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20 February 2009, Volume 29 Issue 01

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  • Fan Xingkun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 1-9,27.
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    Politics is the important external concern factor what affected on Chinese modern librarianship,the paper separates the 60 years into two parts for about two 30 years taking the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC as a boundary stone,studied and researched the political movement's attack on librarianship from 1949 to 1978,and concluded the idea that there must be a stability and harmonious society and great advanced finance can promote the librarianship,there must be reform and open-door policy can improve our librarianship's developing standard.
  • Yang Yulin Zhao Bing Gu Xiujie
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 10-16,45.
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    By document study,the definition,principles and types of the public information resources have been reviewed. There are four sorts of public information in different contexts,and the distinction between China and abroad partly based on the history background. Finally,using the UK’s “Directgov”case,the author introduced the citizen -oriented public information resource classifying and management model.
  • Ke Ping Hong Qiulan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 17-21,60.
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    With the increase competition among countries,knowledge resources became more and more importance now. This paper analyzes the R&D outlay devotion,the science research force,education,information technology,knowledge production and international cooperation,etc. to show the state of knowledge resource gap between China and Australia,and to put forwards some experiences to our country development.
  • Xia Yikun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 22-27.
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    The successful e-Government is critically dependent on the accessibility of its integral websites. This paper explores the concept of government website accessibility and analyzes the connotation of it,which including content accessibility,application accessibility and their compatibility with technical and assistive product. It also introduces some government website accessibility guidelines and methods about other countries and international organizations,examining the web accessibility of our country's e -government websites,then points out recommendations for improvement.
  • Zheng Jingrong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 28-32.
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    The attributes of library law reflect the right--obligation relation between the library and readers . The attributes of library law is civil law in the economic system of marketing,which indicates an equal position between the library and readers,and readers' right is as important as the benefit of the liabrary. The civil law attribute of library law also decided that the legislation of the library law should based on the concept of right.
  • Zhi Xiaojing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 33-36.
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    New Culture Move ment gave an impulse to the decelopment of library cause. Advanced western ideas and means on libraries were introduced largely into China,If provided the inward and public preparation,sucessful examples and human resources for the birth and development of Chinese new libraries,and leaded to New Library Movement,which was the development of New Culture Movement and produced great efforts to introduce western civilization,science and technology,accelerate school education, pupular public education and save national heritage.
  • Yuan Hongjun
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 37-40.
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    The paper describes professional librarians,vocational content of each of the system,and points out it should be established that a genuine sense of the librarians vocational qualification system and gradually standardized,improves librarian appointment system for professional and technical positions,so that the two double -track co -exist Development,further promotes China’s librarian vocational qualification system alternative Librarian appointment system for professional and technical positions, librarians career system to eventually achieve. Finally,it points out that some problem about the implementation of the system.
  • Feng Qiang Gao Feng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 41-45.
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    As an important government decision services means,the government competitive intelligence has got preliminary development in our country. This article analyses the present situation and the existed problem of the government competitive intelligence research,and then puts forward some countermeasures on this basis.
  • He Hongming Xu Guiying Cui Dan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 46-49.
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    Based on government's constitution stipulation, political task and basic function, the government must undertake the re-sponsibility to develop the value localization and system guarantee of village libraries. The former is the need of new rural reconstruc-tion, the essential way of safeguarding the farmer culture rights and the basic content of establishing public culture service system. The latter offers that government be supposed to take the responsibility of system supplies, system implementation and system surveil-lance.
  • Ma Haiqun Yan Wen
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 50-54.
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    On the basis of revealing various social values of information resources development and utilization in digital library,this article analyses the constraints of the current copyright system for realizing these values,and then comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the copyright system.
  • Huang Jing Yang Fan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 55-60.
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    This article aims at exploring a method to solve the key problem of enterprise knowledge management with knowledge sharing as the start and Wiki as a consultant. This article introduces the feature and usage of wiki and illustrates the advantages of Wiki when it is used in virtual community knowledge sharing;then sets up the possibility of enterprise knowledge sharing platforms with Wiki.
  • Wang Bo Yin Jing
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 61-63,77.
