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25 October 2007, Volume 27 Issue 05

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  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 12.
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    In the last years, the references about family trees became a heat topic in cultural studies. In this paper the author analyzesthe social and cultural value of the references of family trees.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 32.
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    The article explores the construction of mechanism about voluntary grass-roots library training in underdeveloped area fromfour parts.Furthermore,the article points that we should construct the mechanism of voluntary grass-roots library training which is themain path to solve the bottleneck of the development of the library industry. The persistent effect mechanism of constructing the vo-lunteer actions is the important guarantee to develop the library project.The systematic project includes four parts, that is constructingthe lawful system and motivation mechanism of voluntary service, sponsoring long-term mechanism in the resource of civilization, ex-ploring the integration mechanism of the publishing teaching materials and promoting the voluntary service.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 37.
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    The author outlines and analyses the research and practice on the institutional repository in domestic, and discusses thefields to be examined in the development of institutional repository. The author redefines the concept of institutional repository anddiscovers that scholars in domestic are lack of research on the service model, related laws and regulations and content quality controletc.. In the last part, the author discusses the prospect and future of the development of content and standardization, digital sustain-ability, assessment of systems and contents and policy support, application of software and copyright permission on institutional reposi-tory.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 43.
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    E-learning is a modern learning manner fitting the learning features in information society. It provides education and ser-vice in virtue of internet, extends the confine and concepts of study, and transcends the meaning and extension of traditional trai-ning. Compared to traditional learning manners, it presents many advantages, but still has some defects. In knowledge economy, E-learning and KMshould be integrated, to facilitate knowledge innovation more effectively.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 47.
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    There are many dissertations about the gap of knowledge structure in classical theories of information science such as thetheory based on the process of information thinking, the Belkin's ASK theory, Dervin's sense-making theory and so on, we can use"assimilation-accommodation-equilibrium-self adjustment" in the Piaget's Schema theory in order to improve Brooks' equation to fillup the gap of knowledge structure. In the continual process of "assimilation-accommodation-equilibrium-self adjustment", individualknowledge structure would be optimized, and this will prepare for the change of thinking style. Further, the paper discusses the influ-ence of the gap of knowledge structure to thinking space, ideology frame, knowledge background and so on. When people can under-stand and grasp the characteristics of themselves' gap of knowledge structure, they will have changed their thinking styles.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 52.
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    The network organization is a newkind of organization form between market organization and Hierarchy Organization. Cred-it is the intercommunity norm which enterprise should observe during building a network, it is the basis to accomplish enterprise co-operation. Through the credit transmission and the good prestige of social network which established on the basis of credit, may real-ize the request of enterprise knowledge resources complementation well.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 55.
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    The page presents a user-centered functional model of personal academic information management Portal for scientific re-searchers,which is based on the ideas, methods and typical applications of Web2.0. All the core functional entities and facilities ofsuch a model are also discussed, including mechanisms for information discovery, ways for personal knowledge creation, accumula-tion, collaboration and sharing, methods for information organization.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 59.
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    This article initially illustrates the advantages and inevitabilities of adopting the distance teaching methodology of informa-tion retrieval course to facilitate Online Information Literacy Instruction in the networked environment. It subsequently points outmany disadvantages of distance teaching methods of information retrieval course and thus brings forward the reasons and feasibilitiesof using networked teaching platform. Blackboard learning management system has been extensively used for its convenient functions.It’s also a rapid helpful tool module for teachers to create, distribute and manage web-based course. This article mainly introducesthe process of constructing distance teaching platform of information retrieval course by using this tool and the experience in the pro-cess of constructing.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 64.
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    Online Information Literacy Instruction( OILI) is one of the trends of information literacy instruction. Based on the practice of building teaching platform based on Blackboard Learning System, this paper provides some suggestions on improving OLIL plat-forms, including enriching contents, increasing functions, enhancing friendliness, strengthening management of teaching period,carrying out wider cooperation and exchange.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 68.
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    This article investigates 20 American academic libraries, summarizes four characters about the Online Information LiteracyInstruction in them. It also gives some advice for the development of Online Information Literacy Instruction at Chinese academicschool.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 73.
