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15 December 2012, Volume 32 Issue 06

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  • Li Guangjian,Yang Lin
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 1-8.
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    The era of big data brings both opportunities and challenges for intelligence analysis. Based on various researches and practices, this paper summarizes the trends of intelligence analysis in such environment, including single field analysis turning to full field analysis, using various types of data, focusing on new types of data, emphasizing on analytical rigor and intelligent. Then the paper discussed related technology such as visual analytics, data mining and semantic processing.
  • Huang Xiaobin,Zhong Huixin
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 9-14.
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    This article provides an overview of the main features of the big data and an analysis of the impact of enterprise competitive intelligence, including the need of the support of big data to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, new problems facing enterprise competitive intelligence data management, the need of innovative methods. The author also believes that in the era of big data,attention should be paid to the integration of data and information, the data filtering and cleaning, new types of data mining analysis methods,data analysis visualization, and new analysis technology applications.
  • Zhang Wenyan,Wu Ruiyuan,Yu Jie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 15-21.
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    The age of big data has come, and is bringing fundamental changes to all walks of life including the library and the entire social culture. The article describes its concept, its pretext and the general disciplines which big data has already widely accepted and used. The article also proclaimed the natural and intense relationship between the librarianship and big data, and recalled the application of big data in the library. Finally, the five problems occurred in the application of big data in librarianship were arisen. They are described as follows: (1)It will take quite a long period of time to make big data become mature and perfect; (2)Big data should be treated in an dialectical and objective attitude; (3)Will the library professionals be able to keep some kind of information in secret for the national, institutional and private interests? (4)Will there be lack of a large number of professionals in big data? (5)Will the information gap be further deepened in big data age?
  • Chen Mei
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 22-28.
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    There are many public traffic problems in the field of public service. In order to solve these problems, this paper generalizes long tail characteristics of big data. Based on these, this paper discusses the affects of big data on traffic problems, and analyzes the elements in the process of solving this problem, then makes some suggestions about big data management in order to perfect the construction of intelligent transportation.
  • Chen Chen
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 29-32,63.
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    With the development of the digital library based on cloud computing, the virtualization security issues of cloud computing are being more and more focused. Meanwhile, new threats are also arise. Firstly, this paper describes the virtualization security issues of the digital library based on cloud computing. Then introduces the defense and protect methods, gives the security policy and recommendations from the perspective of virtualization security and the digital library construction based on cloud computing. The security policy can effectively increase the security of the whole virtualization system.
  • Chen Yanwei
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 33-36.
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    According to the operational skill in computers of the visually impaired and their present situations of using the internet, the paper investigates their characteristics of utilizing network, such as the higher voice requirements, browsing several fixed websites frequently, using favorites function constantly, and having difficulties in judging the webpage. Then the paper analyzes the information demand obstacles from the network and the visually impaired. Finally the paper proposes the construction of library for the visually impaired with respect to content design, auxiliary configuration design, text replacement design and volunteers.
  • Huang Jing
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 37-41.
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    The integrated services model by open-shelves in academic libraries has resulted in some new issues while providing convenience. The article points out that understanding the development of the new service model should be from technological and ideal perspectives. Then it analyzes the pros and cons of the new model practiced by academic libraries, explores new technologies and services required on the basis of a brief review of integration process of open -shelf service in American university libraries, and proposes countermeasures and direction of development in order to make full use of advantages of the new service model to meet the needs of readers.


  • Xu Lili
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 42-45.
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    Introducing the development course of public library service for children in Taiwan and analyzing five features of this service. Those are reasonable plan and fully function in space,rich and special collection resources,multiform service included extended service, service management standardization and effective utilization of volunteers. Noted that public library service for children in Taiwan focus on developing children's special collection, active extension service, improving service planning and management as well as cooperation with the other institutions, these successful experiences areimportant to the development of public library children's services in China.
  • Zhao Xiaofang
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 46-48.
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    Smart library currently is in the initial stages of development. With the support of intellectual technology, smart library emphasizespeople -orientedinternal management, and focuson combining with modern technology and cultural characteristics. It also emphasizes user-centered external services that mean more space, more time to provide services. In visible, smart library is a new model for the future library's development. The pathway of smart library needs to structure from multi-dimension which is based on the understanding of its contents.


