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25 December 2007, Volume 27 Issue 06

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  • Ye Jiyuan
    图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 1.
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    In order to answer the question of whether regulations for paper publishing of arts graduates is rationality, this papersummaries three kinds of views which are positive, negative and compromising respectively. And investigate, research and statisticthe number of arts academic periodical arts master and doctor and paper publishing possible every year. Then analyzes the advantagesand disadvantages of three views and the reason colleges and universities keep the regulations. This paper considers that theregulations for paper publishing of arts graduates is unreasonable and put forwards some advices in the end.
  • Ji Yukuan
    图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 9.
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    There are many important factors hindering the information equality, such as imbalanced distribution of information re-sources, expanded difference of materials and technical requirements during information acquisition and information marketization etc.Government should guarantee the information rights and exert functions of library as an important information insurance mechanism,strengthen information literacy instruction of social public in order to establish equitable information society.
  • Yang Fengquan Zhou Fengfei Ren Jing
    图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 13.
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    This paper introduces the second life briefly, and mainly discusses the significance of construct and extends library servicein second life and applies status in foreign country.
  • Sun Zhenling
    图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 16.
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    Successful knowledge management practice must be rely on good knowledge management accomplishment of individual,organization and nation. Based on the analysis of knowledge management connotation, the paper established the definition and theorysystem of knowledge management accomplishment initially.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 19.
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    This paper discusses the way to upgrade the core competitiveness of the modern library from the core values of libraries,constructs the core competitiveness as service is the core values of library.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 21.
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    It is a hot topic about university library open to society recently. This paper analyzes main obstacle and considersuniversity library should do its own work well at first for the university library giving service to teaching and scientific research.Talking about university library open to society must be based on this precondition. All problems produced possibly during the processof university library open to society should be research in order to give good service to society. And, the implementation measures areworthy of continuing discussing by way of making sure the maximum value of university library open to society.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 24.
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    This paper discusses the connotation, character and formation mechanism of personality in the view of psychology andspecial function of library, as core cultural strength, in personality forming. In the end, proposes that library should edify all socialmembers with culture and mold their personality in order to advance the forming of healthy personality and the change of all socialmembers from traditional personality to modern personality.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 28.
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    Based on the present status, this paper evaluates China’s library career by SWOT analysis from three aspects such asgeneral environment, industry environment and inside environment. Then, proposes a series of risk avoidance strategies in order totranslate inferior position into superiority and transform threat into opportunity.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 33.
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    The fund is the basis of library development and existence. The paper introduces the status and some new measures of li-brary fundraising in England, America and Australia.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 37.
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  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 41.
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    This paper analyses the relation between the character of SCI & EI and the receiving rate of paper. The scientific re-searchers should master approaches and techniques to publish papers in the source journals of SCI & EI and write paper in standardformat in order to improve receiving rate of paper in SCI & EI.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 45.
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    Input method for Tibetan is the foundational research topic in the Tibetan information processing field,and also a bottle-neck of Tibetan informationization construction. Aiming at solving the key problems in the transition from character based informationprocessing to language based information processing, this thesis analyzes the shortages of existing Tibetan input methods and illus-trates the design and development of a Tibetan input method which is based on UNICODE international coding standard and Open-Type intelligence font technique. The system can be used in Internet information exchange and other Tibetan relevant information pro-cessing on Windows Vista and Windows XP platforms.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 50.
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    Internet-works refers to works that appears on the internet, which serves as an efficient platform for the collection, ex-change and utilization of intelligence and academic materials, becoming a new centre of literatures. Its electronic representation im-proves its technique value; its fictitiousness adds to its magnetic sense of history; its openness enlarges the space for searching; itsinterchangeable feature explores new channels for historical material exchange; its individuality renews the forms of these materials.In today's newenvironment there are two kinds of internet historical materials: the static materials and the dynamic ones, which canbe further divided as dominant dynamics and recessive dynamics. The value of internet-works as historical materials is promising andpractical, and simultaneously propels the development of the representation of internet-works.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 59.
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    This paper aims to summarize the content and the production of CALIS subject gateway during the 10th 5-year Plan. It al-so reviews the different aspects of the project which includes the standards, the system and the project management. Analyses the de-ficiencies and makes suggestions about this work during the 11th 5-year Plan.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 65.
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    Information technology is one that capture, process, memory, transmit, express and apply the Information. With moderninformation technology is widely used in education and teaching process, its influence on studying method is deeply. This paper anal-yses the localization of traditional studying methods, discusses some characteristics of studying methods under the background ofmodern information technology, put forwards some basic approaches about the changing of studying methods using modern informa-tion technology efficiently.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 68.
