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25 August 2014, Volume 34 Issue 04

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  • Li Jinbo
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 1-5.
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    Library service has been hugely promoted due to the rapid development of social media and its widespread application in libraries, but some potential risks are brought about as the application of social media in libraries. The social media policy is of great significance in guiding the use of social media and avoiding risks for libraries. Social media policy has caused wide concern in foreign libraries. Some experiences have been accumulated in the practice of social media policy in foreign libraries. These experiences are worthy of reference for domestic libraries.
  • Zhu Qiandong
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 6-10.
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    Through foreign literature research and website investigations, evaluation strategies are summarized into three models, which include system function evaluation, usability testing evaluation and system performance evaluation. This article will elaborate and analyze the tree strategies and characteristics, which is based on overseas libraries implementation. Finally, the article suggests what domestic libraries should do when they conduct web-scale discovery services evaluation.
  • Dong Wenyuan
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 11-16.
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    Based on TAM and combined the actual situation of Google Scholar, the paper constructed the model of researchers' adoption behavior of Google Scholar, and conducted the empirical research. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, information resource quality, system quality, and interface usability has significant impact on the researchers' adoption behavior, and the inspiration for library service is suggested in the end.
  • Wang Weijun
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 17-21.
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    The growth of mobile Internet brings both challenges and opportunities for library service. The development of higher education and appearance of ubiquitous learning, changes in information search domain, and transition of library service directly push forward the revolution in academic library service. Ubiquitous service based on social network, professionalization service supporting teaching and research and user context-aware service are the reforming orientation of library service.
  • E'Lijun
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 22-26.
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    Britain is the first country that proposed the National Year of Reading concept, and has launched the National Reading Year twice. Australia, Japan,and Korea launched the National Year of Reading activities respectively in 2012, 2010, 2012. 0n the basis of an overview of activities of the National Year of Reading in the four countries, the author analyzed the National Year of Reading from government support, the role of public libraries, collaborators, publishing, and activity brand.
  • Deng Weihong,Zhao Youlin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 27-33,98.
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    Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement about the Quality of Service between the Service Provider and Service Customer. It aims at defining the details of the service contents, responsibilities and obligations, service price et al. So a good quality of service can be supplied for the customer if the SLA is signed, and, if the quality of the service is not reached the level of the customer required, compensation should be supplied by the service provider. Compared with the traditional library information service, the quantity of the participants in library cloud computing service gets increased, and at the same time , the service contents and service process are also different. From the above reasons, according to the characteristic of library cloud computing service, this paper does some research about the cost model of library cloud computing service based on SLA.
  • Wang Yu,Xie Qiaoling
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 34-37.
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    This paper takes Australia New South Wales (NSW) public library as example to analyze the successful experiences of public library services for older people in several aspects, including library infrastructure, personalized services, industry standards, positioning services, and service guarantee mechanism. We might learn from them to improve library infrastructure construction for older people, to strengthen development of cultural products for older people, to establish service mode based on cooperation and mutual benefit of public library and society, and to improve the establishment of laws and regulations for library.
  • Li Hongxia,Zeng Yingzi
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 38-42.
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    2012 has entered the times of "Massive Open Online Courses" (MOOCs). With the continuous application of MOOCs, "Small Private Online Courses" (SPOCs) has showed a trend of subversion of the tradition in higher education. This paper expounds the origin, connotation, and development of SPOCs, and introduces the embedded subject service of university library, discusses the strategies that university library would adopt in copyright protection, course consultant, providing learning places and commons.
  • Yu Aichang
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 43-48.
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    With more social attention on performance output of public service institution, evaluation of public library service performance has become the hot topic at present. Investment return evaluation as a evaluation method adopted by public libraries in developed areas at overseas can be learned for public libraries in China. Based on the service databases of a library in 2012, the author tries to use the method of investment return to analyze and evaluate the main service values of public libraries.
  • Zhou Meixi
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 49-54.
