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20 August 2009, Volume 29 Issue 04

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  • Liang Canxing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 1-15.
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    Summed up the core values of libraries in a variety of issues, from the perspective of public relations activi-ties, pointing out that the core values of libraries is to adapt to the library public relations activities. From the perspective of values, the core values of the library should be three levels of cognitive structure, and interpretation inconsistent with the declared content discussed in the actual operation, the source of the core values of libraries and other institutions of the relations. To the core values of libraries in the library is mainly reflected in the values of the structure of the second level, that is, user-oriented library / community value. From the origin and the point of view of public relations that have lasted for library core values of the characteristics is not permanent and stable.
  • Xiao Yongying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 6-10.
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    After a brief introduction of the development of UK public libraries in recent years, this article discusses the management and services of UK public libraries from macroscopic and microscopic aspects. Legal systems, management mechanism, funding support and policy guidance are reviewed in order to illustrate the system of UK public libraries. Reader services are introduced concerning their content, branding and ICT applications. Qualification accreditation and training of library staff are also examined. In the end, the development trends of public libraries in the United Kingdom are briefly analyzed and summarized.
  • Qin Dianqi Sun Haixia Xun Yong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 11-15.
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    This paper summarizes the development process of China and Germany library and librarian's social status and social expectations in different historical stages. Compare China library career with Germany's and based on successes ex-perience of Germany university library, proposed advices about China library development, especially university library.
  • Wei Qunyi Peng Xiaodong Yang Xinya
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 16-21,46.
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    TThe research status of library 2.0 at home and abroad was illustrated. And the problems existing in the re-search of library 2.0 were analyzed which were confusion concepts and lack of whole practice. Library 2.0 was the user centered service principle which emphasizes user participation. The principles of library 2.0 were presented which were user-centered, user participation, no obstacles, personal and humanistic knowledge service and openness. And the archi-tecture of library 2.0 was constructed based on four elements which were user, resource, management and service. Based on the theory research of library 2.0, library management system ADLIB2.0 was constructed. According to system con-struction, SNS user community, personal library, library knowledge search and decision management, the practice of li-brary 2.0 in Chongqing University Library was illustrated.
  • Yu Liping Pan Yuntao Wu Yishan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 22-27.
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    This paper proposed a new combined assessing based on extreme value method, using data from medical uni- versities journals of Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of China, in order to solve the problem of results dis-agreement by different assessing methods in academic periodical evaluation. Its theory is: evaluate periodical by various methods, and then make the results standardization, select the extreme value of these results as the final score of periodi-cal. The research indicates that it is must been used carefully to calculate weight by combined assessing method; assessing methods based on order can't been used to combine; combined assessing based on extreme value method is propitious to establish harmonious relationship between assessor and assessee.
  • Wang Wenbing Wang Xuebin Tan Hongyi Zhao Xuegang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 28-32,74.
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    Through empirical research on the top 735 journals from SCI and SSCI, we find that the total cites and dummy 'English' have positive effects on IF, and the total items, self cites, self cites ratio and half life have negative effects, and there are great differences between subjects. This shows the limitation of IF, and warns that self cites will do harm to the IF of a journal.
  • Wu Zhirong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 33-36.
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    The paper discusses the concepts of mechanism and social mechanism of information communication. According to the different controlling degree of information contents, the author divides "social mechanism of information communica-tion" into four types: pure technique; applied technique; selective content controlling; full content controlling and based on it analyzes some kinds of social mechanisms of information communication.
  • Xu XiPing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 37-41.
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     Flexible management is a human centered management pattern. This article expounds the meaning and basic characters of flexible management, analyzes necessity of strengthening library flexible management, discusses the application of flexible management in university library's organization structure, reader service, humanity resources, Motivate Mechanism and library culture. Then, this article puts forward the strategy of library flexible management. Finally, constructs the pattern of library core competence based on flexible management.
  • Li Chunlan Deng Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 42-46.
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    Recent researches on Cloud Computing suggest that it is a new business model which can bring big benefits to many companies and users. This paper introduces the main ideas of Cloud Computing among different mainstream compa-nies. Then it analyzes its architecture through an external view and an internal view. After that, it mines the value of Cloud Computing. On that basis, this paper at last puts forward some challenge problems which Cloud Computing will be faced with.
  • Qian Wenjing Deng Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 47-52,60.
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    Since cloud c omputing came up,it has been developing rapidly. There are some available cloud computing services. Cloud computing receives widespread esteem,it has the characteristic that only using the minimum client side through the cloud computing network to complete complex highly effective processing and memory,which brings us ap-proximate infinitely imagination. If we bring the cloud computing networks,into the management of information resource sharing area,it is no doubt that the ability of information resource sharing will enhance greatly. This article introduces the concept,characteristics and recent development of cloud computing,then take university resource sharing in our country for example,and discuss the revolution in the university information resource sharing,which is brought by the technology and methods of cloud computing. And it is tried to seek some methods in improving information resource uti-lization rate by building up interscholastic cloud computing networks. The article also discusses the methods of cloud com-puting in interscholastic database sharing in the last part.
