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25 October 2015, Volume 35 Issue 05

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  • Qu Baoqiang,Wang Kai
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 1-8.
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    Data paper is a new type of academic publication, which promotes the development and utilization of the data set by describing the details of creating and processing the data set, the structure and format of the data set, and the potential of using it. The paper introduces the concept, basic characteristics, forms of expression, main contents and publishing process of the data paper. The author expects to give some advice of development of data publication in our countries.Data paper is  a new type of academic publication, which promotes the development  and utilization of the data set by describing the details of creating and processing the data  set, the structure and format of the data set, and the potential of using it. The paper introduces  the concept, basic characteristics,  forms of expression, main contents and publishing  process of the data paper. The author expects to give some advice of development of data publication  in our countries.
  • Chen Quanping
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 9-15.
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    Under the paradigm of data intensive scientific  research, data sharing becomes more important. Academic journal is one of the important ways of scientific communication, and its data policies directly affect the reproducibility of scientific research. This paper analyzes the main body, objects  and contents of the current academic journals data policies, and analyzes the effect of the implementation  of the data policy besides traditional journals and new data journals, and analyzes the effect of the implementation of the data policy.
  • Guo Jinjing,Chen Xiujuan,Chen Xuefei,Huang Jinxia
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 16-24.
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    Based on the lists of hijacked journals which were recently developed by MehrdadJalalian and provided by Jeffrey Beall, this paper took a survey of hijacked journals with referencing to the information on MehrdadJalalian's homepage, the journal's site, Ulrichsweb and Journal Citation Reports. The characteristics of authentic journals which were hijacked  were summarized  from  the  aspects of  journal's  website,  impact factor,  languages used,  subject distribution, types and so on. The cause of this phenomenon and the harm it caused were analyzed and the methods to dentify the hijacked journals and deal with this phenomenon were summerized. This article provided a reference for the industry of publishing, information service organizations and authors to identify the hijacked journals and deal with this phenomenon.
  • Wang Ling
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 25-28,64.
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    Data, especially,  the  scientific data with great values are important  strategic resources and the  retention, sharing, and utilization of data have aroused social attention. As a new form of publications, data journals have solved the problems of data publication,  sharing, and reuses, but it brings opportunities and challenges to library, writers and readers,  and publishing  industry.  After a brief description of the  concepts of data paper,  data journal, and datapublishing, and th'e publishing form of data journals, citation and data control, analysis is made about the influences and challenges of data publishing on library and it  is  concluded that data publishing enriches the resources  of library,challenges library  s status as the center of knowledge exchange, brings risks the use of data journals and obstacles to the organization and integration of resource in library.
  • Han Cuifeng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 29-32.
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    After a b rief interview of the connotation and research in the last six months, service transition and development strategy of library are discussed and the conclusion is that library will turn to entrepreneurship and innovation space, integrated library, and data management center. Three development approaches should be to pay special attention to cultivation of personnel with internet thinking, deep integration with other industries, and construction of standard policy system.
  • Zhang Xingwang,Li Chenhui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 33-40.
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    To make perfect, scientific, reasonable top-level design plans for "Internet+library" is the prerequisite for the application of "Internet+" theory in library. After a brief analysis of domestic "Internet+" top-level design, it is found that the framework of top-level design for "Internet+library" consists of design program, function system, and security system. The function system is made of knowledge service system, resources and environment, information construction, infrastructure and application integration. The "Internet + library" top -level design needs to pay attention to several problems in the design process. It is believed that "Internet+library" top-level design results must be scientific, overall, reliable and maneuverable.
  • Yang Xiaofei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 41-43,122.
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    after a brief revie w of the connotation of "internet + " and data literacy, the needs and features of literacy education are analyzed and it is believed that the main methods should still be training and lectures with data management and integrated library + service practice as supplements.
  • Fan Xingkun
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 44-52.
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    Public cultural service system is an important part of the process of urbanization. Library, as a cultural center in the modern town, plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of urban politics, economy, cultural development and social harmony. The author induced, through the analysis of the current development of China's urbanization policy and social environment, the library's position and function and value in the process of the simultaneous development of urbanization, and believed that library's socialized construction, functional diversification, personalized service mode, constant development of the branch service system construction is the trend in our urbanization policy.
  • Long Qian
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 53-64.
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    The library websites of Top 50 universities in US NEWS and part of Chinese universities were chosen to compare the differential of classification and using policy of learning spaces. The deficiencies appeared in the learning spaces services in Chinese university libraries were analyzed. Some suggestions were made to improve the related services for Chinese university libraries.
  • Cao Guiping
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 65-69.
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    This paper analyzes the general situation, significance, service items and operation procedure of subject experts/tutor system in university libraries in Taiwan, China, and, based on such an analysis, it is pointed out that subject experts/tutor system is an important measure of subject service in academic libraries and a mutual supplement of traditional subject service, and it is concluded that subject experts/tutor system still needs to strengthen the guarantee and support of the system, and to be further improved and developed.
  • Hong Yue
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 70-77.
