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20 February 2008, Volume 28 Issue 01

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  • Li Guoxin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 1-4.
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    In the past few years, the average speed of development of county public libraries is much faster than one of other publiclibraries in our country, but there still exists the gap between different districts remains wide. The county public libraries are bound tofollow the road of completely coordinated and sustainable development and classified guidance in line with local conditions in thefuture.
  • Li Chaoping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 5-7,15.
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    Focusing on the three main aspects-the resources available in the libraries, the obstacles of the recourse sharing and themodes of library resources sharing, the paper summarized the outcome of the debate on the issue of the resource sharing in the grass-root libraries, indicating that the library recourses are composed of four parts, the stored recourses, institution or organization andrecourses of projects as well as readers and the stored books. And the debate also suggested that the passive actuality of libraryservice could be improved through voluntary search of recourses. At last, the agreement that the recourse sharing could bring aboutthe social benefits,enlarge the service space and achieve our professional goal was arrived at via summing up the modes and obstaclesof resources sharing among regional public libraries and different types of libraries.
  • Yang Yulin
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 8-11.
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    Social powers are the auxiliary powers of library construction. Except local ministry of culture, those are supplementaryresources of local library construction, including government organs, state-owned and privately-run enterprises, social organizations(political consultative conference, literary federation, women’s federation, communist youth league, charitable society, etc.), institution,local personage and people in the native place but living in the other place. Central government agencies, enterprises and institutions,mass organization, non-government organization and individual constantly donate books to the villages and schools to build libraries inthe remote and poor areas and ethnic region, which is spontaneous support, regarded as dynamic social resources.
  • Wu Jianguo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 12-15.
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    The 17th National People's Congress brought forward a blueprint of the cultural development and prosperity, which has ledto a newupsurge of the building of the socialist culture. With the advance of the building of the public cultural service system and theimplement of the cultural information sharing project, public libraries have been facing the best historical opportunities. However, thecounty libraries, which act as a connecting link between the preceding and the following, have the to-be-resolved problems of theresource of integration in the course of the implement of the cultural information sharing project.
  • Zhou Qian
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 16-20.
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    During the Second 100 -county Curator Forum in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, social powers assisting in library con-struction was focused on. After the forum, the author conducted a comprehensive investigation into social power at home and abroadassisting in library construction. Twelve active projects or organizations of these powers are introduced in order to provide useful infor-mation for primary libraries that ask for social powers’assistance.
  • Fu Huiping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 21-22,28.
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    Village Library, a project of Beijing Brooks Educational Center, was set up with the huge requirement of books in ruralarea. As a non-government supported organization, BBEC depends on donations from public and other NGOs. Being such an organiza-tion, it faces a lot of difficulties while exploring an effective way to participate the development of public library. The main difficulty islibraries need continual resource and professional management, which not only faces to us but also to all the libraries like us. It is alsoa big problem for all kinds of participant organizations. We will strive unremittingly to improve the situation and to let more rural resi-dents have good books to read.
  • WangZhijin JiangLibo
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 23-28.
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    This paper begins with the three ideas in the history of information science which were suggested by Saracevic. At first itsimply introduces information retrieval, relevance, and interaction. Then it illustrates the relevance of information retrieval in detailfrom the perspective of its significance, notion and current models.
  • Gong Jiaoteng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 29-33.
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    The essence of bibliographic information is Meta-knowledge, which is the knowledge about knowledge. And the essence ofbibliographic information work is meta-knowledge management, which includes the meta-knowledge production, the meta-knowledgeorganization and the meta-knowledge service. Bibliographic work experiences three important stages, that is, the document’s descrip-tion before the middle period of the 20th century, the bibliographic information control in the middle and later period of the 20th cen-tury and the meta-knowledge management in the beginning of the 21st century. With the establishment of meta-knowledge manage-ment, the bibliography will consequentially evolve into meta-knowledge management science.
  • Tan Chuzi
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 34-39.
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    The post-modernism philosophy and internet trend are all over the world, which have deeply influenced the culture idea ofpeople’s leisure and relax .The leisure culture has also been brought into the public library’s function in China Mainland under thisbackground. It is experiencing a series of transmutation quietly Under the post-modernism context and internet background, with ur-ban culture ecological environment poorer and more and more digital day by day, public libraries are becoming the last oasis andsolemn sacred hall where people can surpass present culture living predicament, can long for seeking terminal and extreme ideals,can look for and expect spirit home, can feel heart limpid, and even can ruminate and ponder deeply life value in China Mainland.However human’s religious heart and religious feelings are something born with and they will never disappear. In the cultural ecologi-cal space where there is short of religion or there is only borderline religious belief, it is in the Public Library being aware of theabove transmutation consciously has predictable significance and instruction value to the urban culture development strategy and evento building harmonious society and harmonious world in China Mainland.
