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25 October 2010, Volume 30 Issue 05

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  • Zhao Lisha
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 1-5,36.
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    American libraries play an important social role in building and perfecting law. It attributes to the libraries’insistance and protection of their core value. American libraries work in a favourable legal environment, but its development demands everyone in the society to paticipate in. Acturally, build the effective legal environment is not a wish, but also the crucial part of libraries’core value.
  • Zhang Wenwen
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 6-12,45.
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    Library public relati ons involve everyone who has connection with the library. A successful public relationship program seeks to establish a position image of the library,involves the community using communication and outreach activities,and promotes the library and its services and programs. The author will discuss aspects related to public relation activities,library director’s role in and responsibilities of in public relations,and the strategies and methodologies for developing public relations,with public libraries in Los Angeles area as examples.
  • Zhang Hongyun
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 13-17.
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    The article introduces three statements from the American Library Association: Code of Ethics; Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read. The author also discusses the New York Public Library's "Ethics and Conflicts Policy for Employees," and elaborates on eight examples of conflicts of interest. In conclusion, the author extracts fundamental values of the three ALA statements and points out that ethical statements are the foundation and guide for all professional library staff development.
  • Jiang Yongfu
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 18-22.
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    The paper analyzes the concept of public library governance structure from the view of corporate governance and believes it has both broad and narrow sense. Public library governance structure consists of external and internal governance structure. According to the disadvantages of China’s public library management system, the paper brings forward future reform focus that includes introducing library board system to optimize internal governance structure, implementing library trades management system to optimize external governance structure and setting construction subjects reasonably to optimize the structure of government investment. Finally the conclusion is that optimizing public library governance structure is to rationalize the mutual coordination and balance relationships among governments, library associations, library board, directors and their deputies, library workers, public and other stakeholders and so that we could build a democracy, law governed, transparent and efficient public library management system.
  • Tan Biyong Xia Yikun
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 23-27,50.
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     The government information resources access and publicity is an important measure to build and strengthen the E -government and service-oriented government. From the view of New Public Management (NPM) theory and practice in the world, there are three kinds of modes of government information resources access and publicity: (1)government-dominant public mode;(2) enterprises-dominant market mode; (3)social public welfare mode. This paper analyzes the theoretical and practical foundation of multiple paths to government information resources access and publicity, and focuses on multiple paths' types, characteristics and selection strategy, and lastly puts forward the policy suggestions about how to construct the multiple paths to government information resources access and publicity.
  • Fang Jiazhong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 28-32.
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    This paper probes into the situation of public libraries in the U.S. by analyzing infrastructure level and development course, organization ways of regional libraries, systematic operation and localization of management from both national, regional and local views, the paper proposes that we should set the aims of public library system, library development route, systematic coordination and the construction and promotion of professional standards in China.
  • Xu Huan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 33-36.
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    In ancient China, there was an open and super-stable reading system. It had four characteristics: reading monopoly and effective control, Confucian books as main reading materials, pragmatist reading, and the opposition between oral and written reading. The conclusion is that the history of ancient China's reading is based on written language and literature. It is the history of scholars' reading.
  • Feng Jia
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 37-41,84.
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    The Public Libraries Act 1850 has far-reaching impacts on the development of public libraries in the United Kingdom and the world. Studying for these aspects of the background, progress and evolution of the content has a positive practical significance for the realization of the legislation of public libraries in our country.
  • Li Dejuan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 42-45.
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    Based on the statistical data over the years, the empirical study in this article shows that China’s library career has acquired many accomplishments since the year of 1949. The quantities of libraries, the amount of libraries’collections, the business scale and financial investment have increased by times. However, there still exist some prominent problems such as the big lag of the increasing of the library’s quantities compared with the rapid economic development and the continuous decreasing of the proportion of the library expenditure to the state financial expenditure. Finally, the article puts forward a series of suggestions from the aspects of legislation, management innovation and financial investment.
  • Yuan Hongjun
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 46-50.
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    Ecology has been one of the central issue of the whole world and was also enhanced as an civiliza-tion issue in the report of 17th conference of CPC,and this is also the development background of presen China library. The article combined with the development of the ecological puzzle library, from the library of ecological culture, systems ecology, ecological construction humanities, language and culture of the new network and ecological context of moral education in five areas of ecological civilization to build the library system, and put forward the scientific development concept as the guide and establish a new concept of ecological civilization Library; to "the Declaration of library services" as an opportunity to "Universal Declaration of library services" as an opportunity to carry out services in the library embodies the concept of ecological civilization; advocating frugality reasonable consumption concept Library; in a variety of Library Construction the promotion of ecological civilization, and promote harmony between man and nature, is a contemporary Chinese civilization, the library focused on the development of eco-measures with a view to promoting the cause of China's Library stable, harmonious and sustainable development.
  • Xu Fang
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 51-54.
