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20 August 2013, Volume 33 Issue 04

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  • Chen Chuanfu,Wang Di
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 1-6.
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    It is common internationally for the public bodies to charge with investing money in science and research through scientific organizations. Only if these research outputs are legally deposited can they release their full value. The paper stated the practice of various scientific research institutions in America, Canada and England about how to archive and protect research outputs, in order to propose suggestions for China.
  • Jiang Jie
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 7-11.
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    Storing, removing and disclosing rights of cloud data holders faces many obstacles caused by cloud service providers, communal authorities and other malicious third parties. After a thorough analysis on some causes including cloud monopoly generated by scarce bandwidth resource and unbalanced technological levers, legal disputes on cross -border transfers of cloud data, the third party clause, an exception to privacy rules and so on, the paper proposes some strategies to clear obstacles, such as actualization of internet neutrality, legalization of basic standards of cloud service, automation of protective rules of cloud data, systematization of monitoring and controlling self -disciplines in cloud, cooperation among cloud platforms in depth and breadth, and cloud data dominated by users.
  • Meng Xiangbao,Qian Peng
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 12-17.
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    Position of data librarian in academic library abroad is set to promote research data management and service. The paper analyses the responsibilities and qualifications of 25 data librarian job advertisements, then discusses the management regulation, organizational structure and training course of data librarian based on data management practice. Furthermore, some suggestion are presented including setting data librarian position, data librarian should be appropriate to library development, and developing data librarian program in order to give useful reference to research data management and service in China.
  • Fan Xingkun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 18-22,33.
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    China's librarianship policy is formulated in the special society and political environment, the social political system and culture, education, and science systems, all jointly decide the country's librarian policy with its own characters different from other countries. By the process theory of public policy, the paper studies China's librarianship policy about its characters such as subordination, systematicness, homogeneity, periodicity, and expansibility etc.
  • Wu Shuhong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 23-28.
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    The National Book Festival is an American read event organized by the Library of Congress annually in Washington, D.C.. Held in early autumn, the festival attracts tens of thousands of people each year. This festival features authors, poets and illustrators in several pavilions for lectures, readings, interviews, and book signings. Through analysis the American National Book Festival, it will provide reference for us to explore national book festival mode.
  • Zhang Li
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 29-33.
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    The idea that public library offer service to minors first appears in British. Manchester library established in 1862 is the first library in British that offer service to minors since the history has been recorded. The history of British public library service to minors has undergone several stages: before 1915 is the slow development period, 1915-1927 change and challenge period, 1928-1942 cooperation in adversity development period, 1943-1959 post-war twist and turns development period, 1960-1974 gradually scientific and standardization, since 1974 is the service for little children as the characteristic period.
  • E Lijun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 34-38.
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    We can learn the experience of service contents, service model, and management system of the service for communities from Canadian university library. University libraries in China should pay attention to the communities service, make clear service object, plan service content reasonably, and emphasize management system in order to perfect communities service.
  • Jin Shengyong,Wang Yanzhi
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 39-43,144.
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    The concept system of research methods in library and information science (LIS) is consisted of methods' hierarchy, research logic, research types and specific research methods. The scientific philosophy is of the utmost importance to the LIS research. It must follow the research logic of hypothesis testing in the LIS research process. Empirical research and normative research are two significant types of LIS. The specific methods of LIS can be divided into the methods of data collection and the methods of data analysis.
  • Zhang Qinglai,Su Yun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 44-48,62.
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    Research status of library customer knowledge management (CKM) is introduced, then the content and procedure of library CKM are analyzed, and next, studies are made on library customer knowledge conversion and corresponding management procedure with SECI model, and finally suggestions of library CKM implementation are put forward.
  • Bai Yun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 49-55.
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    In order to understand the development and cooperation between China and UK in the field of social sciences, we use the Web of science as the retrieval platform and the theses having been published by Chinese and British scholars from 1999 to 2011 in these fields as the samples, and analyze the excellence and opportunity of scientific and technological cooperation between China and UK mainly including the number of theses and the frequency of such theses having been cited each year, as well as the number of theses having been jointly published by Chinese -British, Chinese -American, Chinese-German, Chinese-French and Chinese-Japanese scholars and the frequency of such theses having been cited in the past years. We make statistical analysis to the cooperation between China and UK in the field of social sciences, and then we provide analytic conclusion and suggestions at the end.
  • Xu Xin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 56-62.
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    In order to get an overall perspective of the research status and international collaboration between China and UK in humanities field, based on Web of Science, we performed statistical analysis of the theses having been published by Chinese and British scholars from 1999 to 2011 in humanities, including the published numbers and the frequencies of such theses cited each year. Development tendency of collaboration between China and UK differ, from that of China and UK collaborate with America, Germany, France and Japan separately, we will provide appropriate strategic advice for further academic cooperation between China and UK in humanities field in the aspects of the theses published numbers and cited frequencies.
  • Shen Si
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 63-68,117.
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    With the aid of the Web of science as the retrieval platform, we make statistical analysis based on theses having been published by Chinese and British scholars from 1999 to 2011 in environment sciences, mainly including the number of theses and the frequency of such theses having been cited each year, as well as the frequency of such theses having been cited in the past years and the number of theses having been jointly published by Chinese-British. We also make statistical analysis to the development status of collaborative by Chinese -British, Chinese -American, Chinese -German, Chinese - French and Chinese -Japanese scholars. Finally we provide analytic conclusion and puts forward some corresponding strategies.
  • Yu Yaxiu,Li Xin,Liu Dan,Zhang Yi,Chen Zhiqing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 69-73.
