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25 October 2008, Volume 28 Issue 05

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  • Wu Hanhua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 1-6,12.
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    This paper distinguishes carefully between the librarian and library clerk, and gets the result of library profession includinglibrarianship. We analyze 9 aspects of professional characters about librarianship from the common features of each differentprofession. At the same we deeply analyze the deprofessionalizing factors from four magnitudes. We gets librarianship is professionals,but library technican are paraprofessionl and all of them are both parallel lines.
  • Tao Ran Ji Guanghui Xu Tao
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 7-12.
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    Object: Based on previous related researches, this research will discuss the relationships between knowledge transfer, pro-ject team, cognitive capabilities and knowledge characteristics, and give the advices of the successful knowledge transfer. Method: Thepresent research used structural equation modeling software to construct a model of knowledge transfer in project team and discussedthe mechanism of the cognitive capabilities and the three different knowledge characteristics influencing the knowledge transfer pro-cess in the project team. Conclusion: As the knowledge characteristics are objectivity, the success of knowledge transfer is more de-pendent on the cognitive ability of team members.
  • Wang Zhijin Wang Jinhua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 13-17,40.
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    Since the publish of“ As We May Think”by Vannevar Bush in 1945, the memex concept in Bush’s paper has largely af-fected a variety of fields, such as information science, library science, computer science, web, etc. We examine the influences sur-rounding memex concept, especially its contributions to information science .
  • Tang Sihui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 18-21,33.
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    Information Equity is a newtopic following the study of digital divide. The author analyses the various definitions of infor-mation equity, and then the circumstances for realizing information equity. They are the social circumstances, technological circum-stances, and democracy circumstances. All of them are needed to promote the creation of information equity.
  • Sun Zhenling Li Houqing
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 22-27,58.
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    Knowledge ecology theory is an extension and expansion of knowledge management,and it attempts to combine the ideasand theories or ecology with knowledge management to improve organizational knowledge innovation. From the perspective of theecosystem, the theories of Knowledge Ecological System include the concept, model, system functions, system internal and externalrelationships, and knowledge of ecosystem management and development. It provides a new way for study of Knowledge Ecologytheory, and contributes to it’s improvement and development.
  • LiXiaoxin LiTing Zhu Yanhua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 28-33.
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    There have many articles about the function of public library in promoting social harmony. The author of this paper dis-cusses the problem in the light of social capital theory. Public libraries can promote the construction of a harmonious society by pro-viding service, outputting values, helping in the construction of communities, and increasing the volume of capital.
  • Shen Guangliang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 34-37,71.
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    The principle of library ethics is the theory tips and basic require to criterion of library ethics. It is the basic principle ofcoordinate interests of public knowledge and information, .The basic principle is realization top interests of public knowledge andinformation,The concrete principle is knowledge and information fair,high quality to access, supply and ensure Knowledge Liberty.
  • Wang Liwei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 41-46.
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    The data mining, as the most useful analysis means of the information studies, is highly concerned from all the fields.Annually, the top three academic conferences which are KDD, PAKDD and ECMLPKDD also offer the convenience for the differentcountries and religions to communicate with each other academically. This thesis is based on the PAKDD academic conference andthe statistics from KDnuggets company, analyzing the present situation of data mining comprehensively.
  • Ni Daichuan Ren Shuhuai Ji Yingfei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 47-49,63.
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    This article mainly bases on the theory of“the coordination theory”, and elaborated the value of coordination theory inconstructing the information commons,and from system aspect of organizations and departments to analyzes the theory cornerstone ofinformation commons is“the coordination theory”。
  • An Lin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 50-54.
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    Both Information Commons and subject service emphasize one-stop service that penetrates the whole process of users’sci-entific researches, as well as assists users in dealing with practical and concrete problems, which provides the possibility of combina-tion of both services. On the basis of the similarities of IC and subject service, this paper conceptualizes the mode of Subject Informa-tion Commons ( SIC) based on branch library and discusses the construction of SIC with respect to space、resource, and service. Thepaper also points out the characteristics of SIC.
  • Deng Shengli
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 55-58.
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    The development and application of networking technology makes it possible for user to interact with service ,which pro-motes vigorous development of interactive information service.This paper contrasts the following contents, such as interactive informa-tion behavior, interactive between the user and the system, interactive designs. Finally, it has discussed the problems of interactiveinformation service research home and abroad and pointed out the direction for the future research.
  • Zhou Zhenni Xia Nanqiang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 59-63.
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    Based on the brief introduction of the background, concept, characteristics, service mode as well as the model of Internetpersonalized information services,this paper mainly focus on some problems of personalized information service:the expression andunderstanding of user’s needs、intellectual property rights and privacy protection、standards、feedback as well as issues such as user’sidentification and so on. In order to solve these problems,this paper put forward some useful strategies.
  • Tian Jinhui Yang Kehu Song Ge Wei Zhipeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 64-67.
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    This paper compares the record of the medical and health journals,classification system,retrieval function,retrieval resulthandling,and personality service of China’s academic journals full-text database, Chinese scientific journals database, China onlinejournals and China biomedical literature database. And suggestions are put forward for users.
  • Qin Ke You Taishen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 68-71.
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    Plagiarism often appears in scientific papers. To deal with this question, we can determine the fact that an author unfairlymakes use of other work by adopting different methods, such as the time when it quoted, comparing with original work, amount itquoted and specific technique. Plagiarism infringes other’s intellectual rights, whether the infringement is made by a plagiaristhimself or a press who published the scientific counterfeit, ought to be held the whole legal responsibility.
  • Zhuang Yuhong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 72-75.
