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20 August 2008, Volume 28 Issue 04

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  • Yang Wenxiang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 1-7.
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    In its early period, Russian academic thinking of Library Science (LS) had already had some basic properties of MacroLS and Theoretical LS, by which the historic and academic foundation was settled to forming Russia’s own academic tradition of LS.With an academic view of Macro LS and Theoretical LS, Russian LS certainly broke through the pragmatic limitation of the interioroperation within library. LS of Early Russia and Former Soviet Union had obtained brilliant achievements by adopting researchmethods of sociology, education science, psychology, etc. LS of Contemporary Russia is experiencing diversification now. Due tosome intercommunication in specific things and essential differences in the whole between the tradition of Russian LS and that of US,the narration and analysis on Russian LS in this paper is promised to offer high-valued academic reference to the in-depth study ofLS Methodology, and the establishment of the 21st century LS research methods system.
  • Chen Chuanfu Liu Jing Sun Kai
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 8-11,23.
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    On the basis of summarizing the exploitation and use of dissertation in China, this paper discusses the risk of intellectualproperty right for the exploitation and service of dissertation, and identifies the reasons for the risk. Then the paper suggests severalmeasures for evading the risk from actual conditions.
  • Wen Tingxiao Liu Xiaoying
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 12-17,79.
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    The science knowledge we have is growing swelling rapidly by geometric series. Howto manage and use so rich knowledgeresources scientifically and effectively, and accelerate knowledge management and innovation, is the impendent problem that needsto be resolved. The research of science knowledge growth system is the base of knowledge management and innovation. This paperstudies science knowledge growth problem systematically through knowledge growth power, style, mode, model (including documentgrowth model, information growth model and knowledge growth model), application and research difficulties.
  • Deng Shengli Zhang Min
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 18-23.
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    From the service economy towards the experience economy, the every trade shows great concern about user experience,and information service based on the development of informationization and oriented to National Innovation is no exception. On thebasis of the characteristic analysis of the experience economy and the user behavior, this paper probes into the features andrequirements, content and value of user experience in the information service. With the application of user experience design,personalized service and interactive information service is greatly improved, thus promoting the development of information servicebased on the web-platform.

  • WangPeng GeJingmin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 24-28.
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    This paper systematically summarizes the current situation of college libraries master programs in China, and selects eightlibraries in the ninth master programs authorized list published in 2003 to analyze, including admissions, training targets, directionsof research and training years. It also presents some preliminary forecasts of the development of libraries, and offers some decisionsupport for libraries.
  • Cao Meiqin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 29-32.
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    Based on case study, the author discusses the better situation that public relations activities can bring to library. Throughpublic relations activities,the library can coordinate the social relations. To library itself, it can improve the work,the overalleffectiveness and the image of library. To library enterprise, it can improve the social status and the development of library.
  • 图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 33-36,53.
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    There are some new conceptions about the Public Knowledge Management Science. Firstly, Library is the specialdevelopment stage of public knowledge center. Secondly, library collection is the public knowledge resources. Thirdly, the librarywork is the pubic knowledge management, including the public knowledge collection, the public knowledge organization and thepublic knowledge service. Lastly, Library Science is the Pubic Knowledge Management Science. The Public Knowledge ManagementScience, not only exactly generalizes the essence of Library Science, but also creatively indicates the right development way ofLibrary Science.
  • Yang Lan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 37-40.
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    This paper aims to stimulate cultural innovation and development of libraries, with a guideline of extending their differentdimensions and improving the cultural services. The paper starts from the functions and significance of the "social work" of thelibraries, then goes on to state that enhancing the "cultural image" of libraries is an important guarantee of their sound development.Thus, to launch some "cultural activities" is a big step to open up the function of public information service; moreover, the immensemarket of the libraries, "culture industry" is an important field for the increase of social benefits. In all, the paper conceives thelibrary newfunction of innovative cultural services from the above four aspects.
  • Fan Bo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 43-47.
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    E -government is the absolutely necessarily step for realizing service -centric governmen t. Information sharing andcollaborative workflow among multi-sector is the most important factor in e-government process. In China, the government structurewhich has the characters of self-serving and multiple administrative levels has delayed the process of collaborative e-government. Wepropose the performance management as propelling power of government information sharing. It includes three parts. First,“information stock”is proposed to overcome the obstacle of government structure and arrange the mechanism for propellingcollaborative e-government. Second, performance measurement method is devised to support and guide the information sharing andthe collaborative e-government process. Third, knowledge management information system is built as a tool for measuring theperformance and discovers the bottleneck factors which cumber the process of collaborative e-government.
  • FengGuohe GaoBo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 48-53.
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    Information Resource sharing can promote economy, culture, science and technology’s development under networkenvironment. It is significant to research on network information resource sharing. This paper expounds the development andapplication of sharing technologies and points out grid may be the sharing technology development trendy in the future.
  • Tan Weiqiong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 54-58,97.
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    By the survey method and the literature survey, the author do some researches on the high school teachers about theirnetwork services uses, network information retrieval and the related information acts, etc. To explore characteristics of theinformation behavior of the high school teachers, the author uses a combination of SPSS statistical analysis software to investigate thefrequency of the data analysis, and addresses the problems funded in the survey result then gives some advice. The purpose is toprovide references to raise the level of network information services and the information literacy of the teachers.
  • Huang Xiaobin Ke Li
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 59-62.