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    The online information literacy in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao is a reference for the development of them in Chinamainland. Based on the investigation on online information literacy platform which have been developed at academic library in Tai-wan, Hong Kong and Macao, the author analyzed the main types and characteristics in order to illustrate the general situation ofthem. The paper concluded with the some advices on howto implement online information literacy in China mainland considering thecurrent conditions and the experiences of them in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 79.
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    With the development of digital information environment, Online Information Literacy Instruction has become the majorform of library user education. This paper makes a survey of Online Information Literacy Instruction in “211 Project”universities ofChina, analyses the results from the angles of the form, content, mediate, organization, online guide, online courses, discussesseveral problems existing in Online Information Literacy Instruction and some suggestions to solve them has been made too.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 89.
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    General investigation of ancient books is important. Distinguishing and classifying books is a complex and careful work. Inthis paper the author explains and comments the different classes and the four principles to determine classes.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 92.
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    This paper introduces the idea of Web2.0 and the present use of Web2.0 service in libraries and points out some deficien-cies, then discusses its influence on the orientation of academic information service and exemplifies the way of use primarily.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 97.
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    How to manage and organize the information resource has played more and more important role on research of BPR.Through analyzing the relationship between IRP and BPR, this paper explores howthe IRP supports the development of BPR and ex-pounds that IRP has foundational status in structure of BPR methodology. Meanwhile, it also shows a clear thought about BPRmethod based on IRP.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 103.
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    The problems of description for the disks attached with books in Machine-Readable Catalog are discussed. Based on therequirements of multiple element search of Machine-Readable Catalog in ILAS system, the fabricating methods of search points forthe disks attached with books using flexibly CNMARC form has also been put forward through some examples in this paper.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 110.
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    There are different between library collected core journal and core journal. It is very important to properly confirm categoryand quantity of library-collected journal in order to avoid waste of manpower and material resources as well as space and funds. Thepaper presents the way of library-collected core journal with an example of Peking University Third Hospital Library.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 114.
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    This paper analyzes the impetus function of Wuhan Declaration in opening our country’s academic library to society, e-laborates the necessity, feasibility and existing problems of opening our country’s academic library to society, and discusses the waysand strategies.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 117.
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    In this article, the authors do some valuable exploratory research and analysis on difficulties and problems in the processof establishing and carrying out the system of “Subject Librarian”in libraries of university, and give some resolutions as well. In ad-dition, this article also focuses on the practice of transition from“Subject Information Liaison”to“subject librarian”.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 120.
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    Northwest Local Literature Database consists of Northwest Local Literature Bibliographic Database,Northwest LocalLiterature Photograph Database,Northwest Folk Religion Historical Materials Database,Northwest Local Newspaper and MagazinesIndex Database and Gansu Provincial Local Literature On-Line Bibliographic Database based on Gansu provincial on-line catalog.This paper introduces the characters, functions and using state of this database from the aspect of cataloguing standard, the using ofstandardized forms of words etc.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 123.
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    As a part of public library cause in China, the development of country library is imbalanced and stagnancy seriously forthe sake of management system and other factors. This paper describes several service models of country library and guaranteemechanism in order to reform the culture life status of peasantry.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 126.
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    Lanzhou library has arranged various lectures on heated topics concerning common people's everyday life. These lecturesmeet the town people's real needs on one hand and appeal more readers to the library on the other. It is a successful attempt toincrease the usefulness of libraries.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 134.
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    Classic-suspecting scholars refer to ancient students who suspected the authenticity of the authors, the text, the rationality,and the completeness of Confucian classics. Their suspicion was based on the classics themselves, a way that is overlapping but differ-ent from the study of literature in which scientific facts and authenticity are more important. These scholars in song Dynasty mademore contribution to the study of literature in the achievement, the train of thought, and the developing course. The study of literaturein Song Dynasty helped and hindered the classic-suspecting. The classic-suspecting scholars in Song Dynasty influenced the develop-ment of the study of literature in Qing Dynasty. The study of the relation between the study of literature and the classic-suspectingscholars may have positive effects on the study of traditional culture.
  • 图书与情报. 2007, 27(05): 138.
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    The Yes in Changsha were famous for collecting books in Hunan of whom the most outstanding were Ye Dehui, Ye Qixun,and Ye Qifa. All of Ye Dehui’s books in his Guangutang were scattered, but Ye Qixun and Ye Qifa’s book were presented to HunanProvincial Library.