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    With the development of information society,information inequality problems are becoming more and more serious. This paper reviews related overseas researches on information from forms,reasons,influence and the role of library/librarian in informa-tion divide. It shows that these researches pay more attention to the aspects of society and culture than economy and technology.
  • Zhang Xiangrong Du Jia
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 64-68.
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    The developme nt of the knowledge economy has changed the environment and the demand of standards information services. Standard information services will face a completely new opportunities and challenges. If standards information services organizations want to survive and develop at this period, they need to grasp the opportunities, win the challenges and innovate upon the standards information services. This paper discusses the opportunities and the challenges standards information services organizations faced to, and concludes the characteristics of new standards information services. Giving the examples of the Shenzhen institute of standards and technology and other organizations, it proposes some ideas about the standards information services innovations.
  • Shi Xin Zou Yixiu
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 69-72,96.
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    In the dual background of knowledge economy and Web2.0,the Witkey pattern which utilizes the Internet to create knowl-edge came into being. It helps people to make their wisdom,knowledge,skill,experience into actual receipts through the Internet, and embodies the ideas of distribution according to work and people-center,which greatly release and utilize the public intellectual resources. However,since the existent period of Witkey is still short,coupled with the lack of adequate theoretical foundation,a growing number of issues are revealed in the practice. This paper analyzes the existed problems of Witkey on the basis of its develop-ment course and related researches which are summed up,and provides optimizing strategy for the information transaction under the Web2.0 environment.
  • Gao Jingxiang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 73-77.
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    Using of the SWOT methed in competitive intelligence,this describes the development of information services industry in Tianjin from weaknesses,opportunities,threats,chance and other details,and then puts forward some strategies of the information servie industry in Tianjin.
  • Li Zhongliang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 78-82.
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    It's very widespread phenomenon that paper author is nominal in a college topic research,the reasons of nominal academ-ic articles are diverse,mainly because some people are eager to have some articles published by means of illegally adding names to some articles,such as thanking somebody for guidance,repaying somebody for some favor,helping friends or relatives,or taking advantage of VIP domino effect in order to raise the author's own status. Nominal manuscripts encroach upon other people's copy-right,develop academic corruption,affect reputation of the journals and bring about negative effects on assessment of academic titles. According to the requirements of "Copyright Law" and the National Standards GB7713-87 for preventing nominal conditions,the fol-lowing should be observed,advocate true academic ethic of honest scientific work,strengthen the nominal administration of academic theses,severely punish nominalactions,and meanwhile,urge the administrative agencies in charge of academic titles to make certain changes in assessing academic titles.
  • Jiang Pingping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 83-84,102.
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     On the base of analysis of the situation of specialized libraries,two proposals are put forward here for these libraries to publicize popular science and to construct digital information platform for better service. Details are included in the proposals. It is hoped that service can be bettered and the cultural resources in these libraries can be used by the people.
  • Liu Xiangguo
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 85-89.
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    The s haring of information resources have to relate to the confidentiality,protection and special problems of proprietary information inevitably. Modern information technology has made the copying and the use of information products easy and convenient. The rights and interests of provider can be violated easily. Thus,people are required urgently to provide a strong copyright protection of information resources with full access to information resources. The purpose of copyright protection and the sharing of resources is the same,they exists the mutual promotion and mutual restraint relationship between them. It must be soluted seriously how to coordinate the relationship of the sharing of information resources and copyright protection,to achieve the full realization of the sharing of resources and effective protection of copyright in the era of knowledge economy,particularly in China joined the WTO today.
  • Xiao Lu Ping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 90-92.
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    The law of copyright protection of the digital library information resources in our country has lagged behind the development of the digital and network technology. This paper aims at analyzing the law problems in terms of the protection of the digital library information resources in our country,and gives some corresponding advice on the perfection of legislation.
  • Liu Haixia Wang Zhengcan
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 93-96.
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    With the development of Intellectual Property industry,the international Intellectual Property protection has intensified. The foundation of public lending rights system(PLR system)in some of the western countries and the promulgation of EC92/100 draw our attention. This paper holds positive attitude towards PLR. And analyzes the reason why it's not appropriate in China yet taking current condition of China into consideration.