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    This paper gives a detailed development and application of dissertation metadata API basis on a summary of the related requirements of the Open A I, and illustrates the role that dissertations play in several directions: social service, decision support, integration of production, the teaching and research.
  • Zhang Xingwang,Li Chenhui,Mai Fanjin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 74-79.
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    This paper focus on the organic integration of large data and information mobile recommendation, summarizes and analyzes the five typical characteristics of large data-oriented mobile recommendation service. On this basis, this paper establishes information moving recommendation service model for big data, proposes relevant architecture and technology system. Then, discusses the key technologies required for implementation of the system. Finally, a brief summary of the next stage of development and application is prospected.
  • Zhang Jing,Gong Huiling,Chen Zhaohui,Tian Rui,Liu Wen
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 80-84.
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    The paper studies foreign museums' new methods and types used in their new social network based communication services, and analysis the new communication patterns and principles behind their services such as communities of interest, public curation, public participation in resource construction (crowdsourcing), marketing publicity and so on. The paper also compares current situation of domestic and international libraries' services based on social network. the paper also gives targeted experiences and inspirations on future libraries' development including propagandizing and customer management, building public participation -based propagation mechanism, developing user -driven resource construction mode, integrated use of a variety of techniques and tools and so on.
  • Chen Yuxing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 85-89,123.
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    At present, open access is the main access mode to the theses and dissertations of Taiwan district. The paper, through the investigation and analysis to the status of authorization and open access of university theses and dissertations in Taiwan district, concluded that the exploit patterns, authorization choices emphases, and the degree of open access are different. Moreover, the universities fully respect authority person's choice right, and the copyright letters are normative. All of these experiences are worthy of learning to the universities in mainland China.
  • Chen Pingxiu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 90-92.
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    Article described the key factors and work steps of the semantic extension search model, and then summarized the resources consistent and construction of semantic extension search. The emphasis is focus on the service extension and innovation of library semantic extension search. It is think that library will provide users with several knowledge services, such as knowledge consulting, knowledge mining, feasibility analyzing, resource structure linking and extending and knowledge discovering.
  • Chen Jianxin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 93-95.
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    In the overview of scientific data and library data services, article introduces the scientific data service actuality of university libraries of North America.It is emphasis to discuss the main contents of how to provide scientific data services of library in the future.The scientific data services include scientific data development,storage,analysis,and discovery and so on. Finally,it analyzes the entry point for scientific data services of library.
  • Fu Shaohong,Huang Guobin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 96-101.
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    There are the following constraints existed on the development of education in the specialty of information management: vague orientation, lack of outstanding expertise, and lack of systematic course systems with special features. In terms of developing the discipline and specialty, it is urgent to determine and cultivate outstanding expertise for students specialized in information management. On the basis of defining capacity structure, expertise, and values of education in information management, the authors did research on the training objectives of some representative schools in China and the US, analyzed the main features on developing professional skills of these schools and proposed a systematic professional expertise which information management education should build so as to adapt to the current social development.
  • Liu Xiaomin,Wu Zhenxin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 102-107.
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    This paper introduces the data description standard, data aggregators and applications of the course data management basing on the current situation in UK. This research would be helpful to the research and practice in China.
  • Li Jinrui
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 108-113.
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    The paper collected and analyzed the 10 LIS educational institutions' academic papers which have been indexed by CSSCI and research projects which were set up recent three years. Based on the result, the paper summarized the hot spots and characteristics, then put forward several suggestions to carry out scientific research of LIS educational institutions in China.
  • Zhen Lunwei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 114-117.
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    Through survey and analyse the present conditions and characteristics of innovation quality education of universities of "985 project", we discovered some problems of innovation quality education in China. For example, it lacks inadequate attentions, has single activity contents, cannot persistence and has technology issues. in order to resolve thoseproblems, it must strengthen the system construction, develop brand activities and focus on the using of variety of techniques.
  • Wang Cai
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 118-123.
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    Using "Chinese Citation Database" and "Chinese Social Science" as the statistical object, this paper analyses "Chinese Society Science" from the number of published papers, authors, the average citation quantity, the fund paper ratio and author institution paper ratio etc. Meanwhile, this paper also evaluates the position and academic influence of"Chinese Social Science" in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Han Chunping,Niu Yong,Sun Lin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 124-126.
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    What are the understandings of the college students to the Chinese traditional culture in the digital environment What opinions do they hold for the digital reading of Chinese traditional culture   How do university libraries function in helping the college students' digital reading of Chinese traditional culture   To solve such problems, we have organized a survey, and this paper is the report. Through investigation and analysis, we try to answer the above questions, and the significance of the digital reading of Chinese traditional culture in colleges and universities is analyzed, too.
  • Chen Hongliang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 127-129.
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    The projectcounty libraryis a benevolent work. It is a key issue that sustainable development of countylibraryrelated to the construction of rural public cultural service system of our country. Article took the practice of thecounty library in Beichen district, Tianjin for example. It summarized the achievements of county library, and then analyzed the problems of it. Finally, it gave several countermeasures and recommendations on the construction and sustainable development of county library.
  • Wang Fenlin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 130-132.
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    This paper summarizes the practices of libraries' double-support building promoted by the national cultural information resources sharing project, analyses the main problems, and indicates some key issues to be concerned.
  • Mo Chao
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 137-140.
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    The author studied the style, the number of documents cited, the characteristics, and the value of the four books about Gansu dialects by Zhang Shu, Li Dingchao, Li Gong, and Mu Shouqi.
  • Yang Li
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(04): 141-144.
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    Almost 15 thousand kinds of ancient Tibetan books (handwriting or carving) are collected in the library of Northwest University for Nationalities. These books are precious for their value as cultural relics, artwork, and historical documents.