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25 December 2015, Volume 35 Issue 06

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  • Li Donglai
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 1-5.
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    This paper revieWs the rise and development of self-service 24-hour library in the past decade, and that the self-service library is a demand of social development and a consumer demand of the era of social transformation. The combination of service hour breakthrough and self-service style reveals the huge potential of library service expansion and technological integration. From the perspective of the library career, 24-hour self-service library and its service is a spirit reflection of library following the times development, expanding career areas and accepting responsibility more proactive. lt also reflects library to take on cultural responsibility for the social development.
  • Yu Chuanzheng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 6-9,112.
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    Abstract  The self  library is  significant innovation  facilities and space  over the  past  decade.  This paper  examines the self -help  library from the  sociological   view and finds that: the  self library playing the  role of  the street corner university  in the community;  widely extending  to the city by the  mode of McDonaldization; having a  great future depending  on the government s public cultural policy and  the continuous improvement  of self library
  • Zheng Yongtian
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 10-18.
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    Public libraries follow the principles of equal utilization and public access. Public library service experiences several development stages in the history of China and western countries, from conservative to open, from serving for special people to serving  for the  public,  and from serving passively to serving  actively and serving extensively. Extension service expands the service range and it is a necessary road to realize public library for the people. 24 hour self-service library is a kind of extension service which is embedded in public 24 hour life. It increases the visibility of services and satisfaction of public library readers, and it is an important manifestation of public library extension service in modern society.
  • Wang Jingfa
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 19-25.
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    Library's 24-hour  self-service has  two forms: self -service library and ATM. Critiques from outside are caused by librarians' misunderstanding that the self-service library and the ATM is the same thing and the machines are introduced  as projects.  ATM is a component  of library service and now it is regarded as the main part of library service. No clear understanding of the innovative spirit behind the ATM and the social responsibility  of the library are some of the reasons. The blind introduction of ATM reveals the problems in the construction of public library service system.
  • Pei Lei,Sun Jianjun,Xiao Lu
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 26-32.
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    Data processing improvement  is one of the main driven forces of S&T information  service innovation. It becomes more and more difficult for S&T  information institutes  to face the challenges of scattered data resources, deepened and widened users' demands,  and the complexity of  big  data analysis technologies.  Meanwhile, these challenges make it possible for the innovation and sharp turn to new information service models. This paper analyzed the technical  environment of big  data, deconstructed   the  main  challenges of intelligence  work,  and gave several suggestions as countermeasures.
  • Li Lirui,Deng Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 33-37,62.
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    It is the necessary way of combining "Internet + " with library to promote the development of integrating library. This study firstly introduces the development process, key conception and typical characteristics of "Internet +", and it expounds that "Internet + " acts as the crucial impetus to drive the transformation  of library. On this  basis, the paper analyzes the main contents and distinguishing features of integrating library, and discusses the main problems that need to be paid attention to and solved.
  • Ren Ni,Huang Shuiqing
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 38-46.
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    The 2013 version of ISO  27000 standards was compared with that of 2005 and  the influence  of the standards change on risk assessment and risk control of digital library information security was analyzed, and then it is pointed out that the information security risk assessment method and model of digital library based on version 2005 can be used in version 2013. Based on the analysis of the core control elements and reference ones one by one, this article built the information security risk control method of the digital library according to the new version standards.
  • Tu Zhifang,Liu Ziheng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 47-53.
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    Through investigation and analysis of the innovative  features of DPLA in constructing  the digital library portal, the open platform and guaranteeing public options and making service policies and terms and so on, it is found that DPLA has not only the resourceful and technological portal, but also open API and APP development platform for the public. Moreover,  DPLA is committed to building  a unified resource platform to provide the public with more convenient  access to information resources of high quality. DPLA has accumulated much development experience in the integration, preservation and service of public digital cultural resources and the experience in construction of innovative and open community, and dealing with prevention and settlement of intellectual property  issues, these experiences have significant enlightenments  to us.
