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25 February 2016, Volume 36 Issue 01

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  • Zheng Jianming,Jing Yuan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 1-6.
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    Informatization theory in new urbanization process falls behind and the author tries to study the theory system of informatization in the new urbanization process. Based on a analysis of the theory of urbanization and informatization,theoretical  basis and solid foundation of informatization theory in new urbanization is discussed. Combining the ory of scientific research programme,a theory system is constructed,including kernel theory basic theory,applied theo ry and environmental  theory to guide new urban informatization.
  • Wang Meng,Zhang Xuezhou,Shao Bo
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 7-13,22.
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    In the context of four modernizations,urbanization and informatization are not only indispensable link, but also a key factor to realize the coordinated development  of urban and rural areas. Through literature analysis, problems in theoretical basis and logic recognition are found in research achievements on synchronous urbanization and informatization. According to social  existence  basis, practice  is the essential characteristics of urbanization and informatization synchronization. And then, from practice  pattern, function, integration, alienation and inertia operation, simultaneous  de velopment of urbanization and informatization is analyzed and demonstrated, in order to further implement two modern izations synchronization.
  • Ma Yan,Zheng Jianming
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 14-22.
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    The measurement of the level of urban informatization includes two aspects. One is the macro, that is,the measurement of the level of social information development in the whole area. The other is the micro, that is, the mea surement of the development potential of regional information market with individual information of urban residents as the object. Using the comprehensive  index method and the questionnaire survey method to realize the macro and micro measures of the level of urban informatization in Jiangsu Province, the development level of urban informatization in Jiangsu province is clear.
  • Sun Honglei,Qian Peng,Zheng Jianming
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 23-28.
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    New urban residents is an emerging group in the process of new urbanization,as well as one of the most disadvantaged information groups facing information poverty. Information poverty alleviation of new urban residents is of great importance. The paper analyzes the causes of the poverty in a theoretical view of information ecology and some poverty reduction strategies are proposed,such as fostering information awareness of the new urban residents,drawing up comprehensive governance program to help the new urban residents out of information poverty,and perfecting infor mation living environment of the new urban residents.
  • Wang Yulin,Gao Fuping
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 29-35,43.
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    In the exploitation and utilization of big data,its law attributes determine the type of legal relationship,the adjustment of the legal relationship and the level of legal risk. Academic research,big data transaction practice and the relevant policies are to explain the legal attributes of big data, but the academic community's views are different. The author thinks big data have the property attribute. lt is the object of the property right,and it is the data assets of the big data controller This article studies the property attribute of big data from practice and theory aspec
  • Li Gang,Li Yang
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 36-43.
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    The intelligence service of think-tank is an important link of think-tank construction. While the ability in in telligence service of Chinese think-tanks differs from one another in this period, it is necessary to promote new think- tank construction under the guidance of collaborative innovation. Based on a close relationship between intelligence and think-tank, this paper defines the connotation of the intelligence service of think-tank, and summarizes three main func tional orientation of the service from the collaborative innovation perspective: firstly, focusing on the content and form of intelligence service under the background of big data; secondly, attaching importance to the new  "humanistic value" of the collaborative innovation intelligence service; thirdly, achieving the basic goal of think -tank intelligence service under the engineering thinking style. This paper constructs the architecture of decision-oriented collaborative innovation intelligence service system of think -tank, and discusses the subject, platform  construction, intelligence  process and knowledge innovation model of the system, meanwhile the knowledge synergy between them still need further research.
  • Jia Xilan,Li Shuning,Wu Yingmei
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 44-48.
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    Internet+has become the dominant strategy in the development of various industries in China. The development ideas of Internet + library and the next generation library service platform as a software infrastructure are discussed. The aim is to provide a reference for the development, promotion and transformation of library based on the Internet +thinking and the construction, selection  and improvement of the next generation library service platform.Based on the comparison of the software features of the "Internet +" era and the features of the next generation library service platform, as well as the Alma operation experience, the ideal basic features of the library service platform are proposed. The construction  idea, approach  and the problems needed to be paid attention to are also discussed.
  • Zhou Wenyu
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 49-53,126.
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    Equity crowdfunding is an emerging way of investing in specific project. Existing researches  of equity crowdfunding are not much and most of them are focused on financial features and legitimacy. Based on webometrics, this article analyzes current situation of eight equity crowdfunding platforms which are all membership of SAC(Securi ties Association of China) from three perspectives  (overall situation, fund flow and site evaluation), and explore how to improve their financing capacity. It is found that platform's influence and range of fund flow have high correlations with the number of successful  projects, but no correlation with gross amount of successful ones.
  • Wang Shiwei
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 54-61.
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    With an introduction of the innovative idea of Blended Library of the University of Konstanz, Germany, the five characteristics of blended library, such as fusion, interaction, visualization, ubiquitous, and intelligent are analyzed and study is made from the exploration of a new round of revolution of science and technology under the environment of library innovation, library fusion, and holistic revolution leading to the wisdom of the future library.
  • Hu Hui,Wu Ming,Chen Xiujuan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 62-69.
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    Twenty academic libraries are taken as examples which have provided data literacy education and research data management training services in Britain and America, and current situation of data management education in Pur due University and University of Cambridge is analyzed including the curriculum goal, students, teaching methods, teaching materials and teaching evaluation so as to provide theoretical and practical references for domestic libraries.
  • Song Ge,Zhao Fazhen,Man Lu
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 70-74.
