process of semantic description, organization, and search, as well as the function of each module. Furthermore, an experiment system is constructed to verify the function of the framework. The results show that the system meets the functional requirements, and the semantic search framework of digital library is scientific and efficient.
  • Peng Zhihui
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 82-86. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017011
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    Big data will inevitably have a profound impact on public security intelligence science and its research paradigm. Public security intelligence science needs to make use of big data to improve its research paradigm, and to avoid negative effects of big data on its development. Therefore, under big data environment, the existing research paradigm of public security intelligence science (intelligence-led policing) must be adjusted: data being one of the research objects, intelligence application becoming important research content, and the multidisciplinary research methods being introduced into the science. The research paradigm, with big data integrated, should avoid the problems of the latter: relying on correlation analysis but ignoring causality analysis; advocating universal data but despising people's intelligence; worshiping technology but neglecting the dominant position of human being.
  • Liu Yuenan Yan Hui Yang Jianliang etc.
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 87-93. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017012
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    The paper reports the related advances in impacts of big data on the core elements of governance, the opportunities and challenges by big data for governance, and the cases of governance in perspective of big data. Based on the literature review, a theory model of governance system is developed. It is composed of subjects and objects of governance, and big data oriented governing methodology and process. The governance framework based on big data is illustrated with the case of Xishui Highway cave-in accident in Guizhou.
  • Gong Jiaoteng
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 94-97. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017013
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     The classical definition of library reflects library's knowledge characteristics; however, it does not abstract its essence in depth. Knowledge collecting, knowledge distributing and knowledge ordering are the basic functions of library; meanwhile, library must stick to its character of public welfare. In a word, library is a kind of non-profit organization which undertakes the task of knowledge collecting, distributing and ordering.
  • Chu Jingli
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 98-104. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017014
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    The wide and deep influence of digitalization and networking make the library have new requirements in fundamental transition in recognition and functions. Thus, the library needs rethinking, the misconceptions needs reflected, and set up the core of library service strategy, that is: actually have the user-centered library conception, develop the Internet thinking and model of the library, actively promote the embedded subject knowledge service, improved layout the library service system, continuously develop the new capabilities of the librarians, and reconsider the measurement standard of library services.
  • Gao Haihong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 105-110. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017015
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    Government procuring public service, as an important form of public service privatization, is the critical measure in the process of comprehensively deepening reforms in China. Government's procurement of public library service has become the significant way in China to reform the library management mechanism, offset the insufficient supply of public cultural services, and promote the development of modern public cultural services. In the process of government procurement of public library services, due to different backgrounds and positions, the tripartite stakeholders -governments, social forces and citizens-inevitably exist frictions and conflicts. Therefore, how to scientifically grasp the "double-edged sword" of market-oriented reforms for public services, and how to arouse the initiative and collaboration of various stakeholders to realize the stable development of government procurement of public library services under the logic of stakeholders, have become the key to facilitate mature government procurement of public services from public library.
  • Jin Qiuping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 111-115. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017016
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     This article expounds the basic concept and important value of makerspace and introduces the basic practice and experience of the construction of makerspace of the American university libraries. The author suggested that the university library of our country pay more attention to makerspace services: high quality librarians, good environment for knowledge exchange, and better external cooperation.
  • fei jing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 116-118. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017017
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    The development of college library is the foundation of knowledge service of new think tank. The academic community carries out numerous research on think tank services of college libraries. In the era of big data and based on the intrinsic requirement of new think tank construction, the think tanks of college libraries need to carry out knowledge supporting, knowledge consulting, knowledge transmission and knowledge evaluation. These points are novel growth points of new think tank knowledge services of college libraries.
  • Zhao Rongying Zhang Xinyuan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 119-127. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017018
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    From the perspective of resources, the think tanks are large knowledge base with rich knowledge resources. In the era of knowledge-driven economy, the knowledge resources management and measurement focus more on knowledge level than the carrier level. Knowledge elements are the key role when dealing with knowledge itself. Research on the classification, mining and index of Chinese text provides the technological support for knowledge element extraction of Chinese think-tank products. The descriptive rules, induced from the classification of extracted knowledge elements, would benefit the management and assessment of Chinese think-tank products from level of knowledge. According to the method of building thesaurus for text extraction, the paper chooses the accessible think-tank research products from China Institute of International Studies in 2015 as samples. The types and descriptive rules of Chinese think-tank products are summarized after man-made selection and purification of extraction results. Five kinds of knowledge elements such as fact knowledge element, definition knowledge element, conclusion knowledge element, method knowledge element and relation knowledge element as well as 16 types of descriptive rules of Chinese think-tank products are summed up.
  • Song Zhonghui Zheng Junwei Qi Shijie etc.
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 128-134. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017019
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    Based on think-tank production process and research of the developed country's think-tank products quality control system, the paper explores modern management methods and project management theory to analyze the key elements which affect products quality. Six links in production chain are identified, including topic selection, team organization, research implementation, products review, results delivery and feedback. Based on think-tank production chain, a quality control system is set up to promote substantial increase of think-tank products quality and upgrade the construction of think tanks with Chinese characteristics.
  • Yang Fating
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 135-140. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017020
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    Think tank of ecological civilization provides intellectual support for intensifying ecological civilization construction, perfecting ecological management system and promoting ecological management capacity. However, the think tanks of ecological civilization in China have several deficiencies, including institutions, talents and achievements. The think tanks of ecological civilization need to insist on correct political direction and academic direction, and solid achievement –oriented. Then they need to deal well the relationships with international and mainland, fundamental research and countermeasure research, innovation and independence, construction and evaluation. The think tank must act up to the triune development pattern of fundamental research, talents cultivation and policy-making consulting, and also reinforce investigate research, promote theoretical innovation, complete talents cultivation, promote talents communication. Furthermore, it must construct policy-making consulting and achievements submission platform, public service and information sharing platform, and external communication and international communication platform. The purpose is to promoting element optimization, structure optimization, environment optimization and enhancing the attraction and influence of the think tank of ecological civilization.
  • Wu Yongping
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2017, 37(01): 141-144. DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2017021
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    The thirty volumes of Yeke Series, edited and engraved in Jiajing period, Ming Dynasty, and now collected in Northwest Normal University Library was selected as one of the second national precious ancient books because the book was once collected by Pan Zuyin and Pan Jingzheng and the latter wrote a postscript with handwriting. Pan's postscript is a good help to understand the value of the book. This is the meaning of the postscript and also the significance of this book.