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20 June 2008, Volume 28 Issue 03

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  • Yang Wenxiang Liu Libin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 1-8.
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    The Origin and Development of US Library Science (LS)Academic Thinking and Methodology went across a developingcourse composed of three historic stages. LS thought and methodology of pragmatism of Dewey was focused on his 3 R Principles andhis classification thought. Though the US LS of pragmatistic tradition owns its apodeictic historical position,it constrains LS researchto the level of the Experiential Library Science which can only conduct observing and describing phenomenon of things. When theOrigin and Development of US LS Academic Thinking was up to Pierce Butler and Jesse Hauk Shera,it had completed a radicaltransformation from Pragmatistic LS to Humanistic and Social Conception LS. It was a great leap from a simple view of employment,that paying attention only to technic applied to Library,turning around to theoretical concern of humanity essence and human beingvalue. Despite the current Modern Pragmatistic LS in US could integrate the Old Pragmatistic LS Theory and Methodology Thinking ofDewey into its new system appropriately,as well as partly accepting some theory and methods of Humanistic and Social ConceptionLS of Butler and Shera,it had still deviated in basic standpoint,basic conception,and basic methods from the academic traditionthat Butler and Shera initiated. The discipline of LS has been being in a disadvantageous situation in academe all the while. And thepragmatistic tradition is the very theoretical reason. If the pragmatistic tradition of LS could not be turned around in the core,there would be no way to promote Library Management from a kind of employment to a profession,push Experiential LS on to TheoreticalLS,turn the knowledge of Library trade into a mature science.
  • Wang Yingjie
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 9-12,26.
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    Information science starts from knowledge organization to knowledge service. Through studying the origin of information sci-ence, reviewing its brief history and its research content,we conclude the knowledge organization which is logic starting point of in-formation science,remain the mainstream either in the practice or in the theoretical study of the information science. Takingknowledge organization as logic starting point of information science helps solve some controversial theoretical problems in informationscience.
  • Sha Yongzhong Zhang Yanju
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 13-17.
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    This paper introduces the public crisis information management system of New York,Tokyo,Toronto and Shanghai,onthis basis,6 dimensions are compared and analyzed including the information management model,communication and disclosure ofinformation,coordination,technical support system,regional cooperation and information management agency. At last,the develop-ment of future urban crisis information management system is forecasted.
  • Zhang Yinquan Zhu Qinghua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 18-21.
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    This Paper reviews the Personal Digital Libraries (PDLs)researches at home and abroad,and with an emphasis on resource-sharing of PDLs, It points out existent problems in resource-sharing, and proposes future developments under the circumstances ofWeb2.0.
  • Zhang Yibin Chen Jie
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 22-26.
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    The development of information technology and the growth of economy based on knowledge are transforming the basis oftechnological innovation and corporate competition. This shows that knowledge management is very important for firms to succeed incompetition. The paper brings a model of knowledge supply network, which can provide firms with competence in technologydevelopment, manufacturing, distribution and marketing through organizational learning and knowledge management, thereafter withsustained competition advantage.
  • Chen Jie Si Li
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 27-30.
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    This article gives a description of the background of emergence, concepts and forms of folksonomy, and analyses itscharacteristics and instances of its application. Folksonomy, as a trend of development, has strong advantages in describing micro-content and organizing and utilizing information by users themselves.
  • Yu Lifeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 31-34.
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    This paper introduces the theoretical research situation of information commons in overseas libraries in four aspects ofconcept, characteristic, function and structure. It also describes its practices in the USA, Canada, etc. And it also points out theenlightenment it brought to Chinese libraries in both theoretical and practical level.
  • Pan Xiaofeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 35-37.
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    This article analyzes the library’s core values and core competitive power,considers library must correctly define its corevalues, strengthen the characteristic building in the aspects of collection of library,service instrument and talented person construc-tion. Only by these can improve the library's core competitive power,make the Library become a real sense of documentation and in-formation center,academic exchange center,education center,scientific research center,and promote the sustainable developmentof libraries.
