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25 February 2010, Volume 30 Issue 01

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  • Zhao Lisha
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 1-7,49.
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    There are regulations about library in federal and local law, but the object and content are different. Federal laws do not make concrete regulation about the activities of state and local institutions. Every State makes law according to its history, economy, humane characteristics, and the will of its taxpayers. The paper analyzes some legal provisions in American law to examine the establishment, service, funding, and management of libraries and the relation between library and its users. At the same time, some examples are used to show the characteristics of the legal provisions concerning library.
  • Jiang Shuyong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 8-15,73.
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    This paper is intended to discuss the state libraries' roles and functions in the American library system by reviewing the historical development of the state library, the impact of the locations of a state library situated in the state government and the influence of many library laws and regulations on library services. The paper describes the roles and functions provided by state library agencies according to audiences of the services in three parts: services to public, state governments and state library agencies. Last, the paper discusses the process of planning and evaluations which is required by the Library Services and Technology Act.
  • Yuan Haiwang
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 16-23.
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    Be it a university or a public library, it has the responsibility to help enhance the public's reading and information literacy. A library is of strategic significance in fostering citizenship, building a civilized and harmonious society, and promoting skills of life-long learning-skills that can continually better the lives of the public, particularly the underprivileged. In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, a library must do a good job of public relations by utilizing all the means and tools it can lay its hands on. Using Western Kentucky University Libraries as an example, this article explores how that library engages in its public relations work by partnering with a local public library and a chain bookstore. In addition, the article also sheds some light on a few other means by which the library markets itself, including traditional and online media, specifically the Web 2.0 social networks.
  • Chen Chuanfu Wu Gang Sun Kai Tang Qiong Liu Jing Fu Yushuang Wang Xiaofang
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 24-29,55.
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    Through the nationwide survey of library professionals, this report reveals the professionals' perception on intellec-tual property protection in libraries, the status and problems of Chinese libraries intellectual management, the library profes-sion's view on the government's policies and measures. It provides some basic reference data for government and relevant de-partments in order to speed up the formulation of the intellectual property policies and programs which suit the practical needs of library development.
  • Wang Guoqiang Meng Xiangfeng
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 30-33,61.
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    Systematic protection technologies of books have been invented in ancient China and rich experience was accumulated, some of which still have reference value today. This article reviews the research achievements about the realistic value of ancient books protection methods in recent 30 years from library building, anti -worm, mildew proof and repair of books.
  • Li Mingjie Yu Youyou
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 34-44.
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    The subjects of Chinese ancient book digitization are libraries, academic institutions, and digital enterprise through network and document investigation. This paper reveals, in the form of tables, the respective digital achievements of the three kind of subjects, analyzes their characteristics of data type, system function, and topic distribution, and points out the strong complementarities of them. The construction way of cooperative mechanism for ancient book digitization was put forward with theoretical probe.
  • Zhao Huifang Zhao Xiaohang Yan An
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 45-49.
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    The operating performance of the patent system directly affects the level of the scientific and technological progress and the level of economic development in a country. It has also played a tremendous role in the promotion of the independent innovation. Base on the description of the present conditions of patent system operating in China, this article uses Topsis method to evaluate the innovation performance. The conclusion shows that there is a significant promotion on innovation performance by the patent system reform in China.
  • Li Yingzhou Li Yuanyuan Yang Fang
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 50-55.
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    21st century is the era of knowledge economy,and knowledge enterprises are the most important driving force in the era of knowledge economy. The problem how to define a knowledge enterprise has attracted the attention of the scholars at home, and related research results have been achieved. Applying existing theories,combining qualitative research with the quantitative research,the author chooses a successful case———Duzhe Group in Chinese publication industry,to discuss if the corporation is a knowledge enterprise.
  • Zhang Jinguo
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 56-61.
