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25 August 2015, Volume 35 Issue 04

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  • Zhou Xiaoying,Song Dan,Zhang Xiumei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 2-10.
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     This paper  discusses  the  concept  and  connotation  of  health literacy,and  analyzes the  relationship between health literacy and  health  information    dissemination  and  utilization, then  scientifically states the  reasons  why it  is necessary  to  realize health  literacy from the  high plane of  national strategy. On the  basic  of studying  The National Action Plan to  lmprove  Health Literacy of the United  States,  this paper analyzes the current situation of  needs about health  development  in  China. Some  suggestions  are put  forward in  order  to  promote  the  health  literacy of national people.
  • Song Dan,Zhou Xiaoying,Guo Min
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 11-18.
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    Network  health information is takenas research object in basis of the system  theory  and information ecology theory, and  the meaning  ofnetwork  health information  ecosystem is analyzed.The  focus of this paper is the  system's essentials--information、information  codes、information  relationship  and information  environment.  At  last,30  Grade111- A hospitals'websitesin Beijing are chosen to analyze  the elements of network health information.
  • Guo Min,Zhou Xiaoying,Song Dan,Zhang Li
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 19-25.
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    In  the  "Internet +  "era, the  wechat  public platform  is  important  for  improving  the  level of service and expanding  the scope of services, and many domestic hospitals  have actively provide  information  services  using wechat.30  Beijing  tertiary  hospitals are chosen  as  the  research object,and  the  information    service from four aspects  is investigated  and analyzed  that is the hospital  information,medical  service, health counseling  and personal  management. At the same  time, the characteristic  measures of information services are summarized.  Finally,development suggestions are put  forward about  information  service which is  carried out  on  the  hospital  wechat  combining  with the  research results.
  • Xu Xukan,Su Xinning
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 26-33.
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    With the accelerated development of education,a large number of doctoral and master's theses come out each year,which involve the fields of advanced technology,national economy and people's livelihood. Academic dissertations collection in our country is not comprehensive,database separated,and copyright not clear,resulting in restricted dissertation circulation and low citations rate. Meanwhile,directors and their students have poor awareness of security management.Irregular management in classified dissertations and lack of monitoring   management process increase the potential risks of dissertations'security. Based on the analysis the experiences of openness,utilization,and safety management of dissertation at abroad,the author proposes to increase the development and utilization of the dissertation from the perspective of safety management. National dissertation presentation mechanism can be established and improved in which dissertation copyright can be combined into a unified national dissertation database,and the dissertation retrieval service platform can be built; we should build a safety management system of classified dissertation,standardize the dissertation range and classification of the review,enhance the supervision of dissertation process,block the hidden danger of the leakage of a dissertation secrets,promote the dissertation circulation,display the potential value of national dissertation,and provide intellectual support for technology and social development in our country.
  • Li Yuxuan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 34-40.
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    The paper looks into the doctorate dissertations published   during the 11th and 12th Five-Year Plan concerning the frontiers of science and technology,especially the field of Resources and Environment,Advanced Manufacturing and Materials,and Information    Technology.It is found that the number of the relevant doctorate dissertations first increased and then decreased during the 11th and 12th Five-Year Plan. GUCAS (the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)published more than all the universities.Doctoral students are concerned about the frontiers of science and technology and demands for technological advancement.Usually the university outstanding in a certain specialist subject pays more attention to these than other comprehensive universities. A further study reveals that in the   doctoral databases of CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure),the inclusion ratio of doctorate dissertations on Resources and Environment is only 50% while the dissertations included are used effectively with a 78.03%citation rate.
  • Jiang Weiwei,Wu Zhixiang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 41-45.
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    Based on the data published by the National Bureau of Statistics and CNKI,this paper analyses the output and collection of dissertation in China. According   to the analysis of citation and data downloaded of dissertation in different universities and subjects,this paper mainly expounds the influence of the openness and utilization of dissertation. It is found that continuous reforms are needed in organization mode,technical support,and management system in dissertation utilization.
  • Lin Menglong
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 46-51.
