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25 June 2009, Volume 29 Issue 03

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  • Liu Ziheng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 1-7.
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     This paper introduces three Chinese library scholars’contribution to library science indigenization in the early 20th century,and analyzes the enlightenments to library science researchers at present from their thoughts and practices.
  • Li Li Zhang Zhiqiang An Peijun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 8-13.
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    As a method of strategic planning, the application of the TRM has been broaden widely from the product-TRM to the science RM and S&TRM in the past ten years. The TRM can help the information researcher improve the ability of foresight,and support the decision-makers with S&T planning. This paper traces back to the development process of the TRM, which can be divided into four stages, and analyzes main features and signs of each stage. The TRM can be ap-plied to many areas in different levels, and it is also of great significance for information research. The authors hope that the study can promote the study and application of TRM in the information research in our country.
  • Yao Wei Huang Lanqiu
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 14-17,40.
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    Along with the arrival of knowledge economy,enterprise's competition changed the level from platform surface layer competition of the pure product to the enterprise culture and idea platform competition of the deep level. Complied with the development of ages,the competitive power of enterprise culture emerges with the tide of the times.
  • Guan Jialin Zhang Qinglai
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 18-21,54.
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    Researches abou t library consortium are becoming a part of crisis management area. This paper discusses the definition,the characteristics, and the functions of library consortium based on crisis management,and then analyzes cri-sis information dissemination model with library consortium involved. Moreover,the authors point out the position of li-brary consortium in crisis information dissemination model,and at the end put forward the information services of library consortium based on crisis management. Through analysis in this paper,a conclusion is drawn that library consortium canplay a fundamental role in crisis management.
  • Long Zhaoyang Xia Xiping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 22-26.
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    By using the system of e-Government Readiness Index framework, this article makes a research on the factors lead to the stagnancy on e -government development and application of china, based on the analysis of the implement readiness, present application status, and development potential of China e-government, and then provides some strategies to accelerate the development speed and application level of China e-government, from the aspects on how to increase the ability of public service delivery, improve the information infrastructure constantly and enhance the public information liter-acy.
  • Ge Xia
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 27-30.
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    Nowadays with the rapid development of communication networks technology and the much more diversified ways people receiving the information, the competition of information service of library becomes more and more serious. In this circumstances the readers whose demand on the library service much higher and focus on the details in the process of receiving the library service. Therefore, this paper proposes that library need not only implement the strategy innovation, but also improves the innovation of service details in order to face the challenge and enhance its own service competitiveness effectively. And the service accuracy management is the key to increase the service quality and readers satisfaction.
  • Zha Xianjin Chen Minghong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 31-35,45.
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    It is options that make price according to objective revenue and actual effect of information commodities, as is especially adapted to incomplete and uncertain market. The reason is that options could ensure involving people of options right acquire more interests in the favorable market, while they could decrease loss in the adverse market. Generally speaking, information market is a typical monopolistic competition market where options help people establish more rea-sonable price and improve the efficiency of information market operation. So, introducing options theory to information re -sources allocation is quite necessary. Firstly, we analyze the appropriation of using options theory in information resources allocation and the option price of information resources. Then, we probe into the option price allocation model. Finally, we put forward and analyze an example based on above analysis.
  • Chen Minghong Zha Xianjin
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 36-40.
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    Information resources allocation is complex social system engineering that is made up of the subject, object, al-location process and allocation mechanism. This paper probes into information resources allocation using CAS (Complex Adaptive System). It analyzes the characteristics and composing elements of information resources allocation complex adap-tive system. It discusses the self-organization of information resources allocation adaptive system.
  • Yan Mi
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 41-45.
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    First, this pape r expresses the meaning of studying on information welfare in the information ages, and then points out that institution is the key factor of the study. Second, it describes the relationship between institution and in-formation welfare using functions. Then it discusses the influences of institution and institution changing to the level of information welfare by some functional models and in succession discusses the allocation of information resources by differ-ent situations. So, this paper emphasizes that institution is the key factor to restrict the level of information welfare and studying on information welfare based on institution is important and necessary.
  • Yang Jun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 46-49.
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    New Internet technologies has boosted the number of users,and copyright system is thus confronted with chal-lenge and renovation become necessary once again. Based on the copyright ascertaining of network work,the author stud-ies the legal permission and rational use of the works,and then proposes measures for perfection our country network en-vironment of copyright protection.
