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15 August 2012, Volume 32 Issue 04

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  • Li Chunlan,Deng Zhonghua
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 1-5.
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    The QoS of Cloud Computing is the collective effect of Cloud Computing service performances, which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service. This paper analyzes the QoS of Cloud Computing from four viewpoints which are QoS requirements of user, QoS perceived by user, QoS offered by provider and QoS delivered by provider. The former two are from the perspective of user. The latter two are from the perspective of Cloud Computing service provider. After that, it discusses how Cloud Computing service providers using Service Level Agreements to make users know the performances and quality levels of those services, making user to form fine expectation and perceive the fine QoS of Cloud Computing, ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of user.
  • Deng Zhonghua,Li Zhifang,Li Chunlan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 6-11.
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    The challenges that the cloud service faces are getting more and more prominent. Thinking about the quality of cloud services has become the prominent issues and research focus. Though analyzing the current situations of cloud services, the paper discusses these challenges in detail from service performance, service security, service availability, service management and legal risks. And the author proposes some effective measures to response these challenges. Especially, the paper emphasizes SLA and analyzes its measures and prominent roles in response to these challenges.
  • Deng Zhonghua,Wang Xuansheng,Li Zhifang,Lu Yingjuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 12-15.
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    Quality assessment is not only the objective reflection of actual application effect of the information resource cloud service, but also is an important part of the research of the information resource cloud service. This paper, on the basic of reference of the evaluation index system which built in the evaluation of the quality of library information services, views the objectives of the information resource cloud service as guidance, combines the characteristics of cloud computing, using AHP (analytic hierarchy process)to build the indicator system of information resource cloud service quality evaluation.
  • Deng Zhonghua,Tu Haiyan,Li Zhifang,Lu Yingjuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 16-20.
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    The security issue has been the focal point of cloud computing. With the extensive application of cloud computing, security issues are more prominent. To some extent, the safety issue is a reflection of the trust issues. To analysis of the problems of trust which caused by the security issues from the perspective of the participants from the library information service, and through the development of the terms of the Service Level Agreement (SLA)to guarantee the security of the information, thereby mitigating the issue of trust caused by the security.
  • Wang Wulin,Cui Ran,Ge Yuanyuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 21-25.
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    This paper considers that the main obstacles on academic library open to society are the problem of ontology about academic library open to society is not solved, related laws and the systems are not perfect, subjective efforts of academic library is insufficient, and deficiency of academic library service ability etc. These obstacles can be overcome by enhancing theoretical studies, strengthening the policy guidance, establishing and improving the legal system, breaking the traditional idea, advancing the system construction, and improving the management level of social reader and so on.
  • He Yanhui
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 26-32.
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    Russian National Library is the statutory institution to collect and preserve Ph. D. theses. It constructed a special database ten years ago, and has provided service to the whole country and to CIS countries. Measures were taken to protect copyright. We can learn from them in many aspects.
  • Xie Shoumei,Huang Pingli,Gong Zhujie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 33-38.
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    Embedded service has become a new trend of library service under ubiquitous knowledge environment, and it is a personalized service initiative of libraries. Embedding theory provides embedded service with theoretical guidance and methodology guidance. Librarians embed into the users' physical space, virtual space, organization and social network the decision-making support, science research, and information literacy education.
  • Zhang Bingfu
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 39-47.
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    Government should regulate the activities of cultural industries, but now the laws and regulations are far from enough. New regulations are needed, government actors of the regulations should be defined, regulation models should be decided, and regulation efficiency need increasing to realize effective regulation to the regulators.
  • Tang Jin,Xin Lu,Ma Xinlei
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 48-51.
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    Museums and libraries have a broad basis for cooperation and bright prospects for development. Now people have new values, new lifestyles and new recreation forms. Libraries and museums are parts of the system for public recreation and they can provide fine and diversified services through cooperation.
  • Qin Ke
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 52-55,80.