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    “The Value of Knowledge”is an annual report of the British Library in 2009-2010. The main content is divided into three parts. At first, the report concludes the Library’s success stories and reviews the year’s major achievements. Then, it analyzes the strategic priorities. Thirdly, it lists the key performance indicators and conducts quantitative analysis. Lastly, it introduces the governance and leadership, grants and donations, and annual accounts 2009-2010.
  • Qin Ke
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 55-56,69.
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    This article illustrates an important relationship between correct understanding of the laws, regulations and library copyright protection work. To protect library copyright, first of all, the legislative spirit should be understood deeply, and grasp the meaning of laws and regulations, based on this, copyright management practice then can be carried out effectively.
  • Liu Yuanjun
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 57-59,88.
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    This paper reexamined the implementation and the original goals of the public lending right system in European countries and Japan, outlining the plan of European Commission according its movement. It is pointed out that the premise of PLR system is questionable and it is recommended to evaluate the PLR problems from the view of balancing the interests. The paper also discusses the feasibility of the PLR system in China.
  • Wei Lai Zheng Yue
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 60-64,80.
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    Along with the rise of web2.0, network infringement of privacy has already attracted attention in the academic community and the general concern of Internet users both at home and abroad. This article has analyzed the domestic and international network of privacy legislation, the industry self -regulation model and the technical protection measures, proposed that privacy 2.0 frame system which suits in our country Internet development present situation. In the Web2.0 age, protection of user privacy should be given full play to the country, ISP and Internet users' strength, responsibilities and powers should be clarified, mutual restriction, and enhance the network trust level, make the network turn toward to the harmonious health network society development.
  • Tim Jiping Zou Elaineiaofen Dong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 65-69.
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     This paper reviews the history of library resource sharing in the U.S., particularly the development of print union catalogs, union lists, MARC/online union catalog, and interlibrary loan service. It discusses US library consortia with regard to their objectives, structure, as well as funding and governing methods. It also examines the emergence of digital libraries and their impact on the future of US libraries, using examples such as Project Gutenberg and Google e -book projects to anticipate the future of library resource sharing.
  • Fan Bo
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 70-75,92.
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     According to the current situation of the deficiency of G2G E-government collaboration, An analytical framework which is based on the cost -benefit theory, topmost design theory of e -government, and behavior theory of IS is proposed. First, a variable construction framework is designed to improve the efficiency of e -government collaboration. Second, a systematical technological framework for supporting the variable construction framework is figured out. Generally, this article designs a path for the improvement of G2G collaboration from a new point of view.
  • Zhao Wei Huang Lucheng
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 76-80.
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    Defense Intelligence is the essential Strategic Resource to national defense technology industry, according to various industrial needs, how to provide for the defense industry to maximize the value of knowledge of national defense science and technology information, which has become the focus of national defense science and technology reserch. Eight different policies options were made for various need ,In this paper. The decision to maximize the value of intelligence is a continuous process. Excavation Continuous decision-making decision by Rough Set Theory to acquisition the Oriented decision-making, this can be for the next decision-making to keep close to the decision to maximize the value of information to achieve knowledge.
  • Xiao Wanrong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 81-84.
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    The problem of digital resources' quality is increasingly becoming a main research topic concerned by the whole society. This article describes the necessary of quality control in the process of information resources digitization, analyses the various related factors which influence and restrict the digital resources' quality, the main contents of quality control of digital resources are discussed, proposes that through the establishment of a quality control mechanism, standardize construction rules, improves the personnel quality, and accelerates technologic methods research, etc. To control digital resources quality effectively, create a green digital information environment.
  • Deng Bixia
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 85-88.
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    Need for information is the users' expectation of acquiring knowledge. To study Barriers in realizing users' information needs is referential and directional for libraries and information departments to take measures to satisfy information needs. Beginning with the characteristics of users' demands in the information era, the author analyzes the barriers in realizing users' information needs from such aspects as society, users and libraries and forwards some counter measures.
  • Liu Ying
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 89-92.
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    This paper, on the basis of two-sided market theory, through assuming three economic agents ———journals, authors and readers ,constructs a fee structure model of open -access journals. Then it analyzes the model ———“authors pay for publication, readers make free use of it”——— which is adopted by many open -access journals now. At last, it suggests that we shouldn’t let authors afford the whole fee which should be undertaken by readers. And it is necessary for us to get the help of intermediate body.
  • Qiu Guanhua
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 93-96.
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    Through the county branch of public library and rural library, the author propose to integrate the information resources of county by their respective resources and strengths, such as: sharing project primary service point, modern Party member’s remote education center, rural library, county library and so on. In order to realize four in on which propose the ideas of county public integrated information services and realize the generally equal of county public information services.
  • Yu Juping Fang Ying
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 97-100,116.
