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25 December 2013, Volume 33 Issue 06

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  • Su Xinning
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 1-7.
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    Scientific theory is the crystallization of human wisdom, is also a high-level summary in the field of science. In view of this, author illustrates the role in knowledge organization about the system science theory (system theory, cybernetics, information theory, synergy theory, dissipative structure theory and mutation theory), and explains some important problems in knowledge organization by system science theory. In addition, author also states the applicability and problems of fundamental law in informatics about (Bradford's law, Zipf's law, Lotka's Law, the small world theory) to knowledge organization. The paper aims is to promote the level of knowledge organization from theory angle.
  • Xu Xukan,Zheng Changxing,Jiang Xun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 8-12,56.
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    Under the circumstance of big data explosion, because the data is scattered, chaotic and unordered, it is very difficult for the effective and quick resolution of the user's problems by means of the existing information. This paper intends to formulate the solving process of complex problems, organize the knowledge needed, analyze the connection between problem, knowledge and solving process. Knowledge and the correlation is described between different knowledge with the aid of granularity principle. In order to resolve the problems of users, at first, static knowledge is organizated on the process of granularity, secondly, related dynamic knowledge is decomposed, knowledge granularity can be adjusted, the model is built on two-type knowledge granularity, the dynamic and the static knowledge organization are established, hence the user's problems is solved, the high efficiency knowledge service is provided for the user.
  • Han Pu,Wang Dongbo,Xie Jing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 13-18.
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    In view of emerging of new knowledge points in the text, the paper from the point of user's reading offers knowledge organization system architecture for knowledge points in the context inspired by hyperlink concept. The framework provided with this paper can not only effectively solves the "lost" of text reading but also offers more valuable applications of knowledge points to users according to behavioral information of knowledge points used.
  • Zhu Danhao,Wang Dongbo,Saeed-UI Hassan,Peter Haddawy
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 19-22,72.
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    Based on the network comprised of 111,444 keywords of library and infor-mation science that are extracted from Scopus, and taken into consideration the major properties of average distance and clustering coefficients, the present authors, with the knowledge of complex network and by means of calculation, reveal the small -world effect of the keywords network. On the basis of the keywords network, the betweenness centrality is used to carry out a preliminary study on how to detect the research hotspots of a discipline. This method is also compared with that of detecting research hotspots by word frequency.
  • Jiang Xun,Xu Xukan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 23-31.
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    High efficiency knowledge discovery, as supported by the process from information service to knowledge service which to solve actual problems, put forward to effectively promote knowledge service and widen the service field. The aim of this paper is to form the model of knowledge base logical structure on architecture from the perspective of knowledge service, to construct the theoretical framework of knowledge base logical structure driven by the knowledge discovery, and to protect high performance knowledge service, exploring the general law of knowledge base structures, and the formation of a new pattern of knowledge discovery. About the logical structure of knowledge base research is according to the following aspects: investigate the mapping relationship between knowledge points and raise a new simple knowledge representation based on reasoning ranges, settle a dispute between knowledge storages and knowledge reasoning, safeguard the utility of the simple knowledge representation by introducing the mechanism of data cleaning, obtain query results with a clean degree satisfying clean requirements of applications from knowledge base with the dirty data.
  • Li Guangjian,Wang Weiwei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 32-40.
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    Life -events Approach is an E -government services integration method which organizes and integrates services based on life-events or business situation that users often meet in their daily lives and relate to government public services. The emergence of life-events approach is changing the way that organizes information resources only based on the attributes of information resources, and turning to users' needs. Life -events approach deserves attention and reference. This paper firstly introduces the concept of life-events approach, implementations and practice development of the approach, and then briefly discusses its application prospects in other fields.
  • Tang Yi,Xiao Ximing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 41-46.
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    Digital Curation education programs are being designed to meet the needs of interdisciplinary professional information management talents by foreign library and information education and research institutions. This paper introduces DigCCurr, a Digital Curation program with important influence in the global, from the following aspects: the main features, functions and skills, matrix of digital curation knowledge and competencies, and implementation situation. This paper proposes that China should introduce Digital Curation education, and should solve such problems as the relationship between Digital Curation education and the existing disciplines, curriculum setting issues, training mode and cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions.
