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20 December 2009, Volume 29 Issue 06

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  • Li Donglai Feng Ling
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 1-7.
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    The entire coordinated development of regional libraries includes the internal harmony of regional library system and the external co-existence of the system. The coordinated relationship of the regional libraries is founded under certain circumstances and conditions which are made up of comprehensive internal factors such as resources,technology,and man-agement and so on. But,one or several important factors always play the leading role in different period,and the different coordinated factors selected in the beginning cause the difference of current patterns. This paper analyses the development paths of various patterns from different leading factors to comprehensive application of all kinds of important factors,and fur-ther analyses realization of whole coordinated development. It proposes that path selection must focus on the factors related to the whole libraries’coordinated development. The whole regional libraries’coordinated development should be promoted by establishing the concept of whole regional service,setting up regional libraries’network,using technical means effectively, strengthening the standardization construction of standard management,and trying to get the policy and law guarantee.
  • Huang Wendi Liao Xiaomei Liu Lei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 8-13,50.
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    From the viewpoint of space,location setting and planning of regional library is closely related to the library’s functions and it can effectively enhance the service efficiency on the regional basis. The location in this paper not only in-volves factors such as its geography location and regional economy,but also involves factors such as the location and space of library readers and literature resources. It is the synthesis of all the library factors under the systematic guid-ance. Location setting of individual library refers to determining the library scale and location based on population that the library serves and to reasonable setting of internal structure. The overall planning of regional libraries involves objective analysis of location in geography,systematic planning of the regional library number,various scales and the combining structure of different libraries and so on. In the modern development of libraries in our country,the effects of technology on library’s location setting become evident; the state overall regulation is well combined with the library’s autonomous exploration. Especially,libraries in coastal areas such as Dongguan have obtained valuable experience in location setting and planning of regional library.
  • Feng Lin Huang Wendi Liao Xiaomei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 14-19.
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    Joint devel opment of the regional lib rary is achieved through inter -library collaborative working relationships within a certain range. In these collaborative relationships, operation co-ordination and integration of management are the key to ensuring the unity and smooth workflow, to ensuring service level and quality. In our existing grading financial sys-tem, it is of practical significance to adopt a gradual program based on the unified management operations, to add the common factors to inter-libraries and have their business management focused on the central library so as to achieve the joint development of the regional library. Dongguan library explores the joint development of regional libraries, by strengthening operational co -ordination functions and making use of a unified business management system -Interlib, Li-braries Cluster Management System. The library achieves the overall library resource integration of regional libraries and unified management of operations. The public service system that is open, rich, and convenient has been established.
  • Xiao Ximing Zhang Xinhe
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 20-23.
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    This paper discusses the connotation of library management culture,analyses the influence of digital environ-ment on library management culture and the characteristics of library management culture in new environment. Then,pro-poses some ideas for the construction of library management culture.
  • Li Xiaoxin Lu Xiuping Fu Dejin
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 24-33.
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    Resource shortage is the situation that most country level libraries in China. Under the social background of the new rural construction,country level public libraries should shoulder important mission of cultural construction and demo-cratic construction. In this study,optimizing the competitive power of country level libraries short of resources as starting point,we use SWOT analysis tools to analyze and judge the internal and external environment,and public demands to lo-cal libraries through one case library. By the in-depth investigation we will design the service functions which should be implemented currently in the case library and how to strengthen its competitive power by means of theses functions,aims to demonstrate its value to the whole society and find out more resources and development opportunities.
  • Zhang Zhe
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 34-40.
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    The Persona l Privacy and Intellectual Property are very important for the sharing of Personal Digital Library. The article reviews the D-RBAC model which can be applied for access control to the Personal Digital Library resources sharing system,and discusses access control methods under the centralized P2P networks. In the end,a simulation is in-volved.
  • Wu Xinnian
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 41-44,77.
