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15 December 2016, Volume 36 Issue 06

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  • Sun Jianjun Pei Lei Qiu Pengfei Sheng Dongfang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 18-24.
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    Management and technological innovation as well as resource redistribution in the construction of smart city will lead to a series of challenges and obstacles. This paper summarizes the multidimensional risk factors faced by the intelligent city initiatives through a literature review and analyzes the successful experiences of the smart city cases. Finally, this paper designs a mechanism to cope with the risks from the perspective of data governance. The purpose of this study is to help urban administrators and researchers in China to fully understand the risk factors in the construction of smart city, and to draw lessons from domestic and international problem-solving experiences.
  • Sun Jianjun Pei Lei Zhou Zhaotao etc.
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 25-32.
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    This paper takes 131 Chinese local smart city policy documents as research materials. A 5-dimension frame of smart city policy goals was constructed, based on research review and ground analysis of policy samples. Then all the policy documents were coded and analyzed with 3133 codes through 4 perspectives, referring geographical difference, periodical difference, administrative level difference and policy type difference. After calculating and comparing with the frequency and constructive vector of policy goals, it was found that there was high consistency and little difference between each other. Thus three typical types of policy goals were recognized according to their frequency and similarity, and the tendency of smart city policy of China in near future was forecasted.
  • Sun Jianjun Pei Lei Zhou Zhaotao
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 33-40.
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    This paper coded 131 Chinese local smart city policy documents based on ground analysis, according to former researches on policy instruments. A coding system with 103 smart city policy instruments codes was constructed and mapped to classic catalogues created by Rothwell & Zegveld and Doelen. Then 2019 policy discourses were coded and analyzed, and the results demonstrated that Chinese local smart city policy documents focused more on government oriented policies, stressed more on supplying policies and environmental policies, and combined both regulation policies and incentive policies. Thus, some strategies were suggested to local governments in smart city policy instruments design and using.
  • Pei Lei Zhou Zhaotao Sun Jianjun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 41-46.
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    This paper extracted 292 programs from 5625 coding discourses in 131 local smart city policy documents in China. Based on the statistical analysis of these programs, smart applications, information infrastructure and key technologies, smart industry, information resources and information security were acknowledged as the main 5 domains in smart city practice. According to geographical and diachronic analysis, Zhejiang and Jiangsu were thought to be leading provinces in smart city construction, and 2011-2013 were thought to be abrupt time point in smart city evolution. At last, this paper suggested that local governments should balance consistency and homogeneity, diversification and individualization, sigma completeness and local advantages in programs selection in smart city policy design.
  • Pei Lei Sun Jianjun Zhou Zhaotao
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 47-55.
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    Policy text computing is a new integrated methodology combined with policy analysis science and computing science in the big data era. This paper reviewed the development of computing methods in political text analysis, summarized the typical research topics, tools and applications in this area, then concluded the main characters and shortcomings of this methodology, and discussed the potential application of policy text computing in meta-policy analysis and qualitative political analysis.
  • Shi Qian Pei Lei Qiu Jiaqing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 56-62.
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    The paper is intended to measure policy theory-practice inter-diffusion and its time-lag in policy diffusion according to two-dimension model of frequency. Meanwhile, the paper, regarding informatization policy issued by the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang and theory documents of informatization theory in China as the study objects, builds two-dimension distribution diagram to quantify the time-lag between policy theory and policy practice. Measuring time, topic and region of informatization policy, the paper confirms that informatization policy theory lags behind its practice. Therefore, the theoretical research of policy should be further strengthened.
  • Pei Lei Zhang Qiping Li Xiangju etc
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 63-71.
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    This paper takes 435 long-term informatization strategic planning policy documents from Chinese Information Policy Corpus as research material. Then topic adoption and innovation, increasing and decreasing of topic frequency, ripple influence and filtration influence of policy diffusion were computed in both geographical dimension and diachronic dimension. Accordingly, several findings in informatization policy diffusion are demonstrated that policy structure changing , increasing and decreasing of topic frequency are consistent in diachronic policy diffusion among different periods; decreasing of topic frequency is consistent while increasing of topic frequency is different in geographical policy diffusion among policies issued by different governments; significant ripple influence occurred in all diffusion types while filtration influence only occurred in policy adoption and diffusion of county governments.
  • Fan Bingsi
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 72-76.
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    Reading issues include reading behavior and reading management and service. Library reading promotion is concerned with reading service. Library reading promotion includes library marketing and new reading services. Reading promotion is the innovative service of the library, and its service idea is subversive to traditional library science. Reading promotion is the solution that based on the promotion activities of the librarianship facing the challenges of social change in the environment development. Understanding reading promotion is a solution to keep the self-consciousness of service in the promotion of reading.
  • Jiang Jie
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 77-82.