  • Qian Yang Dai Jun Liao Xiaoyan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 53-56.
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    Cloud computing has brought in an enormous impact on the IT field. which is currently a hot field of informa-tion. This article introduces the key contents of information resource management, assesses the performance requirement of cloud computing in several aspects of information resource management, and inspects the security issues of cloud comput-ing based on the barrier of information communication. This article will apply the relevant principles of information re-source management principles to the quality inspection of the cloud's information exchange, information organization and information services, attempting to find applicable standards to appraise the performance of the cloud computing.
  • Deng Zhonghua Yu Yue
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 57-60.
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    Cloud environment, a net environment, has very promising prospects. As the techniques of the cloud environ-ment develop and the relevant standards become mature, it can be predicted that the cloud environment will change the patterns of our lives dramatically just as what internet did in the past two decades. Services level agreement (SLA) is in-dispensable of the information services in present cloud environment. On one hand, SLA can guarantee the quality of the services of cloud environment; on the other hand, SLA also provides a clear definition to the financial relationship be-tween both sides in the services so that compensations of these services can be estimated. This article analyzed SLA from two aspects which include how does it ensure the quality of the cloud services and protect the interests of both the providers and clients. Based on the analysis, the article constructed a simple SLA model through introducing service a-gents into SLA in the cloud environment, and then discussed the working mechanism of this model. Both sides of the ser-vices can carry out the specific SLA according to this model in order to promote the service qualities and to form a better cooperation relationship.
  • Ji Yukuan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 61-65.
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    The sharing of copyright interests for library is prevented by little understanding of public property and social function of library from the outside,together with inadequate awareness of copyright responsibility,lacking of the knowl-edge of copyright law and improperly spreading and utilizing the works from library itself. The library can stand in a proper situation in the system of distribution of copyright interests,as long as we strengthen the publicity of its social functions and strive for the discourse right on the copyright legislation.
  • Huang Chuanhui Li Juan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 66-69,82.
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    This article analyzes the status of digital library resources. Based on the relationship between data, information and knowledge and according as the deepening of processing for digital resources, this article puts forward that the target level of library resources integration is data integration - information integration - Knowledge Integration. Then, this arti-cle analyzes five integration models, which respectively based on OPAC, cross -database searching, resources navigation, hyperlinks and knowledge ontology. After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the five integration models, this article points out that Ontology-based integration model is the development trend in the future.
  • Lu Jun Chen Nenghua%
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 70-74.
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    Blog is the fourth network communication form after E -mail, BBS and ICQ. Its application research becomes hot research topic currently. The application research of library Blog is still in the early stage in the world of library. But the advantage of Blog, the information resources, specialists and information equipment of library provides material founda-tion and advantage for library to apply Blog. Therefore, this article mainly analyzes the potential economic value and the great knowledge value when introducing Blog into library, which will be beneficial to better incorporating Blog into library,to maximizing the utilization of library resources and to establishing a scientific management system.
  • Du Yanxiang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 75-77,129.
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    This paper discusses the design ideas of family collection management system with web of Dongguan library, including orientation, technology routes and characteristics of this system, etc. It also discusses the issues of personality and standard, simplify and profession, the contradiction of resources sharing and privacy protection as well as how to inte-grate this system with library.
  • Li Hua Zhao Wenwei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 78-82.
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     Micro-blog is a combination of blog and instant information by Web 2.0. The users can renew their 200ˉ signs blog through hand phones or web without any restrictions. Since it's coming out in 2006, it has been welcomed by many people including statesmen and stars and the number of users increases rapidly. It can be used in libraries to spread information, learn about the needs of readers and convey the academic ideas. It is a new tool for the new generation.
  • Yang Wenzhu
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 83-86,133.
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    This paper surveys the organization and show of open access sources in Chinese "211" university libraries, analyses some achievements and problems, and discuses the tactic of developing open access sources in university li-braries.
  • Jiang Leijing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 91-93,137.
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    The Shuyuantianxiang Club of Suzhou Library is an extension service. The paper introduces the operation of the club. The causes of the club setting up, its practices,achievements,and problems are described in details and a reasonable proposal gives is given.
  • Li Ying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 94-97.
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    Bao’an district has built its regional service net of public library from 1998 to 2009. Through analysis of the subordinate library,the author believes that the future development of the branch system of Bao'an includes: 1.Basic level library should be built by the goverment.2.The branch system can get much more social benefit.3.The construction plan is needed. 4. Combine the existing basic level library.
  • Tang Lei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 98-101.
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    Since Goulermot’s “Library for Love”was available the response for it never comes out. Its describing about various French libraries can bring sobering reference with the domestic libraries. The study of administrators and library station, library size and quantity of books collection, the library rules, the quality of staff, the relationship between reader and library, is directed at domestic library key problem. That will cause resonance and reflection of Chinese Library.
  • Zhu Bingqing Liu Peipei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 102-105.
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    For m library and information science standpoint, the paper introduces the concept and origin of "human flesh search engine", interprets its specialty in two cases, then compares it with general search engine, and discusses the reason why it is so powerful, asserts its spirit will enlighten library information services and resources construction and sharing.
