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25 December 2008, Volume 28 Issue 06

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  • Zhang Xinhe Xiao Ximing
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 1-4,32.
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    Based on a large amount of documents investigation,this article makes a comparison between China and several developedcountries about the policies of information resource development,finding that our information resource development policies arescattered and in an emergent mode,the goals of our policies are not clear enough and the policy systems haven't been formed atpresent. The article also proposes that we should pay attention to making policies of government information resource and commonwealinformation resource,gradually form our own policy emphasis and enhance the policies’operability.
  • Chen Ya Zheng Jianming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 5-10.
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    Driven a nd influenced by the theories and ideas of Web2.0,digital library has been coming into the stage of Lib2.0quietly,and propelled by the search engines such as Google and Yahoo,a new turning point is brought to sustainable development ofdigital library. The extent of sustainable development is related closely with the application of Web2.0,therefore,as one of the coretechnologies in the Web2.0 family,P2P will promote sustainable development of digital library. The paper analyzes deeply theinfluence which P2P technology has had on some key problems in the development course of digital library,such as individualizedservice,information organization and model of digitized resources service.
  • Li Gang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 11-14,63.
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    Melvil Dewey’s thinking about library came in Amherst College and the Columbia University. From 1888 to 1906 he wasthe director of the New York State Library. And at the same time,he was the secretary of the New York State,University until 1900.He persisted in that the government libraries should change into public libraries and provide services for ordinary people as a socialeducation institnton. He was also the president of New York State Library School. The school spreaded abroad Dewey’s librarythinking and established the foundation of modern library science.
  • Zhang Aixia Shen Yulan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 15-20.
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    This Article analyses the process to make out standards and specifications of international standard organizations. Then itis pointed out that the necessity to build a reasonable organization structure,a clear and open development process and an efficientapplication system to guarantee the operation of standard organizations.
  • Li Guihua Su Hua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 21-24,51.
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    Based on an investigation on 954 users from five public libraries,the paper analyzed differences in information needsbetween eastern users and western users,and found four points of significant distinctness. The differences mainly are the results ofthree factors,so public librares should take various solution to deal with it.
  • Wu Jiajun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 25-27,74.
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    This article introduces the status of the information resources sharing of public libraries in Macao. It illustrates the detailsof the local and outwards-cooperated projects about information resource sharing that the Macao public libraries had taken part in. Itis also pointed out that the slow development of the Macao libraries in this field runs counter to the rapid development of the localnetwork construction. Thereby,Macao public libraries should put additional effort in this field to change the current status.
  • Zhang Libin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 28-32.
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    Blog has become an indispensable and irreplaceable part of network application under current network environment. Itscharacteristics such as freedom of speech,interactive communication and wide-spread make itself be distributing center of variousinformation. There are two sides of propulsion to form and develop Blog culture,one is inner fout and the other is outer. Blog willinfluence and infiltrate people’s life.
  • Wang Zizhou
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 33-39.
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    Peasants living below the poverty line are usually poor in knowledge. Peasants’knowledge poverty is mainly caused byinadequate supply and unfair distribution of basic education and public cultural service. One of basic approaches to changing thepeasants’knowledge poverty is to increase financial investment culturally,promote institutional innovation and get more social help.Library should follow the principle of “universal and equal opportunity for all,effective and sustainable service to everyone”,takeeffective and practical measures to provide knowledge aids for the majority of peasants.
  • Fang Yunzhang Lin Jing Jin Meili Pan Mei Wang Zizhou
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 40-51.
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    This paper analyzes the valid questionnaires from Fujian Province through the STATA software. Among the questionnaires,there are 190 from Changting County and the other 156 from Xianyou County. The statistical data reflects the villagers’ situations inthe impoverished and non-impoverished areas, such as basic conditions, knowledge skills, learning methods, reading preference,why to read and how to take advantages of library and requirements for library, etc. The results show that the villagers’ requirementsfor library and knowledge skills in the two areas are almost the same. Especially, the information awareness and methods of acquiringknowledge have developed slowly. The geographical obstruction is the most obstacles to taking advantages of library for the villagers.
  • Wu Weihua Wang Long Jin Meili Pan Mei Wang Zizhou
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 52-63.
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    This paper analyzes the valid questionnaires from Inner Mongolia through the STATA software. Among the questionnaires,there are 150 from Yinhao township and the other 149 from Shi’er liancheng township. The statistical data reflects the villagers’situations in the impoverished and non-impoverished areas, such as basic conditions, knowledge skills, learning methods, readingpreference, why to read and how to take advantages of library and requirements for library, etc. The results show that the villagers’requirements for library and knowledge skills in the two areas are almost the same. Especially, the information awareness andmethods of acquiring knowledge have developed slowly. For the reason of the geographical obstruction, the library is still hard to beavailable for the villagers.
  • Ji Guojun Dai Weimeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 67-74.
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    IPv6 and grid computing provide a resources-sharing and job distributing environments. It remedies the insufficiency of thetraditional learning systems. In this paper,firstly the development of IPv6 is reviewed,thus a grid middleware based on the virtuallearning management system(VLMS)that is developed. Simultaneously,some ideas to develop the grid services are proposed in thispaper. Finally,the operation of the digital learning grid system with the learning scenarios is illustrated to accomplish a shaerablevirtual learning grid system.
  • Li Xuange Si Youhe%
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 75-78,102.
