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25 April 2016, Volume 36 Issue 02

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  • Tian Rong,Xiao Ximing
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 1-7.
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    An investigation of information organization patterns of public cultural resources integration projects in Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong shows that projects mainly adopt four kinds of information organization patterns, namely multi-dimensional navigation, information retrieval, visualized information searching and subject information gateway. Application of these information organization patterns achieves the function of optimizing and reorganizing heterogeneous digital cultural resources. Of course, the application of these information organization patterns is flawed with certain shortcomings. The author proposes some new strategies to optimize the function of information organization patterns, thus improving the efficiency of heterogeneous resources integration.
  • Wang Tao,Zheng Jianming
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 8-12.
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    The application of the theory of equalization is conducive to providing equal ways to narrow the development gap of digital culture, promoting the best means of development of digital culture and more effective institutional arrangements of fairness and justice in this area. Application strategies mainly include: reinforce of top-level design and equalization construction of digital cultural; selection of scientific and effective management model to build supply platform, and construction of the corresponding governance mechanism; reconstruction of application of a new type of digital information technology to provide complete digital technology support for realization of the equalization of the digital culture; creation of the equal and efficient external conditions which are conducive to the digital culture, continuous and healthy external environment and the aim of the development of efficient fairness.
  • Dai Yanqing
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 13-17.
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    In the field of non-profit digital cultural services, developed countries have an extensive practical foundation and successful experiences. However, this kind of service in China has been facing different difficulties in cooperation, such as insufficient motivation of service principal, lack of coordination organization, mechanism has not been established, the awareness of responsibilities and risk for cooperation is not clear, implementation problems, and so on. Starting with strengthening the top-level design and along the mentality that establishing regional cooperation and coordination organization, defining cooperation requirements, formulating cooperation plan, building issue resolution platform, and implementing cooperation activities, this paper discusses the cooperation path of non-profit digital cultural services in our country.
  • Shi Xiao,Gong Jintao
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 18-25.
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    The strategic plan of library is important for effective implementation of library management. Through online survey and statistical analysis, this paper comparatively examined 15 pieces of strategic plans of British universities libraries as research samples from the perspectives including strategic making subject, strategic development orientation and strategic content, and then reaches some conclusions and inspiration in order to provide some theoretical references for formulating strategic plans and developing new services of Chinese university libraries.
  • Sheng Qing,Hou Wenjun
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 26-32.
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    Based on the status quo and the context of public libraries in Scotland , this paper describes and summarizes the main contents and characteristics of " Ambitions and Opportunities——A Strategy for Public Libraries in Scotland 2015-2020 ", especially the six key points which may be helpful to the planning of strategy for regional public libraries in China, which are "deep openness", " digital inclusion "," community empowerment " , "service integration ", "innovation and entrepreneurship ",and " satisfaction assessments ". Then the nature and weakness of "Strategy" are analyzed from the point of its design and the problems library services may confront are explored through a cutting-edge theory ——" Frame Innovation".
  • Wang Yanhong,Sheng Xingjun
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 33-39.
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    Based on the current development of the British library, introduced and analyzed the major content and structure of “Living Knowledge: The British Library 2015-2023”report.From the six core strategic target: custodianship, research, business, culture, learning and international partnership, it highlights the British Library on planning aspects of the future development goals, vision and innovation the driving force etc. The report has certain reference significance in how to grasp the future development trends and changes to our country public library, and formulating suitably for China's national conditions and social development of the library strategic planning.
  • Zhou Wenjie
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 40-46.
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    This study conducted a systematic analysis of the constructing of the standard and norm system of library through perspectives of theoretical basis, reference points of ideas and foundations. Form the perspective of theoretical basis, Three Worlds Theory which developed by Karl R. Popper explained the possibilities, Five Laws of Library Science which issued by S. R. Ranganathan explained the necessity, and social epistemology explained the feasibility of the standard system of library. Besides, ideas from the library related standard which conducted by ISO and IFLA and some quality evaluation program provided reference points for library standard in China. Social foundation, professional foundation, policy foundation and methodology foundation should be the essential foundation of the construction of library standard and norms in China.
  • Li Zhenling
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 47-52.
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    The study explores the successful experience of the reform of information management in some American university libraries, and it is believed that our country's university libraries can deepen the construction from four aspects: to make information strategy consistent with the development of the library; to construct a system in which different bodies can take part; to make a performance evaluation system; and to reorganize the information agencies.
  • Wu Meng,Hong Yue
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 53-57.
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    Content marketing is changing the traditional marketing ideas and strategies of library. Based on the concept of content marketing and research significance to the library, the paper combined case studies of content marketing including domestic and foreign libraries, analyzed the main purpose、diversified content forms and platforms of library's content marketing, discussed strategies of library's content marketing from five aspects,including overall planning, content design, creating stable lifetime of value content, marketing team building, and assessment program.
  • Niu Yong
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 58-61.
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    Problems in the construction of library knowledge community are analyzed, and the concept and characteristics of small data are summarizes and compared with big data. Library knowledge community based on small data has four functions of the platform: user knowledge platform, group dynamic clustering platform, library knowledge accurate service platform, and library knowledge service innovation platform. Its construction includes four aspects: small data acquisition, knowledge community structure, privacy, and security.
  • Huang Xiaojun
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 62-65.
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    To make an innovative space in library is a necessary job to keep pace with the government and social development. After an analysis of the innovative space in foreign libraries, it is believed that the key factors for a successful space include clear and unitary guiding idea, the strategic planning and coordination of trade organization, enough funds and first class allocation of resources, service mode conversion driven with creative thinking, scientific management, supervision, and evaluation mechanism.
  • Li Lirui,Deng Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 66-71.