  • Xu Gang Deng Shengli
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 110-114.
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    The informationiza tion advancement needs massive professionals, which impels the development of Information Resource Management research. Embarked from the present situation of information resource management research, this paper analyzes research hotspots of information resource management. At the same time, this paper summarizes the short-coming and development trend of information resource management.
  • Zhang Mingxia Li Yu’e
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 115-119.
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    In recen t years, humanistic management in library is a hot topic. This paper summarizes the research work published by experts and scholars in 1999 -2009 concerning the connotation of humanistic management, the necessity of realizing humanistic management and the missing of humanistic management in the university library as well as how to implement humanistic management in the library. Points out the deficiency of humanistic management in library and gives an outlook on the study and practice in order to promoting the scientific development of humanistic management in the li-brary.
  • Gao Yunfeng Guo Caiping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 120-124.
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    With the coming of the network epoch, many people are increasingly inclined to get information through net-work. Whereas, the using efficiency is very low in present days, because of the deficiency of network information re-sources and many obstacles during using process. Under these analyses, this article introduced some countermeasures or approaches to improve the using efficiency of network information resources both microcosmically to the users and macro-cosmically to the society.
  • Dong Xiaoxia
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 125-129.
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    It counts a lot to guarantee sci-tech novelty retrieval quality, as the retrieva, a new form of sci-tech informa-tion services, has played an important role in recent years of sci-tech administration and project evaluation. Based on the realities of the retrieval, the paper discusses empirically the restrictions to retrieval quality in the following aspects: con-tent for retrieval, novelty retrieval points, thematic words, time -limited batch novelty retrieval,document resources, etc. The examples and retrieval strategies contained in the paper may be of referential value to sci-tech novelty or other data retrieval.
  • Chang Qing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 130-133.
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    Combining the reality of Hunan Agricultural University Library, the article discusses the problems on how to innovate in the form and content of information service for university library under the digital environment in order to pro-vide powerful knowledge and information support for personnel training, technological innovation and socio -economic de-velopment effectively.
  • Liu Weihong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 134-137.
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    The ancient book digitization is a new domain which develops by following the information technology progress. It is closely relevant with ancient book reorganization, literature protection and cultural inheritance. This article mentions from the concept of the ancient book digitization, introduces the status of digital books in detail, which is for the purpose of elaborating the significance of ancient book digitization.
  • Liu liping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 138-141.
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    In course of straightenin g out Chinese ancient books,Wen Yiduo formed his own ideas of straightening out documentations:First he put forward "Three Items" of straightening out documentations. Secondly,he established the u-nity of the examining criterion of the true,the good and the beautiful. Thirdly,he affirmed that straightening out docu-mentations is the basic work of compiling history of literature. Wen Yiduo's ideas of straightening out documentations based itself upon tradition and daringly broke through the tie of tradition as well. It not only paved the way for China'sstudy of documentation,but also influenced those who did the job of straightening out documentations.
  • Xin Xiaoling
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 142-144,149.
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    Shipin written by Zhong Rong of Nan Liang Dynasty not only created a precedent in the Chinese literary criti-cism, but also opened up a new field for Chinese literary criticism. The different version of literary works in Shipin pro-vided both basis for comparing and correcting related works and clues for us to understand Zhong Rong's literary idea cor-rectly.
  • Wang Yanfei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 145-149.
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    Title deed for land is developed from the original copy of a contract. It is the record of a transaction so as to stan-dardize the deal. The Stone Inscription of Daji's buying mountain land of the East Han Dynasty and The Title Deed for Land in Wufengli in Jianning are of the earliest literature of this kind in Shaoxing. This paper analyzed the information of the two doc-uments and their literature value.
  • Li Tianbao
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 150-152,160.
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    The Emperor-ordered Baizhang Commandment is the most influential Commandments in Zen Buddhism. Read-ing the only domestic existing copy in Northwest Normal University and combining other Buddhist literature materials,the author discusses its edition and thoughts,and then analyses its significant value. The author believes that this book is a special and unique material for us to understand the life of Zen Buddhism comprehensively,especially the organizationalregulations of the Buddhist temples of ancient China.
  • Shen Hui
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 153-156.
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    The collation of ancient books initially focused on the annotation and explaining of classical ancient books. With further development and perfection of the collation of ancient books,some local ancient books which have geo-graphical characteristics started to enter the vision of scholars. The regional tendency of collation of ancient books is in-clined to be shown as attention and research of scholars,especially the local scholars. Collation of ancient books has im-portant significance for preservation of local culture ,promotion of academic development and together of local awareness. Attaching importance to the development of Gansu ancient books and attention to comprehensiveness,continuity and the diversity of research methods.
  • Zhao Lanxiang Yang Li
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(04): 157-160.
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    The housekeeping rubbings of YuYouren donated by Qu Wu are now kept in the library of the Northwest Uni-versity for Nationalities library. These rubbings have high cultural, relic and artistic value and are also important materials in teaching, scientific research and calligraphy.