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25 April 2008, Volume 28 Issue 02

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  • Yang Wenxiang Jiao Yunli Liu Libin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 1-5,129.
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    The methodological system of Library Science (LS) in the 21st century is the result of a historical great advance of the wayof scientific thinking and science researching method of human being in LS area aiming at adapting to build and develop Librarycause, under the historical conditions of info-knowledge based age and construction of info-knowledge based civilization. It is theresult of the flying leap of the integrated methodological system as well following the completion of integrating LS traditional methodswith those modern ones. The origin and development of LS academic thinking, schools and research methods abroad are brieflynarrated and analyzed in this paper. These are the historic foundation, academic foundation, and theoretical foundation to the greatleap of the LS methodology in the 21st century. And it is the academic reference resources to construct the LS methodology system inthe 21st century as well.
  • Jiang Yongfu
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 6-9,15.
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    The governmental information resource possesses three features: publicity,commonweal and "open-secrecy". The aim of thedevelopment and utilization of the governmental information resource is to ensure the civil information right. And these activities mustkeep to the principle ofsharing,equalityand efficiency. It is the government that is the only entity of liability but not the only entity ofactivity. NGO can be the active entity of the development and utilization of the governmental information resource. To adopt tomarketlizingand socializingthe development and utilization ofthe governmental information resource has some risks.
  • Hong Weida
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 10-15.
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    E-Government affairs make profound influence on many social aspects like politics,economy,and culture. Because of itstimeliness,interaction and transparency,E-Government affairs have expanded the depth of democracy,enforced the democraticmanagement,so that enhanced democracy. This article analyzed the restricting factors appeared in the process in which the E-Government affairs are affecting the improvement of constructing democratic politics,including law,economy,technology andmanagement,ideology and education. This article also provides the solution measures from the aspects of the legal system,thetechnology,education.
  • Cao Ruzhong Dai Changjun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 16-19,24.
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    Research on knowledge problem from the perspective of economics is embedded in the whole development of the mod-ern economics. From the evolutional point of view of economic theory,classical economics grew the thinking of “the division ofknowledge”,and Neo-classical economics implies “knowledge”,innovation theory studied the concept of “knowledge”,New In-stitutional Economics thought knowledge is important,then evolutional economic deeply thought the concept of “knowledge”,todayknowledge-based economy newly interpret the concept of “knowledge”.

  • Zeng Yuan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 20-24.
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    Based on literature search,the paper studied the concept of credit in Chinese environment,reviewed the development ofcredit management from academic theses and research projects in China. Meanwhile,the paper introduced some practices forresponsible science in NSF.
  • Niu Linlin Huang Jieqing
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 25-28.
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    Because of the special situation in our country,it’s not optimistic on the public access to government information resource.It’s veryimportant todiscuss the condition and the problems. The paper discussed this and put forward advices for solvingthe problems.
  • Wang Lihua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 29-33.
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    This paper summarizes the studies on library consortia in China. The author thinks that the studies focus on summary,foreign library consortia,construction,management,performance evaluation,regional library consortia and digital library consortia,etc. Through analysis the role of such perspectives play in the study on library consortia,she put forward her own ideas.
  • Wang Yulin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 37-39.
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    The paper put forward two proposes: one is to revise the existing law, specifically speaking, to give a special regulationof Non-state-operated libraries in the Law of Library; another is to offer the courses of information retrieval to the college studentsof all majors, so as to enlarge the number of those who can get information education, and to improve the teaching quality of thecourses of information retrieval.
  • Tang Liang Zhang Jiekui Xu Jianhua
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 40-43,74.
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    The paper discussed the characteristic of Online Information Search Behavior,constructed the general model of OnlineInformation Search and the process model of Online Consumer’s Information Search Behavior separately,and also discussed thefactors affecting Online Information Search Behavior.
  • Peng Jingli Li Jianping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 44-49.
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    Based on summary of the Situation and characteristic who research and service on competitive intelligence in EuropeanUnion,Article review emphatic on development pattern and peculiarity of competitive intelligence in England、Germany、Sweden andFrance,consider that European Union is most active district on competitive intelligence in world,except for American and Japan.China should learn from European Union and draw on their experience of research and Industrial Development on competitiveintelligence.
  • Liu Yanfang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 50-53.
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    Knowledge management and information architecture follow different orbits of development after their emergence,but inrecent years these two appeared to combine gradually and obviously. The fact proved that there exists close relationship betweenknowledge management and information architecture. The fulfillment of knowledge management provided good exterior environment forthe information architecture and the application of information architecture would also promote the realization of knowledgemanagement further in the organization. The paper analyzed the application of information architecture in the process of knowledgemanagement and put forward the knowledge management realization model based on information architecture.
  • Zuo Xiong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 54-58.
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    As the rapid development of agricultural websites has been concerned more and more,the author reviewed study onconstruction of agricultural websites,and reviewed the existing works from the perspectives of general current study,Status Quo ofconstruction of agricultural websites,problems and Countermeasures. The author also gave some advice on the study on constructionof agricultural websites.
  • Liu Yuzhao Yao Wei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 59-62.
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    During the process of implementing enterprise Information,the main content is the system of ERP. Collecting data is veryimportant in the preliminary requirement analysis stage. Data collection is not only a theory problem,but also a practice problem. Inthis paper,the author conducts the research topic,aiming at some problems existing in the process of data collection,and put for-ward the newmethod of data collection (MFCD),tried to improve the quality of data collection.
  • Wang Ying Sun Chengquan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 63-66.
