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25 February 2015, Volume 35 Issue 02

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  • Huang Ruhua,Rao Xueyu
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 1-7.
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    The United states owns the most complete comics industry chain and well -established library system, and libraries in America value the construction and services of their comics resources. Based on the investigations of different kinds of libraries in the United States and the public statistics from the American Library Association, this paper analyzes the characteristics of comics resources construction and services of American libraries.
  • Huang Ruhua,Liu Long
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 8-11.
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     It is a long time since the libraries started resource construction and service of comic and animation in the UK and the characteristics are as follows:there are various types of libraries carrying out resource construction and service of comic and animation, great attention is paid to the resource construction of comic animation, and rich forms of services are provided. Based on the investigation on several typical cases,this paper analyzes those characteristics in details.
  • Hu Yifang, Xiong Jianrui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 12-18.
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    In this paper, the characteristics of animation resource constructionand information service in Canadian libraries were investigated,and it is found that the animation resources were collected by different institutions, library animation resources were of different kinds, the online resources were used well, and the animation   information service and other services were combined.A variety of Animation Festivals were carried out. Toronto library was taken as an example to introduce the daily animation activities.
  • Huang Ruhua,Li Yingzi
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 19-23.
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    The paper analyses the characteristics of comic resources construction of Japanese libraries. Most of Japanese libraries collect comic resources;There is a certain amount of manga libraries;Libraries try to get social assistance and public resources;There is no comprehensive resourcecollectionstandards;There are   problems for long -term preservation of comic resources.
  • Wang Wei,Kang Qi,Ye Fei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 24-29.
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     It is recognized that a green library is the one that works towards minimizing environmental impacts, energy saving, environmental protection and reducing Greenhouse Gas emission while ensuring high quality information resources and services under the background of energy conservation and low -carbon development. This study presents a thorough analysis about the research status and practice progress of green library from the definition of green library, green building, green business processes, environmental literacy education to the shaping of green -conscious aspects and so on, which inspire more LIS researchers and practitioners to be concerned to environmental sustainability and carry out green practices.
  • Zhang Lina
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 30-36.
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    Based on the historical review of public library's spirit and interpretation of the values and theory of social cooperation, the trend of public library entering into social cooperation is analyzed. The cooperation models are based on resources   exchange, service   expansion, values identification, and adminitrative   guidance. Some foreign cases are also analyzed.
  • Wang Ning,Sun Huiming
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 37-41.
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    Tampa Bay Library Consortium is one of the most important cultural service organizations in Florida, United States of America. TBLC sets up a service platform including continuing education, webinars and outreach for its members. It also provides users with interlibrary loan, virtual consulting, video production and other personalized services. Besides, its management system,strategic plan and other projects are worthy of reference to our library consortia
  • Wang Miao
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 42-45.
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    PDA expierenced preliminary exploration, wide rangepracticeand rapid development.The PDA made closer cooperation between libraries and publishers. American libraries' expierences may be useful for the same work in China.
  • Song Juan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 46-50.
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    According to NC Horizon report, 2013 Higher Education Edition, 3D typing technology is listed as one of the emerging technologies which will be adopted by higher education institutions in five years. 3D printing technology will be widely applied in the field of higher education. Supporting education is the first mission of university libraries. Introducing3D technology into the university campus is a beneficial attempt. This article aims at providing instructive advice for Chinese university libraries by analyzing the practices of American university libraries. Analysis on the practices of five American university libraries is made and enlightenments of three aspects are concluded, including the selection of the equipments, the administration rules and the promotion of the service. Selection of the equipment,making administration rules and the design of promotional activities should refer to both the experiences of American university libraries and the reality of the institution.
  • Wang Tianni
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 51-56.
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    It is a new task to reform the public library from government administration to corporate governance so as to satisfy the increasing demand of the people for more cultural service. The author analyzed the problems in the structure design of corporate governance of public library, discussed the key factors for corporate governance, such as related legislation, relations between library and other institutions, organizational structure, and operating mechanism.
  • Cheng Aiping
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 57-60.
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    The article described the meaning ofmicro media promotion and proposed model and methods for micro media reading promotion.
  • Li Yinan
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 61-68.
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    Big data has become the new engine of economic development and national competitiveness improving. Big data not only promotes social innovation, but also causes major changes to social structure and brings profound influences to the whole world. 1n this paper, based on the PV -GPG framework, the author compares the development of big data strategy from 6 countries. According to the process of public value recognition, value conflict mediation and guidance of public value promotion, the author finds that the national big data strategy should include 3 aspects: support for research and development, data sharing and strategic security. Together with the development of provincial big data strategy in China, the author gives specific suggestions for construction of national big data strategy.
  • Cui Xiaoyi
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 69-71.
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     It is necessary for library to apply big data to increase and widen its service, but dark data in big data will certainly influence the application. It is important for us to recognize the existence of these data and their influence and then try to exclude them so as to increase efficency.
  • Yong Suhua,Yang Chuanmin,Chen Fang
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 72-76.
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    Hazard prediction and warning signal spreading with large dataset in Economy 4.0 have advantages in improving efficiency, mining regularities and increasing accuracy of hazard prediction. There are many risks that include the lower total information, the error hazard prediction, and the howler warning signal dissemination.   lt is urgent to form a scientific and efficient framework of hazard prediction and warning signal spreading with large dataset by establishing the mass threshold standard   system, improving the sharing system of hazard prediction information, conducting the legal protective mechanism of hazard prediction and creating the human resource platform, etc.