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    When the real-time, low-priced, and visual data are discovered through sharing information resource pool over the wide area, converging machine learning algorithms efficiently reveals powerful strengths like deep mining of the surplus value of data assets, and innovation and improvement of public service capacity makes ordered enhancement of social well-being possible, moral hazards which seriously deviate basic human rights and economic goals are gradually exposed, for instance, intuitive mining interferes free expression, intellectual data decision-making breaks equal structure, and digital divide disturbs competition orders. The solutions to these burning problems lies in the promotion of common moral spirits which is symbiotic, co-existing, shared and co-prosperous to advance the different demand of heterogeneous group. Specific moral disciplines like safety, independence, adaptation, coordination of interests ought to be fully implemented, in order to help the leap development of singularity era.
  • Wang Tianni
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 83-86.
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    The paper, sketching out the internal driving factors and core ideas of mini-apps generation, points out that WeChat mini-apps highly accords with service concept of libraries. The service model of library WeChat mini-apps can be built according to the product characteristics of library WeChat mini-apps. Meanwhile, the service of library WeChat mini-apps can be divided by the importance and application frequency of different internet products in order to find new management channel and marketing strategy for service improvement and experience promotion.
  • Wu Gang
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 87-95.
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    The government information services in public libraries are facing the new information environment. From the views of government information navigation service, government information reference service, E-Government service, government information literacy training and promoting open government development, this paper analyzes the American public libraries' experiences in government information services. Some suggestions are put forward concerning the development of public government information services in China's public libraries.
  • Tian Qianfei Anthony S.Chow Tang Chuan etc
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 96-103,144.
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    This paper emphasizes the importance of library performance evaluation at first. Then a specific introduction is given on theory evolution of American libraries performance evaluation. Taking four evaluations as examples, the author elaborates the backgrounds, latest reports, data reuse and future trends of the four cases, and compares the four cases from evaluation body, method, data reuse, etc. Suggestions are given on public library performance evaluation in China.
  • Zheng QI
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 104-109.
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    Through the investigation on the Internet E-book Lending service of 8 Australian public libraries and literature analysis,this paper tries to reveal the current situation of Australian public library e-lending services and analyze the regular pattern of electronic information resources construction and electronic lending policies in Australian public libraries. The enlightenment to e-lending services in public libraries in China is also discussed from the perspective of experience and problems.
  • Li Jinbo Qiu Bolin Zhang Jing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 110-115.
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    Shanghai Library and New York Public Library are quite successful in social media marketing. The comparative study on their social media marketing will give some reference for other domestic libraries. This paper investigates the profiles of their social media platforms of Shanghai Library and New York Public Library, and compares and analyzes content construction, operation mechanism and strategies of their social media marketing.
  • Wang Li
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 116-120.
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    Maker space, originating from the maker movement, has achieved success in many field at home and aboard while the public libraries have taken advantage of maker space. Based on the development and characteristics of maker space in public library, the paper summarizes that maker space in public library will move in this direction that innovation and entrepreneurship culture will be cultivated and the new mode of information public maker space will be formed in the future while maker space in public library will be related to other maker space more closely, and introduce more high quality resources.
  • Huang Xiaojun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 121-123,40.
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    The paper focuses on the product development of culture creativity and innovative service of university libraries based on elaborating the connotation of cultural and creative industry, the cultural and creative practice of university libraries and the relations between the cultural and creative industry and university library. The paper also argues that there are three patterns for industrial development of university library culture creativity, such as library resource, user service and cross-border fusion while innovative service includes competence education, knowledge consulting and user experience.
  • Xu Jianhua Lu Jinyi Li Yuan etc
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 124-128.
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    All the articles published in 11 CSSCI library magazines in 2015 that used questionnaire method were reviewed and analyzed about their research topics, survey objects and quantity, preparation, and their statistical methods. The results showed that, although questionnaire investigation in the field of library science had a good development and application, there were still problems, such as research angle, scope of research objects, degree of standardization, and data analysis.
  • Zhou Shuyi Zhu Hengmin Wei Jing
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 129-134.
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    The rapid develop1ment of social networks makes it possible for people to spread rumors faster and wider than ever before, which affects people's normal life. Considering the phenomenon that government clarifies facts to refute the rumors through the traditional mainstream media and online media after the negative rumors occurred in the real life, the Susceptible-Negative-Positive-Removed (SNPR) model is firstly established by mean-field theory and used to describe the dynamic interaction of the rumors and positive information. Then, the model is simulated by the computer. Finally, the changes of various system parameters on the rumors spread effect is analyzed and compared. Simulation results show that there are three main factors influence the rumor spreading. Additionally, SNPR model itself contains the characteristic of inhibiting rumor spreading, and has important guiding significance for the later studies about rumor propagation model and the strategies of controlling rumors.
  • Zhang Qinglai Su Yun
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(06): 135-140.
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    Information is the foundation of public governance, so information governance has drawn attention of scholars from public management and information management field. Based on the analysis of community information governance theory, the paper explores the subjects, contents and patterns of minority community information governance. Then, the paper applies the framework of minority community information governance to analyze the results of information governance in Muslim community of Hualin Mountain in Lanzhou obtained from the investigation by means of questionnaire approach and interview approach, and propose the development countermeasure of information governance in minority community.