  • Zheng Lijun
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 49-51.
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    This art iclebriefly enumerated the achievements of reading promotion of Chinese libraries in recent years. It classifies and summarizes the contents of relevant research papers,and then thinks that there are some imperfections of current research,such as scattered research,single and uneven distributionof research objects and not enough innovation. To effective settle these problems,it could increasethe guides of policies andprojects,and also could collaborate with multiparty.
  • Li Jinbo
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 52-56,90.
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    E-book lending is a legitimate right of libraries. The behavior that publishers restrict libraries to lend e-books is an expansion of copyright. It makes infringes upon the library rights of libraries and their users, and it's out of accord with the principle of intellectual freedom. Meanwhile, this event of restriction reflects professional ethics of the US libraries. And it also provides experience and enlightenments for our library field: we should emphasize the position of the public interests such as libraries in copyright law and construct a perfect library law and policy system and train and enhance the consciousness of library right of our library field and the public and the professional ethics of our library field.
  • Jiang Jie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 57-63.
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    The cross-boundary flow of cloud data in generalities is the key  of forming resource sharing and breaking the bottle neck of information industry development. Domain rules of flowed nations and regions have their own systems and international rules have many defects. They seriously hinder the orderly cross -boundary flow of cloud data. Taking the establishment of international standards of protecting cloud data, the foundation of intergovernmental regulatory organization of cross -boundary flow of cloud data and the enactment of international agreements of concrete cloud matters as the point of departure, we should reconstruct international rules system of cross-boundary flow of cloud data. We also should propel the overseas application of domestic rules on cross -boundary flow of cloud data by comprehensively applying subjective and objective principles of territorial jurisdiction and expansively applying personal jurisdiction rules.

  • Yu Chengjie,Zhang Junliang
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 64-68.
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    On the basis of analyzing the current situations of digital library intellectual property issues, the paper explores digital library intellectual property issues from the perspective of library legislation, and points out three aspects of the role of library legislation on intellectual property issues of digital libraries: promoting the balance of the public interest and the copyright interestsin the building of digital libraries, clearing the legal attribute and legal status of digital libraries,and promoting the perfection of legal system of intellectual property.
  • Zhu Mengjiao,Wu Yishan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 69-72.
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    Institutional repository (IR for short) is a significant wing in the open access movement and a feasible way to solve the academic crisis. The empirical analysis shows that both the quantity and the quality of China's university IRs are not satisfactory. A comparison between China, Japan and India in university IR building is made.
  • Zhang Sheng,Gu Xin
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 73-76.
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    Knowledge acquisition is the primary goal of knowledge chain's establishment. From the view of technology the paper defines knowledge acquisition of knowledge chain and introduces emerging knowledge acquisition techniques: data mining, web mining, and text mining. Combiningthese three techniques respectively with knowledge management case study of the banking sector, electronic commerce, network news we explore applications in the three mining technology.
  • Chen Ping
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 77-80.
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    The re exists kind of causality between individual cognition and knowledge sharing decision behavior. By experience, preferences, and other factors, it is impossible for any individual to acquire complete information related to knowledge sharing decision-making, which is on the basis of bounded rational cognition. In this article, based on cognitive psychology and behavioral economics theory, the author makes an analysis of individual knowledge sharing decision-making mechanism and its characteristics under bounded rationality within organizations by means of prospect theory.
  • Sha Zhongyong,Li Wenjuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 81-90.
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    Public crisis information management (PCIM) is an interdisciplinary research field between public crisis management and information management. It focuses on information and its management issues existed in crisis management. From the perspective of problem domain, this paper presents EPFMS framework consisted by Element Theory, Process Theory, Function Theory, Methodology Theory and System Theory. Their basic issues are also elaborated. EPFMS shows the main knowledge area of PCIM and provides a basic analytic framework for PCIM research.
  • Niu Chunhua
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 91-95.
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    To cognize the context of information needs for community emergency managers is a important premise for analysis and determinations in detailed contents and representation format of information needs. Currently, there have been always some problems existing in analysis of the context, for instance, no unified framework and examining elements of context seperately. This paper expounds the advantages and viability of activity theory applied to analyze the context of information needs for community emergency managers. For more clear illustration, a simple demo is showed in an example of emergency management context of community.
  • Xu Liujie,Xiong Caiping,Xi Shujuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 96-100.
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    By using factor analysis method, the paper explored the factors of dynamic development and utilization of network resource with the data of numbers of fans, blogs, posts, meaningful posts in some users' interaction platform, such as Sinamicroblog, Tianya BBS and Sina Blog. The results showed that the network users and resources are two important factors. Resources include original resources and renewable resources, and the opinion leader is a special network user. In order to promote the development and utilization of network information resources, the paper, combined with factors, gave some advices to the creation, developing, maturing, decline and storage stage of dynamic development and utilization of the network information resources.
  • Zhu Zhiguo
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 101-107,140.
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    The research about information propagation in online social networks has attracted extensive attentions from many fields including information science, management science and so on and in these fields viral network marketing is one of most important research hotspots. From the unique perspective, more comprehensive analysis and comments on the state of the art of viral marketing based on social networks are presented, including the models and methods of information propagation in social network, information diffusion in viral marketing based on online social network and so on, which has provided a helpful reference for the further research. Finally, the future research trends and challenges in viral marketing have been summarized from both technical level and cultural level.
  • Wu Yingmei
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 108-111.
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    The social network service made librarians close to users easily. With the characteristic ofinformation spreading widely and rapidly, social network service has practical value in information service of academic library. Based on the social network site, academic libraries can provide many services including resource service, informationsharing, reference service, online learning communities,and special subject social activity. We can also collect suggestions through a social network site.