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    This paper makes a statistic on sports science articles recorded in China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database and China Citation Database in the year of 2012, and researches the half-life of sports science from the discipline level. Each half -life of the sub class in sports science is measured according to the standard of Chinese Library Classification. The result of analysis on citation data shows that the literature of sports science is aging rapidly, different sub class presents corresponding characteristics, etc.
  • Zhuo Keqiu
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 55-60.
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    The paper analyzes the knowledge aging status quo of management science from discipline citing half -life, discipline cited half -life and the timing variations with documents in CNKI as data source. The results show that management science citing half -life is 5.80 years, cited half -life is 3.45 years, which reflects that the aging rate of literature in the current management science is fast. It is also found that the theoretical sub -disciplines are aging slower, while applied sub-disciplines are aging faster.
  • Pan Jing
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 61-66.
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    Half-life is an important criterion for measuring literature obsolescence so that study of discipline half-life helps to discover the aging characteristics. Choosing chemistry as the object of analysis, this article places emphasis on discipline half-life. Based on CLC number, we retrieve the related statistics of chemistry in CNKI database and compute the every citing half-life and cited half-life for sub-disciplines in chemistry after reclassifying the statistics by PACS. Through the analysis of literature obsolescence of the main sub-disciplines, this article discovers the influence of literature obsolescence in chemistry.
  • Zhang Yanqiong
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 67-72.
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    This paper makes a statistical analysis of research papers' citation. Through analyzing the indexes of half- life of literature and the reference factors, it is found that citing half -life is longer than cited half -life in psychology. It is important to take reference of foreign research achievements in psychology, but the cited foreign papers are lagging, which shows psychology in China lags behind international level. The half-life of basic psychology is longest, while the half-life of development and education psychology is shortest, which shows the rule that half-life of discipline that focus more on theory is longer than the discipline that focus more on application.
  • Ge Mina,Lu Jingyi,Lin Fan
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 73-79.
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     In this paper, by reviewing the early research results of user participation and service innovation, from the perspective of knowledge acquisition, the author has empirically researched the internal influence mechanism of library users' microblog participation and service innovation performance in the network environment, trying to find the ways of modern library service innovation based on information and communications technology (ICT)0 Through the questionnaire survey of 205 various professional students in 4 higher vocational college library in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, and structural equation modeling analysis, it is found that: based on microblog interactive platform, user participation has a significant influence on knowledge acquisition; user knowledge acquisition has a significantly positive influence on the library service innovation. That is to say, Knowledge acquisition had played a key intermediary role in user participation and library service innovation.
  • Wang Honghua
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 80-85.
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    The paper mainly introduced the course of development of Institutional Repositories in Japan from 2003 to 2013. There are a few deviations of understanding in the translation articles related to the content published in domestic journals.
  • Zheng Yanhong,Wu Xinnian
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 86-91.
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    Through an analysis of the relationship between patent and enterprise technology competitiveness, this paper summarizes the common evaluation methods of enterprise technology competitiveness based on patent, including single indicator, multiple indicators, patent portfolio analysis, comprehensive weighted indicators, patent network and patent matrix analysis. This paper expatiates the advantages and deficiencies of each method, and  puts forward a basic process model of enterprise technology competitiveness evaluation based on patent.
  • Wang Canrong,Zhang Xingwang
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 92-98.
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    This paper discusses the basic concepts of mobile user experience quality evaluation (MUQoEE),context setting of MUQoEE research was set, and the corresponding mathematical model was constructed, and the base model and mathematical model of MUQoEE will be designed with them as base and a MUQoEE evaluation system was established. At the end, the limitations and future research directions were pointed out.
  • Li Jing,Hu Rui
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 99-104.
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    Mobile Library relies on wireless mobile network library service system. Similar to other mobile Internet applications, the information risk of mobile libraries should not be ignored, particularly providing the necessary security for the readers. Based on information technology acceptance model,the author has used questionnaires and partial least squares structural equation modeling and has found that perceived information security as second -order formative construct has positive relationship with the intention to use mobile library and perceived usefulness and the attitude to use mobile library have positive relationships with the intention to use mobile library.