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    As a win-win policy, copyright compensation system realize the rebalance of benefit based on the equilibrium allocation between obligee/s rights and public use copy. It is positive to innovate and use copyright compensation system in solving the copyright contradiction causing by P2P technology. Establishing and implementing applicable copyright levy system to P2P technology, need to study the influence of copyright technology protection measures. This paper discusses the choice of compensation collection mode which need to make reasonable arrangement about the beneficiary of the compensation obligations, the subject and object, and the collection standard and distribution of compensation.
  • Ji Yukuan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 56-61.
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    In the explicit knowledge sharing, the library obtains the authorization of the copyright owner and disseminate and shared knowledge in the works, it will not infringe the copyright owner/s distribution rights and the right to network dissemination of information; the library cites knowledge in the works in accordance with the four elements rule of reasonable usage, it will not infringe the right of authorship. In the tacit knowledge sharing, the library has no infringement dispute in the means of sharing from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge, but in the means of sharing from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, the library must adhere to inject the "original" ingredients in order to effectively control the infringement behavior.

  • Gu Xiujie,Wang Yingjie
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 62-69,119.
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    Copyright is one of the bottlenecks to restrict the Open Access. The article analyzes 6 different copyright models of foreign STM journals to promote the study of OA journals copyright more effectively .The author Selects5 big STM journals publishers ( Reed Elsevier、Thomson Reuters、Springer Science + Business Media、John Wiley &Sons、ACS), and observes   the OA publishing policies from their official websites and SHERPA/RoMEO datebase, to analyze OA publishing policies of the mainstream foreign journals. The article analyzes the factors which affect authors to select the publisher from 4 aspects. In the end, the article summarizes the reasons of current situations of foreign Journals copyright models from two sides.
  • Wang Jianghua,Leng Fuhai
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 70-75.
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    The accurate evaluation to future industry influence of emerging technologies will be very meaningful for the future development of the economy and technology of a country. The analytical methods to future industry influence of emerging technologies are summarized and the current state of this field is introduced and evaluated. And then three key issues of evaluating the future industry influence of emerging technologies are proposed: to determine the effects of factors; to establish index system, and to collect research data. Some problems in this field are pointed out. Meanwhile, the way of solving these problems are provided from three aspects. That is, the first is to widen the source of data. The second is to combine many mathematical theories and the third is to develop the real-time information system of technology evaluation. We hope this work can provide references for constructing an effective method and mechanism in evaluating the future industry influence of emerging technologies.
  • Ma Xiaoting,Han Jincang
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 76-80.
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    his paper introduced the basic framework of the cloud service platform, the cloud service structure, the way of cloud service, and the possible problems that exists. Then studied the cloud service processes, standards and specifications, system architecture, service mode and operation mode, and the operating mechanism of the digital library cloud services platform. Finally, this paper proposed a solution for the construction of the cloud service platform of digital library under the cloud computing environment. The solution is reasonable and feasible.
  • Huang Xiaobin,Fu Yuean
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2012, 32(04): 81-88.
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    This paper studies website usability of twenty Open Access Professional Publishing Organizations, full members of Open Access Scholarly Publishing Associations in terms of layout, navigation. content organization and access, search and mobile friendliness. The methods are statistics and online checker. The usability pros and cons of foreign OA S&T websites are analyzed and lessons summarized for the development of China's OA S&Y websites.
  • Zhao Haijun
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 89-97.
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    According to the source and production method of the information, information resources can be divided into native information resources, external information resources and secondary information resources. According to the property characterization, three of them are determined separately the nature as independent intellectual property rights information, non -proprietary information and associated intellectual property information. The theory for proving information property rights is important part of information property theory, its theory system construction at least should considered as the following problems: the theory "hard nuclear" including information resources production method and production law, and the behavior features and basic law of information consumption and information infringement, and the legal pursuant for proving information property rights, and the pursuant of merchandise value for proving information property rights, and the technology means for proving information property rights, and the consultations mechanism between litigants for proving information property rights, and the behavior specification and evaluation standard for proving information property rights.
  • Sun Shuxia,Peng Yan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 98-102.
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    Patron-driven acquisitions is a new model for collection development based on the usage and needs of patrons, which is important for academic libraries. The authors, taking Purdue University, Texas A&M University, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and University of Denver as examples,discuss the evolution and model of PDA and summarize the factors of successful implementation of the PDA. It is believed that this model has an important inspiration for domestic university libraries.