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    To strengthen knowledge service cap abilities is very important to development of the specific library. The knowledge service capability consists of both basic capabilities,such as technological environment,structural environment and cultural environment,and process capabilities,such as capabilities of knowledge discovery and discernment,capabil-ities of knowledge acquisition,capabilities of structuring knowledge,capabilities of evaluating knowledge,capabilities of knowledge transformation,capabilities of knowledge dissemination and intellectual property protection. There are lots of factors that affect the construction of library knowledge service capability. But some key factors,such as leading factor, cultural factor,technological factor and evaluation factor,must be attached much weight.
  • Zhao wei Xu Jianhua Yu Biyang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 45-50.
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    It is a tendency that the quantitative methods are paid more and more attention in the field of library science in China. By the way of bibliometric methods, this article analyzed 587 articles that made use of quantitative methods and published in the 12 core journals of library science in the past five years. Then, described the current situation and point-ed out some shortcomings of the application of quantitative methods in library science.
  • Li Shaohui Yu Junping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 51-54,87.
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     The performance evaluation of public cultural services in rural areas of China can benefit multi -center management mechanism and enhance the peasants’participation and satisfaction with the public culture,thus the level of public cultural services in rural areas can be increased. However,there is lack of research in performance evaluation of public cultural services in rural areas of China,which leads to dislocation between the public cultural supply and demand and hinders peasants from participating in public culture effectively. From the perspective of public governance,this paper explores the effects that the public governance could have on the performance evaluation of public cultural services in rural China and puts forward the model and the index for the performance evaluation of public cultural services in rural areas of China.
  • Yan Tong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 55-58,173.
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    Through the large number of document investigation and analysis, this article gives an overview of library core value research based on five respects, which include the research background of library, the concept research, and the research of content system, the existing difficulties and challenges and the strategies of implementation.
  • Luo Xin
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 59-62.
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    Based on the analysis of Marxist value decision and realization theory,this article focuses on the particularity of valuable decision,the characteristics and condition for value realization of library spiritual product,the obstacles to the re-alization and the methods to remove such obstacles. Then,this article points out the active significance of the using and de-veloping Marxist labor value theory for constructing library and developing library theory in the new historical condition.
  • Le Sishi YeYing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 63-66,73.
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    Two sub -fields in patentometrics are reviewed as indicator and application studies. In indicator studies,the new type patentometric indicator based on h-index is a valuable direction. In application studies,the competitive measure for competitive information analysis via the patentometric indicators becomes a new way.
  • CirenLazhen Ye Ying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 67-69,107.
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    Using informetrics methods,the article analyzes the patentees’h-index. When extract s the patents of electri-cal engineering,automobile industry and chemical engineering from the world top 100 enterprises,the correlations among their assignees’h-index arises. The correlation between assignees’h-index and turnovers are stronger than the correla-tion between technological strength (TS) and turnovers in these industries,while there is a positive correlation between their h-index and TSs. The higher the TSs is,the higher the h-index show.
  • Tang Jianhui Ye Ying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 70-73.
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    Based on DII database,with software SPSS,This article assesses the 3G communication technology by paten-tometric methods. The results show that the technology strength (TS) and assignee h-index (h) are suitable indicators for the assessment and there are significant correlation between TS and h. While the patents on 3G communication increase by 864.7% during the 2004 and 2008,the important domains focus on the selection of methods and equipments between base station and base station,information signal transmission,the methods and equipments for information transmission, telephone communication system and electric digital data processing. Meanwhile,traditional powerful nations in the elec-tronic communications keep the leading positions in the field of 3G communication technology.
  • Le Sishi Tang Jianhui
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 74-77.
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    Based on the DII database,with patentometric indicators and combining with patent map,this article analyzed the technology for automotive energy -saving. The results showed that Ford is the leader company in automotive energy -saving technologies,while Japan is the most competitive country in the field of automotive energy-saving; and the electric automobile is an important direction for automotive energy-saving,while power or transmission devices are the most im-portant parts in the automotive energy-saving.
  • Fan Xianrong Han Huan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 78-82,92.
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    This paper represents the characteristics of intellectual property on open access journals,and introduces the intellectual property protection strategy of the traditional digital periodicals,publishers of open access journals and open access repositories,then puts forward the relevant proposals about protection strategies.
  • Hua Weina
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 83-87.