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    Open resource development and sharing is gradually becoming an important part of the Library Construction and applications. the article based on the ecology,the concept of open source,the classification was analyzed,and the ecology of the laws and principles and ecological implications of University Library open access source were analyzed. On this basis,build a sharing open access source ecosystem,explained the role of open source sharing of the elements of the ecosystem and the gradual evolution of open source.
  • Zhong Cuijiao
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 75-79,84.
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    Readers Purchasing Decisions (PDA) is a systematic and technique innovation of library resources purchasing, which changes the decision makers as well the flow direction of information  and goods. Analyzed in perspective of transaction costs, PDA can save fund and increase the utilization of resources. The key of the application of PDA in u niversity libraries lies in the transformation of idea to operation procedures.
  • Huang Xiuman
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 80-84.
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    Library faces both development opportunity and challenge in competitive information  service in big data times. Although the National Library and Shanghai Library have gained experiences in this area, the overall service is not satisfactory in data types, the use of tools platforms, and added values of products. The strategy of development is to pay more attention to integrated applications of data, the analysis of new data resources, and utilization of new tools platforms.
  • Li Shengqing,Ye Ying
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 85-94.
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    Applying h-index, academic trace and impact torque as academic indicators, Altmetric score as social indica tors, comparative studies were done with 240 articles, 60 from each of the four fields of physics applied, environmental sciences, economics,  and history. The results show that each indicator has its independent meaning. There are obvious correlations among h-index, academic  trace and impact torque, but no obvious correlation between academic indicators and altmetric indicators is found, so it is impossible to substitute academic indicators by altmetric indicators.
  • Jing Shuai,Wang Yingchun,Liu Yanquan
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 95-103.
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    This study evaluates the websites of the US' Ivy League Schools for accessibility by users with disabilities to determine if they are compliant with accessibility standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By using the web accessibility evaluator WAVE  and email survey, the author found that among selected sixteen web sites in the eight universities, each site has good availability and operability, and all the libraries' websites offer services to people with disabilities and links to disability services, especially offer screen readers and other assistive technologies to enhance the access of people with visual impairment. However, errors are present at all the websites. The most com mon problems are the lack of missing document language (44%), redundant link (69%), suspicious link (50%), and skip navigation 44%).
  • Luo Yunchuan,Ruan Pingnan
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2016, 36(01): 104-109.
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    In this paper, the connotation of contract in the governance of public cultural service network, relation, and structure was studied and the socialization of public cultural services to buy and PPP model are discussed. In the governance of public cultural service network, multi -subject participation made the "principal -agent" relationship betweencitizens and the government shifted, and a second level of principal-agent relationship was produced. The contractual governance in public cultural service is composed of three aspects: spirit, behavior and distribution.
  • Wang Renwu,Yuan Yi,Yuan Xuping
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 110-117.
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    Application of Knowledge graph to business areas is the urgent need of the enterprises in big data era. In or der to solve the knowledge element extraction difficulties, the author tries to automatically extract the knowledge units and its relationships contained in the given field by introducing the deep belief network learning algorithm. At the same time, the knowledge unit and its relationship in the knowledge graph are stored by using the Neo graphics database. When you need to query the knowledge unit in the knowledge graph, the Cypher query language of the graph database can be used. The research method of this paper can provide reference for the rapid construction of knowledge graph in the commercial field
  • Ye Jianhua,Luo Yi
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 118-125.
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    Answers on social Q&A platforms show differences between quality performance perception and importance expectation perception. According to the method of IPA (Importance Performance Analysis), the differences can be di vided into four regions:"Continue to Maintain"region,"Key to Improve"region,"No Need for Priory"region and "Over Expression"region. Based on pilot studies, this paper uses customer satisfaction model theory to structure the conceptual model of customer satisfaction to the quality of answers on social Q&A platforms with indexes of the"Key to Improve"region, and then corrects and tests it through user surveys. This paper finds that users expectation  perception quality, performance perception quality and perception value have direct and great influences on users general satisfaction de grees, which has a strong positive correlation influences on users continuance. This paper also finds that improving the four quality indexes of "Key to Improve" region can effectively enhance users' satisfaction and the willingness to use social Q&A platforms continuously. This paper also gives suggestions on bettering the quality of answers on social Q&A platforms.
  • Cui Shun'ai,Liu Ting,Wang Bodi
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 126-132,139.
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    Grid Social Service & Management System is a way of intensive and intelligent governance. Under the guid ance of the information ecology theory and combining with its own characteristics of the practice of social service man agement, Haidian District realizes the closed -loop service integration of the whole process, including the "big, small, micro" triple loop based on the hierarchy theory, five kinds of management mechanism centered on the principle of feedback control, and the seven key links for the purpose of cooperative co-evolution.
  • Li Huijia,Ma Jianling,Zhang Xiuxiu,Yang Lina
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 133-139.
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    Because of system change and the different expressions in Chinese and foreign languages, many Chinese in stitutions have different foreign language names or irregular expressions, and this phenomenon brings about negative in fluences on the statistics, sharing, and retrieval of resources and academic achievements of concerned institutions. Based on the practice of Institution Name authority of Chinese Academy of Science , the author believes that attention should be paid to the comprehensiveness of specification control, the development of standards, the fusion with advanced tech nology, and sustainability of construction in the construction of Name Library of Chinese Institutions.
  • Wang Haihua,Ning Yu
    图书与情报. 2016, 36(01): 140-143.
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    Shuyin Building, which has been listed as the only private building under government heritage conservation in Shanghai, is considered to be one of the three major libraries in Jiangnan Region of Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was built by The Lu Family and then declined with the change of owner. This article focuses on its builder, The Lu Family, and its history of origin, prosperousness and decline, as well as its collections and its value as a private library.