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    This paper analyzes Technology Foresight to compare the typical models from different perspectives. Such as the degreeof social participation from the perspective of Technology Foresight process and the scope of community participation in the Tech-nology Foresight model are divided into social process model and professional analysis model. From the use of technology it is divid-ed into predictable model for a single method (such as the use of the Delphi survey method only)and integrated approach model(the integrated use of various methods).
  • Qiao Mingliang Lu Shaowen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 67-69.
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    The paper reviewed the utilization of Extranet in the construction of digital libraries,introduced several security issues forbuilding an Extranet-Based Digital Library,and introduced and compared three most commonly used security techniques: IPSec,PPTP,and SOCKS v5.
  • Huang Yanni Cai Mengxin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 70-74.
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    Thispaperdescribesthe JointUniversityLibrariansAdvisoryCommittee (JULAC),throughperspectivesofcooperation back-ground,management structure and operation model,and also several prominent resources sharing projects including Inter LibraryLoan and Access Program,Shared Cataloging of Chinese Language Materials Project,Hong Kong Chinese Authority Name (HKCAN)Project,and Jointly Sponsored Seminars. Based on the discussion on successful experiences of JULAC,the author hopes to providesome useful inspiration for the construction of regional library consortium in China.
  • Xie Dong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 75-78.
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    The paper analyzes the reason of digital divide and the present condition in our country based on the data of the Internetsurvey (CNNIC)recent years. It also gives some suggestions about the management to erasure the digital divide in our country.
  • Ding Nan Pan Youneng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 79-82.
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    The paper introduced the concepts and characteristics of h-index and g-index,and analyzed the quotations of paper andbooks written by the experts who have larger influence in the area of Library and Information Science through the quotation data inCSSCI from 2001 to 2005,and worked out their h-index and g-index,and then discussed them. Finally,we utilized SPSS to analyzethe relativity among h-index,g-index and total quotation number.
  • Chen Ming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 83-85,109.
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    The original concept of core periodical is the Bradford’s law,whose functions were to provide consultation to intelligenceinstitutions. With the development of the Garfield’s law,the functions of core periodical changed a lot,which nowpartially cover thefunction of learning evaluation. However,people always excessively aggrandize or misapply these functions. They should neither beaggrandized nor ignored. These functions should be treated fairly.
  • Liu Ya
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 86-90.
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    Through content analysis on the Novel Harry Potter (I-VII),the thesis revealed the important function of library to the el-ementary education in the UK. Furthermore,it discussed the relationship between library and the education for all-around develop-ment,and proposed that we should attach importance to the construction of libraries in elementary schools in the innovation of educa-tion for all-around development in China.
  • Cai Bing
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 91-93.
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    Service details determine whether success or failure it would be to create a harmonious service environment. This paperexpounded how the details affect creating a harmonious services environment by cases of process,criterion,communication,signboards,operation,etc.
  • Yang Qiaoyun Su Haichao
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 94-97.
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    The paper studied the cooperation and cooperation culture management,using social network analysis tool,from theperspectives of network architecture,relationship,construction and operational mechanism.
  • Yu Yan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 98-100,103.
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    Chinese characters play a vital role in Chinese net-speak. Theories on Several aspects ,such as basic category,imageschema,metaphor,and metonymy are used in the paper from the language cognitive point of view to discuss the Chinese charactersin Net-speak. Skilled use of cognitive mechanisms will inspire the users to understand more than one meaning of Chinese charactersand English words. It is a profound task to explore the language phenomenon and import fresh blood Chinese character by exercisingcognitive mechanisms under the network environment.
  • Hu Jingfeng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 101-103.
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     The influence which new cultural situation and new cultural environment has on college students mustn’t be neglected.Therefore,we studied how to serve the students and guide their reading in the new cultural situation in college library,which helpsus to understand exactly the development trend of reader service and create newfields of service.
  • Chen Xuyan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 104-109.
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    The paper aims at giving a rough sketch of the public library situation in the Netherlands,on the basis of such themes asthe administrative framework in which libraries operate the organization of library work,the professional development of library staff,strategies and legislation,and some statistics.
  • Xiao Zhihong Wei Chen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 110-113,119.
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    This thesis discusses the problem of what the spirit of public library is,and claims that it should spread abroad and fulfillsthe Spirit. We should survey again and study more on the purpose of Library Law draft,which will benefit us to construct morescientific and reasonable law.
  • Zhang Rui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 114-119.
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    The purpose of this paper is to reveal the development of Internet from the point of legislation,furthermore,to reflect theprocess of informationization in USA. Based on the analysis and statistics of Internet legislative acts in the United States,this pagerdivides its legislative process into three stages: awareness stage,rapid development stage and standardized application stage,and thetypical acts at every stage are analyzed and summarized.
  • Luo Wei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 124-129.
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    Liaozhaizhiyi has been a popular novel in our country for many years and it has been published in different editions. Inthis article,analysis is made around the class of its editions.
  • Li Haiyan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 130-133,144.
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    RuanYuanwasafamousscholarinthereignofQianlong,JiaqingandDaoguanginthe QingDynasty.He had presidedtocom-pileandengravealotofliterature,andinthiswaymadegreatcontributiontoconservetheacademicaccomplishmentsandspreadthecul-turalheritage.Thisarticleanalysesandsummarizeshisachievements,thereasonsandideasinhisliteraturecompilationandengraving.
  • Li Na
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(02): 134-136.
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    In Gansu Provincial Library preserves a handwritten copy of Record of Tao River Inkstone by Han Junyi,the first bookabout Tao River inkstone. The author made a careful and comprehensive study about the development of the inkstone and it is arare book for academic study and publicizing the art.