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    Search engines are the most important search tools for people to exploit internet information. Currently,some novel and creative search engines or some original search engines with new functions have come into being,presenting the new directions and developing trends of search engines. This paper focused on the efforts to the retrieval,trial,and analysis of these new search engines or functions so that we can gain a better knowledge about what has been happening in the world search engine market today.
  • Xu Gang Deng Shengli
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 88-92.
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    The interactive questio n and answer platform realizes the interrogatory method service not from the technical but from the service. On basis of synthesizing each actual product application and unifying the service which provides, this article embarks from constitution module of the interactive question and answer platform,analyzes its operation pro-cess and technical support. Simultaneously,from the aspect of user and control this article discusses management prob-lems of interactive question and answer platform,which provides a reference for comprehensive understanding its opera-tion mechanism.
  • Zhao Jinlou Wang Yingzhao Liu Jiaguo
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 93-96.
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    These days,Customer Loyalty and its dimensionality are earning more and more attention. E -business is rapidly penetrating into every possible traditional industry. But the influence mechanism about E-Service Quality to Cus-tomer Loyalty is not definite. From the alternant angle of customer and service,the influence relation of E-Service Quali-ty on Customer Loyalty is discussed,the influence model between two kinds of alternant qualities and Customer Loyalty dimensionality during electronic serving is constructed,and empirical research is carried out by using structural equation model. The result indicates: alternant quality (aiming at web-site’s characteristic) shows positive relationship with cogni-tive loyalty,but doesn’t show direct relationship with attitudinal loyalty and behavior loyalty; however,alternant quality (aiming at web-site’s content) shows positive relationship with cognitive loyalty,attitudinal loyalty and behavior loyalty.
  • Zhou Zhifeng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 93-96.
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    This article analyzes the resources directory website of Institutional Repositories and discusses the distribution of Institutional Repositories. Then,the functions of resources directory website of institutional repositories are studied.
  • Wang Jian Zhang Chunhua Zhao Junling
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 104-107.
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    The article first introduces the environment,information model and function model of OAIS,and analyzes the application of OAIS in web archiving. Then,puts forward that OAIS only is a reference model,not a guidebook; preser-vation program should design information package according to the situation; be involved in the revision of the standard; strengthen efforts to training and test compliance with OAIS.
  • He Jing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 112-115.
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    Based on the recessive knowledge concept,in the article profited from proposed the similar recessive competi-tion information concept,and analyzed the organization regarding the recessive competition information management ad-vancement,the structure three kinds has been advantageous to the competition information and the knowledge manage-ment conformity organizational structure model.
  • Li Zheng Zu Yang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 116-118.
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     Based on the concept of 3G technology as well as it applications, this paper analyses the opportunities 3G have brought about and its practice in library information service. In the end of the paper, some suggestions and countermeasures are pointed out.
  • Ning Shenghong Zhao Qingxia
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 119-122.
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    Comparative Library Science, one of branches of library science, developed in the second half of 20th century. This article discusses this science from the four aspects as follws: its discipline status,its position in the library science system,the evaluations on the researches about it and the reasons why it began to ebb.
  • Wang Ling
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 123-126,143.
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    On the issue of implementing librarian occupational qualification authentication system,from the viewpoint of analyzing professional title system,expound principle,condition and measures for implementing the librarian occupational qualification authentication system,this article points out that in the process of theory construction,exploration and prac-tice of librarian occupational qualification authentication system in China,disadvantages in professional title system should be avoided from law,socialized system for authentication and management,supervision system,employment system,hu-man resources management system and library education system,etc. so as to ensure librarian occupational qualification authentication system developing along a correct and healthy way.
  • Dong Jun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 127-130.
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    This paper reviews the history of the cooperation between libraries in five northwest China provinces, and sum-marizes their achievements in the cooperation. Also, five assumptions are advanced to raise the cooperative awareness, es-tablish cooperative organizations, understand the cooperative thoughts, create cooperative brands and make the most of the harmonizing functions of the Library Association.
  • Wu Feixiang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 131-133.