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    With the development and application of Internet, great deals of Network Ads emerge and become intelligence source ofenterprise competitive intelligence. How to apply these Internet Ads in enterprise competitive intelligence is a worth topic. The pointthat Internet Advertising is an important competitive intelligence resource is set up, through studying the intelligence value of Internetads. Then the application of Internet ads in enterprise competitive intelligence is discussed in two aspects-competitive environmentand competitor tracing.
  • Min Hongwu
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 63-67,102.
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    The article has used literature investigation method to demonstrate the research situation about information literacyeducation of university library in our country since 1995, and compare with the oversea related research. It pointed out deficiency ofcurrent research, called for attentions of the library academics in china, and stated the directions of future research.
  • Kuang Wenbo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 68-71.
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    The paper discussed the type, characteristics, problems, and the future of mobile search in China.
  • Peng Chenxi Yin Feng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 72-75.
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    Network information resource sharing mechanism is the key to impel the network information resource sharing and realiz-ing the value of the network information resource. It includes cooperation, technical control and safety, market, rights and interestsbalance and legal.
  • Chen Ping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 76-79.
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    This article using the method of evolutionary game theory under bounded rationality to research the stability balance issuein knowledge-sharing of organization members. Through establishing evolutionary game model of internal organization knowledge-sharing, this article using the method of evolutionary game theory to research the stability balance issue in knowledge-sharing oforganization members. Through establishing evolutionary game model of internal organization knowledge -sharing, analyzed therelationship between the harmony of human relationships in organization as well as organization’s supervision intensity and thestability balance of knowledge-sharing. The analysis shows that: Enhance the harmony of human relationships in the organization andthe supervision intensity of the no sharing behavior of organization members is the key to form the evolution from organization tostability balance of knowledge-sharing. A human relationship in the organization and the supervision intensity of the no sharingbehavior of organization members is the key to form the evolution from organization to stability balance of knowledge-sharing.
  • Liu Yi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 80-84.
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    With the substitution of traditional economy by knowledge economy, information is becoming strategic resources. It isimportant to make theoretical study on the nature of information for the development of the science. In this paper the author tries toprove that information is a philosophical conception and then tries to find the nature of information.
  • Zeng Xiangqin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 85-92.
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    In this paper, fifteen classes of misreading were pointed to prove that this book is full of misreading, distortion, and bigtalking. This kind of misreading and the book being said as an example of classical reading has becoming a much discussed issue inacademic field. It is necessary to make systematical analysis and commentary to this book.
  • He Sheng Lu Yajun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 93-97.
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    Recent years have seen great expansion in Corpus scale and in application of corpus technology. Full-text search hasbecome an indispensable component for a corpus. This thesis reports research on index model, search algorithm, search expressions,automatic Chinese segmentation, and system structure in large scale corpus systems. The paper also expounds CIPP, a Chineseinformation processing system implemented for the purpose. The system is efficient in full -text search, automatic Chinesesegmentation and statistics. Time spent on conducting full-text searches in 10-million-token corpora is less than 1 second.
  • Si Jiaojiao
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 98-102.
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    This paper introduces and analyzes “The library scholars, Weblog Aggregation of the Xiamen University Library”, pointsout the advantage and shortage of this mode, puts forward some improving measure and affirms it’s worth meaning.
  • Cao Ge
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 103-105,116.
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    Based on the conception of psychological contract for human resources management, the author analyses librarians’royaltyin the basis of library culture, and then puts forth a design for librarians’career.
  • Zhang Qi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 106-109,120.
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    The announcement of The Manifesto of the Service of Libraries is the milestone to the development of the libraries. Thispaper combined with the background, analyzes the content of the The Manifesto of the Service of Libraries: the property andhistorical mission, the basic principles of the libraries service, the function and development of the libraries.
  • Song Ge Tian Jinhui Yang kehu Wei Zhipeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 110-116.
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    The education of information acquiring ability has becoming part of high education in information society. Cross sectionsampling is taken in the study. By network investing and questionnaire on the spot, more than ten factors such as the form ofinformation retrieving classes, methods of information retrieving, and main information resources are collected and analyzedSuggestions are made about the construction of information retrieving curriculum, the obligation of university libraries in this area, andthe training of teachers.
  • Tang Kun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 117-120.
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    Current Rural Area Market Information Service has many problems: information resources are not fully integrated and theinsufficient information is not well used; information supply and demand are not geared; the information is only constructed for localneeds, and other problems such as underdeveloped means, decentralized management, disordered development,etc. The keys tomake Rural Area Market Information Service work are: to focus on diversification and networking, to start constructing agricultureinformation service system, to strengthen the safeguard measures,to increase investment, to develop agricultural market informationapplications, and to design the information service charging mechanism.
  • Wu Yujian
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 121-124.
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    Libraries experienced the following three stages in development: the contradictive culture (the positive -negativecontradictive culture), the constructive culture (the positive-negative repulsive culture), and the harmonized culture (the positive-negative supplementary culture). During the harmonized culture stage, the correct way of development lies in three directions, namelyscience and technology, human concern and rules and regulations.
  • Gao Bingjie
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 129-131.
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    Culture values that embedded in social mechanism are development power to influence social behaviors. Literature collec-tion in ancient were also infiltrated the influence of Culture values. Based on the comparison of literature collection across time andspace, this paper analyses the characteristics of literature collection and the effects of culture values.
  • Dang Yanni Chen Jun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(04): 132-135.
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    This article has made a brief introduction to paintings from the Library Cave in Dunhuang, involving collection, drawingmaterials, contents, value, and their merit in the history of Chinese Painting. The focusing is on eight fine silk paintings collected inthe Guimet Museum of France and the British Museum .