  • Lei Liang,Peng Zhen,Li Hong
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 77-81.
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    The application of big data in regional brand marketing is still in its infancy, but it will be the future trend. The necessity of the application is analyzed and then proposals are put forward about the application methods, the use of online platform, big data information blueprint, the customer needs, and timely response to the needs.
  • Zhang Di,Zhao Yue,Deng Sanhong
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 82-85.
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    Half-life reflects the aging of literature. The aging of literature in the branches of ethnology and culture science are analyzed quantatively   in this paper. The data are acquired from CNKI and citing half -life and cited half -life are compared and analyzed.
  • Wu Weicheng
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 86-90.
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    The paper illustrates the document obsolescence phenomenon of Chinese religion studies by the calculation and analysis of discipline half-life. The study grasps the citing and cited data from 2009 to 2012 on China National Knowledge infrastructure based on Chinese library classification. Then the paper discusses the document obsolescence of the Chinese religion studies and its sub-discipline. On this basis, the article also analyzes the main factors which influence documents obsolescence of Chinese religion studies and shows the development of this discipline.
  • Zhang Lei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 91-98.
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    This paper calculates the discipline half -life (citing half -life and cited half -life) of history studies based on CNKI data. On the basis of discipline citing half -life, it is clear that history studies do not care much about the time of documents and old classic documents are treasured. On the basis of discipline cited half-life, it is clear that the obsolescence of history is long because the history studies have great impact on studies of other social science.
  • Lu Yangqi
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 99-102.
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    The paper utilizes the methoUs of half-life to calculate the aging rate of main suU-disciplines in environmental science. All the data are collected from environmental journals in CNKI Uuring 2010-2012. By analyzing the citing half-life and cited half -life of the main suU -discipline of environmental science, the paper shows the characteristics of citation development in environmental science.
  • Liu Jiqun
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 103-110.
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    Participatory action research (PAR) incorporates research subject into the process of research design, which can augment the interaction between research subject and researcher, and realize the authentic "presence" of research subject. The attributes of PAR, such as "study for application" and "empower the disadvantaged", can significantly narrow down the divide between library science research and professional practice, enhance scholars' understanding of marginalized communities in information society, and expand the research fields of library and information science. Previous PARs employed in LIS research have demonstrated the validity and feasibility of this particular method, and the factors which include the researchers' ability and skills in employing PAR, research subjects' capability to engaging in the action research, and the valuable resources for supporting PAR, seem to be the extrusive challenges for the future expanding of PAR application in LIS research.
  • Jiang Yanqing,Zhao Junling,Xu Xin
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 111-117.
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    Librarian pool is in the universities. The cultivation of the future librariansdepends on the LIS schools' training scheme and rich curriculum. Based on this view, the paper adopted a network survey to make an empirical investigation on the course of "Services for Children and Young Adults" in American LIS schools, and summarized and analyzed the situation from the curriculum and teaching content. From two aspects of teaching   content and student  tasks, this paper analyzed and summarized its several characteristics in the curriculum.
  • Xu Su,Zhang Xinhe
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 118-122.
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    The knowledge and skills are introduced that researchers needed for their open access publishing, includingknowledge about relevant research fields and their publishing trends, awareness of different roads to open access and their implications, familiarity with the operations of open access journals, understanding of the journals in their fields, funders' policies related to open access, knowledge of licenses and copyright, management of one's own rights as an author, evaluation of the main indicators of the open access journals and skills in using digital media to create and communicate research in a digital environment. Then the advantages, implications and challenges of scholar publishing literacy education for library are explored.
  • Wu Kai,Wang Ying
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 123-127.
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     Finding high influence microblogger could help to identify high quality information source, develop the ability to communication of public, and therefore increase information literacy. This article proposes a microblogger knowledge model from user mention relations and analysis the relation of mentioned microblogger and microblogging contexts based on LDA model. Experiment shows the cluster model can find theme related high influence microblogger and feature words.
  • Hu Bin
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 128-132.
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    Investigation was made to the visitors of 10 scientific museums about their interest, channels to get information, demand for information, and attitude toward new information service, and it was found that outreach programs such as micro -letter spreading should be based on multimedia and channels for public culture space; mobile terminal dispaly and LBSshould be done to satisfy the users and make the space more valuable
  • Zhang Honglin,Ye Wenwei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 133-136.
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    With the changes of knowledge environment and user needs, the embedded subject service has become the new direction o1 library. Based on the practice of university library services,proposals are provided for the development of disciplines embedded services in university libraries.
  • Yu Jinmei
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 137-141.
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    Based on metrological analysis of the publishedpapers in Data Mining application research of domestic library , the author analyzes the research status of data mining in term of digital library, university library, the personalized information service of the library, and the methods of data mining.In the end, the problems exiting in these papers are discussed,such as the theory problem, fund problem and application problem,etc.
  • Fan Yihui
    图书与情报. 2015, 35(02): 142-144.
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     Zhanjiang is a beautiful coastal city in southern   China, in 1899 by the French loan called "The Gulf of Guangzhou " once the foreign trade flourished.   "The Gulf of Guangzhou" is a name of a gradually receding, A nearly forgotten history, but in the flames of war, it is carrying the Chinese nation's bear and responsibility . Objects and buildings streets old alley, Confirm This piece of red land cannot die the past, burning about this period of history deep thick made.