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    After a comprehensive analysis of three kinds of enterprise CIS models,the article summed up their common drawbacks,and established a new model of enterprise CIS,which induded on-line intelligence system,artificial intelligence system,defensivecompetitive intelligence system and enterprise culture,system construction as well. Then,the outher explained every part of the newmodel in detail and highlighted the role of human being’s intelligence in the process of CIS construction. It will be helpful for theconstruction and application of enterprise CIS.
  • Zhou Yongjuan Chen Yanhong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 79-82.
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    There are two reasons to lead to digifal division those are technology and humanism. By analyzing the division of net-workwords,the author recognized the connection between the polarization of internet language and the digital division. At the same time,the author analyzed the cause of the internet language division,and gave some advice for making the speed of the polarization ofinternet language slower in order to fill up the digital division.
  • Guo Shuju
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 83-87.
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    In order to explore the distribution of Journal Citation Index abroad,this paper makes a statistic and analysis on totalcites,articles and half-life with the method of bibliometrics,uncovers similarities and differences between the Social Science Journaland Science Journal by comparing and makes some suggestions on the improvement of the status of Chinese journal according to theJournal Citation Index,based on JCR Social Science Edition and JCR Science Edition in 2005.
  • Zhu Hui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 88-90.
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    This article explores a basic,intelligent,commanding and integrated searching technology and their applications of a newgeneration of Chinese Google and forecasts the prospective development of their applications.
  • Zhao Baoying
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 91-94.
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    National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project is on important part of digital library system in our country. Digitallibrary application criterion are widely used in resources construction of sharing project in recent years. The other criterions onbroadcast and TV are introduced to renew the research results of digital library. The article gives suggestions to promatestandardization of research results and cooperation among different areas aiming at reflected problem in practice.
  • Wang Qiyun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 95-97,106.
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    This paper surveys and analyses the construction and evaluation of digital library in colleges and universities based on lit-erature surveyes and questionnaires.
  • Niu Youju
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 98-102.
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    CO-EDITION is a special phenomenon of publishing of international books,which means that a book is simultaneouslyprocessed,translated,typeset,printed and published in different languages in many countries and regions so that editions of thebook in different languages can be published. It is characterized by numerous pictures and strict rules and standards of arrangement.Most of the original publishers have commercial backgrounds of multi-national and multi-language operation,whose main book typesof publication are visual arts. Its publishing modes include CO -EDITION within the same press or publishers group,cooperationbetween different presses and cooperation between press and bookseller or distributor. The CO-EDITION is conducive to reducingcosts,providing a platform and enriching our publication meanwhile it can also offer opportunities for readers in different countriesand regions to read the valuable books at the most favorable price and to share the artistic heritage in different cultures.
  • Song Ge Tian Jinhui Yang Kehu Wei Zhipeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 103-106.
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    Construction and utilization of digital information resources have become the important target to measure the strength ofuniversity libraries. Based on the investigation and analysis of the status quo of construction and utilization of digital informationresources in Gansu Province’s 10 universities,the article expounds the factors inhibiting utilization of digital information resources inGansu Province’s universities and puts forward the corresponding measures to improve utilization rate of digital information resourcesin Gansu Province’s universities.
  • Jiao Wei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 107-110,122.
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    Humanistic spirit in universities is the core and soul in the culture of universities,for it embodies the ultimate concern ofuniversities to man’s value and the significance of existence. Based on deeply analyzing to the basic connotation of humanistic spiritand its development and evolution,this paper explains and analyses its core value and the humanistic educational function of li-braries in universities,a systematic analysis to the main misunderstanding on its cultivation in our country,as well as proposing a ba-sic thinking on its constructing and cultivating in the new period.
  • Zhang Zhaoqi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 111-114.
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    Based on reviewing the development of digital reference service at home and abroad,the paper is intended to analyze theexisting problems on digital reference service in terms of utilization rate,service philosophy,standards and norms,cooperation andsharing and so forth from the macroscopic perspective while the paper also forecasts the several main trends of digital referenceservice in the future.
  • Jiang Tao Yang Xueyong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 115-118.
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    Based on a brief introduction to the home and abroad Dunhuang Studies’digital projects including finished and unfinishedones,Dunhuang Studies’digitized present situation will be evaluated and analyzed in this article. Some problems such as duplicatedconstructions and copyright dispute happened in the digitized progress of Dunhuang Studies will be revealed and some suggestionswill be given by the author as well.
  • Li Hongqi Wang Lingyun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 123-124.
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    The paper associates the closing and setting up again of public library in some county of America with the opportunitiesand crisises of our country’s libraries. And it puts forwards many questions which worth us thinking about.
  • Li Xinwei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 125-128.
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    The Emancipation of Slaves,written by Hong Shi during the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties,was a momentousmasterpiece on philology in the ancient times of China. There were plentiful original materials of stele conserved in this work. On thebasis of these materials and by using many ways,the author investigated and explained them from different angles,which made thiswork had predominant values on investigation,emendation and addendum.
  • Zhang Changming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(06): 129-131,145.
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    Fang Xiaoru (1357-1402) in the Ming Dynasty was known as “reading seed of the country”and “scholar father in thebeginning period of the Ming Dynasty (14th century)”,but it was the loyal and unbending lofty integrity and fearless and brave spiritof dying for a noble cause that he was crowned with the eternal glory and left a lasting reputation. Just as Lu Xun praised,it is“theintegrity of Taizhou”. The unyielding spirit of fearlessness exerts far -reaching and predominant influences on Chinese peopleespecially the scholars. The paper introduces Fang Xiaoru’s life and explores the writing,editions and contents of A Collection ofXunzhi Study.