  • Xu Xiaojuan,Sun Xiaoling,Peng Xixian,Zhu Qinghua
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 105-110.
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    As more and more users choose the digital library rather than traditional library, the studies on the factors influencing switching behavior also become valuable. This paper analyzes the causes of users switching by laddering technique based on user interviews. The results show that related factors, such as school roll, perceived convenience, alternative resources, scientific perceived utility, offline using habit, external environment factors and switching cost, are significant factors of switching. Then a framework model of library college user switching behavior is built from the perspectives of PPM, in which corresponding assumptions are proposed.
  • Zeng Xiaoying
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 111-113.
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    Digital hu manities serves as a burgeoning research area, it injects fresh vitality for humanistic and social sciences. So far, there are dozens of organizations or centers of the research on digital humanities. Under the research background of digital humanities, the librarytraditional social service center will give play to popularize knowledge, spread achievement, support research, and will provide the services about data analysis, data management and so on.
  • Qu Zhe
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 114-116,131.
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    Basic reading place suiting to modern social should be constructed through the innovation of grid management system, multi -channel cooperation streamline based collection and generalization of virtual library by community library. And community public cultural space should be expanded by use of micro message platform and the real books mode. A dynamic multi-level service planning shoule be built in order to rebuild balance between cultural demand of city resident and service of community libraries and supply sustainable development path of community library on the big data era.
  • Zhang Chen
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 117-119.
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    The era of big data, the library service and will be significant changes in functions, data quality education is one of the main functions of big data era library. The data literacy in the introduction to the concept and the era of big data based on library functions, mainly for the library to carry out literacy education content and form is studied.
  • Ning Yang
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 120-122.
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    Based on the investigation of 31 provincial public library website, understand the present research situation of public library service support, and find the existing problems according to the existing situation, and puts forward the measures to improve public library research support services.
  • Yang Heng,Zhang Jianqing,Mu Jun
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 123-126.
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    This paper intends to construct aided mobile education mode in the university library based on mobile platform and led by Blended Learning education concept. It takes spoken English teaching in Central University for Nationalities as empirical study object in order to verify the ability of aided teaching of this mode. The construction of this mode is verified to help the teaching process and raise the teaching effects, and it can become new development tendency of library innovative service.
  • Ding Haihui
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 127-131.
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    Patron -Driven Acquisitions is a new resource module in progressing procurement,but it is seldom used in the procurement of paper books. In this paper the author reviews the background of PDA, discusses paper books PDA, analyzes the constituent elements, service nodes, and order flow, and at the end assesses its effectiveness in practice.
  • Zhang Zhenyi
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 132-135.
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    Human library was introduced into China in 2008, and its development has met some bottleneck such as misunderstanding of the idea, narrow application area, and lack of scientific management. It is necessary to spread the idea, build systems and determine proper function so as to make it develop healthily.
  • Liu Haoxia
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 136-141.
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    There are many m anually repaired Dunhuang manuscripts, some of which were repaired by the ancients. In addition to Buddhist manuscripts, some repaired manuscripts are folk manuscripts, especially about teaching materials concerned with schools in that times. The traces of the repaired manuscripts explain that: Firstly, repair work from the ancients is very fine, followed some principles, such as the source of the small paper which used to repair and the orientation of the character sides. Secondly, besides monks repaired Buddhist manuscripts, some restorers repaired the folk manuscripts. Thirdly, school education especially Monastic schools were very flourish during that time, needing a large number of Buddhist manuscripts and folk ones as teaching materials. The fourth, due to lack of substance and human resources, to produce new handwriting books was more expensive, so the ancients repaired the damaged manuscripts and reused them.
  • Zhang Jing
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(04): 142-144.
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    The Red Detachment of Women, as a representative group, played an important role in the revolution in Hainan, and its establishment was a symbol of women liberation. Various artistic works created with the Red Detachment of Women as prototype and the construction of the Memorial of the Red Detachment of Women express the praise of people to the troop's revolutionary spirits.