  • Xu Xin Lou Lu
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 50-54.
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    With the arrival of wireless mobile Internet era basing on 3G network, mobile phone library will became an impor-tant way to obtain information. By analyzes deficiency of the existing mobile phone library, this paper puts forward the con-struction ideas of mobile phone library services system basing on 3G, and discusses some key technical problems involved.
  • Ma Yanxia Gu Yide
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 55-61.
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    This paper briefly looks back the current researches on performance evaluation of e-government research insti-tutions, individuals and major indicators of the existing results. Analyses by comparing, It discovers that performance eval-uation of e-government had been attached much importance to at home and abroad, and the e-government performance e-valuation system of values, the evaluation model, evaluation indicators, evaluation mechanisms, etc had been researched and get achievements. But there also have differences in the research level, research focus and research methods of per-formance evaluation of e-government between the foreign countries and ours. Finally, the paper proposes the development of a scientific assessment criteria and selection of appropriate assessment methods and indicators to build a reasonable system are the focus work of performance evaluation of e-government.
  • Ji Lizhen Xu Feng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 62-65.
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    The development of di gital library information services is a process of evolution from resources -based, ex-change-oriented to user-oriented. This article analyzes digital library information services models one by one on the basis of its characteristics, and then constructs a general digital library information service model, and puts forward some notice-able problems during the model been implemented.
  • Lin Shaowei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 66-69,100.
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    Information Commons (IC) is a combination of library space,resources and services,to provide users with " one-stop" services in the same space. At present,our country's ICs are mostly library integrated IC. They are perplexed by problems such as scattered information resources and lack of intellectual resources. It is believed that IC based on reading-room is conducive to making up for deficiencies in integrated IC and to promote the reading-room service reform.The construction of reading-room IC must follow the principle of applicability and integration, and at the physical layer, virtual layer,and support layer. Organized management,personnel training, and quality assessment should be given atten-tion to.
  • Zhang Yingfang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 70-74.
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    New technologies and their popularization make people hope for more convenient approaches to information. Extensive services based on new technologies can enlarge the service range of public libraries and increase the service level. New technologies make the services more freely, but blind copying is no good. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of new and old technologies and the construction of relevant basic elements.
  • Chu Liujie
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 75-78.
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    based on discussing the general foundations of science development,this paper holds that the foundations of li-brary science development including practical basis、theoretical foundation & innovational basis,combining theory with practice isn't the basis of library science development,and criticizing the one -sided practical view in library science re-search.
  • Tian Bi
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 79-81.
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    The acquisition librarians select new books in book stores and after duplicate-checking and putting in magnetic needles, the books are laid in new book reading-room for readers to read or borrow. In this way the time from purchase to reading is shortened and the quality of book collection and book utilization increased.
  • Liu Xin
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 82-85.
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    The cooperation bet ween Suzhou Library and Xujiang Shiyan Middle School library is an exploration of public library's management of middle school library. The school provides the building and equipment, and finances the library. Suzhou library is responsible for everyday management and resources construction. The school library is open to the stu-dents on work days and open to the residents on weekends and in holidays. The students' library cards are valid in both libraries. This kind of management is really good for resources sharing.
  • Wen Tingxiao Liu Xiaoying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 86-88,139.
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    Chinese text is a structural and all-around aggregation of information and knowledge. In order to find informa-tion and knowledge contained in text, analyzing the structure and character of Chinese text, and the factors in them, rear-ranging and reorganizing the factors, is one of the most important approaches to knowledge discovery. In order to reach the aim of knowledge discovery in text, this paper discusses the structure, characters, knowledge source, knowledge orga-nization and structural analysis method of Chinese test.
  • Zhao Yong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 89-94.
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    Thi s paper studied the intellectual structure of Library and Information Science studies through a co -citation analysis of its 24 representative journals from 1996 to august 2008. Relevant journal co-citation data were retrieved from SSCI database of ISI Web of Science, and were subjected to cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and factor analysis, drew its knowledge mapping. The map shows a noticeable subject variation along the horizontal axis depicting tow clusters of journals differentiated into Library Science and Information Science. The cluster of Library Science includes information resource development, knowledge management, user study, open access, digital library technologies. The cluster of the in-formation science includes scientometrics, webometrics, information retrieval, information systems and user study.
