In the explicit knowledge sharing, the library obtains the authorization of the copyright owner and disseminate and shared knowledge in the works, it will not infringe the copyright owner/s distribution rights and the right to network dissemination of information; the library cites knowledge in the works in accordance with the four elements rule of reasonable usage, it will not infringe the right of authorship. In the tacit knowledge sharing, the library has no infringement dispute in the means of sharing from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge, but in the means of sharing from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, the library must adhere to inject the "original" ingredients in order to effectively control the infringement behavior.
Organization, system, time and space are the forms for matter, society, and mankind to exist. The author tries to examine library in system and space so as to reveal library nature and library phenomenon in multi-angle. The highlights are the relevance of library system and the relation between the system and environment, and library space is divided into three levels as literature resources, information activities, and literature exchange.
This paper analyzed the development of information literacy education for teenagers in Hong Kong, pointed out that we can learn from Hong Kong in many ways, such as objective -setting and effect assessment, integration with the education reform, the extensive cooperation of all sectors of society, information ethics and information security education, results-oriented scientific research etc.