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    Twenty-eight games of the information literacy education project were chosen through literature research as research sample, and after analysis of the types, characteristics and problems of these samples, four aspects, such as the concept of identity, knowledge content, implementation diversification, and game types, were considered about how to build the information literacy education games of the university library.
  • Qiu Jinyou
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 78-80.
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    The ar ticle descripts the background. process and connotation of maker space. And then it selectively analyzes the inner link between libraries and maker space and its practice foundation. and the strategy approach about how does the library establish the maker space. We consider that the library and maker space has common points on ideas and characteristics. The core advantages and ideas of the library could integrate into the construction and operation of the hacker space. So the content development and transboundary integration  of hacker space are the strategy approach of the library hacker space.
  • Liu Yu,Wei Ruibin,Fang Xiangming
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 81-91.
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     Journal evaluation is a hot research topic concerned by Library and Information Science as well as researchers from other disciplines. A great amount of literature on this domain need to be analyzed to find out the main focuses of journal evaluation research. The data record consisted of 1769 item from1998 to 2014 were collected form CSSCI. Using the NodeXL for cluster analysis and visualization, the finding is that there are 5 hot focuses and 3 intellectual basements existing in the research literature.
  • Zhao Renling
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 92-98.
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    In this paper,the author first summarizes the research of graduate examinee evaluation at home and abroad,and then puts forward a graduate examinee evaluation model according to the related documents of ministry of education,the quality model theory and the modern talent evaluation methods. The evaluation index was determined by expert interviews and sample data were got through questionnaire. The empirical data were analyzed with SPSS and AMOS software and the final index weights were got through structural equation model analysis.
  • Wang Pei,Sun Jianwen
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 99-108.
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    By investigating the dimensions and participants ofUK's public sector information,a comprehensive content analysis of UK's PSI quality regulation,quality standard, quality supervision and audit, PSI integration and information literacy is presented. Four suggestions are provided that can be adopted in China's PSI quality management, including the establishment of detailed PSI quality regulations, construction of national core reference data, with public library and archive institute in PSI quality assurance system, and improvement of citizen's information literacy.
  • Xie Lina,Zhou Qingshan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 109-116.
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    his paper aims to study what factors will affect the usage of social media-based e-government. Based on TAIDT and Trust Theory, combined with the features of government micro-blog, this paper constructs a theoretical model. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 246 respondents in the study to validate the model. The result of the analysis showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, complexity and trust have a significant impact on users' intention to use social media -based e - government.
  • Tian Mei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 117-122.
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    Using the grounded theory method, an original interview material with total 25 records was summarized, and some influence factors for encountered information's sharing behavior in Internet browsing were analyzed from theoretical perspective. Specifically speaking, a theoretical model about these influence factors was proposed, from which the main factors were filtered and the action mechanism was elaborated. The study results show that, the main factors mainly roots in individual, social environment, technological environment and task situation. Among these factors, the individual factor is not only the direct variable of the influence factor but also the intermediate variable of the factor for social and technological environments.
  • Fan Zhe,Zhang Qian
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 123-132.
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    Users' contribution  behavior  plays  an  important  role  in the  development  of  Q&A websites.  This paper researches  users' contribution  behavior  of  the  Q&A website  from  the  perspective  of  MOA .Through   the  model construction and empirical  analysis  of users'  contribution behavior, this  paper  investigates users' contribution behavior from  motivation, opportunity  and capacity.   The results showed that: the motivation including altruism and reciprocity; opportunities the platform provided such as perceiving  of ease of use, perceiving of economy, perceiving of image and atmosphere   of   website,and  the  ability  including  the  user's  own  knowledge  transformation  and  the  professional knowledge, are  related  factors  of  users'   contribution   behavior.   This paper analyzes  users'  contribution behavior from personal and organizational so as to provide ideas for the research and for the Q&A  site's motivation mechanism.

  • Xu Hongyu,Wang Zhengxing
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 133-139.
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    This paper discusses the concept of "Digital Savvy" with concern to Zhao Yuxiang's paper of "Digital Savvy: Conceptualization on the Divide of Digital Native and Digital Immigrant"   (Journal of Library Science in China, 2014,6). The definition of "Digital  Savvy", the  difference between "Digital Savvy" and "Information  Literacy",  and the research of "Digital Savvy" from the perspective of multi -disciplines was discussed to points out the deficiencies in Zhao's paper. The author suggests that the concept of "Digital  Savvy" should be normalized and studied within the framework of "Information Literacy" and the theories of library and information could be used to study the effectiveness of "Digital Savvy".
  • Yin Liang,Wu Mu
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(05): 140-143.
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    Lanzhou Customs and Tax Agency operated from 1942 to 1946, left 212-volume archives wnich covers the establishment and cancellation of  the  Agency, equipment purchase,  personnel information,  allowance,  retirement pension, treatment of malpractice, duty-collecting and intelligence relating Japanese Puppet Regime's economic status. These archives are the raw data for studying the development of the local customs,  the economic situation in the northwest in old China, the property and the trade in the Anti-Japanese war period.