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    From the perspective of the ecosystem theory, this paper summarizes the connotation and relationship of "Internet+" and scientific data ecosystem. On this basis, it analyzes the connotation of scientific data ecosystem and entails the model in combination with the interrelationships among various elements. Furthermore, this study analyzes the typical characteristics of scientific data ecosystem. Finally, it discusses the dynamic formation mechanism,balance adjustment mechanism and mutual benefit mechanism of scientific data ecosystem.
  • Shi Yujuan,Zhao Xuemei
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 72-79.
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    Internet is profoundly changing the social organization of production and consumption patterns. Lately, the rapid development of crowd funding platform in the "Internet +" financial times has had a profound impact on all walks of life, and the library is not an exception. Crowd funding to the construction of library was positively explored at domestic and overseas. How to successfully use crowd funding model in the business and effectively avoid the risk has become an important issue.
  • Li Wei
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 80-83.
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    As the digital age is coming, rapid changes in the function of library services provoke thought on the future development of library. On the basis of analysis of the changes of the environment, the future development trends of library are discussed.
  • Zhang Gelian
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 84-86.
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    Internet+ has become the national strategy of our country, but no enough attention has been paid to the study and application of subtraction thinking. The author outlined the subtraction thinking in internet+ times and then analyzed the service transition and development of library, especially the arrangement, the modes, and reconstruction of the principal of library service.
  • Li Shengqing,Ye Ying
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 87-92.
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    Impact torque is a newly proposed indicator to measure the publication’s impact and its problem lies in the inconsistent parameter time range and the ignorance of citing literature’s citation frequency. Based on the original impact torque M0 and M1, the intermediary impact torque M2 and improved impact torque M3 are defined. One hundred highly cited articles were chosen from two kinds of representative journals of liberal arts and sciences, with 50 from each, to be analyzed with spearman correlation, and it is found that improved impact torque M3 and intermediary impact torque M2, have a significant correlation with the h-index, which reflects more significant effect than M0 and M1 with citing literature citation frequency in consideration.
  • Dong Ke,Cheng Ni,Qiu Junping
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 93-100.
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    Think tanks research is a hot point in many disciplines. Through an analysis of 727 research articles on this domain from Web of Science database by using Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox (TMT) for content mining, it is found that the international think tank research are clustered into two groups: construction and development research of think tanks, and applications of think tanks with 10 subtopics. The Stanford TMT which is used for topic model analysis can detect latent semantic topics of articles effectively and enhance the bibliometric methods such as co-words analysis.
  • Gu Dongxiao,Sheng Dongfang
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 101-106,132.
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    This study explored the utilization of academic invisible web resources in the field of library and information science via the method of citation analysis. First, the connotation and characteristics of the academic invisible web resources were defined. Then this paper analyzed the overall situation, resources types, and resources of the academic invisible web resources based on a sample of academic invisible web citation published on authoritative journals in the field of library and information science in last five years. Some suggestions were put forward for the aggregation and service of scientific research resources.
  • Geng Haiying,Su Jinyan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 107-112.
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    Researchers' understanding of journal evaluation is investigated through questionnaire survey.  5000 questionnaires were distributed, and 2752 were recovered. The recovery rate was 55.04%. The survey results are as follows: The students, especially doctoral students, are concerned about journal rankings. The researchers are also concerned about journal rankings, especially those of 30-50 years of age who need to be promoted to senior professional titles. Among the four evaluation systems, CSSCI of Nanjing University is most popular. The investigation showed that indicators for both qualitative and quantitative evaluations are more or less of equal importance. Citation indicator, followed by reprint and download indicator, is approved mostly among the journal evaluation indicators. The higher popularity an author enjoys, the more people approve his/her academic level. The popularity of author's institution and his/ her paper's academic level generally take on a positive correlation. Academic level of journal is higher if its references are more accurate, more standard. And almost the same tendency is demonstrated by the relation between the impact power of academic journals and their use of foreign language literature.
  • Su Yun,Ren Yuanyuan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 113-122.
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    Big data has become the new engine of economic development and national competitiveness, not only promoting social innovation, but causing major changes in social structure as well. In this paper, big data development strategies of four developed countries are compared to study their measures in privacy protection, confliction resolution in public values, and promoting the production of common values. Suggestions are put forward for establishing a national big data strategy.
  • Hao Jiashu
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 123-132.
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    The article combs the related foreign projects of name authority in recent years by reviewing the projects, summing up methods used in the projects, and classifying three types of maintenance mode, including traditional maintenance, self-authority based on user interaction and automatic name disambiguation. The advantages and disadvantages of these modes are analyzed, and usage recommendations are provided. Based on the analysis, the development trends of name authority are summarized, including semantics, openness and association of the authority data, ubiquitous name authority control based on the combination of multiple maintenance modes, convenience for the users, and transformation from heading to unique identifier.
  • Zhang Jun
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 133-136.
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    The fourth paradigm refers to the data-intensive research environment in big data times. Researchers without good data literacy may face challenges. The cultivation frame based on the life cycle of scientific projects and data not only can clarify the basic conditions, driving factors, and sharing modes of scientific research, but also provide a new way for researchers in which combines classroom education with perception education.
  • Liu Xianghuang
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 137-139.
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    It is the national strategy to reform the supply mechanism of public service and promote public-private-partnership (PPP) mode. It is also practicable to attract social capital to the construction of library service. The study is mainly about the content and modes of reading promotion.
  • Hua Haiyan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(02): 140-144.
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    TiebiHuiji(1603 ~ 1668), the first disciple of ChuiwanGuangzhen of Juyun Faction in Zhongzhou in late Ming dynasty, was a key figure in the development of Juyun Faction. This article will clarify his life, with focus on his important writings --Qingzhongji, comparing the version in Chongqing Huayan Temple library with that in the National Library to confirm its general value and reserve some lost articles.