  • Wang Yunxiang,Wu Jie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 112-115.
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    Traditional library service model can't satisfy the needs of the development of a new era. Library community has launched the subject information commons service model considering the change of reader needs, the widely use of modern technology in libraryand impact of other information agencies to libraries. Only improving the access threshold of the college library staff, speeding up the transformation of the quality of librarians and strengthening the joint of the various departments in the library can we make the subject information commons service model truly play its due role.
  • Zhu Tian
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 116-118.
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    Embedded subject service is a new mode of subject service for university libraries. This paper introduces the concept and significance of embedded subject service, dissertates the process of embedded subject service from preparation stage and implementation stage. Taking the practices of embedded subject service of the library of China Academy of Art as example, the author discusses the suitable model of embedded subject service in art colleges.
  • Hou Rongyuxiao
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 119-122.
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    As is pointed out in "the Report of China Development of Publishing Industry from 2009-2010",Issued by China Institute of Publishing Science, China has issued 3.1billion volumes of periodicals by the end of 2009. The amount of electronic journals issued has reached to more than 9000 varieties. These data indicate electronic journals have been gradually developed and the trend that they as well as paper journals coexist and are complementary to each other. By comparison with non-academic music electronic and paper periodicals in five aspects of the classical Lasswell 5W theory of communication, the article aims to maximize the effective propagation of information by reasonable optimal allocation of resources.
  • Jin Fulan,Li Xianghui,Li Fengnan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 123-126.
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    As a significant method of literature analysis and intelligence investigation, Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval (STNR) is highly related with Sci -tech innovation. In this article, we first made a statistics analysis of the information of STNR consignments completed by Jiangsu STNR Centre, including the information of consigners, retrieving fields, scopes and conclusions, then summarized the characteristics of Sci-tech innovation in Jiangsu Province.
  • Sun Wenjie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 130-136.
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    There were various forms of channels for books circulation, such as bookstalls, stationary shops, and book rental. There were book boats flowing in a region or crossing regions, and post office also took part in book distribution. The phenomena reflect social changes of the Qing Dynasty, and the paper summarizes characteristics of the book circulation channel in the Qing Dynasty.
  • Yu Cuiling
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(06): 137-140.
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    Two postscripts by Mr. Qi Gong are associated to Cao Yin. The two paintings were about the Lian pagoda in Cao's house. In the postscripts, Mr. Qi Gong expressed his viewpoints that the ancient paintings that had literature value were the best. His postscripts are good examples for us to study ancient paintings.