  • Chen Gaoteng Dong Jie Liu Jinshi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 38-41.
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    Based on the experimental study on library profession,the paper points out for the first time that the phenomenon of 'badmoney drives out good money' in librarianship exists. That means that the excellent personnel are hard to stay longer in library. For along run,this phenomenon must affect the overall library professional's vitality. It's a pity that the situation still keeps going. Thispaper analyzes the symptom,jeopardize and recognition method for this phenomenon.
  • Xu Jianhua Liu Jinshi Wang Yunshi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 42-46,52.
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     The key employees are very essential to the development of a library. Their turnover could cause a great problem for libraryinnovation ability. This study is attracted by the phenomenon of library’s key employee turnover,considering the related theories ofmanagement,which contain the unfolding model of voluntary turnover and job embeddings. This paper mainly focuses on such issues:identification of key employees,the impacts on the library innovation ability,the reasons of turnover,as well as the strategies ofdiminishing the impacts by a proper employee retention plan.
  • Wang Fang Shen Jinhua Cao Ge
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 47-52.
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    Based on the survey results conducted by professor Xu Jianhua and others,this paper offers a perspective of informationeconomics to analyze the adverse selection and moral hazard phenomena,which exists in the library's human resourcesmanagement,and demonstrates that a librarian's professional spirit is more important than his professional ability,the library canselect the librarians according to their education experience,and it needn't introduce into too many librarians with high educationlevel. At the end,the paper suggests that in order to improve the level of librarian's professional spirit,it is important for a library toobtain more powers on deciding the talent price,and vocational education is also a valuable method to achieve the goal.
  • Jin Mingsheng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 53-54,60.
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    The library is that a great capacity for liquor society information main part collects and distributes a centre,a public goodinformation service organization,it has the necessity to open “the handset short note service platform”very much. I suggest that thelibrary department of Ministry of Culture and the relevance branch ought to appear personally in connection with regulation,distributethe direction document to lower levels,bring forward the concrete request ,appropriate end item funds,makes this job be able to bedeveloped.Branch and library institute at the same time,suggesting that province level composes in reply city level culture,conditionworks out the feasibility scheme according to local place ,take opening “mobile telephone short messages services platform ”aspublic library’s and appraising an index.
  • Zhai Xiaojuan Xu Xin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 55-60.
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    This paper presents the benefits and problems about the academic development of Google,and discusses howlibrary workin the newGoogle Age.
  • Su Haiming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 61-67.
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    This article summarizes the browser, including structure,popular browsers and their history,the market quotients. Mean-while,it brings forward the issue of browser compatibility and its importance. Then,using Internet Explorer,Firefox and Opera re-spectively,it takes a browser compatibility test of 12 popular databases at home and abroad in Library Science,including CNKI,Weipu,Wanfang,SSIC RUC,Superstar,Founder Apabi and LISTA,ARL,Emerald,Elsevier,Ebrary,JSTOR. At the end,itanalyses the test result and gives some improvement suggestion.
  • Liu Kai
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 68-70.
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    The author defines the definition of information pollution,analyzes the structure of information pollution,including the pro-duction information pollution and the consumption information pollution,then puts forward the garbage information rebirth that was giv-en less attention before. In the end the writer sets up a triangle theoretical framework that defends the information pollution effectively.
  • An Hongxin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 71-72,87.
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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process and Causes and Effects Diagram are used in quality management of book in this paper. Bymeans of analyzing of the affecting quality factor, some suggestions to improve the quality of book products are made.
  • Xiao Dongmei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 73-78,93.
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    Information resource is essential strategic resource. Public access to information resource is becoming more and more im-portant. This paper focuses on the implication and the development of system of public access to information resource.
  • 杨 霞
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 79-81,102.
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    This paper analyses the research papers of Public Lending Right that are embodied by Wei-pu (the Chinese science andtechnology periodicals database)and discusses the research emphases of Public Lending Right in order to have a macro understandingabout the reseach of Public Lending Right in China.