  • Su Hui
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 95-100.
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    Accessibility is important for the digital products provided to users by public libraries. This article takes as ex-ample two digital products that ignored the accessibility to discuss the accessibility of digital products. The root causes of accessibility problem and accessibility rules of user interface are analyzed.
  • Zhang Qinglai Su Yun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 101-105.
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    It is necessary to build knowledge services supporting architecture to provide effective support for S&T innova-tion system,S&T innovation process and S&T innovation entity. This paper brings forward framework of S&T innovation-oriented knowledge services supporting architecture,and analyzes the function of its subsystems. Then the authors put for-ward a measure to construct knowledge services supporting architecture. The measure to construct knowledge services sup-porting architecture is to utilize single -subject knowledge portal,multi -subject knowledge portal and even meta knowl-edge portal based on knowledge services supporting system. At the end,the paper discusses the advantages and construc-tions in layered manner.
  • Zhang Li
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 106-109.
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    On the basi s of the investigation data obtained from 130 full -time librarians in 8 universities, the predicting model for the relation between turnover intention of university librarians and 6 influencing factors which are leadership management, interpersonal relationship, work itself, work stress, welfare benefits and development future has been devel-oped with BP(back propagation)artificial neural network method, and the extent of the influence caused by the factors on turnover intention has been analyzed.
  • Mo Xuanhai
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 110-114.
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    It is necessary to make theoretical exploration and useful practice on how libraries can return to their inherent value of culture,education,and science in the fierce competitive environment, and at the same time get more opportuni-ties to expand in the information era,maintain the theme of sustainable development by integrating a variety of service concept and expanding services in the network environment.
  • Liu Yi
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 115-118.
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     In the social background of higher risk, this paper analyzed important scopes of Otto Friedrich Bollnow non-continuous education. Elaborated educational value on "crisis" and revealed the non-continuous education's thought for the crisis-education in the library. Aimed at the lack of the crisis-education in the library, this article provided crisis educa-tion system of the library which could sustainable development: carrying out vitality education, nurturing crisis conscious-ness of public and training primary skills deals with crisis, putting crisis education into library life long education, risingpublic's mentality enduring ability and heightening public's moral and scientific consciousness dealing with crisis.
  • Qiao Juying
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 119-122,133.
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    Oral history resources are valuable. Overseas libraries have their own unique experiences in collection, ex-ploitation and use of oral history resources. By contrast, our libraries to do this are not enough. This paper discussed col-lege library how to develop and collect oral history resources under network environment.
  • Zhao Rongwei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 123-128.
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    With the book entitled Postscripts to Shiliju Book Collections as the representative,Huang Pilie's comments on his own book collections have their unique characteristics. Aiming to preserve the truths elaborated by the ancient schol-ars,the book shows its preference for the Song Dynasty block -printed and the ancient hand -copied -and -printed edi-tions. Moreover,the book is also the outcome of Huang's careful emendating and extensive discussion with his friends. Huang's comments are not only the summary of his thirty -year experience in book collections and emendation,but also the witness to the rise and fall of Shiliju,one of his well-known studies.
  • Chen Li
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 129-133.
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    Hanshu Yiwenzhi, the first comprehensive book catalogues ever existed up to now in China, records a large number of book lists from Pre-Qin to the Western Han period, with clear classifications and brief comments upon them. This paper, based on the discourse of Hanshu Yiwenzhi, tries to find out the characteristics of the collation of the histori-cal books and records during that period.
  • WeiXiuPing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 134-137.
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    Literature, as a carrier of knowledge and information, is one of the most basic elements of culture dissemina-tion and has had a far-reaching impact on development. In this article, the constituent elements of literature as a social and cultural heritage are analyzed from the perspective of historical and cultural origins and location of literature. It is be-lieved that literature provides an overview of socio -cultural traditions,respectively,from the record,the accumulation and dissemination of socio-culture.
  • Xie Hong Liang Fenling
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(03): 142-144.
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    Through Shen-Kan:the account of the Clark expedition in North China,1908-09 is a book written by Ameri-can scientist Robert Sterling Clark, after his scientific explorations and inspections in Shanxi, Shanxi, and Gansu provinces during 1908 to 1909. This article is an analysis of the content and a discussion about the value of this book.