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    At first, the paper points out that the humanization of library science in China is a progressive career. Then it calls for the attention to“Publicity deficiency”. Also, the author analyses the Publicity of Chinese“Humanistic Library Science”. Finally, it puts forward that China should improve the trends in this field starting from“Publicity”.
  • Yu Chuanzheng
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 62-64,78.
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    Libraries Connect Communities: study on how to get funds and technology for public libraries is an annual report which is sponsored by Bill Gates & Melinda Gates Foundation and American Library Association, and directed by American Library Association, Maryland University Library and Information Innovation Center, and Florida University Information College. The report describes, with sufficient data, the conditions of American public libraries, including technology introduction, fund decrease, and service increase. It also reveals the contradiction between needs and service. Based on the investigation and analysis, future actions are suggested in the report.
  • Li Kai
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 65-67,84.
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    A report How College Students in Digital Era Search Information was published by “Information Quality Plan”of the Information College in Washington University. The resources and strategies American students use in searching information are analyzed in the report and the researching conditions and problems are also discussed.
  • Shan Wencen
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 68-73.
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    The act of government information openness have a series of issues: boundary of government information open-ness of delimitation is not reasonable, detailed and thorough; the mode and procedure of information openness are defec-tive; the supervisory measure and safeguards of information openness are insufficient. Therefore, legislation in future should delimitate accurately boundary of government information openness, perfect the mode and procedure of information openness and the supervisory measure and safeguards of information openness.
  • Ouyang Aihui Tan Zeilin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 74-78.
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    The phenomenons of network copyrigh t infringement become more and more serious in the modern society. However, there aren’t concrete regulations in domestic, about how to regulate it. From the aspects of concrete sources, concrete types, responsibility principle, non-law protecting measures and law protecting measures, this article makes a re-view on the domestic trends of theoretical research about network copyright infringement in recent years.
  • Liang Canxing
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 79-84.
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    On "information literacy associated psychological adjustment" problem of college students, a survey has been made with 4000 cases of stratified random sampling. The results show that around 15% college students is healthy in mental and the ratio is equal to the students which have mental health problems; the degree of psychological distress clearly correlated with social solution wishes; the information retrieval is mainly helpful to improve the learning and interpersonal relationships; Library is one of the three information sources for recourses; most people without a clear concept of the credibility of information; the aim of information retrieval mainly is for the study task; about half of the people put information literacy as an integral part of learning ability; information collation capacity of 60% people need to be improved.
  • Yang Chen
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 85-88,147.
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    This article analyzed the level and the difference of China rural informationization between different areas based on the second national agricultural census data. Then, offered three proposals for the development of China rural in-formationization.
  • Xiong Jing
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 89-92.
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    This article defines ancient books and their metadata. Then it briefly introduces the status quo of standardized building of ancient books metadata. Finally it suggests that DC metadata should be first choice for the construction of digitizing Chinese ancient books since it adapts well to the network environment easily.
  • Yang Liangbin Yang Liying Qiao Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 93-98.
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    By visualization tech nology which using co-occurrence matrix to describe co-occurrence phenomena, research institutions' R & D activities can be studied qualitatively. The clustering tree map and MDS map on Institutions' cooperation matrix and institutions -keywords matrix can be used for analysis of institutions' mode of cooperation. Institutions -subjects cross -map can also be used to study institutions' participations in the subjects. This article deeply studies the occurrence matrix and cross -map technology, selects the institutions which publishing the most papers in genomics field, analyzes the profile and development of main research and achieves the situation about research subjects and research results of the institutions.
  • Jia Erpeng Yi Jinghan Si Miaomiao
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 94.
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    Relevant scientific research methods support the completion of the science research. So library science research methods are an important component of the library science system. Through a statistical analysis to the research methods of the academic articles published in 11 library journals, this article sums up the current condition of method application in library science in our country, and prospects for the future of library science research methods in our country.
  • Zhu Shuhua
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 99-102.