  • Chen Huiling,Wang Hongxin,Zhou Yunyan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 47-51.
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    The township libraries in Xinyang Pingqiao district is a practice of the construction of township library service system in Central China with government as the leader and it has been chosen as one of the second batch of national construction of public cultural service system demonstration project. More theoretical researches are needed to promote the project construction. From the public policy perspective, with ethics as the analysis tool, it is believed that township library construction with government as leader should be transformed to government as guarantee and libraries as independent institutions.
  • Huang Ruhua,Li Yingyu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 52-56.
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    The paper summarizes the characteristics of children and young adult services of public libraries in Japan, including the construction of legal system, related groups, exclusive spaces, idiomatical services, digital information resource service, and cooperation with other organizations.
  • Zeng Qun,Shi Xiaoxu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 57-61.
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    M-learning is an important drive force to accelerate the construction of a learning society and also a new stage of the educational technology development. The popularity of 30 network and multimedia technology promote the development of M-learning. Based on the analysis of M-learning mode under the 30 network environment, this paper applies it to study the mode of library supporting for M-learning, and presents the construction methods for M-learning platform architecture which is supported by library under the 30 network environment. Libraries can provide better services to support M - learning by using this platform.
  • Xu Yibo
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 62-64.
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    Jiaxing, Suzhou, Foshan and other places have formed system models in their own characteristics in the process of building public cultural system.The article analyzes the relationship and the difference between these models through several ways. Through the comparison , so that people will have a better understanding on branch library service system.
  • Li Caihong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 65-68.
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    Under ubiq uitous knowledge environment, service mode, user needs, service methods of information services organizations undergo tremendous changes, and show some external characteristics and form. In an overview of ubiquitous knowledge environment, it is consider that university library presents the development tendency of academic, resources sharing, services leisure and digitized. Finally, it proposed some countermeasures of university libraries from the idea, institution and talent.
  • Liang Liang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 69-72.
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    As the first library foundation in China, Hangzhou Library Foundation has learned experiences from the foundations at home and abroad and has formed suitable concept and concrete practice path in the past ten years. Apparently, it has reached great improvements and been able to give certain references for the public library foundations.
  • Jiang Chunlin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 73-76.
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    This article takes Economics,Management,Information Science & Library Science as example, and uses rank - frequency model for date fitting by impact factor and 5 -year impact factor in JCR Social Science Edition from 2007 to 2011. The fitting model is negative exponential distribution. The coefficient value is considered as an important sign of relative differences of periodicals' influences. It is concluded that relative differences of every subject groups smaller and smaller,and the one of 5-year impact factor is getting bigger than that of 2-year impact factor. Besides, relative differences of impact factor of Information Science & Library Science is the biggest among three subject groups. Lastly, some suggestions are put forward tentatively because of the enlightenment the author got from the analysis.
  • Zhu Hui,Deng Sanhong,Wang Hao,Wang Zipu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 77-83.
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    Discipline intercrossing is becoming more and more popular,and it will advance disciplines' development. Therefore it is very important to explore the relationship between disciplines. On the base of citation data retrieved from CSSCI (2007 -2011), this paper from two angles, citing and cited, studied the relationship between Sports Humanistic Sociology and other disciplines, constructed discipline citing network and cited network, and revealed the regular pattern of citation of Sports Humanistic Sociology.
  • Hu Yue
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 84-88.
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    This paper shows important implications of citation analysis and the present situation of Chinese journals Citation in Social sciences and humanities. And this paper analyses the existing problems and the main reasons of Chinese journals in social sciences and humanities. Paper mainly discusses nine problems in journal name. Through the study on these issues, we may find solutions.
  • Huang Qingshan,Zhu Weili
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 89-94.
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    he article analyses the relevant literature about the applications of Google Analytics in the libraries from three angles, that is the quantitative analysis, research topics, and research features on the base of the Library, Information Science& Technology Abstracts database. Libraries should strengthen Google Analytics application and at the same time try to combine with other methods so as to master user demand characteristics and achieve scientific decision-makin.
  • Zhao Rongying,Wu Shengnan,Yu Yisheng
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 95-100,108.