  • Ni Daichuan Ren Shuhuai Ji Yingfei
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 40-42,50.
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    This paper pays close attention to the information commons( IC) of academic library, and focus on the necessity of estab-lishing IC in academic library from the meaning of IC, the practical experience of IC abroad, the potential function of improving thelibrary position, reback“space”of library and training student's information literacy etc.
  • Shang Jiancui Fang Baojin Ji Jiuming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 43-46,62.
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    The Taiwan Normal University Library introduces overseas idea of information commons( IC) , combines with the digitalstudy, and establishes the SMILE multi-dimensional study area as an digital study sharing space of entire teachers and students. Itopens the university library vogue first. This article first presents the concept of IC, the development from “Information Commons”to“digital study sharing space”, then analyzes the “SMILE”commons of Taiwan Normal University in detail which to be act accordingto the library’s condition, joined the innovation element, and has its own characteristic. Finally obtains several enlightenments.
  • Wang Shuangju Gao Feng
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 47-50.
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    Subject information research is so complex and complicated that it needs several subject information researchers’collabo-ration. And in general it’s a team work. This paper discusses the differences between enterprise team and subject information researchteam, and gives some opinion of team construction of subject information research.
  • Zhang Di
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 51-56.
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    This paper describes the research results of e-resources performance measurement and quality management system athome and abroad respectively.
  • Deng Yan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 57-58.
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    The author has deep feelings after reading Shenguoqiang’s memoir. So he expresses his own views about ordinary librari-ans’writing memoirs and points out that it is not only feasible but also well worth doing for ordinary librarians to write memoirs.
  • Liu Zhanhui Liu Junjie
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 59-62.
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    This article offers two proposals. One is to establish a mechanism to regulate and supervise the purchase of books by set-ting up a committee to supervise the price and quality of books and carrying out the access system of books. And because of the gen-eral use of electronic resources, the other proposal is that we should reform some traditional library works, such as data cataloguingrules, the purchase of periodicals and service pattern to meet the needs of people’s acquiring information in the times of internet.
  • Wang Juanjuan Liu Kunxiong Wang Guangyu
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 63-66.
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    This paper introduces bibliographic information and the theory of bibliographic information marketing, and brings in thetheory of information chain. Through establishing a general model of bibliographic information marketing, it puts forward some appro-priate bibliographic information marketing strategies of every value node in the model, and seeks the unity and harmonious develop-ment of bibliographic information marketing both inside and outside to realize the value maximum of bibliographic information market-ing.
  • Zhang Ying Li Li Wang Kunpeng Li Chaorong
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 67-69,78.
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    To protect the digital library, an intrusion detection system model for network database based on data mining algorithm withthe notion of distance measure is proposed after introducing the technology of intrusion detection for database. The algorithm considersdomain knowledge about the data structures and semantics encoded in a given database schema, also it is used to guide the search forfrequent item sets describing the working scopes of users. Then the model is applied to the new solution to the protection of librarydatabase under the network environment.
  • Yan Erjia Hua Weina
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 70-74,102.
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     Based on “Web of Science”developed by ISI, this paper retrieves and analyzes research literatures on impact factor fromseveral aspects such as literature quantity, author, organization, core periodical and citation using the method of bibliometrics. Re-flect the development status of impact factor, index on quality evaluation of periodical, from one aspect through quantitative data dur-ing the last thirty years science impact factor has been put forward.
  • Jiang Yjiping
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 75-78.
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    Patent is an important part of the Intellectual Property Rights. It is very important to gain valuable information by anlysis ofPatent Citation. But as the technology increasingly advances, there is so much patent information.What we are concerned is that howto collect usefull things for users from numerous and complicated patent information.This article discussed the application and the sig-nificance of Date Mining in this areas.
  • Yan Hui
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 79-83.