  • Huang Jiejin,Gao Bo
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 103-107.
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    Through literature and website research, this paper researches on the current situation of information resources sharing in public libraries, analyses the existing problems, and put forwards the countermeasures as follows: breaking the restriction of the system to build up normal sharing mechanism; further strengthening the sharing range; mainly developing regional sharing system at present to adapt to the present unbalanced -development situation in various area; building up cross-system sharing model to improve the utilization rate of literature; making full use of the national sharing project to extend libraries' service.
  • Fu Ningkang
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 108-110.
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    Open access to literature resources is a new form for resources sharing and exchange. The vocational colleges in Ningxia have special advantages to practice this service form and the readers are better served through this model. Attention should be paid to policies, funds, integration of resources, quality control, and construction standards.
  • Zhang Meili,Peng Guoli,Song Yuzhong,Lv Xianjing
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 111-114.
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    Online survey and comparative analysis on status quo of government information service of 173 public libraries in our country show that at present public libraries carry out government information service initiatively, but there are some problems, such as the poor new project of basic service, the insufficient value -added service, the western and county libraries lagging behind. Therefore, public libraries should take measures actively to expand their service and enrich the government information service so as to reduce the differences of service ability in different degree and region and enhance the service ability to government information service in public libraries.
  • Zhu Meihua,Wang Yue'e
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 115-119.
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    In order to learn how the libraries in America and Canada serve for the immigrations from all over the world and help them integrate into the local society during the construction of reading culture, basing on the Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Multilingual Collections and Services, this paper attempts to analyze the services to the Hispanic community at public libraries in Alabama and the services to the immigrations at public libraries in Montreal.
  • Yang Haiyan
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 120-122.
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    Big data and Could Computing are the most popular keywords in recent years. Several of companies find the commercial value of big data, and make some achievements on it. In the big data age, it takes some changes of libraries' data processing and services. The libraries must dig and analyze the potential value from mass dataset, so as to adjust the library construction with decision makers of libraries. Consequently, the service of library will be change with the adjustment of library service politics.
  • Ji Yi,Liu Wanqi
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 123-125.
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    Free loan is a basic service for city libraries, and we should seek new ways to enlarge our service. Data of loan in the library of National Academy of Sciences are analyzed to show the necessity for free loan and study is also made on value-added service.
  • Zhou Wenjun
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 126-128,137.
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    Organization, system, time and space are the forms for matter, society, and mankind to exist. The author tries to examine library in system and space so as to reveal library nature and library phenomenon in multi-angle. The highlights are the relevance of library system and the relation between the system and environment, and library space is divided into three levels as    literature resources, information activities, and literature exchange.

  • Yang Mei
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 129-132.
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    This paper analyzed the development of information literacy education for teenagers in Hong Kong, pointed out that we can learn from Hong Kong in many ways, such as objective -setting and effect assessment, integration with the education reform, the extensive cooperation of all sectors of society, information ethics and information security education, results-oriented scientific research etc.

  • Lv Hong
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 133-137.
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    Intangible c ultural heritage is important to a nation, but the government has only limited power in emergency management. Now the emergency management is changing from comprehensive disaster reduction to comprehensive crisis management. Our proposals are inspired by the protection measures to Qiang Nationality heritages in 2008 earthquake.
  • Song Yanhua,Shi Shaoting,You Yuanqing
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 138-140.
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    This paper establishs a comprehensive evaluation model of the rural informationlizaion level, and compares the rural informationlizaion level between provinces, then draws the influence factors of rural informationlizaion development. The conclusion shows that the social environment is the key factor to the development of china rural informationlization.
  • Zhao Long
    图书与情报. 2012, 32(04): 141-144.
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    Song -literati Notes is an important component of the documentary of Song dynasty,of which about 500 kinds were handed down to modern times. The compilers paid enough attention these note because of its extremely high historical value and bibliography methods were used to examine the sources and describe the best edition of novels from broad knowledge, textual research and exhortation in a strict way.