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    This paper mainly studied the evolutionary process of personal information allocation without encouragement,with encouragement, and with future collaborative profit, of which the evolutionary equilibrium and its stability were analyzed, followed by the discussion of impact factor of personal information allocation and effective approaches to promoting information allocation. Manage implications were proposed based on the above analysis.
  • Cao Yuezhen,Ma Jianling
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 101-104.
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    Metadata is the foundation of the digital library construction, and metadata quality greatly affects the effectiveness of metadata. The existing studies about the metadata quality control in domestic and abroad mainly focus on three perspectives: the conception of metadata quality, the assessment methods and the control mechanisms. Studies about metadata quality evaluation metrics and metadata quality control methods are the future trends.
  • Liu Yanhong,Luo Jian
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 105-108.
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    The rise and development of data-intensive scientific, making the content and methods of information services have changed. Scientific data preservation, discovery, analysis and other services has become a growth point of information service agencies. Article summarizes the formation and drivers of the fourth paradigm of scientific articles and data—intensive scientific environment, and then focusing on analyzing the path of information services and the development under data-intensive scientific environment.
  • Liang Qi
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 109-111.
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    3D printing technology is c onsidered to be one of the futures can change the world, and it promotes social creative technology of the industrial revolution and be used in the field of education. In an overview article on the basis of 3D printing technology development and application status, focusing on analyzing the application of 3D printers serviced library status, characteristics and barriers.
  • Qin Jiahang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 112-115.
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    This paper classifies the keywords of in library science, information, and literature supported by National Social Science Fund project for nearly three years (2011 -2013), and it is founded that the development trend embodies three characteristics: development in the environment of ubiquitous digital information for library science, information science and philology science; more attention to social value, people's livelihood, and the connotation of civil rights; interdisciplinary integration.

  • Wei Bin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 116-118.
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    Based on the analysis of the research status and the distribution of the research topics, the author conducted a review of the strong and weak points of the research and also made a prospect of the developing trends of the research. The author believes that the future research may be concentrated on resources construction, the library service system, and the service level of knowledge.
  • Guo Wei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 119-122.
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    Taking the undergraduate students of Lanzhou University as the researching objects, the author used the statistical data to analyze the information literacy of undergraduate students of Lanzhou University. The author analyzed six aspects, including students' information needs, information source selection and information searching, information ability and information skills, evaluation and treatment, consciousness of information security and information ethics, awareness of information literacy and situation of information education and then problems and shortcomings of information literacy are analyzed and some reference solutions are put forwarded.
  • Cheng Han,Xiang Liang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 123-126.
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    Based on CNKI data base, the thesis makes a statistics of the documents about Chinese national vocality betwen 1900 and 2011 by using statistical method, and specially analyzes the much-quoted writers, themes and perioedicals related to Chinese natioanl vocality. The statistics here subjectively shows their academic influences from multiple levels, reflects the basic situation of the researches on Chinese national vocality, and partly illustrates the general situation of Chinese national vocality.
  • Niu Xiaoju
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 127-129.
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    In this paper, a bibliometric analysis is made of the literatures on linked data indexed by China Academic Journal Network Publishing in CNKI, concerning the aspects of the year distributions, source journals, authors, institutions, keywords, cited frequency and so on. Through the analysis, the situation and the hotspots of linked data research in China in recent five years are revealed.
  • Wu Weili,Zhang Chengdong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 135-137.
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    It was inevitable for Lu family to sell Bi-song-lou at the end of Qing Dynasty because China was experiencing turbulences. But there existed some reasons for it to be bought by the Japanese. Japan had always been interested in Chinese literatures. Although Chinese literatures were abandoned once after Meiji Restoration, the enthusiasm on them was stirred up again with the rise of Japanese Sinology. Later on lots of Japanese came to visit books in China and crazily robbed Chinese literatures soon afterwards, which brought havoc to Chinese literatures. As one of the four biggest private libraries in the Late Qing Dynasty, Bi-song-lou did not survive the disaster.
  • Zhao Qingshan,Yao Lei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(06): 138-140.
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    The number of prefaces and postscripts written in Buddhist manuscripts from Dunhuang is large. Their contents are rich and cover eight centuries, from the 4th to 11th century. The authors came from different regions and had different identity, background, social and economic status. The prefaces and postscripts written in Buddhist manuscripts are very important for studies of Buddhism history, popular religion, and lives of the common people.