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    As an open organism, library will suffer many kinds of crisis in the process of development. Crisis is a special state, byanalyzing the crisis management case of the losing of the book donated by BaJin, the paper proposes the defaults exist in modern li-brary crisis management, makes clear the condition of domestic library crisis management, and provides theory support and experi-ence for library crisis management practice.
  • Lin Ming
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 84-87.
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    There are Distinct differences between China and western countries in catalogue systems, languages and scripts, and cat-aloguing rules. Languages and scripts used by access points should best suit to need of the users of catalogue, and the first is theconvenience of the users.
  • Wei Chen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 88-91.
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    Drucker is a big man of modern management. This paper firstly introduces Drucker’s important management thoughts,then, explains the inspiration of library management from it.
  • Yu Yan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 92-93,97.
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    In the last years, Liaison Librarian System has become a phenomenon among colleges in china. However, its implementa-tion didn’t go smoothly, in somewhere it went well, and elsewhere it went bad. The article analyzes the problem and tries to locatethe source. It will benefit the development of Liaison Librarian System in the future a lot.
  • Bai Xingli
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 94-97.
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    By analyzing the conception and creating background of subject information service, the paper puts forward the fundamen-tal thoughts and patterns of subject information service system constructing in university library from two sides, which include thesystem constitute, the manage and operational mechanism of subject information service.
  • Wang Ying Sun Chengquan
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 98-102.
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    This article starts with the usability of website. On the base of the five definitions about how to decide the usability of awebsite given by Jakob Nielsen,the author suggests that the evaluation standards of website usability be divided into two importantstandards from inside and outside – the analytical methods of the usability of website evaluation and its value. The paper also de-scribes the analytical method about the usability of website evaluation in detail.
  • Qin Ke
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 103-105,114.
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    Both Self-archiving Preprint and Postprint were all restricted by copyright. Now, the copyright policy of Self-archiving hasbeen relaxed on the field of international magazine. It must be pay more attention when establishing copyright system of Self-archivingsuch as respect to authors Self-archiving rights, meeting reasonable request of magazines publisher etc.
  • Ma Can Liu Kunxiong Xu Tieguang
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 106-109,122.
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    The development of digitized information service becomes the key of national information construction under the networkenvironment. This paper analyzes the digitized organization of information service, researches the public service and interests of thesubject, confirms the fundamental interests of the main protecting principles, constructs the rights and interests of protecting theoreti-cal framework and systems.
  • Zheng Lihang Yu Qiuying
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 110-114.
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    Creative commons license is the authorization mechanism for the digitalized works on the internet. On one hand, it isbased on the copyright protection; on the other hand, With the purpose of promoting the reuse and recreation more wide and effi-cient, it is used for protecting the information rights of the public. It is beneficial to copy right owner, individual user and public li-braries etc. While using the licensed works, the licensee should avoid infringing on other’s right.
  • Zhou Yongli
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 119-122,145.
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    Ever since Wensuge Sikuquanshu was moved to Gansu in October 1966, enormous manpower, financial and physical re-sources have been put into operation by Gansu province to build storage for special use, deploy equipments and build newlibrary. Bymeans of modern technology, the protecting condition has been improving and optimizing, and top-ranking storage condition has beenbuilt for the huge contribution of permanent storage and lineage use. Recently, fruitful efforts of academic studies have been made onSikuquanshu.
  • Ni Li
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 123-127.
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    This article briefly discusses the history of classical Chinese drama and drama catalogues by the viewof catalogue science,and puts emphasis on listing the representative drama catalogues of every history period. Besides, it discusses the drama catalogues’important contributions to catalogues science history.
  • Yang Jun
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 128-131.
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    There was a profound social and cultural background with the booming of the woodblock of the Song Dynasty booksreprinted in the Ming Dynasty. Because ancient books and records in previous dynasties were scarcely published in the early MingDynasty, therefore social demands for ancient books arose; ideological trend of cultural returning to the ancients sprang up everywhereduring Hongzhi and Zhengde’s reign, so students claimed that they should read more ancient books; scholars’academic research andarranging of ancient books and records also required ancient books; men of letters’habits of loving books and cherishing ancientbooks. In addition, the government gave orders that any changes of the ancient books were strictly forbidden. These factors interactedon each other.
  • Yang Zijing Zhang Shen
    图书与情报. 2008, 28(01): 132-135.
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    There is a group of study abroad in China library field during 1914-1949. Most of them are studying in America. Amongthem, many people come back to China and devoted to library management and education. They make great contribution to China li-brary career.