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    The fair use doctrine is an important mechanism, which realizes the interest balance of obligee and the public. We shouldprotect not only the interest of library and the public, but also the rights of the obligee. The article analyses the mechanism the fairuse of copyright and the suitable location of network copyright,through analyses the mentality of the relate interest parties, putforward the value-oriented of the fair use doctrine.
  • Zhuang Shanjie
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 76-78.
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    Under network environment, the establishing of the right of communication through information network and the coming onof regulations for the protection of Information Network Transmission Right, which makes information resource sharing suffer a blow.How to establishing a dynamic balance between the protection of information network transmission right and information sharing is aimportant question. The paper use what the intellectual property proposed the thought of rights weakening and interests sharing,analysis the rationality of the theory.
  • Du Yanxiang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 79-81,90.
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    This article takes the Dongguan Library’s Self-service Library and Library Automatic Transaction Machine as an example,elaborates the background, the overall idea, to realize the shape and the implementation main point of the city library 24 hours open-ing service, and discusses the question of safe maintenance, operation management, promoted application, etc, and provide the ref-erence of the city library’s 24 hours self-service research.
  • Zhang Jing Yan Xiaodi Zhou Qi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 82-85.
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    This article has analyzed the current university library network electronics resources usage and the statistical existenceprominent question, including the statistical standard and the gauging device question, the data authentic question, the statistical da-ta is unable really to reflect the reader demand the question and so on, proposed the establishment“ the electronic resources visitgateway system”realizes and completes the network electron resources use and the statistical plan.
  • Xu MingJin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 86-90.
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    In this paper, the operating actuality of the Chinese enterprise competitive intelligence work was deep researched, the sys-tematic evaluation system of enterprise competitive intelligence work state was advanced, and the actuality of the our country’s enter-prise competitive intelligence work was objectively evaluated. At the same time, the existent main problems in the process of the im-plementation and operation of enterprise competitive intelligence work were deep analyzed and discussed, for solving the existentproblems in our country’s enterprise competitive intelligence work, some countermeasures were advanced. These countermeasureshave certain reference value for developing the enterprise competitive intelligence work..
  • Zhao Guozhong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 91-95,99.
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    Library Cooperation and Development briefly reviewed the results of the theory and practice experience, through analysisof the status of libraries in the Northwest, pointed out that the development of cooperation in the northwestern region of the inevitablechoice Library, the Library of the northwest region of cooperation development model, the corresponding security measures.
  • Cai Zhisheng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 96-99.
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    The increase of psychological quality is the starting point and also the end of quality education. Based on an analysis of thepresent situation, the author makes some proposals for children library’s psychological quality education.
  • Jiang Pingping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 100-103.
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    The paper introduces group management of the association of specialized libraries and the studies in this area, then the au-thor analyses the possible forms of the association. Management model, management control, and resources construction of the groupare discussed it is believed that group management can decrease cost and realize resources share and library reciprocity.
  • Wang Xiao
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 104-107.
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    This paper discuss the problem of ignored addition “0”by using the China Library Classification to subdividedclassification,when classed by province regions of China Area Table first,then by sub -divisional tables or Korea of WorldSubdivisions,last by Subdivisions.
  • Ding Fen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 108-110,120.
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    The article discussed the western region library’s unique advantage of building harmonious culture, focus on the aspects oflibrary’s bright region characteristic resources、rich information resource of ethnic documents、literature information resources oftourism resources in the western region,analyses the mission and responsibility of the western region, making contribution to theconstruction of harmonious society by improving the infrastructure conditions and library’s service level. And point out “Three-in-More and Three-in-Less”of literature resources, lack of capital input, backwardness and of information resources service are thechallenges that the library face, finally, puts forward solving the service model, use of funds, interlibrary cooperation andmodernization construction.
  • Gu Zhengbao
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 111-113.
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    Farmer home library is a good form to enrich farmers’lives and an important way to promote the harmonious developmentof new socialist countryside. But farmer home libraries are now troubled by problems such as funds, management, service, and re-sources construction. These problems can be solved only through more service and the construction of enduring effect mechanism.
  • Xiao Liming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 114-116.
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    Libraries in universities play an important role, but an objective assessment of the University Library external service satis-faction is a very difficult problem to solve. The external satisfaction evaluation model of University Library based on BP neural net-work achieves objective external satisfaction evaluation of University’s Library through the use of BP neural network’s learning,memory and adaptive capacity. This model also provides a newperspective for the future of research.
  • Chen Shuxia
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 117-120.
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    Gansu Provincial Library possesses an original edition of Sikuquanshu which was named Wensuge in the forty-seventh yearof Qianlong. For many years, Gansu Provincial Library not only has preserved properly the Emperor’s Four Treasuries but also hasattached great importance to collect relevant resources of document, and developed researches on Sikuquanshu. Gansu ProvincialLibrary introduced the software system TPI in 2005. With this system, the Research Resources Database on Sikuquanshu is built on.In order to promote the research of Sikuquanshu, the construction of Research Resources Database was put on the agenda in 2006.This article mainly introduces the basic information of database construction, category navigation,and the use and maintenance of thedatabase.
  • Sima Chaojun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 124-127.
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    Three drafts of summary of Sikuquanshu by Zhang Xinian are found from his collected edition and compared with that ofthe general content of Sikuquanshu.
  • Liu Jinyuan Tian Weizhen Zhou Li
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(05): 128-130,133.
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    Zeng Guofan’s home library, the Fuhou Church Library has a collection of hundreds of thousands of various books andother materials. They have been unbrokenly preserved to the time of the liberation and then donated to the government. The collectionis an important heritage of Chinese traditional culture playing a big role in the study of modern Chinese history and culture of the area.The cultural atmosphere ofFuhou Church Libraryaffects the descendants ofthe Zengfamilyand manycelebrities in modern times.