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    By the new facilities, according to the self -character, Cixi Library practises making the public culture service platform: insisting on public good, servicing for free, prolonging service time, being convenient for the readers, considering the weak, holding lectures and exhibitions, and serving grass -roots libraries, etc. Cixi Library founds a public library service system and achieves remarkable social benefits. Several points of thinking are risen after the practice and summary.
  • Gao Feng
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 101-105.
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    A clearly definition of the legal attribute of library law is of benefit to promote library legal system construction. Through analysis of the adjustment object and method of library law, we draw a conclusion that library law belongs not to the social law or the civil law, but to the administrative law. So its legal attribute belongs to the public law while its value orientation tends to the social value, such as the public welfare, order and efficiency, etc.
  • Yin Jin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 106-111,121.
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    In this paper, the author did the deep practical network investigation from four aspects which including technology, resources, management and services to find out the real present situation of the digital library development and the construction in the universities for nationalities through using the “Academic Digital Library Construction Evaluation”Academic Digital Library evaluation index system”. Based on the rich survey data, this paper in-depth analysis and mining the trends and patterns which hided in the mass data by the statistics and informatics methods. And then, the author found some advantages and the disadvantages which affect the digital library development and the construction in the universities for nationalities. What is more, in this paper, the author put forward several pertinence countermeasures and suggestions to help our universities for nationalities to solve the problems which standing in the way of develop the perfect digital library service .those will has great reference value in practical operation.
  • Yu Biyang Zhu Yongying Liu Jingyu Wang Haiting Liu Yipeng Liang Xing
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 112-116.
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    The degree of satisfaction has an extremely remarkable influence on the library personnel impression and the correlation factors, joy of library work , but has little influence on other library work image and the contact wish. There are subtle differences in the satisfaction of the public and the future professionals in the degree of satisfaction. We should apply the impact factors of satisfaction into the enhancement of library services.
  • Li Xiaoyuan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 117-121.
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    In the information age, online reading has become a new reading behavior. From the perspective of media change of history, this article analyzes the characteristics of online reading and relationship between this and traditional text reading deeply. Through analyzing the current situation of online reading, proposes measures for developing the normality online reading.
  • Yu Fengjie
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 122-124,155.
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    The author investigated the problems in the project in Shan, xi Province and put forward some suggestions.
  • Zhang Changming
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 125-127,135.
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    Mobile library service is convenient for rural people. The key to make good service includes getting support from the government, innovating new items, increase management, and constructing appropriate stations.
  • Zhang Zhengrong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 128-130.
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    according to the quickly development of our society and the improvement of readers’requirements, the sevice innovation of academic library should be practised. This article not only analyse the requirements and significances of sevice innovation, but also review the practice and research of academic library. Based on those,we summarize the trendy on future service innovation of academic libarary in China. The trendy contains concept innovation, face society, pay more attention to technology, alliance and shareing etc.
  • Cao Xuemei Wei Ruqin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 131-135.
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    The construction of barrier free environment is the essential conditions for rights and intersts of vulnerable groups, and also is the requirement of human solicitude from public library. This article analyzes the current situation of barrier free environment of public library in China, for example, the weak consciousness of barrier free, deficiency of human solicitude and so on. In addition, we propose the concrete measures about the construction of barrier free environment which based on the advanced experiences of other countries.
  • Zhao Liqin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 136-138.
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     School -enterprise Cooperation is a new education model of vocational education, and widely gets praise. This article overviews the development and the contents of their cooperation, and also researchs the future development of schoo -enterprise cooperation and analyzes the problem that the library must attention.
  • Liu Yibin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 148-151.
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    Imperial examination literatures are direct records of imperial examination system and its operation history. In the types and of classification of imperial examination literatures that has a unique and specialized nature, it is necessary to establish a special study the bibliography, emergence, development, organize and push to in-depth through the full use of the imperial examination literatures.
  • Gao Wenjuan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 152-155.
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    In this article we studied 8 Chinese ancient officially compiled bibliographies. Study the "geography books" from the development of short prefaces' cognition on "geography books", the change on collect number of " geography books " and the change on subdivision of "geography books".
  • Ma Yuanyuan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(05): 156-161,2.
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    As the aged- old Pre- Qin era, we could only rely on masterpieces of literature to understand collection of books , but the unearthed literature for Pre- Qin provided the physical evidence and new historical data. Through the researed and studied of the Yin Ruins’archaeoological and oracle bones , we had solved many Shang Dynasty questions such as the hidded books ,the place of collections, the persons of collections,etc. Zhou Dynasty unearthed literature's carrier was made up of the animal bones , the bronzeware, the jade and the other material object, which provided large data for Zhou Dynasty royal collections and the vassal state collections. Jiandu and silks material were the most important In Warring States unearthed literatures, in particular since the 90s , Chu Bamboo Slips entered the bumper stage, represented by Guodian Bamboo Slip and Shangbo Bamboo, which were the important supplementary to masterpieces of literatures, were also the significant material for studying the private collections of the Warring States.