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    The paper is a research on the construction of the dissertation resource in India and Russia,and at the same time the construction of the dissertation resource in China is compared. Several suggestions are made as follows:to unify the metadata standard of the dissertation to establish an uniform collection platform for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations to realize the distribution construction and unified search for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations to clear the copyright of the dissertation.
  • Wang Luyang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 52-56.
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    With the increasing number of PhD programs in China,the universities witness a stable rise in the production of graduation theses. The effective management of dissertations/theses and the establishment of an efficient,userfriendly database have acquired   vital importance.It would maximize the academic resources and foreground the pioneering role of M.A.and PhD theses in research.Given these circumstances,the German experience is beneficial,since over the years it has developed a comprehensive system to preserve and manage dissertations and theses,with archives ranging from state/university libraries to various databases.The present essay aims to shed light on the problems in the Chinese system by introducing the circumstances in Germany and conducting a comparative study of the systems in the two countries.The essay advocates the establishment of a comprehensive database with specified regulations and an emphasis on the principle of openness.
  • Chen Yi,Xiao Ximing
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 57-62.
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    Abstract:This paper discusses the intellectual property risk of the integration of public digital cultural resources from three aspects: the change of the subject,object,and content.And put forward the corresponding management measures,including the construction of copyright protection environment which promotes the development of public culture,relaxing the restriction on the integration of public digital cultural resources,establishing a copyright collective agency system, publishing necessary copyright claims and protecting independent intellectual property.
  • Zhang Xingwang,Li Chenhui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 63-70.
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    Abstract:Library "Internet+" is a new generation of information and communication technologies including the "Internet 2.0+service 2.0+innovation 2.0"of the interaction and common evolution. This article first introduces the origin of the"Internet+" system,development and basic concepts,and then combining the reality of library management and service,the author puts forward the concept of library"Internet+",and the six basic characteristics   and development process of the four main problems are analyzed,and finally, on the library how to deal with the challenge of "Internet+" was analyzed,and puts forward the library"Internet+" in the face of the method,implement principle and its innovation and development of countermeasures and suggestions.
  • LI Shuning
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 71-76.
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     After web investigating 985 project university library website and document investigation about subject service platform,this paper analyses the status quo of subject service and subject service platform construction,platform constructing mode,platform constructing content,platform characters and innovations. This paper also brings out some enlightenment and construction strategies from platform construction strategy selection method,platform content construction strategy,platform management and publicity.
  • Chen Yuxing
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 77-82.
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    Edmonton Public Library was named 2014 Library of the Year by Library Journal Magazine and Gale Cengage Learning. This article investigates and analyses deeply about the branches,the audience  types, the participation limit,the registration required,and the schedules of the 34 programs of book clubs of Edmonton Public Library. The center branch and the other branches share these programs,the volunteers attend some of these programs,most of these programs are no registration required,and they pay attention to enhancing new comers' reading in English.
  • Yu Chengjie,Zhang Junliang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 83-89.
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    Based on the   study of the status quo of the Russian State Library,this paper gives a comprehensive introduction and analysis on the structure and the main contents of the  Action Plan of RSL Development 2013-2018,and stresses the Plan’s guaranteeing measures and implementations. Comparing it with The Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of the National Library of China,this paper analyses their differences and similarities,and points out that the Action Plan of RSL provides reference for establishing development plan of the National Library of China.
  • Guo Yongzheng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 90-95.
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    Based on non-international collaboration articles written by Chinese and Indians respectively in SCI-E,we compared the percentage of the never-cited in the mass and in different discipline cited windows, analyzed the correlation and the mean cited frequency, average authors and references on subject level, and it was found that there were Chinese catch-up mode, India catch-up mode and side by side mode. In the case of India,the significance of influencing factors is the mean citing,the average references,and the average authors in turn. For Chinese, the mean citing effects the percentage of never-cited articles at most subjects. The average reference is more impact than the average authors. We suggest improving collaborative scale of the authors in China, correcting authors' referencing behavior.
  • Jiang Chunlin,Cheng Xiuhong,Zhao Yuhang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 96-101.