  • Ma Minhu Feng Liyang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 103-107.
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    As one of the worldwide earliest and the greatest data protection legislation,German data protection law has had a major impact on the world of data protection legislation. In recent years,Germany“Federal Data Protection Act”had been amended several times with the requirements of technology and social development. This article investigated the content of the amendment in recent years of this act,summed up the reasons of this change and forecasted the development trend of it. China’s data protection legislation can learn many things from this model.
  • Zheng Yongtian
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 108-112.
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    Subscription library is a kind of proprietary library which is funded by the subscriptions paid by subscribers. Paternalism,hierarchy and the need for reading are the several main factors which drove the birth of British subscription library. There are subtle differences in the policy of membership and admission among British subscription libraries. Subscribers' shares embody the tradition which the subscribers manage the subscription libraries democratically. And the subscribers committee is the key form to manage subscription library. As the result of the growing up of British public libraries,British subscription libraries suffer a decline which arose widely care and attention throughout Britain. To revitalize British subscription libraries is imperative under the situation. subscription library;Britain;library history;librarianship
  • Zhang Cuiying Shi Yong
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 113-116,121.
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    Based on va lue net,this article construct enterprise competitive advantage system and analyses construction and implementation of competitive advantage. Funthermore the anthors attempt to take the enterprise some new enlightenment and new method in gaining competitive advantage and establishing competitive status in the intense market competition.
  • Lang Liping
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 117-121.
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    Random investigations were administrated to total subject number of 231 librarians from Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Beijing, Wenzhou,Nanjing by means of individual questionnaires of MBI-GS.And this paper will provide some much more operational and practicable advice on preventing,lightening and eliminating librarians’burnout accoding statistical results.
  • Zhang Junli
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 122-124,128.
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    Reception theory is related to translation studies. Based on the previous study and specific characteristics of C -E translation of ancient books, the paper aims to probe into the relevant problems of C -E translation of ancient books from the perspective of reception theory, such as the choice of text, the realization of meaning and the reception of TL readers.
  • Peng Qizhi Yan Erqing Wang Yang
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 125-128.
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    There are more advantages of Online Information Literacy Instruction (OILI) than traditional information literacy instruction. The authors investigate the present OILI situation of 98 universities libraries in China,and analyze the characteristics and existing problems.There are six aspects for improving universities OILI,that is the overall planning,the standard-setting,the division of collaboration,the perfection of the OILI teaching content,the development of new resources based on Ontology,the strengthening of constructing the OILI platform and so on.
  • Wang Ling Li Husheng
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 129-132.
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    Based on the introduction of 5S management method,the author discusses the application of 5S method in library daily management,and studies how to improve the effectiveness of 5S and nS method in library management.
  • Cao Zhi
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 133-135.
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    A number of medical books were compiled and published in Song Dynasty. The article gives an overview of it and analyzes its background from the aspects of official emphasis,organizing agency,Medicine prosperity and developed publication.
  • Hu Xiyun Wang Lei
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 136-140.
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    Plain Learning got great prosperous in Qing Dynasty,as its important basis and primary content,the gathering together of scattered writings has achieved maximal level in China ancient times. Since the end of the Qing,there had started the studies of the gathering together of scattered writings in Qing Dynasty. There were two stages of the study:from the end of the Qing to the late-1970s is the research foundation time; 1980s until now is the vigorous development time.For the sake of discussed more deepen, there should described the situation about present gathering together of scattered writings in Qing Dynasty firstly,then narrated in detail from the synthesis discussion and the case study about it in Qing Dynasty,finally,made great efforts to analysis the achievements and limitations.
  • Jiang Tao Chen Xuexue
    图书与情报. 2009, 29(01): 141-145.
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    The Lamaism art in Bingling temple including statues,pagodas,murals and Tang-ka will be expounded from the macro-scopic and microcosmic perspectives in this article. At the same time,some typical works will be introduced respectively. Thus,this article straightens out the thread of the art of Lamaism in Bingling temple.