  • Wu Gang,Zhang Mo
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 54-62.
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    In the process of regulating the  knowledge and information  dissemination and utilization activities,  the contents of relevant library regulations provisions will  be involved in the copyright issues, concerning digital resources development, document copying and delivery services, remote  information services, audiovisual products and electronic publications rental services and translation services. Some countermeasures are put forward for the copyright issues in libraries of China, including improving library-related clauses in copyright law based on the international experiences, promoting the  library  services through library  laws  and libraries  taking the most effective copyright management measures.
  • Fan Ruiying,Kang Qi,Wang Qian,Li Yu
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 63-67.
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    This paper aims to propose a concept library environmental responsibility which open new vistas for research in the economic, social  and environmental sustainability of library. It  also seeks to identify  some areas of interpretation and fulfillment  of environmental responsibility in the context of energy conservation and sustainability trend, and inspire more LIS researchers and practitioners to concern to environmental sustainability and carry out green practices.
  • Liu Fang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 68-74.
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    Based on the PEST analysis, the article discussed about the macro environment of the Public Library during the 13th five -year plan which including the political,  economic, social, and the technological part.On this  basis, the article probes into the strategic focus of the development of Public Libraries in our country during the "13th five-year- plan" which including:  enhancing the cultural awareness and promoting the public -reading;the introduction of social forces to enhance the service efficiency;To  promote the integration of science and technology, and to innovate  the service space;To improve the corporate governance and to achieve the long-term development.
  • Ren Xiaofeng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 75-77,96.
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    Age of new hardware is means that the geek and maker are the main participants, and the hardware is the pattern of manifestation in a new industrial  form,  which is  based on the software  technology, Internet  and big data technology. New hardware has certain development scale in United States, and it has diversified forms and practices in China. The library tried to improve user service experience through innovating hardware services. In addition, it also can extend the service content and range by providing data analysis, knowledge discovery and so on.
  • He Jingjing,Wang Yingchun,Liu Yanquan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 78-83.
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    Workplace bullying  has gradually become a hot research topic since 1980's, and it has also emerged as a prominent employment issue in many work  environments. This study explored the status quo of library  bullying incidents and corresponding solution in six US New England states. An electronic survey questionnaire was sent to 8000 library personnel. The data showed that among 570 participants 45.7%  reported being bullied, in the midst of these bullied respondents 45.9%  experienced at least three years or more and 25.5%  left their current employers for the reason of workplace bullying.  However, only 10%  of 67 participated libraries reported they developed specific anti -bullying policies and regulations.
  • Si Li,He Yi
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 84-91.
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    By visiting the website of 34 selected iSchools, the authors investigated the numbers, teaching content and types of big data related courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Analysis was made about the characteristics of these courses and the results indicate that the iSchools' big data related courses have four main features: the content of big  data related courses is  practical and oriented to professional needs; the iSchools emphasize technology and application of big data and sets  up some curriculum for specific domain;  the big data related courses  need guide knowledge; the form of big data related courses of iSchools  are varied and the iSchools focus on training students' practical ability.
  • Xu Jianhua,Li Yuan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 92-96.
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    The articles using questionnaire method published in II CSSCI library magazines in 2014 were reviewed and analyzed about their survey objects and quantity, research  topics, preparation and then their  statistical methods. The results  showed   that, although questionnaire investigation  in the field of library science had a good development and application, there were still problems, such as research angle, scope of research  objects, degree of standardization, and data analysis.
  • Wu Jiang,Ma Panhao
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 97-106.