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    Based on the brief introduction of the grotto art database of Dunhuang Studies digital library, this paper expounds the key-words of the plate and carries out an in-depth research on the types, hierarchy and logical system of these keywords, then it discuss-es the main problems in the extraction process emphatically.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 72.
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    This paper analyzes construction status quo of higher vocational college library characteristic literature database, explainsits necessity and feasibility. Then, proposes four ideas about setting up characteristic literature database such as constructionalliance, demand analysis and paying more attention to modern technology.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 75.
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    Based on the development of the periodical online cataloging and the rising of bibliography centre, this paper describesthe practice of periodical online Cataloging, relating characteristics and its practice values.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 77.
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    With the development of network and change of library service manner, interlibrary loan have new demand to logisticsmanagement. The third party logistics solve the bottle-neck problem of library career development. The cooperation between libraryand third party logistics should be strengthen in order to advance the considerable development of library career.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 79.
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    University library come into automatization, digital and network stage nowadays. Traditional periodical managementcouldn’t adapt the age of network and meet the needs of reader. Facing the newcharacter of university library periodical managementat network age, this paper analyzes exist problem and proposes development measure from five aspects.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 83.
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    Beginning from the challenge and change confronted by the library development, this paper analyzes the close relationshipbetween the self-qualification improvement of librarians and higher education, and focuses more attention upon discussing the impor-tance, contents and approach of the librarian's accepting the further education and training so as to uniform the recognition of the ne-cessity of librarian's implementing the further education.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 86.
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    Nowadays, many universities implement two -level management system between college and university, archivesmanagement should match with it. Based on the task and content of archives two level management in university, this paper analyzesthe present problems, such as file disorder, backward management means and distempered organization setting etc, discusses thebasic principles and foundation guarantee of archives hierarchical management, and proposes efficient measures.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 89.
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    This paper discusses the characters, functions, patterns & methods and the organization model for the consulting servicecoordination in the environment of internet. The paper also generally describes the development of consulting coordination service inChina, and analyzes the existing problems, put forwards the countering measures.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 92.
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  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 99.
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  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 104.
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    The author introduces the contents and the value of the Collection of Keferences abont the Northeastern Frontiers and thecompiling process. The author also discusses the relation between classified references about local chronicles and the projects of theNational Library about local chronicles.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 106.
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  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 109.
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    Development of China Light Literature in 1936, written by A Ying and published on Great Evening News in 1936, sum-marized general situation of light literature production and theory research in this year systematically. It supplied full and accurate ma-terial for research about China light literature and academic history evolution of China light literature. It has great reference value.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 112.
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    There are more than 500 documents about Shangshu in the Song Dynasty. These documents have distinct characteristics asfollows: 1) there was a trend of reform in classical studies, and large number of newworks with the attempt of verification of Shang-shu came out and prevailed. 2) The scholars tried to interpret Shangshu with YiLi, and this kind of documents forms the majority. 3)There are a lot of works which were used to explain Shangshu to emperors. 4) Collections surged out. 5) Picture books about Shang-shu were popular. 6) Studies of the Yugong and the Hongfan were especially numerous. 7) The works of the Southern Song Dynastyare more than hat of Northern Song Dynasty. 8) Most documents on Shangshu in classical studies had scattered.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 117.
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    From the Sui Dynasty to the Republic of China, about 32 kinds of local records and similar documents were compiled andedited in Zhangye region. This paper makes an investigation and brief account of the general characteristics of the lost, the reservedrecords.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 121.
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    The textual research on the authenticity of Han Feizi’s content titles has always been a difficult point in the researchfields. Contrasting in the way of the former scholar’s research from the perspective of methodology, there are some principles thatshould been pay a close attention and abide by. Firstly, Ben zhuan about the recording of Han Feizi’s works is basically true. Sec-ondly, the content titles of Han Feizi should not been easily denied if couldn’t offer a direct testimony. Thirdly, concerning with thefalse works which have been confirmed, we should not repudiate the former conclusion rashly if we can’t offer ample evidences. Fi-nally, we should synthesize the materials of many aspects, and avoid to present our arguments depend on a single testimony.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 125.
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    As master of Chinese learning, the scholarship of Zhang Shunhui have been recognized by more and more people, thestudy about him have been increased gradually currently. But, the very important aspect, the relationship between Zhang Shunhuiand library, has been ignored. This paper discusses it mainly and reveals his cultural true feeling from affection for book to affectionfor library.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(06): 129.
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    This paper explains the historical origins of south descendant of Confucius, Confucianism in the south of China being onthe rise, the relationship between Confucianism in the south of China and formation and development of the present age library hu-manity. It is important for composing the system of a brand-newlibrary humanity spirit, making great efforts developing and expand-ing the humanity spirit becoming the direction and target of present age library.