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    This paper discusses the construction of interior system and exterior system of metadata and the two aspects in which traditional taxonomy is applied to metadata framework construction effectively,and the the influence of the metadata and the concrete request of the metadata project establishment.
  • Li Zhuo
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 134-136.
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    As one of t he biggest information organization of pubic benefit in information society, the library plays more and more important roles in accelerating social informationization and increasing people’s cultural qualities. With the gradual development of information technology and progress in cultural construction, libraries of new period are exploring service methods of modern information. This article studies the application of the new model of modern library information service - family virtual library, and advances some viewpoints.
  • Pa Timan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 137-139,149.
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    Blog burgeon and reading channels established by various portals and professional websites provide convenient platform for reading, make the online writing prosperous, widen and deepen reading, which benefit the formation of good reading atmosphere and the improvement of people’s qualities. However, online readers can not study the reading materi-als as carefully as readers did in the past, so language norm that the traditional education emphasizes is severely impact-ed; people’s passion for books is weakening fast; traditional reading mind is upturned, all of which make publication de-partments follow the popular route, thus simple publications become popular. Online texts lack supervision of publication and their knowledge and academic norm can not be guaranteed.
  • Yang Hongmei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 140-143.
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    Diigo(Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other Stuff)is a social software based on web2.0. In 2006, Di-igo has been ranked in the fourth of the top 10 research tools which rounded up by CNET, the well-known IT medium in USA. Diigo combines the social networking, bookmarking, highlighting, and annotating to help people discover, save, and share the information. This article introduces Diigo from the following three aspects: a personal online research tool, a knowl-edge-sharing and collaborative research platform, a method of building personalized environment of network resources.
  • Wang Lian Wang Chuanlei Liu Na
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 144-149.
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    In the recent 10 years,a large number of researches on library knowledge management have been made in the circle of library intelligence. It is imperative under this situation to measure Knowledge Management Level of Univer-sity Library. Therefore, a practical measurement index system should be designed scientifically and logically to steer the development of the knowledge management in university libraries on the basis of the connotations of library knowledge management as well as its the design principle.
  • Zhang Zheng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 150-152.
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    In the informat ion age,digital reading has become a new trend. This paper introduces the basic meaning of the digital reading and points out that libraries must take up challenges to seize new opportunities. The paper also sug-gests that the library should guide the digital reading actively with updated resources and innovated service. In addition, civilized reading should be advocated to create a Nationwide reading society.
  • Bao Weiping Zhang Min
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 153-156,164.
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    Borough library supporting administratively, follow-up financial problems solved,“One Card”community libraries provide timely and updated books for all the troditional libraries so as to meet the basic needs of readers. Standardized management and professional services help the “One Card”community libraries to improve the services to achieve Resource Sharing,to get out of the “building-maintenance-shutting down”cycle of traditional community libraries,to avoid the risk of constructing community libraries and to ensure the their sustainable development.
  • Xu Yuan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 157-159,170.
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    What we have been pursuing is, by taking the professional advantages of public library, to cultivate students’ reading interest, improve their reading skills and to make them become the faithful readers of the library. The Library of Xujiang Experiment Middle School, Branch of Suzhou Library, making use of its special identity, explores methods to coor-dinate the school’s teaching demands and involves reading guidance in students’study and life so that students’reading ability can be improved and good habits of making use of the library can be formed.
  • LI Jing Xie Yangqun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 160-164.
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    The Information Science Department of Bar-Ilan University is the largest one among three universities in Israel which provide information science education. At present,there are two programs for Bachelor’s Degree,four programs for Master’s Degree and one program for doctorate in Information Science. Professional library and advanced lab,modular-ized curriculum and diversified education forms and combined training target with practical demand are characteristics of the education in this department,which can give enlightenment to our country’s information science education.
  • Wang Jingui
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(06): 165-170.
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    The Official History plays the most important part in Chinese history, and Historical Annals is the genuine gold mine of it. Historical Annals consists of the following three parts: Twenty -five Histories, The History of Qing Dy-nasty and The Supplements to Twenty-five Histories. The family of Historical Annals has significant values with its rich content. Therefore, it is necessary to do serious researches before utilizing the valuable resources of Historical Annals.