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    MOOC has developed rapidly and exerted a great influence in recent years, and thousands of learners have been attracted to join the platform. The vision of MOOC is providing quality learning resources for more learners to achieve open and massive learning  mode. Through the interaction  between human body and knowledge body,  the MOOC platform can contribute  to knowledge sharing and knowledge flowing, which improves the effect of learning. This paper studies the knowledge flow in MOOC platform based on the perspective of super network, and defines or describes the concepts and formulas of several parameters such as super node degree, super edge degree and centrality. We use the representative forum data of one course named  "Information Retrieval", which collected from the Chinese university MOOC platform, and analyze the knowledge flow in terms of super network, employing super degree as well as centrality parameters. Finally, we find that there exists a problem in MOOC platform, which is that the participation rate in forum part is low and the knowledge flow is not satisfactory, so we make several suggestions for this problem.
  • Zhang Yuequn,Li Chunning
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 107-112.
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    Knowledge transfer in social network environment is  characterized by knowledge content fragmentation, transfer path diversification,transfer process contextualization,  knowledge source and knowledge receptor blurred. The role of Library in the whole knowledge transfer system has changed greatly,  which has been changed from the  " intermediary organization as primary while service organization as supplement"  to "laying equal stress on intermediary organization and service organization, paying more attentions to knowledge management and service organization". In order to  complete the  change of the role of the  library,  the library's  knowledge transfer needs to  take "through strengthening the reading promotion to improve the resources utilization rate", "through the construction of knowledge community to strengthen  the social relationship between the library  and users",  "micro knowledge organization and service" and other measures.
  • Pu Xiaoge
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 113-118.
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    Based on economics, management  science and operations research. This paper combs the scientific methods of Digital  resources performance evaluation theory. These methods include  philosophy method, the general scientific method, economic efficiency theory, the management control theory, the behavioral science  theory, the service quality gap model and Multi index comprehensive evaluation method Then it is further clarified that the theoretical basis of the digital resources performance evaluation is  a new areas of Multi  subject intersection  research which relates to the methodology of science, economics,  management science, operations  research;  finally  the research result can provide reference to the future research on the theory and method of digital resources performance evaluation
  • Qiu Qingdong
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 119-121.
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    lt makes the processing and application of data become a part of all walks of life, when the age of big data arrived. Meanwhile, it proposes higher requirement of the librarian.  Under the circumstance  of big data, the  role of librarian is not administrator of documents and books, but also data administrator, which should provide services for the users that including data filter, data organization, data digging and analysis, and the education of data attainment.

  • Tan Yanmei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 122-125.
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    The author found, through Network survey method and firsthand experience,that the service mode and main functions of mobile APP in domestic university libraries are not fully used as it is in foreign university libraries and public libraries. The expansion and optimization scheme of mobile APP function is discussed to provide advice on the construction of university mobile library App.

  • Wang Hong,Deng Fuqing,Yang Hongyan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 126-133.
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    Demand poverty of rural reading is the scarcity of the effectiveness of the demand, so it often forms the trap of reading demand, which has made rural reading construction, service and research into a misunderstanding, and has caused the judgment and assistance contrary to reality, such as the shortage of rural reading resources, deficiency of construction input and poor service,  etc. This is also the  reason why  rural reading career has been developing unsatisfactorily and has caused the waste of social resources. Persisting in the principle of non-development can handle the rules and characteristics of rural reading demand accurately, identify the types and forms of the farmers' reading demands  correctly, and fully know the conditionality and complexity of reading. Thereby libraries can well play the role of rural reading service, overcome the blind psychological comparisons, and solve the problems of rural reading difficult groups targeted.
  • Peng Minhui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(06): 136-142,146.
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    Boone Library was the first public library with open shelves to all in China. The modern library thought which was implemented in it by Miss Mary Elizabeth Wood, the founder, was inherited and developed by the Boone Library School. After 1938, the library of Boone Library School not only kept p rt of the collection of books from Boone Library but also all the ideas, continuing the services for teachers and students in school and the citizens. Merged with Wuhan University with Boone Library School, the  library maintained and enlarged its  special collection, then became the Library of School of lnformation Management, Wuhan University which lasts till today.