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    The awards of philosophy and social science's excellent achievements is an important part of science knowledge production, management and diffusion. It matters a lot for academic guidance, talent motivation and boutique heritage. Through the investigation of the awards files of Philosophy and Social Science at provincial level, the Philosophy and Social Science appraisal system is analyzed from five aspects (awards setting, application, method, procedure and indicators) in this article to reveal the current situation of the Philosophy and Social Science appraisal system at provincial level. Based on the analysis, we point out the defects of the philosophy and social science appraisal system at provincial level and provide improvement opinions based on the institution and policy, the process and method and the criterion.
  • Lu Yangqi,Yang Jianlin,Wang Liya
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 102-109.
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    Three typical Chinese social search websites Zhihu, Douban, and Guoke are chosen in our research. The article shows their similarities and differences based on the comparison of basic functions such as user interface, interactive modes, degree of openness, and socialized functions such as source of content, tagging, demand expression and result sorting. According to canonical social model, we point out the gap between existing social information search websites and ideal goal. Some suggestions based on our analytical result are made to improve the social information search system.
  • Cheng Huirong,Huang Guobin,Zheng Lin
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 110-117.
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    The  article defined the  unstructured  text  analysis software,and  divided    them  into three main types: dictionary-based  unstructured text analysis software,  development environments  unstructured  text analysis software,and annotationaids unstructuredtext analysis software.Then,the authors chose two unstructured  text  analysis software,KH Coder and  Wordstat,compared  them  from two perspectives:  inside and outside characteristics.  Among  them, outside characteristics  included cost, update    rate,operating  environment, languages, the  way of client and  user guide. Inside characteristics  included key feature,workflow,data  format,modes  ofrepresentation and relationship  reveal. After that,thearticle respectively  pointed out strengths and weaknesses  ofthe two unstructured  text  analysis software,the  trendof unstructured text analysis software,in order to help users  select  the best software  in  accordancewith their ownresearch needs.
  • Si Li,Jia Huan,Xing Wenming
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 118-122.
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    Scientific datais a kind of research resources. It  is as important  as academic  paper and patent. It has reached a  consensus  that  scientific data has the  copyright,but  many problems  still  exist. This article discusses  problems  and countermeasuresin copyright protection of scientific data from five aspects: including authorization way in data  sharing,data publishing  and citation,technicalmeasures,regulations  and laws,and secondary utilization  in scientificdata.
  • Xu Lili
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 123-127.
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    The  paper  introduces  the  main projects  on  research data management  in  British  universities and  data management  practice of  University  of  Edinburgh,University  of  Oxford  and  University  of  Bath.  Development characteristics of research  data  management are analyzed,including implementing  funding  agency   policies,integration and discovery  of researchdata,multi cooperation of stakeholders,as well as international exchange and standardization.

  • Li Shaohui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 132-138.
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    There is  in  current  rural public cultural service system  a common  problem  that  is  the  lack  of the  main construction bodies.  In this  paper,we  take Gannan  Tibetan areas for the  study,interpreting  the  lack of farmers and herdsmen, local governments and community  organizations  in national public cultural  services. The dilemmaof lack of body reflects  the local problemas well as the  common  features  of the whole  country.  The constructionof rural public cultural service system  in  Gannan Tibetan  areas needs  a fundamental  change from administrative-led  model  based  on external unidirectional  input  to  an effective docking  and  interaction  between  exogenous  powers mainly included government  and  endogenous  forces as community.  Government  and  community  should  work together  to  promote  the constructionof public cultural service system.
  • Zhang Yanmei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 139-141.
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    After a brief definition of scientific data  and  data  literacy,the paper  introduced  the research  and practice  of library's  scientific data  management  at  home  and  abroad,and  then  analyzed the  management  problems    in  the perspectiveofuser's dataliteracy education,and  in the end pointed out the direction  for futuredevelopment.
  • Cong Zhen,Fu Chao
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(04): 142-144.
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    Guoyunlouwas a famous book collection building in Suzhouarea duringlate Qing Dynasty,known for its rich paintings.Dispersion,donation,and auction once happened to the collection and finally NanjingLibrary got the rest and some precious books and painting became known to the world.