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    Statistics is a prerequisite in library management,planning,decision-making and operation improvement. It is the base for a library to prove its social value,to gain support and adjust macro-control. This article emphasizes the importance of statistics in library management and introduce Nanshan Library's practice in this aspect,showing its significant value. At the same time, existing problems are pointed out such as lacking systematic statistical methods and focuses on the ways to
  • Pan Limin
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 103-105.
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    Rural Library is the principal procedure when public library service reaches out to all the members from urban areas to rural ones in order to ensure access to information sources throughout the countryside. The development of rural library witnesses the fluctuation during all previous construction programs of grass -roots libraries in our country. Based on the mission of public library,Rural Library in Wujiang has been worked up in virtue of central-branch library which is economical and efficient,although the process is tortuous. We have discovered that the governmental dominance is not simply for the security of documents and funds,but to make sure that the regulations accord with inherent disciplines of central-branch library.
  • Wu Yezhen Tang Chengxiu
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 106-110,114.
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    Female librarians have taken a large portion of positions in libraries. The development of female librarian's ca-reer concerns the progress of libraryship. From the view of feminist, this article summarized oversea relevant research in terms of career management, professional equality and the balance between family and career. It will be useful to the do-mestic researches in this field.
  • Shan Hua
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 115-117,121.
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    At present many of the world's businesses are invades by "MacDonaldization" phenomenon and public libraries are also affected by it. This article discusses the characteristics of McDonaldized Library and analyzes its shortcomings. And the article puts forward some practices to get rid of "MacDonaldization" .
  • Yang Haiyan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 118-121.
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    This article analyzes the social factors that influence the development of library science,discusses the development trend of library science and elaborates the functional transformation of university library in the knolegde economy and points out that in order to achieve the functional transformation,the construction of university library should be expanded.
  • Dou Yao
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 122-123,126.
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    Based on the analysis of necessities and current situation that public libraries provide service for teenagers, with the combination of the author’s working experience, this paper advances the idea to have professional librarians for teenagers and the library collection methods that are suitable for teenagers.
  • Wang Yan
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 124-126.
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    County public library is one of the main units in providing cultural services for people. By getting funds through various resources and developing main-branch library system, county libraries can provide service to communities and the vulnerable. But attention should be paid to new technologies, sustainable development, and cooperation.
  • Li Jingrong
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 130-138,152.
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    Lu Xun is a great writer and a great thinker, and a rigorously academic authority. His main academic achievement is in studying Chinese classical philology. His studying includes finding the lost ancient Chinese documents of fictions and finishing them, and writing a history book of Chinese fiction. The History of Chinese Fiction is important in Chinese culture study. In this book we can learn the history of Chinese fiction and the contents of Chinese fictions.
  • Wang Lei
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 139-142.
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    Tieqin Tongjian Lou and the C ulture of China Book Collections Seminar,the Fifth Chinese Extant Private Collections Fellowship was held in Changshu,Jiangsu Province from May 15th to 17th. At the same time,the Opening Ceremony of Tieqin Tongjian Lou Memorial was performed in Guli Town and the research Association of Tieqin Tongjian Lou was formally set up. The article provides an overview of the activities and the seminar,involving the chief research contents and research results,and summarizes the characteristics and tendencies of the China book collections and the culture research.
  • Wu Jiongjiong Wang Ruifang
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 143-147.
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    Department of Mishu Sheng (Secretary Department) of Sui Dynasty is the most thorough and powerful one in the history of secretary organization. This paper will ponder the issues of Mishu Sheng's evolution,the inside and outside Mishu Sheng and Mishu scholars.
  • Lu Baoan Ma Mingxia
    图书与情报. 2010, 30(01): 148-153.
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    Of the more than twenty million file literature on Qing Dynasty existing on the world,50% is intensively saved in the Chinese first history archives,th other is saved respectively in hundreds of archives,libraries and research depart-ments in museums at home and abroad,which focuses on different content.The file literature has important historical data information value,which is an important component of the cultural heritage of mankind.