  • Wang Qiong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 82-87.
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    To resolve the contradiction between exclusive intellectual property rights and public library rights is the key to balance theintellectual property rights and the library rights. To achieve the optimal allocation between them must begin from the political, legaland market mechanisms perspective, through a variety of paths and methods, and in a comprehensive and dynamic manner.
  • Chen Jiaqi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 88-93.
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    This paper introduces the status quo of service for the blind people of the public library at home and abroad, and takesYunnan library as an example to analyze the problems in the construction and function of reading room for blind people in the public.In the end, proposes some suggestion to partially solve the crawling problem.
  • Zhang Ke Gao Yun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 94-97.
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    The access backstage database based on internet information and management has attracted much attention because of itssecurity and stability. During the development of the system,the form design and ActiveX controls transfer are not only effectivestrategies to promote the system's security and stability,but also an important approach to better system's function and response rate.
  • Yuan Xilin Su Xiaobo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 98-102.
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    The selection standard of source journal is very important for the Second Literature Database,which has effect on its quali-ty and impaction. In this article,we compared and analyzed the selection standards of source journal of ISI,EI,CSSCI and CST-PCD,the four famous Second Literature Database at home and aboard,then generalized these standards. At last,some suggestionsare made on this foundation.
  • Wang Xiaomin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 103-105.
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    Library is important carrier of the public space. Being one of the Core businesses of the library,library Lectures directlytake part in the construction of public space. From the theoretic perspective of the public space,the paper elaborates the full meaningof the contribution which the library Lectures make in the constructions of public space in the historical and social context,attemptsto establish a newly value-fixed position for library Lectures.
  • Long Shuping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 106-108.
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    In view of the characteristics of the networks information resources service in university library,the article brings forwardthe structure of user service system in network conditions and the pattern of user service system based on web. Also,the functions ofeach system modules and technology applying have been expounded. Finally,the author advances that some key problems should besolved in the networks information resources service system.
  • He Zhaohui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 113-118,125.
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    The author argues that the copyright of woodblock printing in imperial China had three features: occasional protection,lo-cal arrangements,and material ownership. The local governments only occasionally provided protection of copyright to some powerfulpublishers. While lacking protections from the government,there were some mechanisms of copyright management among the privatepublishers. The copyright of woodblock imprints was closely related to woodblocks. In the end the paper discusses the different ele-ments behind these features.
  • Gao yuan Wang Shoukuan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 119-125.
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    Numerous achievements have been made in the study of Sikuquanshu in the past 30 years. But there lacks a core group ofauthors,and the quality of published articles is not very high. The author analyses the reasons for the present situation puts up hisown opinions for further study of Sikuquanshu.
  • Peng Minhui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 126-128,137.
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    Focusing on the entropy about books,this paper described the process of Yan Shi Jia Xun,including birth, using andcoming down through generation to generation, in order to find the relationship among entropy and books.
  • Wu Tunian
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 129-131,134.
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    This is the first monograph in China in the history of library science. It his characteristic to have a style of one's own:center must be taken as the men, classification using consecutively deepen thought, position have basis, inherit a practical andrealistic style. It has long term influence.
  • Wang Zhenghua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 132-134.
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    The Research on Information Freedom And Its Limitation,written by Professor Jang Yongfu,interprets the freedom of in-formation field from philosophical perspective. His innovative thinking,clear and stringent expression,practicality and a strong senseof the times in this work reflects its value of academy and practice,and its significance of history and times. It is a milestone in theresearch field of information freedom.
  • Shi Hanfang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(03): 135-137.
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    This paper starts with an introduction of the characteristics of Qing Dynasty painting, and mainly appreciates and analysesCheng Zhengkui’s painting style and techniques, especially his masterpiece A Horizontal View of the Country,as well as anotherpainting preserved in Gansu Provincial Library.